Pituitary Gland

Name two function of the endocrine system:
Define hormones:
Name and describe the two types of glands:
How do hormones work?
What is a Target Organ Cell?
Define “hypersecretion”
Define “ hyposecrtion.
Pituitary Gland
How big is it?
Where is it located?
What are the two divisions?
What is another name for the pituitary gland?
What are the two ways the pituitary – hypothalamus interact?
Anterior Pituitary
What are trophic hormones?
How many does the anterior pituitary secrete?
What does Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) do?
What is the target organ for TSH?
What does Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) do?
What is the target organ for ACTH?
What does Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) do for women?
What does FSH do for men?
What is the target organ for FSH?
What does Lutenizing hormone (LH) do for women?
What does LH doe for men?
What is the target organ for LH?
What is the Growing hormone (GH) do?
How does it help with growth?
What are the target organs for GH?
How does Growth hormone affect blood sugar?
What does Prolactin or lactogenic hormone do for women?
What are the target organs for Prolactin?
What disease can you get if you have hypersecretion of growth hormone preadolescent?
What happens to the body with the disease above?
What disease can you get if you have hypersecretion of growth hormone in adulthood?
What happens to the face, etc.?
What happens to the teeth?
What is the treatment for this disease? ________________________
What disease do you have if you have hyposecretion of the Growth Hormone in childhood?
What is underdeveloped with this disease/
What is the treatment for this disease?
Posterior Pituitary Gland
Does the posterior pituitary gland produce hormones?
Where are the hormones produced?
What does Vasopressin hormone do?
What is the target organs for Vasopressin?
What does Oxytocin hormone do?
When is Oxytocin formed?
What are the target organs for oxytocin?
What is Diabetes Insipidus?
What are the symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus?
Thyroid Gland
How does it size compare with other endocrine glands?
Describe its shape and location.
What is the thyroid’s gland major function?
What stimulates the section of thyroid hormones?
Name the three hormones secreted by the thyroid
What is the difference between thyroxine and triiodothyronine?
Which is most abundant?
Which is most potent?
What does calcitonin do?
What causes this condition?
What can too much thyroxin (T4) lead to?
How does hypersecretion of thyroxin affect metabolism?
What are symptoms of this condition?
What is a goiter?
What is exophthalmos
What are additional symptoms of this condition?
How is hyperthyroidism treated?
What causes this condition?
What may this condition and a goiter be due to?
What could be another reason for this condition to develop in adulthood?
What are some general symptoms for this condition? (How does it affect metabolism?)
When does it occur and what age group does it affect?
What are possible causes?
What will happen to the child if the condition is not treated?
List symptoms:
What are treatments for this condition?
What happens to the thyroid in adult years and how does this affect hormone levels?
How does it affect metabolism?
List symptoms:
How would you treat this condition?
What could happen if this condition was not treated?
Parathyroid Glands
How many are there and how big are they?
Where can I find them?
What hormone do they produce?
What does this hormone (PTH) do and how does it relate to calcitonin that the thyroid produces?
Hyposecretion of Parathyroid Hormone
What happens if you have hyposecretion of parathyroid hormone?
What condition can this lead to?
How could a person die from this condition?
What is the treatment for this condition?
Hypersecretion of Parathyroid Hormone
What can hypersecretion of this hormone lead to?
What can cause this?
What happens if the kidneys cannot get rid of the extra calcium in the blood stream?
Where does the excess calcium in the blood come from?
What skeletal disease could this condition lead to and how?
Pineal Gland
What does it look like?
Where is it located?
What hormone does it produce?
When does it produce the hormone?
Pineal Gland (continued)
What 2 things does Melatonin do?
Hypersecretion of Melatonin
What condition does hyperseretion of melatonin cause?
What are some other names this disorder has?
How do people with this disorder feel when days shorten and there is less sunshine?
What is the possible cause?
What will improve their mood?
How does light decrease the amount of melatonin produced?
Pancreas Gland
Where is it located?
What makes this gland different from any other gland?
What is the endocrine part of the gland?
What is the normal blood sugar range?
What hormone does the alpha cells of the Islet of Langerhans produce?
What is the role of the hormone produced by the alpha cells?
What hormone do the beta cells produce?
What are the 3 ways the hormone insulin affects the body?
Hyposecretion of Insulin
What disease does this cause?
What are the symptoms of this disease?
What is glycosuria?
If the glucose is in the blood and not available for the cells, what happens?
List 7 symptoms of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar):
What is another name for Type II Diabetes?
What age group does this disease usually affect?
What are some risk factors for this disease?
How do you treat Type II Diabetes?
What is another name for Type I Diabetes?
What age groups is usually affected?
What is the cause of the Type I Diabetes?
How would you treat Type I Diabetes?
Which is more common – Type I or Type II?
Insulin Shock
What is the cause?
What would the blood sugar reading be?
Insulin Shock (continued)
How do you treat insulin shock?
Diabetic Coma
What is the cause?
What would their blood sugar be?
How would you treat this condition?
Adrenal Gland
Where are they located?
What hormones do the adrenal cortex secrete?
What are Androgen hormones responsible for?
What two hormones do the adrenal medulla secrete?
What is the role of Adrenalin in our body?
Hypersecretion of Adrenal Cortex
What disease does this cause?
What are two possible causes for this condition?
Hypofunction of Adrenal Cortex
What disease does this cause?