MINUTES OF THE ASNE COUNCIL MEETING 31 May 2011 Enclosure(s): (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) Council Meeting Minutes – 3 May 2011 Audit Committee Report – 31 May 2011 Audit Committee Meeting Minutes – 23 May 2011 Email from Steve Morris – 19 May 2011 Audited Financial Statements Report from Halt, Buzas & Powell, LTD - 4 April 2011 Halt, Buzas & Powell, LTD Audit Recommendation Letter – 4 April 2011 Halt, Buzas & Powell, LTD SAS 114 Letter – 4 April 2011 Halt, Buzas & Powell, LTD SAS 115 Letter Statements – 4 April 2011 Scholarship Committee Report – May 2011 Scholarship Recipients – 2011-2012 Ways & Means Committee May Committee Report Ways & Means Committee Meeting Minutes – 17 May 2011 NEEC Statement of Financial Position – 30 April 2011 ASNE Headquarters Balance Sheet and Income Statement –30 April 2011 ASNE Scholarship Balance Sheet and Income Statement – 30 April 2011 Accounts Receivable Balance – 31 March 2011 Ways & Means Cash Flow Projections – April 2011 FY2012 Draft Budget – December 2010 Naval Engineers Journal Update to Council – May 2011 Recommendations for Naval Engineers Journal Publication Process and Vendors – 27 May 2011 NEEC Progress Report – 31 May 2011 SNAME – ASNE Joint Ship Design Committee Meeting Minutes – 25 May 2011 Attachment: (A) Attendance List 1. The Council of the American Society of Naval Engineers met by teleconference at ASNE Headquarters, 1452 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Enclosures (1) through (23) were posted on the Council intranet site prior to the meeting. ASNE President Kathleen Hinton presided, calling the meeting to order at 1100. A quorum was present. An attendance list with contact information is provided as Attachment (A). 2. The May 2011 Council Meeting Minutes were approved with a spelling correction in section 7. (Enclosure (1) was posted on the Council intranet site prior to the meeting.) ACTION ITEM: Staff will correct the spelling of the word “summer” in the May Council meeting minutes and repost. 3. President’s Announcements - President Kathleen Hinton attended the Intelligent Ships Symposium IX (ISS IX) held at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA on May 25-26, 2011. President Hinton reported that the exhibits were sold out, sponsorships were up and the program included more technical papers than in past years. She noted that the exhibits were very well received and that many attendees provided positive feedback. She added that the participation by the students from the National SeaPerch Challenge added an exciting extra dimension to the event. 4. Audit Committee Report – CAPT Joe Yurso, USN (Ret.), past President and Acting Chair of the Audit Committee, presented the committee’s comments and recommendations regarding the external audit report that was completed by Halt, Buzas & Powell (HBP). (Enclosures (2) through (8) were posted on the Council intranet site prior to the meeting.) CAPT Yurso noted that the auditors had recommended that ASNE implement a policy to limit members of the Audit Committee, Ways & Means Committee and the Council from serving simultaneously on more than one of the three bodies, although the committees should continue to maintain open lines of communication and to share information where applicable and appropriate. Therefore, Mr. Steve Morris has voluntarily resigned from the Audit Committee and will continue to serve on the Ways & Means Committee. ACTION ITEM: Staff will draft a policy regarding membership on Council and the Audit and Ways & Means Committees for review at the August Council meeting. CAPT Yurso noted that the auditor’s report recommended that the Executive Director have signature authority on all section bank accounts. CAPT Dennis Kruse, USN (Ret.), Executive Director, reported that the staff is working with support of the Ways & Means Committee to secure signature authority for all ASNE section accounts. CAPT Yurso reported that the auditors did not concur with the practice of assigning a standard fee for headquarters support of symposia and they recommended that a method be implemented based on actual expenses for that support. Ms. Megan Sinesiou reported that the staff has already begun maintaining timesheets per HBP’s recommendations. However, it may take up to a year to accumulate sufficient data to accurately estimate the costs for symposium support. It was noted that assigning the full cost to symposia may reduce the amount of revenue available to distribute to the sections. The Ways & Means Committee will work with staff to evaluate the impact of these changes and prepare a report for Council. ACTION ITEM: The Ways & Means Committee will report at the December Council meeting on the progress of altering the symposia fee to reflect the cost of staff support. CAPT Yurso reported that the auditors had commented on delays in accounting and reporting due to limited staff support for the accounting function, and they recommended that a monthly closing calendar be implemented. CAPT Kruse reported that action has been taken to provide additional support for the Accounting Manager, Ms. Nancy Lackey, and more help is forthcoming. Over the past year staff responsibilities and tasks have been adjusted to increase emphasis on accounting support; and an accounting firm was hired to support NEEC accounting and to help with audit preparation. Temporary staff support has also been brought in to help with the heavy workload resulting from four symposia in the last six weeks of the fiscal year. Progress will continue to be monitored and assessed and staff will coordinate with the Ways & Means Committee to ensure requirements are met. ACTION ITEMS: The Executive Director will coordinate a meeting with the President, incoming President and the chairs of the Ways & Means and Audit Committees to discuss Accounting Department staffing. Staff will present progress on a monthly closing calendar at the August Council meeting. CAPT Yurso noted that HBP recommended that all of the Sections use the same accounting software to maintain their finances and that all Sections should keep original documentation for all deposits. While copies of the deposited checks do not need to be stored, certain documentation relating to the deposit of checks is necessary to complete the auditing process. They also recommended that passwords for the accounting software should be maintained by a staff member outside of the accounting department. Ms. Sinesiou reported that the passwords are being kept by Ms. Maggie O’Brien and are also being stored in a safety deposit box. ACTION ITEM: The Audit, Ways & Means and Sections Committees will coordinate to address options for resolving audit deficiencies for section accounting and preparation and reporting of section audits. They will provide a report at the October Council meeting. CDR Dave Wood, USN (Ret.) will report on the status of sections accounting practices and identify which sections are having difficulties at the August Council meeting. The Audit Committee has agreed that HBP should conduct the audit for the next fiscal year. HBP will provide an engagement letter for the Council’s consideration. ACTION ITEM: The Audit Committee will take action to get a letter of engagement from HBP and to have them add titles or subjects on each of the letters in their report. The hiring of HBP to conduct the audit for the upcoming fiscal year was unanimously approved subject to Council approval of the engagement letter. 5. Scholarship Committee Report – Ms. Maggie O’Brien presented the Scholarship Committee’s report on behalf of Dr. Jennifer Waters, who served as interim chair of the committee for this year’s selection process. (Enclosures (9) and (10) were posted on the Council intranet site prior to the meeting.) The number of applicants for ASNE scholarships decreased this year compared to previous years. However, the committee reported that there were still an adequate number of well-qualified applicants. The Committee welcomed four new members. The Committee will meet in July to discuss ways to attract more applicants and reinvigorate the Scholarship Committee as a whole. The committee recommended 22 scholarship recipients this year. One additional selectee withdrew from consideration due to availability of alternate funding. ACTION ITEMS: Anyone interested in joining the Scholarship Committee should contact Ms. O’Brien or Dr. Jennifer Waters. Suggestions for improving the scholarship award process should be submitted to Ms. O’Brien. President Hinton, President-Elect Kiss and the Executive Director will confer to discuss finding a Scholarship Committee Chair. The Scholarship Committee’s report was unanimously approved. 6. Ways & Means Report - CDR Pfeifer presented the Ways & Means Committee’s report. (Enclosures (11) through (18) were posted on the Council intranet site prior to the meeting.) The NEEC financial reports have been completed and are currently posted on WebExOne. Mr. Jeff LeClair of Wells Fargo will be providing a quarterly investment update at the upcoming Ways & Means Committee meeting in July. CDR Pfeifer reviewed the Society’s financial reports. No symposia have taken place since the previous Ways & Means Committee meeting and there were no new symposia budgets or closings to review. There was a negative realized income for the month of April. A large net increase in income is expected from May to June as revenue from the Intelligent Ships Symposium, Multi-Agency Craft Conference and Mega Rust 2011 is recognized. CDR Pfeifer reviewed the accounts receivable report, noting that outstanding accounts receivables have decreased by $2,662 in April bringing the total down to $55,663. This amount is expected to decrease further as several large outstanding payments are expected over the next month. All outstanding debt will continue to be tracked and collected. CDR Pfeifer reviewed cash flow projections. Cash flow going into November is expected to be in excess of $700,000 and does not include revenue from symposia slated to occur in the months following November. CDR Pfeifer reported that the Ways & Means Committee will continue discussions regarding the implementation of new investment policy objectives. While the Committee has reached agreement on several general objectives, a more thorough discussion is required before the Committee can formally adopt new investment policy guidelines. CDR Pfeifer reviewed the status of previously approved building maintenance projects. A contract was awarded to TRULAND Service Company for the amount of $8,140 to repair and replace 50 light fixtures at ASNE Headquarters. Bids are still being solicited from other contractors for the remaining projects. The motion to allow allocated building maintenance funds to extend beyond FY11 was unanimously approved. CDR Pfeifer reviewed the draft headquarters budget for FY 2012. The current draft indicates a $50,000 deficit for the fiscal year. However, the committee expects to be able to present a balanced budget for review at the July Council meeting. ACTION ITEM: The Ways & Means Committee will present updated Investment Policy guidelines at the August Council meeting. 7. Executive Session – The staff was excused during the Executive Session. The Council unanimously approved additional funds for staff bonuses to recognize the staff role in a very successful year. 8. NEEC Status Update - Mr. Bob Keane, Society Vice President, discussed the NEEC mentoring meeting to be held at ASNE Headquarters on 2 June 2011 in preparation for the NEEC summer meeting. (Enclosure (20) was posted on the Council intranet site prior to the meeting.) Mr. Keane noted that the National SeaPerch Challenge held at Drexel University on 24 May 2011 was very successful. Mr. Keane also announced that Dr. Tony Dean will be the new NEEC Project Director. Mr. Keane also noted that the minutes of the Joint Ship Design Committee had been provided for Council information. (Enclosure (21) was posted on the Council intranet site prior to the meeting.) 9. Admiral Harvey’s Challenge – RADM Tony Lengerich, USN (Ret.) presented the status of his efforts regarding the response to Admiral Harvey’s Challenge. He has met with VADM Kevin McCoy, Commander of NAVSEA, and with other key leaders. RADM Lengerich has discussed the topic with leaders from the United States Naval Institute (USNI) to get their input; and they also discussed the potential for a joint ASNE/USNI event to review the current state of naval engineering and consider what is needed to ensure the profession is ready to meet the future needs of the naval services. RADM Lengerich has synthesized the information he has gathered into a digestible format to be used for further discussion and to provide the basis for a report to be presented to Council at a future meeting. 10. NEJ Transition Status Update – Ms. O’Brien reported that she has been working with a consultant to determine the best workflow for assembling and publishing the Naval Engineers Journal and she presented a report that outlined alternatives and a recommended an approach for transition of NEJ publication. (Enclosures (22) and (23) were posted on the Council intranet site prior to the meeting.) Given the small staff size and the challenges that ASNE has faced with NEJ in the past, the consultant recommended contracting with an experienced production editor. The consultant will assist with finding a suitable production editor. Ms. O’Brien also noted that she will be looking for a printer that can provide both digital and print versions of the NEJ and will also evaluate potential hosts for the online archive of NEJ. The proposed new process is estimated to be cost neutral in comparison with the cost of working with Wiley Blackwell; and it will allow a greater degree of flexibility in preparing, producing and distributing the NEJ. The proposed NEJ transition plan was unanimously approved. 11. ASNE Day 2012 – CDR Dwight Alexander, USN (Ret.) reported that the ASNE Day 2012 Planning Committee met on 14 April 2011 and has drafted a POA&M. The Committee will meet again on 2 June 2011, and they aim to make enough progress to be able to release the call for papers on schedule. 12. Report on Recent and Upcoming Symposia – CAPT Kruse briefly reviewed the status of recent and upcoming symposia. Revenue for the Intelligent Ships Symposium IX, which will be held on May 25-26, 2011, is expected to meet, if not exceed, budget expectations. Exhibit sales have gone extremely well for both the Mega Rust 2011: U.S. Navy Corrosion Conference, which will be held on June 6-9, 2011, and the Multi-Agency Craft Conference (MACC), which will be held on June 14-16, 2011. Sponsorship sales are lower than anticipated and registration has not yet reached expected goals for both events. There were some online registration issues for MACC, but most of the problems have been resolved. Planning and preparation is currently on track for the Electrochemical Power Sources R&D Symposium, to be held on June 20-23, 2011 in Monterey, CA. There is some concern that registration may be impacted for upcoming FY 2012 meetings due to the financial brownout that many warfare centers will be experiencing due to the transition of their financial systems. 13. The date for the July Council meeting has yet to be determined. Votes are still being collected for the preferred date of the July Council meeting as well as the Leadership Turnover Dinner. Votes will be tabulated and the results will be distributed via email in the coming week. The meeting was adjourned at 1242. Note: it was subsequently announced that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 in the ASNE conference room with teleconference available. Respectfully submitted, Dennis K. Kruse CAPT, USN (Ret) Executive Director Council Meeting Attendance 31 May 2011 Ms. Kathleen E. Hinton Society President: RDML David H. Lewis USN Society Vice President: Mr. Robert G. Keane Jr Society Vice President: Dr. Jennifer Kehl Waters Society Vice President: Ms. Tiffany Adams Section Vice-Chairman: Southern Indiana CDR Dwight Alexander, USN (Ret.) ASNE Day 2012 Chair CAPT Glenn AsheUSNR (Ret) National Committee Chairs: Program Committee LCDR Bob Bernstein, USCG (Ret.) National Council-Elect Mr. Christopher J. Bigler Section Chairman: Central Gulf Coast CAPT Alan J. Brown USN (Ret) National Committee Chairs: Education & Prof Dev Cte RADM Jeffrey A. Brooks, USN (Ret.) National Council Mr. Eric M. Cargill Section Chairman: Northern New England RADM Joseph A. Carnevale USN (Ret.) Past Presidents Active: CDR Richard C. Celotto USN (Ret.) National Committee Chairs: Rosenblatt Bequest Ad-Hoc Mr. Dennis A. Chaney National Committee Chairs: Publicity Committee Mr. Rey B. Cheesman Section Chairman: Inland Empire Mr. Edward N. Comstock National Council: Dr. Robert W. Cox IV National Committee Chairs: AD Tech Papers Chair Mr. Michael J. D'Amato National Council: Dr. John C. DaidolaP.E. Section Chairman: Metropolitan CAPT Stephanie A. Douglas, USN (Ret.) National Council Cdr Joseph A. Dugan III USCG Section Chairman, Puget Sound CAPT Jerome J. Fee USN (Ret.) Past Presidents Active: Mr. J. CareyFilling Jr National Committee Chairs: ASNE Day Exhibits Committee Col James B. Fritz USMC Section Chairman: Quantico RADM Dale G. Gabel USCG Past President Active: CAPT Jeffrey Q. Gamble USCG (Ret) National Council: Mr. Max A. Gianelloni Section Chairman: Pascagoula Ms. Kaylene H. Green National Committee Chairs: Presidents Club Coord Cte CAPT Richard D. Hepburn PE USN (Ret) Past Presidents Active: RADM Lowell J. Holloway USN (Ret.) Past Presidents Active: LT Clint Hoskins, USN Regional Council: Region VI RADM Mark Hugel, USN (Ret.) National Council Vacant Section Chairman: Channel Islands CAPT Joseph L. Johnson Jr USNR National Committee Chairs: Combat Systems Mr. Alfred M. Joseph Regional Council: Region V CAPT John Kaplan, USCG (Ret.) Ballot Committee Chair RADM Gene R. Kendall USN (Ret.) Section Chairman: Jacksonville RADM Randolph W. King USN (Ret) Past Presidents Active: Mr. Ronald K. Kiss President-Elect (757) 494-0414 (703) 695-6315 ((301) 432-7415 (410) 293-6439 (812) 854-8501 (408) 594-1051 (703) 519-9965 (240) 475-4204 (504) 654-3835 (540) 231-4950 (757) 215-2512 (603) 427-0205 (202) 772-5577 (202) 475-3869 (202) 675-7726 (909) 273-4752 (978) 440.1619 (704) 687-8402 (757) 226-1114 (212) 431-6900 (757)-836-3744 (206) 217-6821 (202) 781-1090 (617) 223-8480 (504) 739-4227 (228) 935-1901 (703) 575-2960 (703) 412-3049 (703) 314 4513 (719)-238-7605 (757) 640-6411 (703) 599-6912 (805) 278-6644 (410) 514-0450 (904) 556-1100 (301) 929-1192 khinton@memach.com David.H.Lewis@navy.mil keanerg@comcast.net jwaters@usna.edu tiffany.adams@navy.mil dwight.alexander@ngc.com gashe@eagle.org rbernstein55@yahoo.com christopher.bigler@ngc.com brown@aoe.vt.edu jbrooks@earl-ind.com ecargill@plansysit.com jcarnevale@dc.bjllp.com Richard.C.Celotto@uscg.mil dchaney@csc.com rey.cheesman@navy.mil edward_n_comstock@raytheon.com rcox3@uncc.edu michael.damato@ngc.com john.daidola@ngc.com stephanie.douglas@navy.mil joseph.a.dugan@uscg.mil jjfee@shentel.net james.filling@navy.edu jim.kim.2@comcast.net dggabel@mail.com jeff.gamble@l-3com.com max.gianelloni@ngc.com kgreen@flagshipgovrelations.com rdhepburn1@prodigy.net lholloway3@cox.net clinton.hoskins@navy.mil mhugel@caci.comg johnsmjos@saic.com ajoseph@caci.com jkaplan@alum.mit.edu gene.kendall@hotmail.com rkingnavy@aol.com rkkiss@aol.com Phone No Phone No No Phone Phone Yes No No No No No No No No Phone No Phone No No No No No No Phone Phone No No Phone No Phone Phone No No No No No No Yes Council Meeting Attendance 31 May 2011 CAPT Dennis K. Kruse USN (Ret) Executive Director: RADM Anthony W. Lengerich USN (Ret) National Council: CAPT Joseph J. Luckard Jr USN (Ret) Regional Council: Region V Alternate, San Diego Section Chair Dr. Bill Luebke National Council: CAPT Dennis P. Mahoney USN (Ret) National Council: CDR David T. Marcello USNR (Ret) Regional Council: Region 1 Dr. Leigh S. McCue National Council CAPT James L. McVoy USN (Ret) Executive Director Emeritus: Ms. Deborah P. Michael Executive Assistant CDR Michael J. Mielnik USN (Ret) Regional Council: Region II Alternate Ms. Karen D. Miller National Council: Mr. Stephen Morris National Committee Member: W&M, Audit RDML James A. Murdoch USN National Council: VADM George P. Nanos Jr USN (Ret.) Past Presidents Active: RADM James K. Nunneley USN (Ret) Past Presidents Active: Ms. Margaret J. O'Brien Associate Director for Communications & Technical Media CDR Marty C. Oard, USCG (Ret.) Section Chairman: Tidewater CDR Charles Pfeifer, USN (Ret.) National Committee Chairs: Ways & Means Committee CDR Michael F. Pierson USCG National Committee Chairs: ASNE Day Exhibits Co-Chair Mr. Badrudin Pirani Section Chairman: Southern Indiana CDR Thomas C. Remmers USCG Section Chairman: Golden Gate CAPT Jeffery S. Riedel USN National Council: CAPT Paul J. Roden USCG National Committee Chairs: Co-Chair, Joint Strat Alliance RADM David P. Sargent Jr USN (Ret) National Committee Chairs: Long Range Planning Mr. James T. Savage Section Chairman: Aloha Mr. Bradley D. Secrest Regional Council: Region IV LCDR Thomas A. Seigenthaler, USN Section Chairman: Monterey Peninsula RADM Thomas U. Seigenthaler USN (Ret)Regional Council: Region II CAPT Paul F. Siebeking PE USN (Ret) Regional Council: Region III Ms. Megan C. Sinesiou Associate Director for Programs & Operations Dr. Alfred Skolnick Past Presidents Active: Mrs. Sara H. Skolnick Executive Director Emeritus: CAPT Jim Stevens ASNE Day 2012 Vice Chair Mr. David Stevenson Section Chairman: Flagship VADM Paul E. Sullivan USN (Ret) National Council: Dr. Clifford A. Whitcomb PhD CSEP National Committee Chairs: Journal Committee CDR Thomas D. Willson USN (Ret.) National Committee Chairs: Audit Committee CDR David W. Wood National Committee Chairs: Sections Committee CAPT Joseph F. Yurso PE USN (Ret) Past Presidents Active: (703) 836-6727 (703) 364-2520 (858) 676-7380 (202) 781-2289 (410) 694-8044 (207) 442 7773 (540) 231-7568 (703) 836-6727 (856) 848-0033 (215) 897-8507 (703) 920-7070 (202) 781-2132 (703) 836-6727 (757) 966-5670 (757) 424-2013 (202) 536-7707 (812) 854-4211 (510) 437-3846 (202) 781-0940 (202) 475-5716 (703) 757-7038 (808) 533-3657 (812) 854-5943 (703) 836-6727 (703) 243-4866 (703) 243-4866 (703) 741-7368 (202) 314-4219 (301) 564-3301 (831) 656-3834 (202) 548-5628 (504) 654-2578 (757) 490-5036 dkruse@navalengineers.org lengerichaw@yahoo.com joseph.luckard@gat.com william.luebke@navy.mil dennis.mahoney@satcon.com davemarcello@comcast.net mccue@vt.edu jlm1820@aol.com dmichael@navalengineers.org mielnikm@hotmail.com karen.dunlevy-miller@navy.mil smorris@dandp.com james.murdoch@navy.mil pete@nanos.net jkn52usna@yahoo.com mobrien@navalengineers.org Martin.C.Oard@uscg.mil pfeifercg@cox.net pierson.nywamd@verizon.net badruddin.pirani@navy.mil thomas.c.remmers@uscg.mil jeffery.riedel@navy.mil paul.j.roden@uscg.mil david.sargent@sei-companies.com jim.savage@Kratosdefense.com bradley.secrest@navy.mil seiget@gmail.com tseigenthaler@ndieng.com kp59pe@verizon.net msinesiou@navalengineers.org skolnicka@verizon.net skolnicka@verizon.net james.g.stevens@ngc.com drstevenson@verizon.net paul_sullivan@verizon.net cawhitco@nps.edu twillson@csc.com dw.wood@ngc.com jyurso@cox.net Yes Phone Phone No Phone Phone Phone No Yes No Phone Phone Phone No No Yes No Phone No No No No No Phone No No No No No Yes Yes No No Phone No No No Phone Phone