September 12, 2012 Public Health Reporting Initiative Weekly

September 12, 2012
Public Health Reporting Initiative Weekly Meeting Minutes
Consensus Update
Consensus statement:
The general consensus of the Public Health Reporting Initiative is that the Use Case and
Functional Requirements documents are complete and correct in their representation of a
provider-initiated report from an EHR system to a public health agency system (within the
constraints of the scope of the Initiative).
Consensus voting:
o Consensus vote will close tomorrow September 13th EOD
o A “No” vote requires a comment indicating how to make the document acceptable to you
o You must be a member of the Public Health Reporting Initiative to vote and only one vote
per organization will be accepted
o Vote on the wiki:
 Click “Consensus” button from any PHRI wiki page
 Navigate to
If you have additional questions or concerns, contact Lindsay Brown (
Consensus Review
As of 12 PM ET (9/12), 1 vote (“yes”) received with the following comment:
“We agree with the above statement; however, we do suggest providing some clarification in the
introduction paragraph to the user stories to indicate that these stories represent current process and
proposed future flows. Readers may misinterpret the stories as representing current processes. This
distinction is noted in Appendix A in the user story names. For example, in the Chronic Disease #1, it
indicates 'future flow for NCHS'.”
Consensus reached to add the following statement to the introduction of both documents: “Some of the
user stories submitted for this initiative represent current workflow and information flows, but others
represent a proposed future state.”
Key Dates (copy in table from slides)
Develop preliminary ToC(s)
“Week 1” Data Elements
 Patient Information
 Patient Contact Information
 Payer Information
 Provider Information
 Social History
 Family History
 Procedure
“Week 2” Data Elements
 Encounter
Elements finalized by
Data Mapping Group
(12 PM ET)
Implementation Guidance
reviewed by Stage 3 Sprint
Group (2 PM ET)
 Order / Diagnostic Test
 Facility
 Result
 Specimen
“Week 3” Data Elements
 Vital Sign Indicators
 Adverse Event
 Diagnosis
 Health Concern/Problem
 Exposure
 Medication
 Employment Information
 Immunization
Outstanding Topics & Draft Review
Other section review (e.g., Intro)
Implementation Guide(s) Final Draft
Please join the data harmonization and sprint calls if interested in discussing the data elements. Meeting
information is listed below:
Data Mapping / Harmonization
Stage 3 Sprint / Implementation Guide
Thursday 12-2 PM ET
Thursday 2-4(5) PM ET
888-565-9980 x3467944
800-857-9362 x93830
Data Harmonization Update
Next meeting: tomorrow, Thursday, Sept 13, 12-2 PM ET
Continuing to work on the common core data elements:
o Vital Sign Indicators
o Adverse Event / Allergy
o Health Problems (Diagnosis / Problem List)
o Exposure
o Medication
o Employment Information
o Immunization
o Risk Factors
o Injury
Working to include value sets and links to PHIN VADS
What is PHIN VADS?
Stands for “Public Health Information Network Vocabulary Access and Distribution
System.” Allows public health partners to browse, search and distribute standard
vocabularies (value sets) associated with HL7 message implementation guides and
public health apps.
o URL:
Providing finalized data elements for technical writers to create draft implementation guidance for
review by the Stage 3 Sprint group
Stage 3 Sprint – Implementation Guide
Next meeting: Thursday, Sept 13, 2-5 PM ET. Notice we added an additional hour to review the
two implementation guides and make direct revisions.
o Review CDA guidance for finalized sections of common core
o Review 2.5.1 guidance for finalized sections of common core
Work products
o Guidance for common core in CDA
o Guidance for common core in 2.5.1
o Report type examples for both CDA and 2.5.1 under consideration
 We will include special constraints on common core such as optionality,
cardinality (number of items allowed), and value set.
Report Types (draft)
There are three communities who have strongly expressed an interest and desire to model their
report types per our implementation guides. These communities want to make sure that
harmonization is taking place between how they define data elements and how we define data
FDA is interested in coming up with CDA format that would convey content that is currently part of
the MedWatch. FDA will be looking at specifying data elements for CDA.
Some groups have said they will not be ready for stage 3.
Announcement from HL7
HL7 announced on September 4, 2012 its decision to make much of its intellectual property, including
standards, freely available under licensing terms. The new policy is expected to take effect in the first
quarter of 2013.
*Additional information forthcoming (HL7 working group meeting currently underway)
Other topics / Discussion
Nikolay Lipskiy: Please let us know if there are specific topics you would like to discuss in
upcoming calls. Members may contact the co-leads or enter on the S&I wiki’s PHRI page.
Seth Foldy: This initiative’s story will be highlighted in the next issue of the Standards &
Interoperability (S&I) Framework Newsletter. We encourage members to read this newsletter as it
explains other activities going on across many initiatives.
Seth Foldy will be leaving CDC on September 30th, and may remain an active member in this