11-Incident-Response - elista:.

Situasi Resiko Keamanan
Security ≠ Technological Security
Keamanan itu Socio-technical & Physical!
Perspektif Keamanan
• Strategi Keamanan = Preventif + Deteksi + Respon
Strategi Keamanan
• Preventif
– Melindungi komputer atau informasi dari pengganggu dan kesalahan.
– Idealnya prosedur & kebijakan keamanan dapat menutup kesempatan
untuk diserang, tapi paling tidak meminimalisasi serangan yang berhasil
• Deteksi
– Dapat mengukur kapan, bagaimana dan oleh siapa aset dapat dirusak
– Membutuhkan alat bantu yang rumit atau sekedar file log sederhana yang
dapat dianalisa.
• Respon
– Membangun strategi dan teknik untuk menghadapi serangan atau
– Lebih baik memiliki rencana pemulihan (recovery plan) daripada ‘on the
fly’ atau bagaimana nanti
• Example: Private Property
– Prevention: locks at doors, window bars, walls round the property
– Detection: stolen items are missing, burglar alarms, closed circuit TV
– Reaction: call the police, replace stolen items, make an insurance
claim …
• Example: E‐Commerce
– Prevention: encrypt your orders, rely on the merchant to perform
checks on the caller, don’t use the Internet (?) …
Lingkup Keamanan SI
• Keamanan adalah Suatu Proses
Konsep Keamanan SI
• Keamanan sistem sebagai satu konsep terpadu
Konsep Keamanan SI
Fokus Utama Keamanan SI
• Fokus Utama Keamanan SI
– Tiga Fokus Utama
• Physical Security
• Operational Security
• Management and Policies
– Segitiga Keamanan
• Keamanan Fisik
– Perlindungan aset dan informasi dari akses fisik oleh personal yang
tidak diizinkan (unauthorized personnel)
– 3 Komponen :
• Membuat lokasi fisik tidak menarik dijadikan target serangan
• Deteksi penetrasi atau pencuri
• Pemulihan dari pencurian atau kehilangan informasi kritis atau
• Keamanan Operasional
– Bagaimana organisasi memperlakukan komputer, network, sistem
komunikasi dan manajemen informasi
– Termasuk access control, authentication, security topologies, back up
dan recovery plan
– Hal efektif untuk meningkatkan operational security → pelatihan
keamanan SI (security training)
• Manajemen dan Kebijakan Keamanan
– Akan menghasilkan tuntunan, aturan dan prosedur untuk
– Kebijakan agar efektif harus memiliki dukungan penuh dan tidak dapat
dikompromikan dari tim manajemen
– Beberapa contoh kebijakan :
• Administrative policies
• Design Requirement
• Disaster Recovery Plan
• Information Policies
• Security Policies
• Usage Policies
• User Management Policies
Standar Kualitas Keamanan SI
• ISO 17799 / 27001 / 27002
Business Continuity Planning
System Access Control
System Development and Maintenance
Physical and Environmental Security
Personnel Security
Security Organization
Computer & Network Management
Asset Classification and Control
Security Policy
Kualifikasi Profesional Keamanan SI
SANS Institute Certified Engineers.
CISSP Certified and Trained Engineers.
ISO 27001:2005 Lead Auditors.
Certified Ethical Hackers.
Product related engineers with extensive knowledge of
various security products.
• …dan lain‐lain.
Kualifikasi Profesional Keamanan SI
• Modal dasar :
– Mengetahui Bahasa Pemrograman
– Menguasai pengetahuan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak
pengontrolnya (logika interfacing).
– Menguasai pengelolaan instalasi komputer.
– Menguasai dengan baik teori jaringan komputer ; protokol,
infrastruktur, media komunikasi.
– Memahami cara kerja sistem operasi.
– Memiliki ‘pikiran jahat’ ;‐p
Kualifikasi Profesional Keamanan SI
• Cara belajar :
– Memantau perkembangan teknologi keamanan komputer :
– Cari buku‐buku mengenai keamanan komputer cetakan, e‐book,
majalahmajalah/tabloid komputer edisi cetak maupun edisi online.
– Akses ke situs‐situs review keamanan (contoh: www.cert.org ),
situs‐situs underground (silahkan cari via search engine).
– Pelajari review atau manual book perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak
untuk memahami cara kerja dengan baik atau ikuti pelatihan sertifikasi
Kualifikasi Profesional Keamanan SI
Is Certification for You?
Yes, if:
You’re a large corporation
You’re publicly owned
You offer IT-based services to clients
You have legal obligations
You’re comfortable with formal processes
No, if:
You have a small, manageable infrastructure
You’re only responsibility is to yourself
You have an informal culture and strong skills
You believe certification will make you secure
Incident Response
• Incident: event (kejadian) yang mengancam
keamanan sistem komputer dan jaringan.
• Event adalah semua hal yang bisa diobservasi
• Contoh event: connect ke sistem lain dalam jaringan,
mengakses file, mengirim paket, sistem shutdown,
• Event yang mengancam antara lain, system crashes,
packet flood, penggunaan akun oleh orang yang
tidak berhak, web deface, bencana alam, dan hal-hal
lain yang membahayakan kinerja sistem
Incident Types
• CIA related incidents:
– Confidentiality: Upaya masuk ke dalam sistem rahasia militer
– Integrity
– Availability
• Other Types
– Reconnaissance Attacks
– Repudiation
• Someone takes action and denies it later on.
Kenapa perlu incident response?
• Bagi Organisasi
 Respon yang sistematis terhadap insiden
 Recover quickly
 Mencegah insiden serupa di masa depan
 Menyiapkan langkah-langkah yang berkaitan dengan
Incident Response Scope
• Technical:
– Incident detection and investigation tools and procedures
• Management-related
– Policy
– Formation of incident response capability
• In-house vs. out-sourced
Incident Handling
and Analysis
Containment, Eradication
and Recovery
PDCERF incident response method
Incident Handling: Preparation
• Incident Handler Communications and Facilities
– Contact information On-call information for other teams
within the organization, including escalation information
Incident reporting mechanisms
– Pagers or cell phones to be carried by team members for
off-hour support, onsite communications
– Encryption software
– War room for central communication and coordination
– Secure storage facility for securing evidence and other
sensitive materials
Incident Handling: Preparation
• Incident Analysis Hardware and Software
– Computer forensic workstations and/or backup devices to create disk
images, preserve log files, and save other relevant incident data
– Blank portable media
– Easily portable printer
– Packet sniffers and protocol analyzers
– Computer forensic software
– Floppies and CDs with trusted versions of programs to be used to
gather evidence from systems
– Evidence gathering accessories
• hard-bound notebooks
• digital cameras
• audio recorders
• chain of custody forms
• evidence storage bags and tags
• evidence tape
Incident Handling: Preparation
• Incident Analysis Resources
– Port lists, including commonly used ports and Trojan horse
– Documentation for OSs, applications, protocols, and
intrusion detection and antivirus signatures
– Network diagrams and lists of critical assets, such as Web,
e-mail, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers
– Baselines of expected network, system and application
– Cryptographic hashes of critical files to speed the analysis,
verification, and eradication of incidents
Incident Handling: Preparation
• Incident Mitigation Software
– Media, including OS boot disks and CD-ROMs, OS media, and
application media
– Security patches from OS and application vendors
– Backup images of OS, applications, and data stored on secondary
Incident Handling:
Detection and Analysis
• Incident Categories
Denial of Service
Malicious code
Unauthorized access
Inappropriate usage
Multiple component incidents
Incident Handling:
Detection and Analysis
• Signs of an incident
Intrusion detection systems
Antivirus software
Log analyzers
File integrity checking
Third-party monitoring of critical services
• Incident indications vs. precursors
– Precursor is a sign that an incident may occur in the future
• E.g. scanning
– Indication is a sign that an incident is occurring or has occurred
Incident Handling:
Detection and Analysis
• Incident documentation
– If incident is suspected, start recording facts
• Incident Prioritization based on
– Current and potential technical effects
– Criticality of affected resources
• Incident notification
Head of information system
Local information security officer
Other incident teams
Other agency departments such as HR, public affairs, legal department
Incident Handling:
Containment, Eradication, Recovery
• Containment strategies
– Vary based on type of incident
– Criteria for choosing strategy include
• Potential damage / theft of resources
• Need for evidence information
• Service availability
• Resource consumption of strategy
• Effectiveness of strategy
• Duration of solution
Incident Handling:
Containment, Eradication, Recovery
• Evidence gathering
– For incident analysis
– For legal proceedings
• Chain of custody
• Authentication of evidence
Incident Handling:
Containment, Eradication, Recovery
• Attacker identification
Validation of attacker IP address
Scanning attacker’s system
Research attacker through search engines
Using Incident Databases
Monitoring possible attacker communication channels
Incident Handling:
Containment, Eradication, Recovery
• Eradication
– Deleting malicious code
– Disabling breached user accounts
• Recovery
– Restoration of system(s) to normal operations
Restoring from clean backups
Rebuilding systems from scratch
Replacing compromised files
Installing patches
Changing passwords
Tighten perimeter security
Strengthen logging
Incident Handling:
Post-Incident Activity
• Evidence Retention
– Prosecution of attacker
– Data retention policies
– Cost
Next : BCP and DRP