File - Ossett History

1) A surgeon examining the body of Mary Anne
Nichols said :
“She had her throat cut, and it was the cutting of the
arteries in the throat that killed her. However the killer
had viciously cut through both her thighs and removed
her abdomen and her insides up to her belly button,
leaving them besides her body.”
2) A doctor examining the body of Annie Chapman at
the scene of the crime said that her terrible injuries:
“They could have been done by such an instrument as a
medical man used to dissect bodies, but the ordinary
doctors bags might not contain such an instrument.”
3) Elizabeth Long: The only witness to either of the first
two murders saw Annie Chapman with her killer. Moments
later, Annie was dead.
“He had a dark complexion, and was wearing a brown hat. I think he was
wearing a dark over coat but I cannot be sure.“
“He was a man over forty, as far as I can tell. He seemed a little taller than
the victim. He looked to me like a foreigner, as well as I could make out.”
4) A surgeon examining the body of Annie Chapman
where her body had been stored said :
“She had not only her throat cut but she appeared to have
been strangled before this. Her intestines and many of her
vital organs below her chest had been removed and her
intestines placed on her shoulder. The man who did this must
have had a knowledge of how the body works and where vital
organs can be found.”
5) The Third Victim – Elizabeth Stride
11:00 PM: Two men, were going into the Bricklayer's Arms Pub. As they went in Stride was leaving with a
short man with a dark moustache. The man was wearing a hat, mourning suit and coat.
Best says "They had been served in the pub and went out when me and my friends came in. He was
hugging and kissing her, and as he seemed a respectably dressed man, we were rather astonished at the
way he was going on at the woman." He spoke well.
Stride and her man stood in the doorway for some time hugging and kissing. "He and the woman went off
like a shot soon after eleven."
11:45 PM: William Marshall, sees Elizabeth Stride. He notices her talking to a man in a short black cutaway
coat and sailor's hat. They are kissing and carrying on.
12:35 AM: Police Constable William Smith sees Stride with a young man. The man is described as 28
years old, dark coat and hard deerstalker hat. He is carrying a parcel approximately 6 inches high and 18
inches in length. the package is wrapped in newspaper.
12.40 AM A man called Schwartz thinks he saw the killer and describes the man as about 30 years old, 5'
5" tall with a fresh complexion, dark hair and small brown moustache. He is dressed in an overcoat and an
old black felt hat with a wide brim.
At the same time, James Brown says he sees Stride with a man as he was going home with his supper.
She was leaning against the wall talking to a well built man about 5' 7" tall in a long black coat that reached
to his heels. He has his arm against the wall. Stride is saying "No, not tonight, some other night."
Police think that the Ripper was disturbed by a man with a horse and cart and ran off before he could cut
body parts from the victim. It didn’t take him long to find a new victim though……
6) Joseph Lawende saw the Ripper with Catherine
Eddowes. He saw:
Catherine Eddowes and a man talking. She was standing
facing the man with her hand on his chest, but not in a manner
to suggest that she was protecting herself from him.
Lawende describes the man as 30 years old, 5 foot 7 inches
tall, fair complexion, he has moustache and is of medium
build. He is wearing a light brown jacket which fits loosely and
a gray cloth cap. He has a reddish handkerchief knotted
around his neck.
Lawende will later identify Catherine Eddowes clothes as the
same as those worn by the woman he saw that night.
7) Catherine Eddowes – The doctor who
examined the body
“She had a cut about two foot long down her body
and all her intestines and vital organs had been
taken out and placed at the side of her body. Her
right ear had been cut off. Her face had been
mutilated with cuts from a knife. She had died from
having her throat cut and the mutilations had
happened after she died. One kidney had been
removed and taken away.”
“It required a great deal of medical knowledge to
have removed the kidney and to know where it was
8) Witness - Mary Ann Cox, saw Kelly
on the night of her murder
She sees Kelly ahead of her, walking with
a stout man. The man was aged around
35 or 36 and was about 5' 5" tall. He was
shabbily dressed in a long overcoat and
a hat. He had a blotchy face and small
side whiskers and a carroty moustache.
The man is carrying a pail of beer.
9) While standing under a street light on outside
the Queens Head Pub a man called Hutchinson
gets the best view of all witnesses at a man with
Mary Jane Kelly.
He has a dark complexion, a heavy dark moustache,
turned up at the corners, dark eyes and bushy
eyebrows. He is, according to Hutchinson, "Jewish
looking." The man is wearing a soft felt hat pulled
down over his eyes, a long dark coat lined with
expensive material. A massive gold chain is in his
waistcoat with a red stone hanging from it. He carries
kid gloves in his right hand and a small package in
his left. He is 5' 6" or 5' 7" tall and about 35 or 36
years old.