Guide for Constructing Flow Meter Compiled By: Jonathan Ma Mario Zuniga Yung Nguyen Table of Contents CODING MASTERSHEET ......................................................................................................................... 3 1. MainCode.............................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Buttons .................................................................................................................................................. 5 3. Conversions........................................................................................................................................... 6 4. LCDScreen............................................................................................................................................ 6 5. SensorDisplay ....................................................................................................................................... 7 6. Sensors .................................................................................................................................................. 8 INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT INSTALLATIONS ................................................................................... 10 1. Installing Temperature Sensor and Coding:........................................................................................ 10 2. Installing Push Buttons: ...................................................................................................................... 12 3. Installing Power Switch: ..................................................................................................................... 12 4. Installing and Configuring LCD Screen: ............................................................................................ 13 5. Differential Pressure Sensor................................................................................................................ 15 6. MEMs Sensor...................................................................................................................................... 16 7. Absolute Pressure Sensor .................................................................................................................... 16 8. Thermistor ........................................................................................................................................... 17 2 CODING MASTERSHEET These are the coding accomplished in the flow meter. Each section is representative of each tab in the Arduino IDE interface. 1. MainCode /* MAE 126B Course Project E5 - Handheld Flow Meter (JYMeter) for flow rates < 1L/min Written by: Jonathan, Yung, and Mario */ //---------------------------Declaring Pins and Variables-----------------------------#include <LiquidCrystal.h> #include <math.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2);//defines the pins for the lcd int backLight = 13; // pin 13 controls the backlight int temperaturePin = A0; //the TMP36 (temperature sensor) reading //the resolution is 10 mV / degree centigrade //(500 mV offset) to make negative temperatures an option /* int WsensorPin= A1; //wind Sensor velocity reading int WTsensorPin=A2; //wind sensor temperature reading */ int humidsensPin=A3; //humidity sensor reading int diffp=A4; //diff. pressure reading int massPin=A5; //mass flow int abspressPin=A2; int holdbutton=9, switchbutton=7, resetbutton=8; float W=0, WT=0, averageW = 0, averageWT = 0; float humid=0, averagehumid=0; float abspress=0, averageabspress=0; float temperatureF=0, temperatureC=0, averageAtemp=0; //initialize value for temperature float Wsensor=0, Wind=0; //initialize values for wind sensors float WTsensor = 0; // initialize wind sensor temperature value float humidval = 0; // initialize humidity value float average=0; float diffpress = 0, averagediffpress = 0; float mass=0, averagemass=0; float averageflow=0, flow=0; float oversampleAtemp=0,oversamplehumid=0,oversampleWT=0,oversampleW=0,oversamplediffpress=0,ove rsamplemass=0; float oversampleflow=0,oversampleabspress=0; int holdval=0, butval=0, resetval=0;//initialize values for buttons int signal=1; // signal is used to tell the system when to switch or reset int counter=0; //counts the number of times measurements have been taken int dcount=0, printcount=0, disp=0, overcount=0; //constants for calculating flow rates from differential pressure 3 double miu=1.789*0.00001; // miu for air under standard conditions double L=.16,diameter=.055; int choice = 1, oversamplenumber=50; int sensorswitch = 2; //how many switching features are available //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); //begins the Arduino's built in serial monitor startup(); //starts the system } void loop(){ holdval=digitalRead(holdbutton); if(printcount<0 && holdval==1 || printcount>999){ lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Warning:counter broke"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Please reset"); while(resetval!=1){ resetval = resetcheck(); delay(100); } } templatecheck(); if (holdval==1){ dcount++; disp = dcount % oversamplenumber; counter++; overcount++; getallnumbers(); if(disp==(oversamplenumber-1)){ printcount++; if(choice==1){ dispmass(); dispdp(); dispflow(); } else if(choice==2){ disptemp(); disphumid(); } lcd.setCursor(16,3); lcd.print("#"); lcd.print(printcount); overcount=0; } } checkfunc(); } 4 2. Buttons int buttoncheck(){ //checks to see if button is pressed butval=digitalRead(switchbutton); //reads whether the button is pressed) if (butval==1){ signal=1; while(butval==1){ butval=digitalRead(switchbutton); delay(50); } if(choice<sensorswitch){ choice++; } else{ choice=1; } } else signal=0; butval=0; return signal; } int resetcheck(){ resetval=digitalRead(resetbutton); //reads whether the button is pressed) if (resetval==1){ while(resetval==1){ resetval=digitalRead(resetbutton); delay(50); } resetval=1; resetallvalues(); } return signal; } void resetallvalues(){ W=0, WT=0, averageW = 0, averageWT = 0; humid=0, averagehumid=0, abspress=0; temperatureF=0, temperatureC=0, averageAtemp=0; //initialize value for temperature averageflow=0,averagemass=0;averagediffpress=0,averageabspress=0; flow=0; Wsensor=0, Wind=0; //initialize values for wind sensors WTsensor = 0; // initialize wind sensor temperature value humidval = 0; // initialize humidity value average=0; mass=0; counter=0; signal=1; dcount=0, printcount=0, disp=0; //counts the number of times measurements have been taken oversampleAtemp=0,oversamplehumid=0,oversampleWT=0,oversampleW=0,oversamplediffpress=0; oversamplemass=0,oversampleflow=0,oversampleabspress=0; overcount=0; 5 } 3. Conversions float getvoltage(float pin){ //converts the analog input into a digital reading return (analogRead(pin) * .004882814); //converting from a 0 to 1023 digital range // to 0 to 5 volts (each 1 reading equals ~ 5 millivolts } float inchtometer(float inches){ return (inches*.0254); } float m3pstoLps(float m3ps){ return (m3ps*1000.0); } float inh20toPa(float inh20){ return (inh20*248.8); } 4. LCDScreen // Connections for non serial LCD: // rs (LCD pin 4) to Arduino pin 12 // rw (LCD pin 5) to Arduino pin 11 // enable (LCD pin 6) to Arduino pin 10 // LCD pin 15 to Arduino pin 13 // LCD pins d4, d5, d6, d7 to Arduino pins 5, 4, 3, 2 void startup() { pinMode(backLight, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(backLight, HIGH); // turn backlight on. Replace 'HIGH' with 'LOW' to turn it off. lcd.begin(20,4); // lets the arduino how many rows and columns the lcd has pinMode(holdbutton,INPUT);//declares button as digital input pinMode(switchbutton,INPUT); pinMode(resetbutton,INPUT); } void templatecheck(){ if(signal == 1 || resetval == 1){ lcd.clear(); if(choice==2){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("T(C)="); lcd.setCursor(13,0); lcd.print("A="); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Hum(%)="); lcd.setCursor(13,1); 6 lcd.print("A="); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print(""); lcd.setCursor(0,3); lcd.print("A="); } else if (choice==1){ lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("dP="); lcd.setCursor(13,1); lcd.print("A="); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("FR(L/m)="); lcd.setCursor(13,0); lcd.print("A="); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print("Mass="); lcd.setCursor(12,2); lcd.print("A="); } //print previous values if(holdval==0){ if(choice==1){ dispmass(); dispdp(); dispflow(); } else if(choice==2){ disptemp(); disphumid(); dispabspress(); } lcd.setCursor(16,3); lcd.print("#"); lcd.print(printcount); } if(holdval==1) resetoversample(); } } void checkfunc(){ resetval = resetcheck(); signal = buttoncheck(); } 5. SensorDisplay void disptemp(){ lcd.setCursor(7,0); lcd.print(oversampleAtemp); 7 lcd.setCursor(15,0); lcd.print(averageAtemp); } void disphumid(){ lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print(oversamplehumid); lcd.setCursor(15,1); lcd.print(averagehumid); } void dispdp(){ lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(oversamplediffpress); lcd.setCursor(15,1); lcd.print(averagediffpress); Serial.println(oversamplediffpress); } void dispmass(){ lcd.setCursor(6,2); lcd.print(oversamplemass); lcd.setCursor(15,2); lcd.print(averagemass); } void dispflow(){ lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print(oversampleflow); lcd.setCursor(15,0); lcd.print(averageflow); } void dispabspress(){ lcd.setCursor(10,3); lcd.print(oversampleabspress); lcd.setCursor(2,3); lcd.print(averageabspress); } void resetoversample(){ oversampleAtemp=0,oversamplehumid=0,oversampleWT=0,oversampleW=0,oversamplediffpress=0; oversamplemass=0,oversampleflow=0,oversampleabspress=0; overcount=0; } 6. Sensors float getAtemp() { double Temp; double RawADC = getvoltage(temperaturePin); 8 Temp = log(((10240000/RawADC) - 10000)); Temp = 1 / (0.001129148 + (0.000234125 + (0.0000000876741 * Temp * Temp ))* Temp ); Temp = Temp - 273.15; // Convert Kelvin to Celcius //Temp = (Temp * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0; // Convert Celcius to Fahrenheit return Temp; } float humidsens(float temperatureC){ float humidval = getvoltage(humidsensPin); humidval = (((humidval)/5)-0.16)/0.0062; humidval = humidval/(1.0546-0.00216*temperatureC); return humidval; } float getdiffp(){ float diffpress = 10*getvoltage(diffp); diffpress=32.709*pow(diffpress,3)-174.18*pow(diffpress,2)+609.13*diffpress+3.5698; return diffpress; } float getmass(){ float mass=analogRead(massPin); float mass = getvoltage(massPin); mass= -.47367+mass; if(mass<1.566) mass = 55.461*pow(mass,5)-156.12*pow(mass,4)+205.6*pow(mass,3)98.81*(pow(mass,2))+216.33*mass-1.0278; else mass= 118.17*pow(mass,4)-266.58*pow(mass,3)+229.78*pow(mass,2)+138.38*mass+1.3026; return mass; } float getflow(float diffpress){ diffpress = inh20toPa(diffpress); float flow = (diffpress*(PI*pow(diameter,4.0)))/(L*128.0*miu); Serial.println(flow); flow = m3pstoLps(flow); Serial.println(flow); return flow; } float getabspress(){ abspress = 10*getvoltage(abspressPin); return abspress; } float averager(float prevaverage, float currentvalue, int counter){ float average = (((counter-1)*prevaverage)+(currentvalue))/(counter); return average; } 9 void getallnumbers(){ temperatureC=getAtemp(); averageAtemp = averager(averageAtemp,temperatureC,counter); oversampleAtemp=averager(oversampleAtemp,temperatureC,overcount); humid = humidsens(temperatureC); averagehumid = averager(averagehumid,humid,counter); oversamplehumid=averager(oversamplehumid,humid,overcount); diffpress = getdiffp(); averagediffpress = averager(averagediffpress,diffpress,counter); oversamplediffpress=averager(oversamplediffpress,diffpress,overcount); flow = getflow(diffpress); averageflow = averager(averageflow,flow,counter); oversampleflow=averager(oversampleflow,flow,overcount); mass = getmass(); averagemass = averager(averagemass,mass,counter); oversamplemass=averager(oversamplemass,mass,overcount); abspress = getabspress(); averageabspress = averager(averageabspress,abspress,counter); oversampleabspress = averager(oversampleabspress,abspress,overcount); } INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT INSTALLATIONS 1. Installing Temperature Sensor and Coding: A. References: B. Quick Guide: Description: With flat end facing toward you, the rightmost pin is ground, the center is the analog output can be connected to any of the Arduino’s input terminals, and the leftmost pin to the 5V. No other 10 components are necessary. Connect them accordingly to the Arduino and run the following code using the Arduino IDE: C. Code: /* --------------------------------------------------------* | Arduino Experimentation Kit Example Code | * | CIRC-10 .: Temperature :. (TMP36 Temperature Sensor) | * --------------------------------------------------------* * A simple program to output the current temperature to the IDE's debug window * * For more details on this circuit: */ //TMP36 Pin Variables int temperaturePin = 0; //the analog pin the TMP36's Vout (sense) pin is connected to //the resolution is 10 mV / degree centigrade //(500 mV offset) to make negative temperatures an option float temperatureF=0; /* * setup() - this function runs once when you turn your Arduino on * We initialize the serial connection with the computer */ void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //Start the serial connection with the copmuter //to view the result open the serial monitor //last button beneath the file bar (looks like a box with an antenae) } void loop() // run over and over again { float temperatureC = getVoltage(temperaturePin); //getting the voltage reading from the temperature sensor temperatureC = (temperatureC - .5) * 100; //converting from 10 mv per degree wit 500 mV offset //to degrees ((volatge - 500mV) times 100) Serial.print("Temperature(C): "); //prints in Fahrenheit Serial.println(temperatureC); temperatureF = temperatureC*(1.8) + 32; Serial.print("Temperature(F): "); //prints in Fahrenheit Serial.println(temperatureF); //printing the result Serial.println(""); delay(1000); //waiting a second } /* * getVoltage() - returns the voltage on the analog input defined by * pin */ float getVoltage(int pin){ 11 return (analogRead(pin) * .004882814); //converting from a 0 to 1023 digital range // to 0 to 5 volts (each 1 reading equals ~ 5 millivolts } 2. Installing Push Buttons: A. References: B. Quick Guide: When installing push buttons, be sure to have a resistor handy. The switch has minimal resistance that will allow a dangerous amount of current to flow without additional resistance. Any resistor should be fine, but a 1 KΩ or higher resistance is generally used. The legs are connected in parallel, so that the legs pointing away from each other are also connected. Five volts would be connected to one leg, the adjacent leg would be connected to digital read pin on the Arduino and the resistor chosen. The resistor is then connected to ground. C. Code: int buttoncheck(){ //checks to see if button is pressed butval=digitalRead(switchbutton); //reads whether the button is pressed) if (butval==1){ signal=1; while(butval==1){ butval=digitalRead(switchbutton); delay(50); } if(choice<sensorswitch){ choice++; } else{ choice=1; } } else signal=0; butval=0; return signal; } 3. Installing Power Switch: A. Reference: 12 B. Quick Guide: Description: The power switch used is shown above. In order to install this power switch, the 9V battery jack connector has to be cut so that the wires can be soldered on. C. Code: None Applicable 4. Installing and Configuring LCD Screen: A. References: B. Quick Guide: 13 Description: The pin connections for the LCD screen are shown on the left. The pins to the Arduino can be changed, but the ones shown were the pins used from the online tutorials from hacktronics. Below is an modified example code from hacktronics to be run on the LCD, it counts the number of seconds that have gone by. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // character LCD example code // #include <LiquidCrystal.h> // Connections: // rs (LCD pin 4) to Arduino pin 12 // rw (LCD pin 5) to Arduino pin 11 // enable (LCD pin 6) to Arduino pin 10 // LCD pin 15 to Arduino pin 13 // LCD pins d4, d5, d6, d7 to Arduino pins 5, 4, 3, 2 LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2); int backLight = 13; // pin 13 will control the backlight int i=0; void setup() { pinMode(backLight, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(backLight, HIGH); // turn backlight on. Replace 'HIGH' with 'LOW' to turn it off. lcd.begin(20,4); // columns, rows. use 16,2 for a 16x2 LCD, etc. 14 lcd.clear(); // start with a blank screen lcd.setCursor(0,0); // set cursor to column 0, row 0 (the first row) lcd.print("Hello, World"); // change this text to whatever you like. keep it clean. lcd.setCursor(0,1); // set cursor to column 0, row 1 lcd.print("This is Jammy from"); // if you have a 4 row LCD, uncomment these lines to write to the bottom rows // and change the lcd.begin() statement above. lcd.setCursor(5,2); // set cursor to column 0, row 2 lcd.print("Team Trio"); lcd.setCursor(6,3); // set cursor to column 0, row 3 lcd.print("Welcome"); delay(5000); } void loop() { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("How many seconds"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("have gone by?"); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print(i); lcd.print(" seconds"); lcd.setCursor(0,3); lcd.print("Shame Shame"); i++; delay(1000); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 5. Differential Pressure Sensor References: Description: The connections to the differential pressure sensors are shown above. No additional components are necessary. Supply voltage is 5V from the Arduino. The output would be connected to the analog pins on the Arduino. Code: float getdiffp(){ float diffpress = getvoltage(diffp); diffpress=diffpress-2.4175; diffpress=32.709*pow(diffpress,3)174.18*pow(diffpress,2)+609.13*diffpress+3.5698; //using cubic fit on matlab return diffpress; } 15 6. MEMs Sensor References: 43E/$file/D6F_P_1010.pdf Description: The connections are shown on the figure in the left. No additional hardware components need to be connected. Vcc is the supply voltage 5V from the Arduino and the Vout is connected to the analog pin on the Arduino. Code: float getmass(){ float mass = getvoltage(massPin); mass= -.47367+mass; if(mass<1.566) mass = 55.461*pow(mass,5)-156.12*pow(mass,4)+205.6*pow(mass,3)98.81*(pow(mass,2))+216.33*mass-1.0278; else mass = 118.17*pow(mass,4)266.58*pow(mass,3)+229.78*pow(mass,2)+138.38*mass+1.3026; return mass; } 7. Absolute Pressure Sensor References: Description: The connections for the absolute pressure sensor are shown in the figure on the top left and the relative pin locations are shown on the top right. No additional hardware components need to be connected. The supply voltage is 5V and the output voltage is connected to an analog pin on the Arduino C Code: 16 To be completed 8. Thermistor References: Description: The wiring schematic for the 10K thermistor is shown above. Be sure to use a 10KΩ The pins are reversible on the thermistor, so 5V can be supplied to any of the two prongs. The Analog In connection in the diagram will be connected to an analog pin in the Arduino. C Code: float getAtemp() { double Temp; double RawADC = analogRead(temperaturePin); Temp = log(((10240000/RawADC) - 10000)); Temp = 1 / (0.001129148 + (0.000234125 + (0.0000000876741 * Temp * Temp ))* Temp ); Temp = Temp - 273.15; // Convert Kelvin to Celcius //Temp = (Temp * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0; // Convert Celcius to Fahrenheit return Temp; } 17