Ageing and Endings Cycle A LECTURE SPINAL CORD Gross Anatomy of the Spinal Cord The spinal cord is a cylindrical structure that occupies the vertebral canal of the vertebral column. It is 42- 45 cms long and extends from the base of the skull to approximately the level of the L1/2 intervertebral disc (it may be one vertebral level higher or lower). Attaching along the sides of the cord are a series of fibre bundles known as the dorsal and ventral roots of the spinal nerves. The dorsal and ventral roots of the spinal nerves attach along the dorsal and ventral surfaces respectively of each side of the cord. Dorsal is sensory and ventral are motor neurons. The dorsal and ventral roots join together in a segmental way to form 31 pairs of spinal nerves. The spinal nerves emerge from the vertebral canal on each side through the intervertebral foramina, between each pair of vertebrae. In general spinal nerves are named according the level where they exit the vertebral canal. There are 8 cervical nerves (C1-8) – but only 7 cervical vertebra as one begins between the first and the skull and the last between C7 and T1. Below this all the nerves emerge below the corresponding vertebra. 12 thoracic nerves (T1-12), 5 lumbar nerves (L1-5), 5 sacral nerves (S1-5) and I coccygeal nerve. The spinal nerves divide the spinal cord into segments, a spinal segment being defined as the area of the spinal cord that gives rise to one spinal nerve. Because the spinal cord is shorter than the vertebral column, the spinal segments, particularly the lower ones, do not lie opposite their corresponding vertebra. The spinal cord tapers to a conical-shaped ending called the conus medullaris (at the level of the L1/2 disc), below which the vertebral canal is filled with the rootlets of the spinal nerves that will exit the vertebral canal below L2. These rootlets are collectively known as the cauda equina. (horses tail) The diameter of the spinal cord is not uniform – it is greater in those regions which give rise to the nerves that supply the limbs and is therefore described as having a cervical enlargement (segments C5-T1) and a lumbosacral enlargement (L3-S3) for the upper and lower limbs respectively. Meninges The spinal cord and nerve roots (not the spinal nerves themselves) are covered by 3 layers of meninges: (i) the pia mater (innermost), which adheres to the surface of the cord & nerve roots, (ii) the arachnoid mater and (iii) the dura mater (outermost). The arachnoid lines the inner surface of the dura meter and they are often collectively referred to as the dural sheath. The subarachnoid space lies between the arachnoid and the pia mater and is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. In the vertebral canal (unlike the skull) the dura mater is separated from the surrounding bone by an epidural space, which is filled with fat and blood vessels. The Internal Structure of the Spinal Cord The spinal cord is formed by a core of central core of grey matter (cell bodies), surrounded by white matter (that is made up of the axons of nerves passing towards or away from the brain or between different levels of the cord). The core of grey matter is H-shaped in cross-section. It consists of a dorsal and a ventral horn on each side, the grey matter between them forming the intermediate zone. The ventral horn is formed primarily by the cell bodies of motor neurons, whose axons pass out of the spinal cord to form the ventral roots of spinal nerves. The dorsal horns are concerned primarily with the processing of sensory information. The cells of the dorsal horn relay sensory information from incoming primary sensory neurons to other parts of the spinal cord or brain. Primary sensory neurons are specialised in shape, with their cell bodies being located outside the spinal cord in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG’s). They each have a peripheral process carrying information to the cell body from peripheral receptors and a central process that carries information from the cell body to the spinal cord via the dorsal root. (Note: there is NO synapse in the DRG). The dorsal and ventral roots unite on each side to form the spinal nerves, with each nerve containing both primary sensory and motor fibres. Within the spinal grey matter, cells with similar connections functions tend to cluster together into groups called nuclei. Similarly, in the spinal white matter fibres with similar connections and function group together forming tracts. These tracts may be ascending (carrying sensory information towards the brain) or descending (carrying signals from the brain to the spinal nuclei). The major ascending (sensory) tracts are the: i. spinothalamic tract – transmits pain and temperature information from the spinal cord to the thalamus of the forebrain and ii. dorsal columns - transmit tactile (touch) and proprioceptive (from joints and muscles) information to the brainstem. The major descending (motor) tract is the corticospinal tract, which transmits information from the cortex of the brain to the spinal motor neurons. These tracts will be covered later in this course or in A & E next year. Spinal Nerve (segmental) Distribution – Dermatomes and Myotomes Each spinal nerve contains both motor and sensory fibres and has a specific area of skin and specific groups of muscle that it supplies. The total area of skin supplied by one spinal nerve is known as a dermatome and is named according to the nerve (spinal segment) that supplies it. The group of muscles supplied by one spinal nerve is known as a myotome, also named according to the nerve that supplies it. The pattern of dermatomes and myotomes is referred to as the segmental distribution and it reflects the embryonic development of the limbs. In the early embryo the dermatomes form parallel bands around the trunk and the myotomes correspond. The upper limbs develop from the region C5-T1 and as they grow away from the trunk they take these dermatomes (skin and sensory nerve fibres) and myotomes (muscle and motor nerve fibres) with them, such that the C4 dermatome is the skin over shoulder, C5 the lateral side of the arm, C6 the lateral side of the forearm and hand, C7 the middle of the hand, C8 the medial side of the forearm and T1 the medial upper arm and axilla. Dermatomes representing adjacent spinal segments (eg. C6 and C7) overlap quite a bit (and this is why you will find some variation in different books) but those of nonadjacent segments do not (eg. C6 and C8 in the forearm). bands around the trunk and the myotomes correspond. The upper limbs develop from the region C5-T1 and as they grow away from the trunk they take these dermatomes (skin and sensory nerve fibres) and myotomes (muscle and motor nerve fibres) with them, such that the C4 dermatome is the skin over shoulder, C5 the lateral side of the arm, C6 the lateral side of the forearm and hand, C7 the middle of the hand, C8 the medial side of the forearm and T1 the medial upper arm and axilla. Dermatomes representing adjacent spinal segments (eg. C6 and C7) overlap quite a bit (and this is why you will find It is not necessary to memorise the segmental innervation of each individual some variation books) nonadjacent segments do notof(eg. C6 and C8 in the muscle. Rather,ina different few simple rulesbut willthose helpof you to remember the pattern forearm). innervation to the limbs: segmental 1. Most muscles are supplied by more than one spinal segment or It is notalthough necessary to memorise segmentalininnervation of each individual muscle. Rather, a few nerve, there are somethe exceptions the upper limb. simple 2. rules will help you remember the pattern of segmental to the limbs: Muscles thattoshare a common primary action on innervation a joint are all 1. Most muscles are supplied by more than one spinal segment or nerve, although there are some supplied by the same spinal segments exceptions in the opponents, upper limb.sharing the opposite action, are likewise all 3. Their 2. Muscles thatsame share segments a commonand primary on a usually joint arerun all in supplied by the same spinal segment supplied by the theseaction segments numerical 3. Their opponents, sharing the opposite action, are likewise all supplied by the same segments and sequence. these run in in numerical 4. segments Jointsusually more distal the limbsequence. are supplied by lower segments of 4. Joints more distal in the limb are supplied by lower segments of the spinal cord than more proxima the spinal cord than more proximal ones. ones The key movements that you need to remember for the upper limb are: Shoulder: Abduct & laterally rotate C5 Adduct & medially rotate C6, 7, 8 Elbow: Flex C5, 6 Extend C7, 8 Forearm Supinate C6 Pronate C7, 8 Hand intrinsic m’s T1 Knowledge of the segmental pattern of innervation is useful in diagnosing the Knowledge of the pattern of innervation is useful in diagnosing the location (level) of location (level) of segmental lesions to the spinal cord or its nerve roots, eg. in a patient in lesionsthe to the spinal cord orsevered its nerveatroots, eg.level, in a patient in whom thehave spinal cord was severed at the whom spinal cord was the C7 the patient would normal C7 level, the patient would have normal sensation down the lateral side of the upper limb (C5 and C6 sensation down the lateral side of the upper limb (C5 and C6 dermatomes) but dermatomes) but nothe sensation thethe medial of the (C8 and T1This dermatomes). This patient no sensation down medialdown side of limb side (C8 and T1limb dermatomes). would still be able to abduct his arm (C5) and flex the elbow (C5.6) but they patient would still be able to abduct his arm (C5) and flex the elbow (C5.6) would but be unable to exten the elbow or move the fingers (C8, T1). they would(C7,8) be unable to extend the elbow (C7,8) or move the fingers (C8, T1). Once the spinal nerves leave the vertebral canal they rearrange themselves to Once peripheral the spinal nerves vertebral canal they themselves form peripheral nerves form nervesleave eachthe of which includes fibresrearrange from more than onetospinal segment . These nervesfibres will be covered your lecture on the brachial each of which includes from more in than onenext spinal segment . These nerves will be covered in plexus. your next lecture on the brachial plexus. E. Tancred 9/11 Spinal Cord Lecture AEA 2011 P