The Endocrine System and Reproductive System study guide

The Endocrine System & Reproduction Review
 The membrane that links the developing embryo and the mother is the placenta
 The chemical product of an endocrine gland is called a hormone
 The extra blood and tissue of the thickened lining of the uterus passes from the female body
during menstruation
 The link between the nervous system and the endocrine system is the hypothalamus
 In the female reproductive system, the muscular passageway leading to the outside of the body
is the vagina
 The uterus is also called the womb
 The female sex cell is called a(n) egg
 A child enters puberty sometimes between the ages of about 9 & 15 yrs
 An endocrine gland that regulates other endocrine glands is the pituitary
 The oval-shaped organs of the male reproductive system in which sperm are produced are
called the testes
 The two types of twins are identical and fraternal
 The testes are specialized to produce sperm and testosterone
 The fluid in the amniotic sac cushions and protects the developing baby
 An egg travels through a passageway called the fallopian tubes before entering the uterus
 The external sac containing the testes is the scrotum
 The hormone estrogen is produced by the testes (F; ovaries)
 An embryo develops into a zygote about 9 weeks into the development process (F; fetus)
 Homeostasis in the boy is maintained through negative feedback (T)
 Ovulation occurs about halfway through the menstrual cycle (T)
 Hormones are the carriers of inherited information (F; chromosomes)
 Compare puberty & adolescence
o Puberty is the life stage when the body matures sexually. Adolescence is the life stage
that includes puberty, but it also includes growing up intellectually and socially
 What is the endocrine system? What are its “messages” and how are they carried?
o The endocrine system contains glands that control day-to-day activities in the body and
longer-term development. The endocrine glands produce “messages” in the form of
hormones that are carried throughout the body in the bloodstream
 Compare the roles of the male and female reproductive systems
o The male reproductive system is specialized to produce sperm and the hormone
testosterone. The role of the female reproductive system is to produce eggs and
estrogen, and to nourish a developing baby until its birth