Gilgamesh Heroes Journey

The Hero's
Ordinary World
 Gilgamesh is son of a human man and a goddess. He
is king of the ancient Sumerian city-state of Uruk.
Since Gilgamesh was born half god he is stronger
and more handsome than anybody else. Even
though he is a king, Gilgamesh is being a jerk. He
uses his advantages to wrestle men from the town in
competitions and he messes with young girls on
their wedding night.
Call to Adventure
 People were tired of his behavior so they asked for
help from the gods. In response the gods gave him
Enkidu. But instead of calming Gilgamesh down,
they become best friends and end up doing many
more bad things.
Refusal of the Call
 As king, Gilgamesh is supposed to protect his people
and set an example for them. Instead Gilgamesh
spends all his time wearing out the young men of the
city with endless athletic contests and sexually
exploiting the young women. Even before their
wedding night.
Meeting the Mentor
 After Enkidu's death Gilgamesh started to worry
about his own death. So he goes on a journey to see a
man named Utanapishtim. It is said he is the man
with immortality and even the ancestor of
Crossing the Threshold
 Gilgamesh did many things with the arrival of
Enkidu. One thing was killing Hambuba the guard
of the forest. There was no exact reason for killing
Hambaba but it made Gilgamesh look stonger.
Tests, Allies& Enemies
 Some tests were fighting Enkidu, killing Hambaba,
killing the bull of heaven, death of Enkidu, and the
race against the sun. His number one ally would be
Enkidu. Enemies were the people of Uruk, the
goddess Ishtar, and the beasts he battled.
Innermost Cave
 Gilgamesh wants inmortality but he must go
through many quests that gives him the risk of
 Gilgamesh has to go to the bottom of the sea to get
the plant he want to stay young.
 Since Inmortality was not given to Gilgamesh he is
told there is a plant that grows a
Road Back
 Once Gilgamesh has the plant he decides to have a bath
and leaves the plant on the floor. A while later a snake
appears and eats the plant and it seems the plant
worked because the snake shedded its old skin.
Gligamesh starts crying but, all the same, he and
Urshanabi keep heading for Uruk. all the same, he and
Urshanabi keep heading for Uruk.
 And when they arrive at the city, Gilgamesh
triumphantly lists the notable features of Uruk—thus
echoing the opening lines of the epic.
 Gilgamesh never died so there was no resurrection.
But if resurrection can be symbolic, Gilgamesh
changes into a new person after the death of Enkidu
and when he gets home from his big journey.
Return with Elixir
 Gilgamesh returns home, triumphantly lists the
notable features of Uruk—thus echoing the opening
lines of the epic. This might mean he starts being a
good king to his people.
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