Guided Notes for PPT #3 Nerve regeneration and Spinal Cord

Guided Notes for PPT #3 Nerve regeneration and Spinal Cord
Can parts of the Brain grow back??_______________________________________________________________
How can STEM cells help?______________________________________________________________________
Can the peripheral Nerves grow back?____________________________________________________________
Only if:___________________________________________________________
Steps to regeneration:
1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
What do spinal nerves control and how are they attached to the spinal cord?
The spinal cord had three main functions:
1. Conduction:_____________________________________________________________________________________
2. Locomotion:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Central pattern generators:__________________________________________________________________
3. Reflexes:____________________________________________________________________________________
Surface Anatomy of the spinal cord:
Segment is:_________________________________________________________________
The spinal cord has long groves on the anterior and posterior sides…fissure and sulcus
Spinal Cord is divided into 5 segments:
2. ______________________________
3. Lumbar_______________________
5. ___________________
The spinal cord tapers to a point below (inferior) to the
lumbar enlargement called the :___________________________
Below this is the __________________________________
The spinal cord is well protected by its Meninges. There are three layers of tissues that enclose the spinal
Same three layers also protect and cover the brain.
Dura Matter:______________________________________________________________________________________
Arachnoid Matter: ________________________________________________________________________________
Pia Matter:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Central Area of Spinal Cord is filled with gray matter shaped like a butterfly and is surrounded by white matter in
three columns.
Gray Matter:____________________________________________________________________________________
White Matter:____________________________________________________________________________________
Gray Matter:
Pointy top posterior horns function to:__________________________________________________
Fatter bottom anterior horns function to:_______________________________________________
Middle “commissure” connects right and left_____________________________________________________________
White Matter:
Surrounds the_________________________________
Consists of ______________________________________that run up and down the cord. This provides _____________
There are three columns of white matter on each side of the cord.
Spina Bifida: Defect where one or more vertebrae fail to enclose the spinal cord.
Facts: ______________________________________________________________________________________
How do Nerve fibers connect to the spinal cord?
There are Ganglion clusters outside the CAN (spinal cord)
Enveloped in a covering continuous with that of the
Nerve and resemble a knot.
Ganglia house the cell bodies of afferent nerves.(sensory). Ganglia are composed mainly of somata and dendritic
structures which are bundled or connected. Ganglia often interconnect with other ganglia to form a complex system of
ganglia known as a plexus. Ganglia provide relay points and intermediary connections between different neurological
structures in the body, such as the peripheral and central nervous systems.
Remember the 5 segments of the spinal cord? Now we will assign Nerve Plexuses (functional regions) to these
The Nerve divides into dorsal and ventral rootlets and these come together within the spinal cord. This spinal nerve has
attachments to other nerves around the spinal cord and vertebrae through communicating RAMI.
See figure 13.11
The five nerve Plexuses are :
Please label and outline the vertebrae that have nerves going to these parts of the body!
These nerves play key roles in your reflexes!
Reflexes are ________________________________________________________________________________
They are automatic responses________________________________________________________
There are four important properties of a reflex: