The Crucible

Arthur Miller’s
The Crucible
Webquests, PowerPoints & Essays
By: Margaret T. Maher
Engl 613
Prof. Kutz
Summer 2010
~ This Final Project is meant to incorporate
three types of technology presented in class:
WebQuests, PowerPoints, & class websites.
~ With this technology, students will develop
their character analysis skills, their oral
communication and presentation skills, and
finally their writing process skills.
For WebQuest Part I: Characterization
Students will research textual evidence to build up and
support their opinions of a specific character.
Students will complete online literary research to add more
weight and legitimacy to their argument.
Students will develop their technology skills, accurately and
in an innovative fashion, design a PowerPoint Presentation
that will illuminate their classmates about a specific
Students will present in a peer group all the information
gathered, honing their presentation skills and oral
WebQuest I: CharacterizationExcerpts from the Process
Begin by re-reading your notes on Direct and Indirect
- (Notice the Hypertext, directing the students to
the class website where the notes have been uploaded)
The Literary Luminary is meant to research 3
quotations from the play: one direct, and two indirect.
Include page numbers and the proper MLA formatted
- (Notice the Hypertext here connecting the
students to an outside resource to verify the required MLA
formatted citation.)
For WebQuest Part II: Writing an Essay
Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of
theme in a literary work and provide evidence from the text
to support their understanding.
Students will demonstrate improvement in organization,
content, paragraph development, level of detail, style, tone,
and word choice (diction) in their compositions after revising
- from Massachusetts State Standards
Class Website: Class Files
Sample Files:
Parents, Missing Open House? Watch This!
- a PowerPoint Presentation of parents who couldn’t
attend Open House
September Monthly Calendar
- In case any student loses his calendar, or a parent
wants to know what & when assignments are due.
The Crucible Essay: Sample Body Paragraph
- Students can access a sample paragraph to help
mirror its success in their own writing.
For Class Website
Students will have ready access to class notes, calendars,
assignments, and files.
The website is available for parents, Special Education
Liaisons and Guidance Counselors to access.
Students will take responsibility to visit the website, check
assignments and complete those assignments.
Students will be trained in the technology needed to utilize
the website properly, thus assisting them in how to
appropriately use the Internet as a resource.
Why This Technology?
Multimodual Texts
 Hypertext Design &
 Independent research
 Time Management &
 Access to all notes,
sample pieces, &
Collaboration Efforts
Oral Presentation Skills
How to depict key ideas
Class Website
Self-Motivation to access
notes & supplementary
Proper Internet Usage (as
a Tool, not just a toy)
Post questions & check
By incorporating three different types
of technology into my unit plans, I am
working to follow the dictates of Kadjer,
which remind we teachers that we are
helping to guide and instruct students to
innovative about “tomorrow,” and to be
open-minded about literature and life.