A. L. 6013 A. D. 2013 Proceedings of the Most Worshipful Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge Free & Accepted Ancient York Masons Prince Hall Origin – National Compact Jurisdiction of Georgia Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel 1 Hartsfield Center Parkway Atlanta, Georgia 1st Day of October A. L. 6013, A. D. 2013 9:30 am Honorable Craig Mitchell Grand Master PROCEEDINGS Tuesday, October 1, 2013 9:30 a. m. The Most Worshipful Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge was opened in Due and Ancient Form with the Most Worshipful Grand Master, The Honorable Craig Mitchell presiding. Devotional and prayers were led by Chaplain, Reverend Dr. Roy Thomas. Most Worshipful Grand Master proceeded to turn the gavel over to Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Kaven Hutchinson. Assistant Grand Secretary proceeded with the roll call of officers with the following officers present: Craig Mitchell, Grand Master; Kaven Hutchinson, Deputy Grand Master; Lester Clark, Grand Senior Warden; Anthony B. Tennell, Sr., Grand Junior Warden; Christopher Belcher, Grand Secretary; Al Shepherd, Grand Treasurer; Corey Donerlson, Grand Tyler; Nicodda McGhee, Grand Junior Deacon; Joseph Edwards, Grand Senior Deacon; Roy Thomas, Grand Chaplain; Perry Thompson, Grand Senior Steward. Minutes of the Proceedings of the 2012 Grand Lodge Session, held in Macon, Georgia were read by Right Worshipful Grand Secretary Bro. Christopher Belcher. Brother Herschel Grangent made a correction. He stated that the Grand lodge building was sold for 1.35 million and not 1.7 million. Correction was duly noted. Motion to accept the minutes with any corrections was made by Hardy Blash Seconded: Jarvis McNair MOTION CARRIED; Grand Secretary was discharged. The Grand Patron Bro. Howard Duffy escorted the Sisters of the OES GM Greeting Committee. It was reported that all were on one accord and Sister Liola Griffin, Chair., desired that the Grand Master was having a fruitful Session. Gifts were presented to the brethren. Grand Master Mitchell extended his thanks and notified Sister Griffin that he would be visiting soon. Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Kaven proceeded to ask all District Deputies to stand and deliver introduction. The following were present T.J. Rooso Savannah #6 Guy Dunn NE Ga. District #13 Wendell Knight District #7 Garry Slaton District #3 Maroco T. Jones District #1 Bro. Kenneth Jones District *Bro. Christopher Belcher ADDGM(Proxy) District #17 Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Kaven Hutchinson proceeded to ask all Worshipful Masters to stand and deliver introductions. The following Worshipful Masters were present: Bro. Alonzo McMillian Annis Chapel #644 Eastman, Ga Bro. Keith D. Jacob North Atlanta #611 Bro. Daniel Gaskin II Military Lodge 753 Bro. Anthony Watkins (proxy) Bro. Freddie Goldwine Bro. Michael Jester Bro. John L. Gresham Bro. Ransom Clark Bro. Roosevelt Moore Bro. Melvin A. Gay Bro. Ernest McKnight Bro. Fred M. Porter Bro. Robert Wilson Bro. Andrew Daniel Bro. Clifford Smith #475 Bro. Tyrone C. Anderson Bro. Curt Cisrow Bro. Raymond Lewis Bro. Shannon V. Keith Bro. Martin L. Sewell Bro. James Walker *RW Bro. Christopher Belcher Lodge # 465 Bro. Darrell Carson 419 *RW Bro. Lester Clark Inner Chamber Union Lodge #618 Widow Son Lodge #396 Unity Lodge #312 Job Lodge #108 Prie Coney 578 Alstock Lodge 502 Isaac #100 Burkshire #664 Evening Star #611 St. Luke Lodge #93 St. Joseph Lodge #512 King of the South Eureka Lodge #354 Advance Lodge #31 Star Light Lodge #433 Royal Ark #574 Westside #420 Rising Star Lodge #5 Bright Hope St. Matthew Lodge # St. Mark Lodge # 406 Sick and Distressed/Necrology The following reports of brothers deceased were report by the brothers of the craft. Bro. Alzo Parks West Side #420 Bro. Artis L. Scott Widow Son #396 Bro. William Wilborn Enterprise #467 Bro. Marshal Bell Rose Hill Lodge #418 Bro. L. C. Reeves Elijah Summitt Lodge #309 Bro. Samuel Chambers Bright Hope Lodge # 465 Bro. Fred “Pete” Gay Bright Hope Lodge # 465 Bro. George Hosea Nightengale Lodge #612 Bro. Demetri Meadows Rev. Charlie Preston Bro. Griffin Panion, Jr. Bro. Marlon Thomas Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master proceeded to tender a Moment of Silence to be observed by all brethren of the Craft. The craft obliged. Grand Master’s Report The Grand Master’s Report was presented by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, the Honorable Craig Mitchell, which detailed his travels and activities during the past Masonic year. [Please see APPENDIX A] Motioned by PM Hardy Blash Seconded by Bro. Roderick Moore Motion Carried M. W. Grand Master Mitchell proceeded to appointed a Greeting committee of Brethren to Greet the Sisters of the Order of the Eastern Star. E. W. Seay was appointed Chairman of stated committee. Committee Assignments Right Worshipful Grand Secretary C. Belcher assigned the following committees and set them to labor. The Committees were as follows: Budget Committee PM Bro. Wesley Cullpepper, Chair Time & Place Committee PM Bro. Jarvis McNair, Chair Grievance Committee WM Bro. Darrell Carson, Chair Warrant Committee RW Bro. Christopher Belcher Chair Pro-Tem Resolution Committee PM Bro. Larry Stevens, Chair Constitution and By-Laws Committee PM Bro. Herschel Grangent, Sr. Acting Chair Nomination Committee PM Bro. T. W. Taylor, Chair Audit Report The Audit Report was presented by Chairman Bro. Mark Jacobs of Eureka Lodge No. 354, Stockbridge and is listed as follows: To the M. W.Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge As the duty of the Grand Auditors we have planned and performed our audit semi-annually in the months of May and September to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity of error. Informing our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. The statement of income, retained earnings and cash flows for the year 2013 ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Grand Secretary and Treasurer. Our responsibility is to examine the books and records of all Grand Lodge Officers who receive and disburse Grand Lodge monies, to make a record of our findings, pass upon the accuracy of the records kept, examine all vouchers of disbursements and substantiate cash balance by statements from banks in which Grand Lodge funds are kept. In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the Grand Lodge affairs as at September 31, 2013. We have obtained all the information and explanations we consider necessary for the purpose of our audit. In our opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the officers. The financial statements are in agreement with the books of account. Brother Mark S. Jacobs Brother Russell Davis Bro. Kenneth Jones (Abraham Lodge 664) asked what recommendation was made by the Audit committee? Bro. Jacobs stated that there was no recommendation and that it was only an opinion stated in accordance with the Grand Lodge Constitution Marlon Little (Isaac Lodge 100) asked will we be able to see all the transactions of the Grand Lodge. RWDGM Kaven Hutchinson stated that it would be included in the Secretary and Treasurer’s report. Motion to accept the Auditor’s Report was made by Bro. Kenneth Jones Seconded by Bro. Eric Carter(Victory Lodge 581) Motion Carried and Bro. Jacobs was discharged from the Grand East SPECIAL PRESENTATION Roderick Moore Alstock Lodge # 502 presented M. W. Grand Master Craig Mitchelll a Plaque of Appreciation for his support in and with community relations funds to facilitate the back to school Supplie given out in the Lithonia Community. It was duly noted that Alstock Lodge# 502 issued out more than 350 Bags of School Supplies in the Greater Lithonia Community. The presentation was well received by the craft. SECRETARY REPORT The Secretary’s Report was tendered by Right Worshipful Grand Secretary, Bro. Christopher Belcher (Bright Hope Lodge #465). REPORT OF THE GRAND SECRETARY M.W. SMOOTH ASHLAR GRAND LODGE FREE & ACCEPTED ANCIENT YORK MASONS, PRINCE HALL ORIGIN – NATIONAL COMPACT JURISDICTION OF GEORGIA To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge in Session on this 1st day of October 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia, I bring the warmest and most sincere fraternal greetings I have the honor to submit to you for your consideration, my very first annual report as your Right Worshipful Grand Secretary. It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I express my appreciation for the honor you have conferred upon me and the confidence you shown me in electing me to this office. I have worked hard to faithfully discharge the duties of this Right Worshipful office. There have been several implementations that this office has performed to make this Most Worshipful Grand Lodge function better. It is my prayer that some of these implementations will serve as a model that will continue for administrations to come. GRAND LODGE RECEIPTS The Grand Secretary’s Office implemented a digital receipt process for all transactions of this Grand Lodge. All receipts were processed digitally by the office administrator and were properly and accurately stored and printed and are contained in the Grand Lodge receipt book which we have here with us at this Grand Lodge Session. It was submitted and returned by the Grand Lodge Audit Committee and is available for inspection by all brethren of the craft. ONLINE GRAND LODGE REGISTRATION The Grand Lodge administrative team has successfully for the first time in the history of the Grand Lodge provided online registration for this Grand Lodge Session. We had close to one hundred registrants online. Onsite egistration included the use of registration with Visa/Mastercard at this Grand Lodge Session. MEMBERSHIP The Most Worshipful Smooth Ashlar made membership returns to the Most Worshipful National Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons Prince Hall Origin National Compact in the month of July. The Grand Lodge reported 376 members to the National Grand Lodge which totaled $11,280.00 (376 X $30). MONIES RECEIVED All monies received from the hands of the brethren was received through the Grand Secretary’s Office. All monies received were properly accounted for and turned over from the Grand Secretary to the Grand Treasurer. All transactions are included in the report in your hands at this time and it represents all transactions. Grand Lodge Taxes Joining Fee Reinstatement Fee Grand Lodge Registration $32,540.00 $2,185.00 $100.00 $13,343.00 Grand Lodge Souvenir Bk. $3,372.00 Ritual $420.00 Rental Grand East $5,450.00 Session Vendors $300.00 Refund $915.00 Contingency Fee $2,700.00 Workshop Fee $2,100.00 Photo Copies $36.25 Youth GL $1061.00 Fundraising $2516.00 Total $67,038.25 [PLEASE SEE APENDIX B FOR ITEMIZED TRANSACTIONS] CONCLUSION It is most definitely that my prayer that my services to this office have been well received. If there are or were any duties that could have been performed better in the case of me possibly being re-elected to this Right Worshipful Office, I am more than welcome to all suggestions. All contact information is included on the report which is in your hands at this time. Please be advised of the change in my contact phone number. I did have a few problems with stored messages in my cell phone. If you would please use the new number, it will provide me with a written transcript so I will be better able to serve you better. Please also us the email as well. Both will help me be proactive in finding resolutions to all issues that may arise. This concludes my report humbly submitted to you. May the Lord continue to bless you and may the Lord continue to bless this Most Worshipful Grand Lodge. Fraternally submitted Bro. Christopher L. Belcher Question was presented by Bro. Larry Stevens who stated that a transaction of his [Arabia Grand Temple] was not was not included in the report. RWG Secretary could not at that moment ascertain the cause. He did however stated that all transactions after August 31, 2013 would be contained in the 1st quarter report of the new year. Bro. Larry Stevens expressed no concerns and the exception was duly noted. MOTION was made by Bro. to accept the Grand Secretary’s Report TRESURER REPORT The Treasurer report was submitted by Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer Al Shepherd [PLEASE SEE APPENDIX ] K. Jones are we still overbudget? Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer Al Shepherd responded that the Grand Lodge was $ 23,000 over budget. Motion to accept the Treasurer Report was made by Past Master Larry Stevens Seconded by DDGM Marocco Jones Motioned Carried Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer l Shepherd was discharged from the Grand East. Craft was called from Labor to Refreshment by the Right Worshipful Grand Junor Warden Anthony B. Tennell, Sr. for a period of 15 minutes at 11:51 a. m. Tuesday, October 1, 2013 12:05p. m. The Most Worshipful Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge Session was called from refreshment back to labor to 12:05pm with Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master presiding. Budget Committee Report Bro Culpepper, Chair advised to keep both the Treasurer and Secretary reports handy. Please review and add questions as they go. [PLEASE SEE APPENDIX B] K. Jones How is the balance and the make up of the Massive Loss from last year Slaton, Liked the budget and thinks it is a good proposal. Grand Master explained how Motioned Seconded M Jacob Trustee Report Chairman of the Trustee Board listed the duties of his office and listed his duties and presented their report to the Grand Lodge. Motion: J. McNair Second: H. Weaver Both motioned were rescinded Motion (Bro. Reverend Thomas) that the property in Savannah be sold at the stated price Motioned seconded J. McNair and Billy Bell If we are not able to secure Savannah what is the other option. Motion K. Jones Questions: Special Investigative Committee The Report of the Special Committee appointed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master was given This Report is given under the Special Dispensation from the Grand Master 2013 regarding Fiscal management practices of the Past Grand Lodge Cabinet. Commission consists of the following: Gregory White, Walter Williams and Perry Thompson empowered to question all who had anything to do with Grand Lodge Session Registration last year. The Commission established to address the apparent missing funds collected at the Registration desk during last year’s Grand Session in order to find out how the funds got missing as well as the amount of money. Several individuals had to be interviewed, the following is a review of those questioned. The first was Past Grand Tyler Shannon Keith who was appointed to be over registration at the will of the Past Grand Master. B. Williams How much was missing (White) The accurate amount is unclear but the amount was significate Gaye we can’t go back and it is not the Grand Master Motion: Roy Thomas Constitutional ByLaws (P. Williams) Can you set the guidelines Motioned J. McNair Seconded: Weaver Resolution #1 Leave the Politics GM stated it as unconstitutional Resolution KILLED (Moore) Motion: Seconded: #2 Grand Master Killed this one Motion: Seconded: Local Issue Killed #3 Constitutional proper attire Killed Motion: Seconded: #4 Constitutional addresses this Motion: Seconded: #5 Increase $200.00 Motion: To reject resolution Seconded: Weaver Hardy Blash Business practice BT Swanson we already have a balanced AL Shepard Tier method Slaton Motion Adopted #6 Motion: Killed Seconded: Accept and relieve Motion: Javis Seconded: Grievance Committee Report W Motion: J. Mc Nair Seconded:H. Weac Nomination Committee Grand Master Craig Mitchell Incumbent Herschel Grangent Sr. DGM Hutchinson GSW Lester Clark GJW A. Tennell S. Keith GS Belcher Treas Tyler H. Weaver Motion: R. Moore to Accept the Nomination Committee Report. Seconded: Blash National Grand Master took the gavel Introduced NA Woodard NA Woodard addressed the craft the craft NGM Clyde Shepard addressed the Craft Triennial NDGM Singleton assumed the Grand East to perfom GL Election Nominate from the floor Secret Ballot Craig Mitchell - 86 Herschel Grangent – 33 Kaven Hutchinson – Unopposed Lester Clark – Unopposed Anthony Tennell - 91 Shannon Keith – 25 Christopher Belcher Al - Unopposed Shepherd Corey Donerlson 7 year Trustee Bro Barry 2 year Marlon Lewis Jarvis McNair cast one vote for all unpoossed Lee Performed the installation of the GM Warrant Constitution & By laws The Gavel The Top Hat Closed 2012-13 Returns of Lodges Most Worshipful Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons Prince Hall Origin – National Compact Jurisdiction of Georgia Last Name First Name Brown McDowell, Jr. Small Albert John Nathaniel Renaissance No. 1 (Under Dispensation) Macon, Ga. Stokes Widows Son Lodge No. 4 Douglasville, Ga. Rising Star Lodge No. 5 Columbus, Ga. King David Lodge No. 10 Cedartown, Ga. Last Name Hendricks Wilkins Mainer Miller Stewart Tolbert Coaxum Brown Brown Last Name Horton Ferrell Walker Meadows Walker Davis Williams Adams Louder Last Name Allen White Allen DuBose DuBose O. Jarez First Name Curtis Gathan Taurus Curtis Thurston Isiah Robert Brandon Thomas First Name Wilbur Ernest Willie Demetri James James Joseph Julius Aaron First Name Stanley Daniel James Claude Billy Gold Street Lodge No. 17 Millen, Ga. Advance Lodge No. 31 Athens, Ga. Avery Temple No. 38 Thomson, Ga. Last Name Jenkins Jackson Coleman Golden Jr. Patterson Phillip Roberts Jenkins Evan Williams Vaughn Last Name Dunn Cisrow Brown, Sr. Stevens Cade Deadwyler Jones Davenport Terrell Grier Kelly Bonner Dubose Last Name McNair Crawford McNair Vinson McNair Rogers Hudson Taytion Seals Pugh Grant III Cummings Moss Franklin First Name Daniel Levett Wesley Paul Luther Robert Barford Dennis Johnny Willie Roy Buster First Name Guy Curtis Golden Leroy Willie Johnny Sylvester Walter Thomas McArthur Ricky Nicholas Claude First Name Harvey Charlie Jarvis Dennis Alphson Jimmy Leroy Jay Tommy Toriani Ruben Hosey Gregory William St. Luke Lodge No. 93 Forsyth, Ga. Issac Lodge No. 100 Atlanta, Ga. Job Lodge No. 108 Atlanta, Ga. Roger Rogers Collins Franklin Hunt Willingham Roger Bobby W. Jimmy Jimmie Willie James Robert Richard Bobby H. Last Name First Name Traylor Locus Horton Jones Jones Glasco Shannon Sanders Wilson Sercy Dentavious C. Ralph Jovian Jovian Harold James James Robert John Last Name Avery Turner Robinson Fortune Owens White Smith Brittian Carter First Name Lee II Gresham Stargell Walker Pickard Charlton Scott Robinson Turner, Jr. First Name Kenneth Charles Demetrius John Larry Herbert Jonathan Tobin Curtis Last Name Samuel John L. Shelton Cedric James Leonard Bernard Scott Fred 1st True Faith Lodge No. 177 Atlanta, Ga. Elijah Summitt Lodge No. 309 Jonesboro, Ga. Unity Lodge No. 312 Macon, Ga. Eureka Lodge No. 354 Stockbridge, Ga. Last Name Cash Depree Evans Turner Taylor Holt Smith Mosley Givens Last Name First Name Christopher Benard Mark Charles Navorest Anthony Jonathan Eddie Arlandell First Name Johnson Dunlap Turner Robinson Thomas Twan Alex Herman Walter Charles Last Name First Name Farrar Thurman Lester Warren Hall Daniel Brown Siemoran Roy Micheal Fredrick Jimmy Walter Darryl Last Name Anderson Banks Morris White Sercye Saleem Simmons Jr. Sanders Rose First Name Tyrone Kenneth Hugh Johnny Rev. E. Michael Rashad Al-Nas Moses Herschel Gilberto Reynolds, Sr. Mitchell Brown Garcia Johnson Sr. Jacobs Hammonds Gleaton Cummings Johnson Jr. Hammond Fernandis Simmons Jr. Edwards Duffy Al-Nas Fernandis Reynolds Brown Davis Albert A Chosen Few No. 357 Atlanta, Ga. Widow's Son 396 Guyton, Ga. Last Name Smoak Dixon Butler Abel Alexander Gantt Last Name Connely Hunter Hargrove Riley Samuels Akins Reese Jr. Coppock Smith Anthony Hon. GM Craig Christopher Alejandro Russell Mark Michael Haven Patrick Russell Micheal Michael Moses Joseph Howard Saleem Rashad Michael Anthony Christopher Russell Deunta First Name Eugene Elliott Mandell Aquavina James Anthony First Name Eugene William Christopher Willie Walter Edward Terling Leon James Clark Daniels Akins Owens Hanna Milton Goldwire Garvin Roberts Woods Gaines Brooks Goldwire Jaudon Yorkshire Lodge No. 402 Atlanta, Ga. St. Mark Lodge No. 406 Jackson, Ga. Last Name Waugh Keitt Sr. Phillpie Hood Albert Steve Mareon Anthony Jeff John Freddie Micheal Reginald Robert Timothy Reginald Courtney Anthony First Name Clifford Alvin Tony Michael Last Name First Name Sims Cummings Strickland Brown Sidney Sims Bowman Evans Ligon Johnican Ogletree Dozier Ogletree Shannon Henderson Slaton Strickland Sidney Parker Barney Sims Harry Melvin Maurice Timothy Deterrious Lamont Daryl Willie Maurice Marcus Ja'Toni Tommy Ja'Torie Kenny Robert James Andre Deterrious Eddie Nickolas Willie Carr Shannon Clark Duncan Trotman Anderson Shannon Head Campbell Sims Bennett Sidney Brewer Weaver Hamm Head Tapes Rose Hill No. 418 Eastman, Ga. Last Name Rozar Mays Howard James Cummings Reynolds Knight White Albritton Brandon Brandon Lester Derrick Clarence Ken Roderick Winford Virgil Alton Dennis Toney Earl Horace Vincent Courtney Philip First Name Daryl Brad Willie Cornelius Curtis Yancey Wendell Willie Ricky APPENDIX A Hon. Craig Mitchell, Grand Master of Masons Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge “2012-2013 Annual Report” October 2012 ● Saturday, October 6 – 11am – Hosted a Meet & Greet with the SAGL New Grand Cabinet - Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Thursday, October 18 – 7pm – Meeting with the Grand Trustees Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Saturday, October 27 – 10am – Meeting with the Grand Youth Council Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Saturday, October 27 – 7pm – Knights Templar Victory Celebration Love Joy Community Center, Love Joy GA November 2012 ● Sunday, November 4 – Church visit with St. Mark Lodge #406 – St. James Missionary Baptist Church Men’s Day Program – Jackson GA ● Saturday, November 10 – 6pm - Bright Hope Lodge #465 Anniversary - Bright Hope Lodge, Inman GA ● Monday, November 12 – 9am – Veterans Day Parade, Stockbridge GA ● Wednesday, November 14 – 7:30pm – Visit to Royal Arch Lodge #574 - Ellenwood GA ● Friday, November 16 – 7pm – SAGL Grand Cabinet Meeting – Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Saturday, November 17 – 9am – SAGL Grand Department Heads Meeting – Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Wednesday, November 28 – 7pm – Visit Locust Grove Lodge Meeting - Locust Grove, GA December 2012 ● Saturday, December 1 – 8:30am – Attended the Locust Grove Christmas Parade – Locust Grove, GA ● Sunday, December 2 – 4pm – Evening Star #611 – Albert T. Mills Gospel Concert - Lakewood Avenue, Atlanta GA ● Saturday, December 8 – 11am – Visited Hugh Spalding with Arabia Temple #7 – Southeast Atlanta, GA ● Saturday, December 8 – 7pm – District 17 Holiday Celebration – Riverdale GA ● Saturday, December 15 – 9am – SAGL Special Grand Lodge Session for Master Masons and DDGM Appointments – Grand East, Lithonia GA January 2013 ● Sunday, January 13 – 3pm – MLK Ecumenical Service – Andrews Chapel UMC, Jonesboro, GA ● Friday, January 18 – 7pm – Grand Cabinet Meeting – Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Monday, January 21 – 9am – MLK Day Parade – Jonesboro, GA February 2013 ● Saturday, February 9 – 10am – 1st Quarterly Session Meeting with Worshipful Masters, DDGM and Department Heads – Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Saturday, February 16 – 11am – Charity Chapter Ice Cream Social – Atlanta GA ● Saturday, February 16 – 12noon – Silver Fox Dinner & Sale – House of Faith, Decatur GA ● Sunday, February 17 – 4pm – District 1 Youth Event – Showtime at the Apollo – Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Saturday, February 23 – 10am – Grand Youth Department Meeting – Grand East, Lithonia GA March 2013 ● Friday, March 1 thru Saturday, March 2 – All Day Event – SAGL Annual Workshop – Old National Hwy, Atlanta GA ● Thursday, March 28 thru Sunday, March 30 – All Day Event – Arabia Temple Georgia Gala – Old National Hwy, Atlanta GA April 2013 ● Saturday, April 6 – 3pm – Meeting with Grand Youth Department to implement the new Grand Youth Program – Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Saturday, April 20 – 10am – 2nd Quarterly Session with Worshipful Masters, DDGM and Department Heads – Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Saturday, April 27 – 8am - Royal Arch #574 Prayer Breakfast, Greenbrier Pkwy, Atlanta GA May 2013 ● Saturday, May 4 – 12noon – Grand Cabinet Meeting – Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Sunday, May 5 – 4pm – Knights Templar Ascension Day Program – Woods Memorial, College Park GA ● Thursday, May 9 – All Day Event – Silver Foxes and the Lone Wolf Bus/Train Tour to Plains GA ● Tuesday, May 14 – 7pm – Meeting with Grand Youth Department Leaders – Grand East, Lithonia, GA ● Thursday, May 16 thru Friday, May 18 – National Shrine Gala – Atlanta GA ● Saturday, May 25 – 1pm – 2013 Grand Lodge Registration Team Meeting – Grand East June 2013 ● Sunday, June 2 – 4pm – Youth District #1 Anniversary Program – Grand East ● Tuesday, June 4 – 5:30pm – Georgia Public Broadcasting Telethon – Atlanta GA ● Thursday, June 6 – 7:00pm – Attended Nightengale Lodge #612 meeting ● Saturday, June 8 – 9:30am – Goodwill Court #620 HOJ Prayer Breakfast ● Saturday, June 8 – 11am – Atlanta Fire Department Open House at Station 28 ● Saturday, June 8 – 2pm – District 10 Family and Friends Day ● Sunday, June 9 – 4pm – Deborah Council #21 , 57th Anniversary Program ● Saturday, June 22 – 4pm – Grand Cabinet Meeting – Grand East ● Sunday, June 23 - District 17/District 3 St. John’s Day Celebration, Stockbridge GA ● Saturday, June 29 – 10am - District Meeting #7 EastmanDublin/Cochran GA ● Saturday, June 29 – District 3 Annual Family and Friends Day ● Saturday, June 29 – 4pm – District Meeting #1 – Decatur GA ● Sunday, June 30 – 3pm – Naomi/Martha #103 Anniversary – Atlanta GA July 2013 ● Friday, July 12 – Thursday, July 18 – National Workshop – Jacksonville, FL ● Friday , July 26 – Sunday, July 28 – Alabama Grand Lodge August 2013 ● Friday, August 9 - 6:30pm - Wake for Noble Sam Chambers - Murry and Son Funeral Home, Fairburn, Ga. ● Sunday, August 18 - 4:00pm - Rose of Sharon 33rd Anniversary Faith Temple Missionary Baptist Church, Atlanta GA ● Friday, August 23 - Saturday, August 24 - South Carolina Gala August GA September 2013 ● Sunday, September 1 - Gospel Concert - The Mighty Chosen Voices Atlanta GA ● Saturday, September 7 - Attended St. Matthew’s Lodge Meeting Ellenwood GA ● Saturday, September 7 - Attended Alstock Lodge Meeting - Lithonia GA ● Sunday, September 8 - Attended Trinity UMC Men’s Day Program Stockbridge GA ● Saturday, September 14 - Attended Veterans Empowerment Program with Royal Ark 574 ● Saturday, September 14 - Grand Cabinet Meeting - 2:00pm - Grand East, Lithonia GA ● Saturday, September 21 - District 17 Annual Family & Friends Day - Stockbridge GA ● Saturday, September 21 - Registration Team Meeting - Grand East, Lithonia GA Funeral Services Attended: ● Bro. Demetri Meadows - Performed last rights ● Bro. Samuel Chambers ● Bro. LC Reeves - Performed last rights ● Bro. Fred Gay ● Bro. George Hose - Performed last rights ● Sis. Carolyn Howard ● Rev. Charlie Preston - Performed last rights ● Bro. Griffin Panion, Jr. ● Bro. Marlon Thomas APPENDIX B Office of the Grand Secretary SAGL Money Received Category Entry Title Entry Number Date Transaction Amount Grand Lodge Taxes Eureka Lodge # 354 Lincolnton Lodge No. 656 Eureka Lodge No. 354 Royal Ark Lodge No. 574 Alstock Lodge No. 502 Goodwill Lodge No. 595 Widows Son Lodge No. 4 Locust Grove Lodge No. 573 Royal Ark Lodge Lodge No. 574 Avery Temple Lodge No. 38 Bright Hope Lodge No. 465 Alstock Lodge No. 502 Booker T. Washington Lodge No. 534 St. Mark Lodge No. 406 St. Mark Lodge No. 406 Rising Star Lodge No. 5 North Atlanta Lodge 611 Booker T. Washington Lodge # 534 Queen Excelsior Lodge No. 594 St. Matthews Lodge No. 419 Hawkinsville Lodge No. 646 Yorkshire Lodge No. 402 Union Lodge No. 618 St. Mark Lodge No. 406 Perry Lodge # 593 Avery Temple Lodge No. 38 Piney Grove Lodge No. 585 St Luke Lodge No. 93 Widows Son Lodge #396 Gold Street Lodge # 17 Widows Son Lodge #4 Eureka Lodge #354 Bethel Star Lodge # 637 Pride of Conyers #578 A Chosen Few Lodge No. 357 Piney Grove Lodge No. 585 20130007 20130032 20130035 20130036 20130037 20130038 20130040 20130042 20130046 20130048 20130049 20130050 20130054 20130061 20130063 20130064 20130071 20130076 20130078 20130081 20130086 20130105 20130106 20130110 20130111 20130119 20130120 20130123 20130130 20130134 20130136 20130138 20130144 20130146 20130147 20130149 10/23/2012 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 4/29/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/13/2013 2/7/2013 2/13/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/21/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/23/2013 4/29/2013 $50.00 $550.00 $1,425.00 $1,380.00 $660.00 $375.00 $175.00 $1,140.00 $150.00 $300.00 $760.00 $695.00 $645.00 $75.00 $1,425.00 $540.00 $600.00 $150.00 $900.00 $1,275.00 $335.00 $300.00 $930.00 $450.00 $60.00 $375.00 $375.00 $75.00 $1,350.00 $690.00 $270.00 $225.00 $675.00 $1,050.00 $225.00 $300.00 St. Mark Lodge # 406 Advance Lodge No. 31 Nightengale Lodge No. 612 Bright Hope Lodge No. 465 Victory Lodge No. 581 Victory Lodge No. 581 Advance Lodge No. 31 Annis Chapel # 644 Widows Son Lodge # 396 Rose Hill Lodge No. 418 Elijah Summitt Lodge No. 319 Paradise Lodge No. 677 Inner Chamber Lodge No. 753 Avery Temple Lodge No. 38 Piney Grove Lodge No. 585 Ralph E. Williams Evening Star Lodge No. 611 Pride Of Thomson No. 205 Eureka Lodge # 354 Mt. Zion Lodge No. 6 Alstock Lodge # 502 Piney Grove Lodge # 585 Avery Temple Lodge #38 King David Lodge #10 North Atlanta Lodge #611 Nightengale Lodge # 612 Davenport Lodge # 652 Burkshaire Lodge #664 Widow's Son Lodge # 4 Mt. Zion Lodge # 610 Abraham Lodge # 667 Job Lodge No. 108 Nightengale Lodge No. 612 20130155 20130157 20130158 20130164 20130165 20130166 20130167 20130169 20130174 20130176 20130179 20130180 20130182 20130184 20130186 20130187 20130188 20130199 20130205 20130207 20130210 20130217 20130219 20130220 20130224 20130227 20130239 20130240 20130250 20130263 20130289 20130334 20130340 5/6/2013 5/7/2013 5/8/2013 5/15/2013 5/15/2013 5/15/2013 5/16/2013 5/16/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/22/2013 5/24/2013 5/28/2013 5/30/2013 5/31/2013 6/4/2013 6/13/2013 6/18/2013 6/19/2013 6/25/2013 7/1/2013 7/1/2013 7/9/2013 7/10/2013 7/10/2013 7/23/2013 7/30/2013 7/31/2013 8/6/2013 8/20/2013 8/27/2013 8/27/2013 $150.00 $855.00 $735.00 $345.00 $200.00 $175.00 $75.00 $300.00 $150.00 $450.00 $300.00 $1,125.00 $1,050.00 $150.00 $75.00 $75.00 $1,125.00 $75.00 $75.00 $1,055.00 $150.00 $75.00 $225.00 $225.00 $75.00 $300.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $60.00 $1,260.00 $300.00 $150.00 $32,540.00 10/31/2012 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 5/21/2013 6/13/2013 6/20/2013 6/20/2013 7/31/2013 8/14/2013 8/27/2013 $150.00 $100.00 $50.00 $300.00 $150.00 $85.00 $150.00 $420.00 $180.00 $200.00 $400.00 $2,185.00 Subtotal Joining Fee Royal Ark No. 574 Locust Grove Masonic Lodge No. 573 Star Light Lodge #433 F&AAY Masons Royal Ark Lodge #574 Royal Ark Lodge No. 574 Advance Lodge No. 31 Piney Grove Lodge No. 585 Issac Lodge # 100 A Chosen Few Lodge #357 St. Mark Lodge #406 Job Lodge # 108 20130011 20130122 20130127 20130137 20130177 20130198 20130208 20130209 20130248 20130279 20130333 Subtotal Reinstatement Fee Nightengale Lodge No. 612 Nightingale Lodge No. 612 20130009 20130082 10/31/2012 2/20/2013 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/31/2013 2/2/2013 2/10/2013 2/10/2013 2/10/2013 2/10/2013 2/10/2013 4/20/2013 2/10/2013 2/10/2013 2/10/2013 2/10/2013 2/11/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/21/2013 2/28/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/2/2013 3/2/2013 3/2/2013 3/2/2013 3/2/2013 3/2/2013 3/19/2013 3/21/2013 4/7/2013 4/23/2013 4/29/2013 5/15/2013 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $74.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 Subtotal Grand Lodge Registration Patricia Willis Sylvia Gibbons Madeline McCrary Sis. Denise N'kozi Yolanda Hurd Roderick Moore Rev. E. Michael Sercye Herschel Sanders Guy Dunn Ray Thompson Zurishaddai Ben Yisrael Keith Jacob Andrew Daniel Perry Thompson B.T. Swanson Walter Williams Madelyn Moore-Jones Chantay Spradling Charran Williams Kimiko Brewer Emily Cunningham Rose Wiley Vera Richardson Glenda Sanford Jeraldine Duffy Bren Ratliff ERNESTINE MACKEY Ulysses Lindsey Sabrina Callahan Rena Banks Narnell Blockson Benhester Craig Tyrone Anderson Jimmy Andreson Sadat Nichols James Davis Shanay Morrow LINDA HAYWOOD Torres Holmes Takeybra Starks Alvin Keitt Joyce Thomas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Henry Moon 43 Nechelle Logan 44 Curt Cisrow 45 Mamie Gaskin 46 Daniel Gaskin 47 Coresa King 48 Lucile Bruce 49 Amanda Calloway 50 Tawania Grangent 51 Kirby Tate 52 Tammy Harris 53 Shakira Crawford 54 Niomi Jones-Manning 55 Jimmy Hall 56 Reginald Millines 57 Deyonsa Jones 58 Tiffany Jackson 59 Darlene Banks 222609 Xavier Brooks 222610 DeGloria Forston 222611 Leala M. Griffin 222612 Guthrie Robinson 222613 Cassandra Harrell 222614 Barbara A. Morgan 222616 Veronica M. Dunn 222617 LaVerne Johnson 222618 Diane Landers 222619 Milton L. Allen 222620 Ruby Lee Harrell 222621 Marjorie Bryant 222622 Joyce Harris 222623 Elaine Blackwell 222624 Sue Burton 222625 Moses Simmons Jr 222626 Anthony Reynolds Sr. 222627 Thelma M. White 222628 Mawakana White & Gregory White 222629 Rosalyn Williams 222630 Mildred Maddox 222631 Smooth Ashlar Grand Court HOJ/ Registration for 222632 Lewis Whitehead 222633 Dennis Rogers 222634 Sis. Irma Braswell - Battle 20130033 Charlotte Dobbs 20130047 SAGC OES Belinda Billingslea 20130048 Gary L. Phillips 20130051 Walter Daniels 20130065 Arabia Grand Temple for DTR Rosylyn Lowe 20130067 Aimee Wallace-Hodo 20130073 6/28/2013 7/5/2013 7/9/2013 7/31/2013 7/31/2013 8/5/2013 8/5/2013 8/6/2013 8/9/2013 8/12/2013 8/19/2013 8/20/2013 8/24/2013 8/25/2013 8/25/2013 8/27/2013 8/27/2013 3/7/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/7/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/7/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/7/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/7/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/2/2013 3/2/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 2/7/2013 2/13/2013 2/13/2013 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $150.00 $75.00 $75.00 $375.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 Joy Chapter #137 OES for Joyce W. Stafford Theresia Anne Francis Brenda J. Barron Chester Barron Michelle Collins Vernadette L. Collins Bertha Stevens-Draitfort Maryine D. Leslie Myrtis Boyd Gantt Betty Duncan-Brown Y'Vonda Stanley Shaleesha Hollis Lacita Husband-Perez Mattie R. Brown Order of the Eastern Star Mary S. brock Tammy Pope-Drummond Goldie Evans Upshaw Lawanna Fay Carter St. Luke Lodge No. 93 Sylvester Jones Sylvester Jones James A. Ross Betty L. Brown Gloria Bell & Billy Bell Grand Council Crusaders Marian L. Maddox Emerald Chapter #122 OES Pride of Tiller Chapter #44 Cordelia Willis Barbara Gaskin Mary D. Waites Arabia Grand Temple Inc Millie J. Terrell Alonzo McMillan Elois Tucker Larry Brumfield Luther Patterson and Ernestine Patterson William A. Anderson Lilly Court #17 Grand Administrative Council Freddie Goldwire Vikki A. Smith James E. Brown Cassandra Bell Angela M. Todd Lilly of the Valley Byron Williams Sherrie C. Brown 20130075 20130077 20130079 20130080 20130084 20130085 20130089 20130090 20130091 20130092 20130093 20130094 20130095 20130096 20130099 20130100 20130101 20130102 20130103 20130104 20130118 20130124 20130145 20130168 20130181 20130189 20130200 20130201 20130221 20130222 20130225 20130233 20130235 20130236 20130238 20130241 20130249 20130252 20130253 20130254 20130258 20130259 20130260 20130261 20130262 20130268 20130269 20130271 20130276 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/20/2013 2/21/2013 2/21/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 2/28/2013 3/7/2013 2/28/2013 4/18/2013 4/18/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 5/16/2013 5/22/2013 6/4/2013 6/13/2013 6/13/2013 7/9/2013 7/9/2013 7/10/2013 7/9/2013 8/22/2013 7/18/2013 7/19/2013 7/30/2013 7/31/2013 8/1/2013 8/1/2013 8/1/2013 8/2/2013 8/2/2013 8/2/2013 8/2/2013 8/6/2013 8/9/2013 8/9/2013 8/9/2013 8/14/2013 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $125.00 $375.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $405.00 $75.00 $50.00 $74.00 $75.00 $150.00 $225.00 $75.00 $75.00 $150.00 $75.00 $75.00 $130.00 $85.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $150.00 $75.00 $225.00 $225.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $225.00 $75.00 $75.00 Horace Weaver Janey Griffin Kellie King-McClarin Rosa L. Hill Smooth Ashlar Grand Court of Amaranth Tammy Calloway Althea P. Allen Mary Price Ida Thrash Arabia Court # 1 Leonard Williams Janice Wilkerson Subrenna Tymes 20130282 20130284 20130286 20130287 20130288 20130305 20130306 20130307 20130308 20130309 20130323 20130327 20130341 8/14/2013 8/15/2013 8/16/2013 8/16/2013 8/16/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/21/2013 8/22/2013 8/28/2013 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $13,343.00 8/23/2013 5/7/2013 5/17/2013 5/21/2013 7/11/2013 7/16/2013 7/16/2013 7/17/2013 7/30/2013 8/2/2013 8/6/2013 8/6/2013 8/9/2013 8/9/2013 8/9/2013 8/9/2013 8/13/2013 8/13/2013 8/14/2013 8/14/2013 8/14/2013 8/14/2013 8/15/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 $77.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $150.00 $75.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $10.00 $10.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 Subtotal Grand Lodge Souvenir Bk Red Tower Regalia c/o Travis Hilliard Eureka Lodge #354 GM Craig Mitchell St. Mary's No. 9 Crusaders North Atlanta Lodge #611 Charlotte Dobbs Charlotte Dobbs Grand Council Crusaders Smooth Ashlar Grand Royal Arch Chapter Sis Eloise Archibald Emerald Chapter #122 OES Queen of Sheba # 89 OES Lilly of the Valley Chapter #118 Eureka Lodge No. 354 Locust Grove Lodge # 573 Grand Administrative Council Priscilla Burton Council # 25 Goodwill Amaranth # 5 Atlanta District #1 St. Mark Lodge #406 Burton Royal Arch Chapter # 16 Queen Excelsior Lodge # 594 Job lodge # 108 District # 17 WMs Bright Hope Lodge No. 465 Her. Regina L. Bryant Conyers Trucking and Towing Willie Mae Saxon Queen Ester Chapter # 15 OES Cooks Council No. 7 Council of Crusaders Arabia Court No. 2 Hayes Court #3 Amaranth Advance Lodge No. 31 1000 20130156 20130170 20130175 20130228 20130232 20130233 20130235 20130246 20130257 20130264 20130265 20130267 20130270 20130272 20130273 20130274 20130275 20130277 20130278 20130280 20130281 20130285 20130291 20130292 20130293 20130294 20130295 20130296 20130297 20130298 20130299 20130300 NE Ga. District #13 Athens Lone Star Lodge # 21 Order of the Eastern Star Blue House Riders Motorcycle Club Arabia Temple # 1 Hulin Chapter #93 OES Pride of Athens Court # 585 HOJ Jacqueline Wright Georgia 33rd Degree Centurion Club St. Matthews Lodge No. 419 Meridian Grand Lodge of Florida Arabia Grand Court DOI RW Lee Singleton Arabia Grand Degree Team 20130301 20130302 20130303 20130310 20130324 20130328 20130329 20130330 20130331 20130332 20130335 20130336 20130337 20130338 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/22/2013 8/23/2013 8/23/2013 8/27/2013 8/23/2013 8/23/2013 8/27/2013 8/27/2013 8/27/2013 8/27/2013 $75.00 $75.00 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $100.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $3,372.00 3/1/2013 10/31/2012 11/8/2012 11/8/2012 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 4/19/2013 5/3/2013 5/21/2013 7/31/2013 $15.00 $150.00 $45.00 $15.00 $15.00 $30.00 $15.00 $60.00 $45.00 $30.00 $420.00 10/13/2012 10/13/2012 10/13/2012 10/16/2012 10/23/2012 10/23/2012 10/31/2012 10/31/2012 10/31/2012 12/3/2012 12/3/2012 12/3/2012 12/3/2012 12/3/2012 12/3/2012 12/3/2012 12/10/2012 1/24/2013 $50.00 $40.00 $40.00 $50.00 $75.00 $40.00 $60.00 $35.00 $35.00 $40.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $40.00 $150.00 $50.00 $150.00 Subtotal Rituals Chester Barron Nightengale Lodge No. 612 Tyrone Anderson Eugene Edwards Tyrone C. Anderson Widow's Son No. 4 Eureka Lodge #354 Anthony Tennell Sr Royal Ark Lodge No. 574 Widows Son # 4 232818 20130010 20130015 20130016 20130034 20130041 20130139 20130152 20130178 20130251 Subtotal Rental Grand East Jasmine Chapter # 871 Joy Chapter # 137 OES Sister of Hope # 144 Jedidiah Lodge No. Jasmine Chapter No. 871 OES Naomi/Martha #103 Charity Chapter No. 134 Arabia Temple No. 1 Arabia Court No. 1 DOI Joy Chapter No. 137 Jedidiah Lodge No. 786 Jasmine Chapter No. 871 Daughter of Eve Sisters of Hope No. 144 Naomi Martha Chapter OES No. 103 Charity Chapter No. 134 Jasmine Chapter No. 871 Crossroads of Life Ministries Inc. 20130001 20130002 20130003 20130004 20130005 20130006 20130008 20130012 20130013 20130017 20130018 20130019 20130020 20130021 20130022 20130023 20130026 20130028 Sisters of Hope Precious Jewel No. 794 Rev. Walter A. Guthrie Arabia Court No. 1 DOI Joy Chapter 137 OES Jasmine No. 871 Sisters of Hope Westside Lodge No. 420 District One Precious Jewels Chapter No. 794 Arabia Temple No. 1 Arabia Court No. 1 Grand Council Crusaders Joy Chapter Divine Grace Amaranth Court # 1320 Ladies of Light Chapter #1029 Jedidiah Lodge No. 763 Jasmine Chapter # 871 Hadassah Chapter #1227 OES Naomi/Martha No. 103 Arabia Court No. 1 DOI Arabia Temple No. 1 Divine Grace Amaranth Court # 1320 Hasassah Chapter No. 1227 Hadassah Chapter #1227 Daughters of Eve 1st Timothy Lodge # 197 Spring of Life No. 604 Jedidiah Lodge No. 763 Progressive Grand Commandery Jasmine Chapter No. 871 Sisters of Hope # 144 Westside Lodge No. 420 Hadassah Chapter #1227 Daughters of Eve #421 Divine Grace Amaranth Court #1320 Gardenia Court #561 Phoenix Lodge #706 Jasmine Chapter Sisters of Hope Minister Martha Chance Jedediah Lodge # 763 Men of Vision Minister Martha Chance Joy Chapter #137 OES Sheronica Rogers 1st Timothy Lodge Hadassah Chapter 1227 Devine Grace Amaranth Court # 1320 20130029 20130030 20130031 20130039 20130043 20130044 20130045 20130052 20130053 20130055 20130056 20130057 20130060 20130062 20130068 20130069 20130070 20130074 20130083 20130088 20130097 20130098 20130107 20130108 20130109 20130112 20130113 20130114 20130115 20130116 20130117 20130121 20130125 20130126 20130128 20130129 20130131 20130132 20130135 20130140 20130141 20130142 20130143 20130150 20130151 20130153 20130154 20130159 20130160 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/24/2013 1/23/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/13/2013 2/13/2013 2/13/2013 2/13/2013 2/14/2013 2/20/2013 3/7/2013 3/7/2013 2/28/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/19/2013 4/29/2013 5/3/2013 5/4/2013 5/6/2013 5/8/2013 5/8/2013 $50.00 $50.00 $75.00 $70.00 $30.00 $50.00 $50.00 $40.00 $100.00 $100.00 $35.00 $35.00 $50.00 $50.00 $60.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $40.00 $35.00 $35.00 $60.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $60.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 Jazmine Chapter # 871 Adiyah Chapter No.108 Amos Lodge No. 5 Jeddiah Lodge Min. Martha Chance Sisers of ope # 144 Min. Martha Chance SAGC Gardenia No. 561 Haddassah Chapter No. 1227 Divine Grace Amaranth Court No. 1320 Joy Chapter No. 137 OES Amos Lodge No. 5 Jasmine Chapter No. 871 Westside Lodge No. 420 Jeddiah Lodge # 763 Sisters of Hope # 144 Hadassah chapter #1227 Jasmine Chapter #871 Naomi/Martha Chapter 103 OES Martha Chance 1st Timothy Lodge #197 Amos Lodge #5 Haddassah Chapter #1227 Jasmine Chapter # 871 Sisters of Hope # 144 Daughters of Eve # 421 Martha W. Chance Smooth Ashlar Grand Court Gardenia # 561 Joy Chapter #137 OES Divine Grace Amarant Court # 1320 Jasmine Chapter # 871 Sisters of Hope # 144 Hadassah Chapter #1227 Amos Lodge #5 20130161 20130162 20130163 20130171 20130172 20130173 20130183 20130185 20130190 20130192 20130195 20130196 20130197 20130202 20130203 20130204 20130206 20130211 20130212 20130216 20130229 20130230 20130237 20130242 20130243 20130244 20130245 20130247 20130255 20130266 20130283 20130304 20130311 20130339 5/15/2013 5/15/2013 5/15/2013 5/17/2013 5/21/2013 5/21/2013 5/28/2013 5/30/2013 6/4/2013 6/5/2013 6/7/2013 6/12/2013 6/12/2013 6/18/2013 6/18/2013 6/18/2013 6/19/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 7/1/2013 7/11/2013 7/16/2013 7/18/2013 7/30/2013 7/30/2013 7/30/2013 7/30/2013 7/31/2013 8/1/2013 8/27/2013 8/15/2013 8/20/2013 8/21/2013 8/27/2013 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $60.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $60.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $5,450.00 3/1/2013 $300.00 $300.00 11/8/2012 12/10/2012 7/16/2013 $20.00 $395.00 $500.00 $915.00 12/3/2012 $300.00 Subtotal GL Session Vendors Glenda' Regalia 232819 Subtotal Refund Emerald Chapter #122 OES Glenda's Uniform & Robe Co. WM Shannon Keith 20130014 20130027 20130234 Subtotal Contingency Fee Smooth Ashlar Grand Chapter OES 20130024 Grand Council Crusaders Smooth Ashlar Grand Court of Amaranth Progresssive Grand Commandery SAG Court HOJ Nehemiah Grand Consistory Arabia Grand Court DOI SAG Royal Arch Chapter Arabia Grand Temple 20130193 20130194 20130213 20130214 20130215 20130218 20130226 20130290 6/6/2013 6/6/2013 6/27/2013 6/27/2013 7/1/2013 7/1/2013 7/10/2013 8/20/2013 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $2,700.00 3/7/2013 12/3/2012 2/7/2013 2/7/2013 2/13/2013 2/13/2013 3/7/2013 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $2,100.00 6/4/2013 8/2/2013 $29.25 $7.00 $36.25 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 $35.00 $20.00 $100.00 $100.00 $15.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $200.00 $50.00 $511.00 $1,061.00 9/29/2013 3/6/2013 3/6/2013 8/22/2013 $357.00 $859.00 $100.00 $1,200.00 $2,516.00 Subtotal Worshop Fee Smooth Ashlar Grand Royal Arch Chapter Smooth Ashlar Grand Chapter OES Smooth Ashlar Grand Court of Amaranth Grand Council Crusaders Progressive Grand Commandery SAGC Heroines of Jericho Nehimiah Grand Consistory 232820 20130025 20130058 20130059 20130066 20130072 20130087 Subtotal Photo Copies Marjorie Bryant B. T. Swanson 20130191 20130256 Subtotal Youth GL St. Mary's # 9 Council of Crusaders Grand Adminstrative Council Grand Administrative Council Grand Administrative Council Judy Booker Annie Stringer Thomas Natalie N . Milton Clarence Hayes Jr. Progressive Grand Commandery Pride of Tiller Chapter #144 SAGL-YD Cm Donna Delaney 20130312 20130313 20130314 20130315 20130316 20130317 20130318 20130319 20130320 20130321 20130322 Subtotal Fundraising Dance(Workshop) Gift Card Raffle St Mark Lodge Lodge Arabia GT (Food for Dance) 8010 8011 8012 20130326 Subtotal Total APPENDIX C: Treasurer Report $67,038.25 APPENDIX D Budget Committee