
Unit 3 - Classical Civilization - Persia, Greece, & Rome
Early Persia
- Indo-European origin, characteristics, geography, and early interactions
Achaemenid Empire (558-330 BCE)
- Cyrus the Great (540's)
- achievements
- Cambyses
- Darius I (550-486 BCE)
- expansion
- Persepolis
- gov't structure
- Satrapies
- Satrap
- standardization
- Royal Road
- Persian Wars - Battle of Marathon (490 BCE)
- Xerxes (486-465 BCE)
- Persian Wars
- Battle of Thermopylae (480 BCE)
- Battle of Salamis (480 BCE)
- Downfall of the Achaemenid Empire
Later Persian Empires
- Seleucid Empire (312-63 BCE) - characteristics
- Parthian Empire (247 BCE-224 CE) - characteristics
- Mithridates (120-63 BCE)
- Sassanid Empire (224-651) - characteristics
- Fall of the Persians
Persian Imperial Society & Economy
- centralized
- bureaucracy - educated class
- growth of trade - commodities - interactions
Persian Religion - Zoroastrianism
- early Persian religion
- Zarathustra the prophet - background
- Ahura Mazda
- Angra Manyu
- Duality - Good vs. Evil
- Fire**
- Judgment
- Material World
- Zoroastrian Prophets & Savior
- Avesta - Gathas
- Growth of Zoroastrianism
- Influence of Zoroastrianism on later religions
Classical Greece
Early Greece
- Indo-European origins
- Minoans - characteristics
- Mycenaeans
- Trojan War
Development of Classical Greek Government
- Polis
- no centralization - why?
- various gov'ts form
- Sparta - characteristics
- Athens - characteristics
- early democracy
- Pericles
Greek Economics
- commodities
- trade - interactions
Greek Colonization
- individual
- motivation
Greek Culture
- language
- literature - classics - playwrights
- art
- mathematics
- history
- philosophy
Greek Society
- patriarchal
- slavery
Greek Mythology
- origin & foundation
- Titans - Kronos
- Olympians - Zeus & siblings
- Titans vs. Olympians
- Santarini
- Tartarus
- Zeus - King of the Gods
- human relationships
- nature of the gods
- Hercules
Greek Philosophy
- Sophists
- pursuit of truth
- reality
- Socrates
- teachings
- Socratic Method**
- death of Socrates
- Platonic Philosophy**
- Plato (424-348 BCE)
- World of Forms
- the senses
- Allegory of the Cave
- love
- impact of Platonic Philosophy
- Aristotelian Philosophy**
- Aristotle (384-322 BCE)
- categories
- senses
- "unmovable mover"
- scientific method
- logical progression
- free will?
- Geo-centric theory
- truth will change?
- impact of Aristotelian Philosophy
- Stoic Philosophy
Later Philosophers - Platonic Philosophers
- Philo of Alexandria (30 BCE- 45 CE)
- Judaism & Platonic thought
- Neo-Platonism
- Essence
- Powers
- Emanations
- the Soul
- Plotinus (205-270)
- order
- "The One"
- Emanations from "The One"
- 1st - physical
- 2nd - spiritual
- Triad of Divinity
- impact on Christianity*
The Fall of Greece
- legacy of the Persian Wars
- Delian League
- Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE)
- impact on Greek polis's
Rise of Alexander the Great
- Macedonia
- Phillip II (359-336 BCE
- goals & expansion
- death
- Alexander III of Macedon (356-323 BCE)
- early life
- takes the throne
- characteristics & skills
Alexander Conquers the World
- military strategy
- Greece- Anatolia- Egypt- Persia - India
- Alexandria, Egypt
- Hellenistic Culture***
- Death of Alexander
- Empire divided
- Seleucus
- Antigonus
- Ptolemy
- legacy of Alexander
Ptolemaic Egypt (336-31 BCE)
- Ptolemy I
- Ptolemaic Pharaohs
- Greek speaking
- Key to Ptolemaic power
- Library of Alexandria
Early Rome
- origins & Indo-Europeans
- Etruscans
Roman Republic (509-31 BCE)
- Consul
- Senate
- social structure
- patricians
- plebeians
- early protests - why?
- Tribunes
- Twelve Tables
Punic Wars (264-146 BCE)
- Rome vs. Carthage - Cause - Purpose - Geography
- Series of 3 wars
- 1st Punic War (264-241 BCE)
- 2nd Punic War (218-201 BCE)
- Hannibal Barca (247-182 BCE)
- Military strategy
- Battle of Cannae
- Battle of Zama
- 3rd Punic War (149-146 BCE)
- Impact of Punic Wars in Mediterranean *
From Republic to Empire
- Problems for the Republic - List & Discuss *
- Marius (157-86 BCE)
- reforms to the military
- impact as consul
- Marius vs. Senate
- Marius vs. Sulla
- Impact of Marius
Rise of Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE)
- early life
- rise to power
- Triumvirate *
- military power/achievements
- Caesar vs. Pompey
- Dictator
- People supported Caesar, Why?
- assassination - civil war erupts
- Octavian vs. Antony & Cleopatra
- Battle of Actium (31 BCE)
- Republic is over - Rome is now an Empire
Reign of Augustus (63 BCE-14 CE)
- Augustus *
- achievements - List & Discuss
- Pax Romana
Early Roman Emperor Chronology
- Julian Claudian Dynasty
- Augustus
- Tiberius (14-37)
- Caligula (37-41)
- Claudius (41-54)
- Nero (54-68)
- Flavian Dynasty
- Vespasian (69-79)
- Titus (79-81)
- Domitian (81-96)
- Nervan-Antonian Dynasty
- Nerva (96-98)
- Trajan (98-117)
- Hadrian (117-138)
- Antonius Pius (138-161)
- Marcus Aurelius (161-180)
- Commodus (180-192)
Economy of the Roman Empire
- agr.
- manufacturing
- Trade - commodities & routes
Society of Rome
- patriarchal
- new classes form
- comforts of Rome - List & Discuss
The Culture of Rome
- entertainment - List & Discuss
- art
- literature
- technology
Religion of Rome
Roman Polytheism
- origin & traditions
- Pontifex Maximus
- cults - Cult of Mithras - Cult of Isis
Judaism in the Roman Empire
- Maccabees - revolt of 164 BCE
- Jewish life
- Jewish Revolt (66-70) - result & impact
- Dead Sea Scrolls - Essenes - impact on history
Birth of Christianity
- Jesus of Nazareth **
- teachings
- crucifixion
- resurrection
- Christianity spreads
- Apostles
- Paul of Tarsus *
- Christianity and Cult similarities *
- Christian persecution
- martyrs
- NO central authority early on
- Early Christian writings
- New Testament *
- Bible *
Early Forms of Christianity
- Coptic Church - Egypt
- St. Mark
- Egyptian mythology & Christian symbolism
- monophysitism
- growth of the Coptic Church
- Gnostic Christianity
- Duality - Good vs. Evil
- Two Gods
- Gnostic Gospels
- Individuality
- Rejection & Hierarchy
- Marcion
Christianity adopted by Emperors
- The Great Persecution
- Constantine (272-337)
- background
- Battle of Milvian Bridge
- Edict of Milan (313)
- combining elements of pagan faiths
The Roman Catholic Church
- Background
- Council of Nicaea (325) **
- Constantine
- Arius - teachings
- Athanasius - teachings
- Nicene Creed - Holy Trinity *
- New Testament solidified
- Centers of Christianity
- Bishop of Rome - Pope - Papacy
Development of Christianity
- Christianity becomes patriarchal
- original sin **
- Tertullion (160-220)
- women in the early church
- St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430)
- neo-platonism
- time
- on the trinity
Developments of the Late Roman Empire
- Diocletian (284-305)
- splitting the empire
- Tetrarchy
- persecution
- Constantine (307-337)
- empire unified
- Constantinople *
- Christianity
- Julian the Apostate (361-363)
- Theodosius I (379-395)
Fall of the Roman Empire
- NO one reason **
- inefficient leadership
- plague & disease
- legions weakened - mercenaries
- role of Christianity
- Germanic Invasions
- 476 * - Fall of Western Roman Empire
- East live son - Byzantine Empire
- Western Europe enters the Dark Ages!