Date of Birth

Name: Esteban Isasmendi
Date of Birth: 10-07-1985
Address: Rivadavia 232 - San Cayetano - Argentina
Nationality: Argentinian
Mother Tongue: Spanish (Latin America)
Translation languages: English (USA) - Spanish (Spain)
English (USA) - Spanish (Latin America)
English - Spanish (Spain)
English - Spanish (Latin America)
Computer Technology:
Wordfast, SDl Trados Studio, Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, Image
Processing, AutoCad.
Formal Education:
1999-2000 TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)
ICANA (Spanish: Instituto Cultural Argentino Norteamericano)
(English: Argentinian North American Cultural Institute)
Certified Public Translator
Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina (National
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Other Skills and Competences:
Full-time employee in a surveying engineering office
High school English Teacher – Instituto Superior Domingo F.
Sarmiento – San Cayetano, Argentina
Translation Experience:
I started translating medical books for my father, who was a clinical
Since year 2006, I am a professional translator, and I receive regular
translation work from a growing number of agencies and
individuals. I translate around 10,000 words per month on medical
and scientific topics, which I consider my specialty.
Instruction manual - Digital scale - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1540 words
Instruction manual - Kitchen scale - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1200 words
Legal contract - laboratory drugs - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3200 words
Instruction manual - Electromagnetic Distance Measurement (EDM) - English - Spanish (Latin
America), 3700 words
Legal contract - Freight company - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2500 words
Terms and Conditions - Customs house - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3200 words
Website content - Security company - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2200 words
Instructions for safe working conditions in a chemical laboratory - English - Spanish (Latin America),
6500 words
Legal requirements - sewage treatment - English - Spanish (Latin America), 6800 words
Anti bribery and corruption Policy for a company - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3900 words
Anti money-laundry and firm profile documents - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2500 words
Catalog – Manufacturer Company of heavy-duty industrial electric power tools - English - Spanish
(Latin America), 15740 words
Instruction manual - Electric Hedge trimmer - English - Spanish (Spain), 11350 words
Article about updates on property - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1100 words
Pamphlet about University - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1000 words
Doctor's office leaflet content - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1300 words
Procedure checklists for employees of a factory - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1150 words
User information for a sequencing machine - English - Spanish (Latin America), 8700 words
Survey for new employees - English - Spanish (Spain), 2300 words
Children's book - English - Spanish (Latin America) - English - Spanish (Spain), 23000 words
Nail care accessories - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1000 words
Website content - Mobile Company - English - Spanish (Spain), 7500 words
Website content - Command Words - English - Spanish (Spain), 3400 words
Website content - FAQs for a finance company - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3000 words
Website content - Fabric Manufacture Company Marketing - English - Spanish (Latin America),
6200 words
Instructions for using an online form - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1100 words
Subtitles for pharmaceutical video - English - Spanish (Spain), 5800words
Vehicle Inspection Report - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3900 words
Marine Brochure content - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2500 words
Blue tooth installation guide - English - Spanish (Spain), 1000 words
Website content - Landing pages and general info for an Insurance company - English - Spanish
(Latin America), 2300 words
Webpage content- About Drones - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3200 words
Consent form for volunteers participating in a study - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1140 words
Multiple documents about pet accessories (Birds & Aquatics) - English - Spanish (Latin America),
6800 words
Product packaging (plant boxes) - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1600 words
Product description - Credit Card - English - Spanish (Latin America), 9000 words
Cautionary instructions to drivers - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2000 words
Chemical Safety Forms - English - Spanish (Spain), 4800 words
Declaration of health insurance - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1200 words
Car engine/gear lubricant information - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2900 words
Product Description - Shampoo & Conditioner - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1900 words
Product Description - Skin Care - English - Spanish (Latin America), 8700 words
User information for Automotive products - English - Spanish (Spain), 8500 words
Glass/sliding door marketing content - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2400 words
Warning signs for a life-saving device - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1900 words
Document about Spare Parts For Vehicles - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2500 words
Car parts Installation Instructions - English - Spanish (Latin America), 9800 words
Employee documents (Deposit slips, policies, forms) - English - Spanish (Latin America), 14700
Instructions for using a washing powder - English - Spanish (Latin America), 6400 words
Fire alarm information pamphlet - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3000 words
Survey about kitchen waste - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1100 words
Company presentation scripts - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1000 words
Religious document about Pope - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3500 words
Survey for government officials - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1100 words
Instructions for assembling a display - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2000 words
Flyer about deaf children - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1500 words
Sales and marketing content - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3900 words
Electrical Tool Presentation - English - Spanish (Latin America), 5000 words
Business presentation about Drills - English - Spanish (Spain), 1600 words
Brochure for prepaid Mobile internet service - English - Spanish (Latin America), 4400 words
App instructions for iOS and Android - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2700 words
Notes from an internal planning meeting - English - Spanish (Latin America), 1100words
Business documents: contracts, codes of conduct, policies, etc. - English - Spanish (Latin America),
13000 words
Marketing brochures for heavy construction equipment - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3900
Hospital forms (patient rights, notice of privacy, permission to treat). - English - Spanish (Latin
America), 9000 words
Water Quality Report - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3000 words
Glossary terms about Rugby – Soccer – Basketball - Tennis – Fishing - English - Spanish (Latin
America), 9800 words
Document about providing information in the event of a privacy breach - English - Spanish (Latin
America), 4000 words
Software for a school teacher’s platform - English - Spanish (Latin America), 5500 words
Mental health services: Patient treatment - English - Spanish (Latin America), 6000 words
Legal documents - child custody - English - Spanish (Latin America), 3500 words
Operational instruction - Temperature controller - English - Spanish (Spain), 2300 words
Installation, operation Manual of a Waste water system - English - Spanish (Latin America), 7800
Weight-loss supplements descriptions - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2200 words
Company presentation Manufacturer of construction material - English - Spanish (Latin America),
3200 words
Installation and Operating Manual Heatless Regenerated Dryer - English - Spanish (Latin America),
4500 words
Cleaning products description - English - Spanish (Latin America), 13000 words
Website content - Law enforcement - English - Spanish (Latin America), 9800 words
Hydraulic pump Manual - English - Spanish (Latin America), 7800 words
Therapeutic Manual - How to deal with daily stress - English - Spanish (Latin America), 4000 words
Leaflets and Packaging for Musical Instruments - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2500 words
Training in Health and Social Care - English - Spanish (Latin America), 2000 words
Annual notification to employees on changes to insurance plan - English - Spanish (Latin America),
1500 words…
… and more.
With ten years of experience, and over 10 millions translated words in several fields like electronic,
legal contracts, biology, accounting, education, etc., I consider to myself as a very good translator,
focused in quality of my service and meet deadlines.