Maintaining Trust in an Electronic World

“Maintaining Trust in an
Electronic World”
Professor Peter P. Swire
George Washington University
Former Chief Counselor for Privacy
for the United States Government
San Diego; July 11, 2001
 Tylenol as an example of gaining trust
 My background
 Banking Heritage of Trust:
 Security
 Privacy
 Authentication
I. The Tylenol Example
 History: Tylenol episode in 1982
 7 people died from cyanide poisoned capsules
 Massive publicity worldwide
 Threatened a flagship product and Johnson &
Johnson itself
The Immediate Response
 Tylenol as a textbook case of good crisis
 All pills immediately taken off store shelves
 Principles:
 Long-run considerations drive decisions
 Take action immediately
 Provide truthful information
Visible Signs of Trust
 Packaging sends strong, credible message
that customer can trust the product
 Pre-1982: Twist-off cap, then pills
 Today: Plastic wrap, then child-proof twistoff cap, then foil seal to demonstrate
physical integrity, then pills
Lessons from Tylenol
 You must prepare for public relations
challenges, especially for new products
 Very fast press cycle today
 Public perception of risk stokes press stories
 What are you doing for financial services
on-line to reinforce customer trust?
 What compares to the foil seal?
II. My Background
 Lawyer for banks and ABHC beginning in
 Taught banking law 6 times in law schools
 Book on E.U. Data Protection Directive
 Academic writings on financial
cryptography and electronic payments
 Current research on computer security
 Editor of Cyberspace Law Abstracts
Chief Counselor for Privacy
 Early 1999 became Clinton Administration
Chief Counselor for Privacy (new position)
 Gramm-Leach-Bliley & privacy
 Money laundering & privacy
 Encryption policy changes 1999
 Safe harbor talks
 Medical privacy (including payments)
 Other privacy & e-commerce policy
III. Banking Heritage of Trust
 Confidentiality and trust as great banking
 Trust: Safety and Soundness
 Financial stability & no runs
 Physical security -- the bank vault
 Trust that your money will be there
Heritage of Trust
 Trust as Confidentiality:
 Customer as borrower
 Customer as depositor
 Customer who seeks advice from banker
 Customer who uses a bank’s cash management
 Trust that banker will not disclose my business
Heritage of Trust
 Security
 Privacy
 Authentication
IV. Security and Trust
 Lessons from history
 Information sharing and computer security
History: The Pay Telephone
 The pay phone as a distributed payment
 Vulnerable pot of cash
 Early attacks by shock, gun, etc.
 Successive generations of learning by
security professionals
 Today, a mature & trusted technology
Lessons from the Pay Phone
 Challenge today -- can have big outflow of
cash over computer networks
 “Open networks” like “open road” with
phone booth in remote location
 We will need successive generations of
 Will need new encryption, procedures, etc.
to become the standard
Security & Information Sharing
 My current research: what should be hidden
or open in computer security?
 In physical world, security done by each
institution -- competitors did not have the
floor plans to your vault
 Today, banks may use same software,
hardware, standard procedures
 Today, banks subject to same virus or other
Security & Information Sharing
 When banks have same infrastructure and
subject to same attacks, new reason to share
security data
 ISACs -- Information Sharing & Analysis
Centers part of U.S. critical infrastructure
protection effort
 Moral: will need to trust other security
professionals to face common threats, while
guarding company proprietary information
V. Privacy
 Is confidentiality in banking outdated?
 Perhaps:
 Lower cost for all information flows
 One-to-one marketing uses data to deliver what
the customer wants, at a profit
 Mergers for banking, insurance, securities, etc.
to match customers with new products
 Customer profiling to reduce fraud and money
 Is confidentiality in banking outdated?
 Perhaps not:
 Don't you, as an individual, expect your
financial information to be treated
 WSJ poll on privacy in the new century
 Individuals and businesses cannot have each
purchase revealed to all the world
Are there real privacy problems?
 U.S. Bank case, 1999
 Information here from public documents
 U.S. Bank made major commitments to change
 600,000 checking account customers
 name, home phone & address, SSN, DOB,
product code, account number, routing &
transit number
U.S. Bank (continued)
 330,000 credit card customers
 name, home address & phone, last purchase
date, date opened, current balance, credit
limit, YTD finance charges, last payment
date, amount last payment, SSN, DOB,
behavior score, bankruptcy score
U.S. Bank (continued)
 Notice: “Periodically we may share our
cardholder lists with companies that supply
products and services that we feel our
customers will value.”
 Apparently no opt-out
 Apparently similar activities by other banks
What problems from U.S. Bank?
 Data released for unrelated purpose -- a
dental plan
 “Negative option” by Memberworks:
 Postcard then have 30 days to cancel
 If not, then billed annual fee ($59.95)
 Lots of complaints once fee taken out of
New U.S. Privacy Law as a
 Notice -- the bank’s policy
 Choice -- customers can say no to transfers
to third parties
 Enforcement -- examiner authority as with
other consumer laws
 Anti-fraud: fight pretext calling and identity
theft, scrutinize risky data flows
Why customer choice?
 Don't “stop all marketing”
 Do respect choices of individuals who do
not want marketing or other transfers
 The price of opening an account should not
be undisclosed and unlimited data flows
 Consumers’ ability to choose creates trust,
and less need for fear
What will happen next for
privacy laws?
 In U.S., may have more privacy laws in
coming years
 Internet-specific law?
 Financial services laws -- state or federal?
 Safe Harbor and financial services
 To satisfy regulators, press & public,
financial companies should expect to
announce good policies & follow them
VI. Authentication and Trust
 In electronic environment, how can you be
sure that it is the real customer?
 First question -- do you need to know the
 Cash
 Smart cards & can be without identity
Levels of Authentication
 Where identify, can have levels of
authentication, often with loss limits
 For ATMs, $300 daily limit and 4-digit PIN
 Debit cards as a loss limit -- customer can’t
lose more than the account balance
 For credit cards, customer has $50 loss limit
& banks have anti-fraud programs up to
customer credit limit
 But, how to do big transactions?
 For consumers, that may take a long time
 Walk before run
 Amazon online before mortgage online
 Can “Grandma lose her house”?
 For businesses, build infrastructure
 Banks as certificate authorities for digital
 Rely on institutional controls, much as you do
for large corporate checks
 Remember the pay telephone:
 Successive generations
 Improve the ways to authenticate and be secure
Tylenol and the foil seal: what are you
doing to give visible demonstrations of
 Security
The pay phone & constant improvement
When to share information
Conclusions (continued)
Confidentiality in banking is not outdated
Develop policies and follow them
Walk before you run
Use stop losses & other tools to manage risk
To gain trust you must deserve trust:
President Clinton, at Aspen Institute:
“Do you have privacy policies you can be
proud of? Do you have privacy policies you
would be glad to have reported in the
For security, privacy & authentication:
If you can be proud of your policies, then
they will gain trust, and help your
organization prosper, in the information
That is your job in the coming years
Contact Information
Professor Peter Swire
 Phone: (301) 213-9587
 Email:
 Web:
 Presidential Privacy Archives: (containing privacy
documents from Clinton Administration)