By: JakiLyn King Objectives of this Lesson Discuss What STEM is Brush the different components, realizing that STEM is EVERYWHERE…. Work together to build and create, while posing our own questions and/or solutions Lesson plan ideas Q&A The Marshmallow Challenge What is STEM?...Besides the new “buzzword”? STEM stands for the following: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING MATH (An ‘A’ component may also be added to have the acronym STEAM. This adds an ART component that could be easily incorporated.) What does STEM look like? Characteristics of a STEM lesson are: 1. STEM lessons focus on real-world issues and problems. 2. STEM lessons are guided by the engineering design process. 3. STEM lesson immerse students in hands-on inquiry and open-ended exploration. 4. STEM lessons involve students in productive teamwork 5. STEM lessons apply rigorous math and science content your students are learning 6. STEM lessons allow for multiple right answers and reframe failure as a necessary part of learning. *A STEM lesson does not mean that the lesson has to have ALL of the components…. Kids are Naturally Drawn to Sciences Take any interest and give it a twist of STEM…. Who Has Been Here?...ANYONE? One of my Kids’ FAVORITE ATTRACTIONS…. Warrin Richins: State Champion Wrestler & State Champion Runner up in 195/210 divisions…3 years running from 20002003. Typical under achieving teen…Until he discovered the art of Wrestling twisted with STEM. Current day: He is a successful educator and coach with a M.Ed, mixing his two passions by teaching: Spanish and Wrestling. Science Science isn’t just the exploding volcano, or Bunsen burners; leaf collections or rock collections. Science includes everything! Such as: Natural Sciences: Physics, chemistry, ecology, geology, oceanography, space exploration and archeology, biology, zoology, botany, etc. Social Sciences: Anthropology, archeology, communication, economics, political science, etc. Applied science, computer science, stats, logic and systems….. (Whew!) Technology • • • • • Includes and is not limited to the following: Coding (Worldwide Hour of Code event) Robotics Movie Making Web Design Inventions…ETC. “The only limit is your imagination…” Hiro From Big Hero 6 Engineering • • • • • • • What can kids learn from Engineering???? Properties of materials Force and Motion Building and design Machining Architecture Infrastructures Blueprints and Planning Mathematics Mathematics can be utilized in every part of our every day lives!!!!!! Music Architecture & Art Golden Rectangle/Golden Ratio Plants, Animals, & Human Body Games Turn of the Century inventions, Etc. STEM Lesson From Ducky: Work Together & Keep Trying The most important thing about STEM….(in my humble opinion) Students are working and collaborating together to succeed or perhaps fail, and then come up with new and improved solutions…. Paper Cup Tower… Infrastructure & Geometry Engineering/Math What can come from kids being involved in STEM? Walt Disney Cartooning, Directing Synchronizing sound with Animation Animated Motion Pictures Disneyland, Disney World, EPCOT center Animatronics TV host ETC! JIM HENSEN Inventor Puppeteer Producer Writer Creator Businessman (Went from Wilkin’s Coffee Commercials to a multi-million dollar industry) h?v=pOKms5mlGEU The Evolution of Transportation….. Wright Brothers & Aviation One beautiful thing about inventors is that the great minds of others are able to take their ideas and continue the evolution process….. Imagine the evolution of aviation from the Wright Brothers to Howard Hughes. HOWARD HUGHES Film Producer Director Film Editor Inventor Aviator MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT Tommy Petersson Bass Player for Cheap Trick; Inventor by Necessity… Cheap Trick wanted to increase their sound without adding permanent players. Tommy Petersson envisioned and created the 12-string bass (a bass guitar with 4 bass strings and an addition 2 octave strings for each note). This added the sound of two additional guitar players, plus the bass. TONY IOMMA Guitarist of Black Sabbath: Inventor by Necessity… Lost the tops of his fingers of his fretting hand in a factory accident. In order to continue playing, he envisioned and invented finger-tip “inserts” to wear for playing. This started with a couple of sewing thimbles he placed on his finger tips. This also led to him envisioning different weights of strings to use for guitars that would be more comfortable for his fingers. Benefits of Working and Collaborating in a team… Students work together to approach problems and come up with different solutions. There can be more than one solution. The important factor is that students are in charge of the learning. That is where STEM meets innovation and creation. STEM IDEAS…Just a few Homemade solar ovens…Have a nacho party! Green houses from 2 liter bottles Create vehicles and race them to see which is the fastest (Pinewood Derby!!!!!) Making Polymers (SLIME & GAK) Owl Pellets Lava Lamps Where Food Comes From