Management of paediatric shock – fluids and inotropes Allan Wardhaugh Paediatric Intensivist UHW Cardiff Management of shock Physiology Basic clinical assessment Laboratory and invasive clinical assessment Management Fluid choice Inotropes and vasopressors Definition of Shock Definition of Shock Inadequate oxygen delivery to tissues to meet demand because of circulatory failure Cause of shock Not enough fluid in circuit Sepsis Haemorrhage Dehydration Maldistribution – ‘third spacing’ – many causes Pump failure Sepsis Cardiomyopathy/ myocarditis Arrythmia Inadequate oxygen carrying capacity Anaemia CO poisoning Very low circuit resistance AVM Sepsis Physiological aims of treatment Get oxygen into the fluid Get fluid in the circuit Make sure the fluid can carry oxygen Maintain adequate perfusion pressure Maintain pump pressure Optimise circuit resistance Physiology – oxygen delivery O2 delivery =[(1.34 Hb O2 sats) + (PO2 0.023)] CO CO = HR SV Oxygen supply – dependence in critically ill Physiology – fluid filled circuit and Ohm’s Law I = V/R Flow = Perfusion pressure/ Resistance Cardiac Output = MAP-CVP/ SVR Perfusion pressure = CO SVR Aim of treatment – prevent perfusion pressure dropping below critical point Critical point Clinical assessment Recognition - clinical Tachycardia Tachypnoea Energy conservation Relative inactivity Vasoconstriction CRT Core–peripheral temperature gap Organ hypoperfusion Oliguria Irritability, diminished consciousness Hypotension Distribution of cardiac output Brain 13% Skeletal Muscle 20% Abdominal viscera 25% Skin 10% Kidneys 20% Kidneys receive high proportion CO – if urine is flowing >0.5 – 1ml/kg/hr, cardiac output is probably adequate Has enough fluid been given? Distribution of blood in circulation Heart Systemic Arteries Veins Pulmonary 5% 80% 10% 65% 15% Venous reservoir ‘Window’ on venous reservoir Liver in neonates/ infants Jugular venous pulse in older children Response to hepatic pressure – simulates venoconstriction and fluid bolus beware cardiogenic shock Recognition - bloods Base deficit > -4 Hyperchloraemia confounds after volume resuscitation Lactate >2.5 mmol/l May signify poor tissue oxygen delivery Beware other causes (metabolic, liver failure) Mixed venous oxygen saturations Venous PO2 reflects tissue oxygenation Low values probably more reliable than high Mixed venous sats > 70% imply adequate tissue oxygenation More invasive monitoring? Once in ICU, clinical parameters correlate less well to cardiac output Cardiac output estimation TOE PiCCO Li dilution et al Tibby et al. Clinicians’ abilities to estimate cardiac index in ventilated children and infants. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1997;77:516–518 Management Get oxygen into the fluid Get fluid in the circuit Make sure the fluid can carry oxygen Maintain adequate perfusion pressure Maintain pump pressure Optimise circuit resistance ABC Oxygen A also stands for antibiotics Ceftriaxone 80mg/kg Management Get oxygen into the fluid Get fluid in the circuit Make sure the fluid can carry oxygen Maintain adequate perfusion pressure Maintain pump pressure Optimise circuit resistance Volume Volume Volume Sepsis - >40ml/kg fluid volume in first hour – should almost certainly be ventilated Early intubation and ventilation easier and safer Prevents hypoxia Facilitates line placement for adequate monitoring, inotrope delivery Restoring circulating volume Blood volume 65ml/kg adult, 80-90ml/kg infant 40ml/kg corrects volume in most cases if ongoing losses have stopped Ongoing losses hidden in Intra-abdominal/ intra-thoracic haemorrhage IVH in neonates Sepsis Gut obstruction Which fluid? 0.9% Saline or 4.5% Albumin Meta-analysis 1998 flawed Units reporting improving outcomes in sepsis use 4.5% albumin routinely More recent meta-analyses show no increased mortality with albumin 0.9% saline cheaper Albumin produces greater expansion in ECF and plasma volume Individual responses to this vary SAFE study MCRCT of 4% human albumin vs 0.9% saline 16 ICUs Australia/ New Zealand. Patients aged >18years and needed fluid resuscitation. Randomised to have saline or albumin for duration of stay in ICU, or 28/7. Burns, liver transplant and cardiac surgery excluded. Death at 28 days primary outcome. 3499 HAS, 3501 Saline. Baseline characteristics of both groups similar. SAFE – fluid volume given Which crystalloid? Normal saline Hartmann’s solution Crystalloid electrolyte composition Na K Cl Other 0.9% saline 150 0 150 0.45% saline/ 5% dextrose 75 0 75 0.18% saline/ 4% dextrose 30 0 30 286 Dextrose 5% 0 0 0 252 Hartmann’s 131 5 111 Tonicity 308 lactate 280 Which colloid? Albumin Gelatins Starches Dextrans hypertonic saline Colloids Fluid Notes Half life in circulation Gelofusine Made from horses. Anaphylaxis 4h Dextran 70/ Saline 0.9% Relatively high risk of anaphylaxis compared to 12h starch. Tetratsarch (Voluven) Associated with coagulopathy (reduces factor VIII and vWF activity) Hyperchloraemic acidosis. Accumulates in RES – long term effects uncertain. May reduce systemic inflammation, but it needs to be given with additional free water. 17 days Pentastarch (HemoHes) Less effect on coagulation 18hr Management Get oxygen into the fluid Get fluid in the circuit Make sure the fluid can carry oxygen Maintain adequate perfusion pressure Maintain pump pressure Optimise circuit resistance Haemodilution Keep Hb > 10g/dL in resuscitation phase Clotting factors – FFP Platelets X Match at presentation Haemorrhagic shock - lose blood give blood? Less O2 carrying capacity, but better than clear fluid 3 for 1 rule using crystalloid to correct ECF fluid shifts Animal models suggest aggressive volume resuscitation may be harmful One RCT in adults promoted delayed fluid resuscitation (Houston 1994) Houston penetrating trauma study Survive to discharge Hospital stay (days) Immediate volume resuscitation Delayed volume resuscitation p-value 193/309 (62%) 203/289 (70%) 0.04 14 24 11 19 0.006 8% in DR violated protocol (received volume) Severity of shock varied from pulse barely palpable to systolic bp 90mmHg Arrival bp higher in DR group Deaths before theatre removed ( destined to die) – no difference in outcome Times from injury to theatre short NNT 12.5 ( 6.4 – 230) – very wide confidence intervals Bickell et al.Immediate versus Delayed Fluid Resuscitation for Hypotensive Patients with Penetrating Torso Injuries. N Engl J Med 1994; 331:1105-1109 Hypotensive resuscitation cannot presently be recommended in paediatric trauma How much fluid? Aggressive volume resuscitation associated with improved survival in septic children Only study to show a beneficial intervention in paediatric septic shock – observational study Recruited all paediatric sepsis patients to ER in Washington DC Childrens Hospital – PA catheter in situ by 6 hours 34 patients – mean age 13.5 months Divided into 3 groups by volume received in first hour (post hoc) Group 1 <20ml/kg Group 2 20 – 40ml/kg Group 3 >40ml/kg Carcillo et al. Carcillo et al. Role of early fluid resuscitation in pediatric septic shock. JAMA. 1991;266:1242-1245 Mortality Totals in each group 14 11 9 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% <20ml/kg 20 - >40ml/kg ARDS 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% <20ml/kg 20-40ml/kg >40ml/kg Hypovolaemia at 6 hours 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% <20ml/kg 20 >40ml/kg 40ml/kg Management Get oxygen into the fluid Get fluid in the circuit Make sure the fluid can carry oxygen Maintain adequate perfusion pressure Maintain pump pressure Optimise circuit resistance Inotropes (and pressors) Inotropes and pressors Advantages Improve pump function Increase SVR improving perfusion pressure Increase diastolic BP improving coronary artery perfusion Disadvantages May increase afterload Increase myocardial oxygen demand Arrythmia Extravasation danger – should go centrally When to start inotropes Sepsis – failure to respond to 40ml/kg fluid in first hour Mortality in paediatric septic shock strongly associated with low cardiac output Will need adequate monitoring Invasive BP if possible Available inotropes and pressors Natural catecholamines Adrenaline Noradrenaline Dopamine Synthetic catecholamines Dobutamine Phosphodiesterase inhibitors Milrinone Pure pressors Vasopressin, terlipressin Which inotrope? Choice of inotrope Personal preference prejudices common remember this is ‘class 4 evidence’ No RCTs to rely on ‘Warm’ shock with good CO and low SVR less common in children ‘Cold’ shock with low CO and normal or high SVR more common – some use vasodilators Management Get oxygen into the fluid Get fluid in the circuit Make sure the fluid can carry oxygen Maintain adequate perfusion pressure Maintain pump pressure Optimise circuit resistance Dopamine Precursor of noradrenaline. 1, 1, 2, DA1, DA2 receptors. 5 – 15 mcg/kg/min 1 effects dominate > 15 1 become important > 25 1 dominates Renal dose – no such thing Adrenaline 1 , 1 , 2 . 0.05 – 0.3 g/kg/min 1, 2 > 1, 2 effects may cause balanced effect on SVR. 0.3 – 1 g/kg/min > 1 g/kg/min 1, 2 = 1 1, 2 < 1 Disadvantage - increase in myocardial O2 demand and arrythmias Dobutamine Synthetic mixture of two stereo-isomers. One isomer has effects, the other 1. 5 – 20 g/kg/min 1,2 Increases contractility, increases HR May ‘unmask’ hypovolaemia SVR decreases. Direct coronary vasodilatory effect. >20 g/kg/min 1 dominates Management Get oxygen into the fluid Get fluid in the circuit Make sure the fluid can carry oxygen Maintain adequate perfusion pressure Maintain pump pressure Optimise circuit resistance Noradrenaline 1 and 1, with dominant 1 effects. <0.5 g/kg/min 1 = 1 0.5 - 4g/kg/min 1 > 1 Use to maintain MAP improves urine output and creatinine clearance in paediatric hyperdynamic septic shock. Milrinone PDE III inhibitor Small X-over trial showed benefit in catecholamine resistant septic shock Inotrope, improves diastolic function, vasodilates Long half-life, but loading dose usually avoided by me Vasopressin Vasopressin deficiency in vasodilatory shock Adult trial showed reduced catecholamine requirement with vasopressin May have beneficial effects on coronary circulation Putting it all together goal directed treatment Goal directed treatment in sepsis – first hour Resuscitation goals Maintain oxygenation Maintain normal perfusion pressure (MAP – CVP) Maintain threshold heart rates Therapeutic end points CRT < 2 secs Urine output > 1ml/kg/hr Normal conscious level Normal bp for age Threshold values Age (years) Heart rate MAP – CVP (Carcillo) MAP –CVP (ESICM) Term newborn 120-180 55 40 ≤1 120-180 60 45 ≤2 120-160 65 50 ≤7 100-140 65 55 ≤ 15 90-140 65 60 Goal directed treatment in sepsis – beyond first hour Goals Normal perfusion Appropriate MAP-CVP (CVP 8 – 12mmHg) SVC sats > 70% CI >3.3 < 6.0 L/min/m2 0 – 5 mins Recognise shock Airway support 20ml/kg colloid or 0.9% saline Correct glucose, calcium 15 mins Central venous access Start Dopamine Titrate Adrenaline (cold shock) Titrate noradrenaline (warm shock) 60 mins Hydrocortisone if risk of adrenal insufficiency Normal BP cold shock SVC O2 sat < 70% Low BP Cold shock SVC O2 sat < 70% Low BP Warm shock More volume Vasodilator or PDE III inhibitor More volume plus adrenaline More volume plus noradrenaline Consider vasopressin Cardiac output monitoring – direct therapy to Cardiac Index and MAP-CVP ECMO Does goal directed treatment work? Goal directed treatment in sepsis – evidence of benefit Detroit, RCT – 263 adults Randomised on arrival A + E and managed first 6 hours standard vs goal directed Targets for CVP, MAP, UO, SVC sats In hospital mortality 46% standard vs 30% goal directed NNT 4.8 (3 – 11) Rivers E, Nguyen B, Havstad S et al. Early Goal-Directed Therapy in the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock. N Eng J Med 2001; 345:13681377 Goal directed treatment in sepsis – evidence of benefit children 100 consecutive paediatric septic shock (3 different hospitals) patients with PA catheter by 6 hours Goals targeted – CI, SVR Overall 80% 28 day survival. Outcomes improved compared to historical controls Ceneviva G, Paschall JA, Maffei F, Carcillo J. Hemodynamic support in fluid refractory pediatric septic shock. Pediatrics 1998; 102:e19. Ceneviva G et al – survival less likely in low cardiac output group 100% 90% 28 day survival 80% 70% 60% 50% Low CI High CI, low SVR CI and SVR abnormal Early management influences outcome 9 year retrospective cohort 91 children septic shock Audited against ‘standard’ ACCM septic shock management guidelines Han YY, Carcillo JA, Dragotta MA, et al. Early Reversal of Pediatric-Neonatal Septic Shock by Community Physicians Is Associated With Improved Outcome. Pediatrics 2003;112 793-799. Case control study of fatal vs. non-fatal meningococcal disease 1997-1999 145 cases; 355 controls Factors associated with death Not under care of paediatrician Failure of supervision by a consultant Failure in administration of inotropes Ninis N, Phillips C, Bailey L et al. The role of healthcare delivery in the outcome of meningococcal disease in children: case-control study of fatal and non-fatal cases. BMJ 2005;330:1475 Practical advice – septic shock Volume paramount following basic ABC Give 20ml/kg saline or albumin 4.5%, reassess, repeat as often as needed. If no response to 40ml/kg in first hour, prepare to intubate and ventilate, start dopamine 10mcg/kg/min (centrally if possible) Refer PICU Practical advice No response to dopamine – start adrenaline at 0.1mcg/kg/min centrally If low diastolic and bounding peripheries start noradrenaline – echo may help if available Keep giving fluid boluses Haemodilution and clotting factor depletion will occur – have blood, FFP, cryoprecipitate available