MESSIAH MESSENGER Published by MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH Phone: 570-326-9171 e-mail address: September 23, 2015 VOL. 73– NO. 38 Youth Ministry at Messiah We are blessed to have a thriving youth ministry at Messiah, and it is due to the efforts of dedicated volunteers that we are able to offer a variety of opportunities for our youth. While we do have a Youth Director on staff to help coordinate these efforts, it would not be possible to achieve our goals without those who serve on the Youth Committee and the countless individuals who work with our youth in many, many ways. The primary function of the Youth Committee is to plan and administer youth events and programs encouraging Christian growth, fellowship and service. Highlights of some of the activities we offer include: Weekly youth group meetings for grades 7-12; annual trips for grades 6-12 to Pittsburgh to attend the Youth Quake each January and Lutheran Youth Day each April; occasional fundraisers such as the apple dumpling sale or calendar sale; Family Fun Nights such as Carpenter’s Farm, a Hawaiian Luau, or a Flashlight Party, or larger scale events such as Rally in the Alley and Family Advent Night (in cooperation with the Christian Education Committee and the Fellowship Committee); opportunities to just have fun together such as bowling, rollerskating, or trips to Knoebel’s or Del Grosso Amusement Park; service opportunities such as working together to package meals for the hungry, purchasing and wrapping white gifts at Christmas, helping out at the Clothing Exchange, or God’s Work/Our Hands; aiding the Christian Education Committee with Vacation Bible School and Kids in Mission events; Second Sunday meals and group time for children in Grades 3-12 and their families; John Bower Basketball League; BYG group trips to Camp Mount Luther, supporting the ministries of Camp Mount Luther, and working in conjunction with Pack 41, the Boy Scout troop we sponsor. Many hands and many talents are needed, and I am continually amazed at the way people step up to help. The committee itself meets only several times a year, but smaller groups and individuals work together through mini meetings or phone/email conversations to plan, organize, and implement the many events. How can you help? We are always looking for new ideas and new experiences to offer our youth! Do you have a passion for youth, or a talent or hobby you would like to share? Are you able to drive for a trip, attend a youth group meeting, or help out at one of these events? There are also many behind the scenes roles as well if you would like to offer support but prefer not to be directly involved. Let us know! We will help you to find the right “fit” for you. Yours in Christ, Kathy Wither, Director of Youth and Family Ministries SERVICE ASSISTANTS USHERS: 8:15 am Paul Larson, Gordon Emick, Brian Bair, Ed Blackburn, Sally Congdon 10:45 am Edna Schooley, Randy Garrett, Gary Hilling, Linda Miller, Don Rosenbaum LAY ASSISTANT: 8:15 Rod O’Brien; 10:45 Jill Lavallee COMMUNION ASSISTANT: 8:15 Rita Strickler; 10:45 Glenn Spoerke ALTAR GUILD: 8:15 Sue Shoemaker; 10:45 Yvonne Kaiser CHIEF COMMUNION USHERS: 8:15 Harry Seltzer; 10:45 Sam Hessert GREETERs and COMMUNION PRESENTERs: 8:15: Tom and Candy Stopper CANTORS: 8:15 Gordie Emick; 10:45 Bob Schweppenheiser ACOLYTE: 8:15 Hailey Stewart (Acolyte); Olivia Welter (Crucifer) 10:45 Payton Hammaker (Acolyte); Ben Byham (Crucifer) FLOWER DELIVERY: Barb Houseknecht The Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Gladys Reigel Batey by her daughters Evelyn, Merry and Penny. The Basket of Flowers is given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Dorothy and Gordon Ritter by their daughter Deborah Leonard and family. The nominees for Congregation Council 2016 are Georgette Copp, David Bausinger, David Wonderlich, Sandra Ream and Alice Morrison. Any voting member may now make Nominations-at-Large. These nominations must contain written assurance that the nominee will serve if elected. Please present these nominations to one of these Nominating Committee members: Rita Strickler, Doris Butt, Cathy Byham, Craig Kropp, Debby Frey. No nominations will be accepted at the annual meeting. Milestone Ministries: Prayer Pillows will be presented to children who are 2 and 3 years old at both worship services this Sunday as they reach the age at which they can attend Sunday School. A session on how to teach children to pray will be offered by Pastor Josh in Shaheen Hall during the Sunday School hour. New Members will be received this Sunday during the Worship Service. A Coffee Hour will be held between services this Sunday to honor the new members we will be receiving as well as the toddlers who will be presented with Prayer Pillows. Confirmation Ministry: The following students (and their mentors) were received into Confirmation Ministry last Sunday: Jacob Blass (Scott Rosenbaum); AJ Brosan (Glenn Spoerke); Jonathan Hess (David Wonderlich, Sr.); Emilee Merrill (Barb Waltz); Lauren Peck (Doris Butt); Hailey Stewart (Cynthia Spoerke). Please join us in praying for these students and their mentors as they explore their faith and journey toward the day on which they will affirm their baptisms. I would like to thank Pastor Reinsburrow for all his visits and prayers and to everyone for all their prayers, cards, visits and the flowers that were delivered while I am recovering at the Loyalsock Rehabilitation Nursing Center from my fall. I am improving with my rehab and hope to be back to church soon. Peace be with you, Carl Fenstermacher Daily Bible Readings Sunday Sept 27 Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29; James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50; Psalm 19:7-14 Monday Sept 28 Psalm 5; Zechariah 6:9-15; 1 Peter 1:3-9 Tuesday Sept 29 Psalm 5; Zechariah 8:18-23; 1 John 2:18-25 Wednesday Sept 30 Psalm 5; Zechariah 10:1-12; Matthew 18:6-9 Thursday Oct 1 Psalm 8; Genesis 20:1-18; Galatians 3:23-29 Friday Oct 2 Psalm 8; Genesis 21:22-34; Romans 8:1-11 Saturday Oct 3 Psalm 8; Genesis 23:1-20; Luke 16:14-18 Calling All Young Singers: Rehearsals for children’s choirs begin on Thursday, October 1. Cherub Choir, boys and girls age 4 through grade 2, will rehearse from 4:30-5:00 pm in the choir room; Chapel Singers, boys and girls in grades 3-6, will rehearse from 5:00-5:30 pm in the choir room. All are welcome. Hope for Healing and Recovery: A Service of Prayer. A prayer service in support of those affected by drug addiction will be held on Sunday, September 27, at 2:00 p.m. in the Tower Chapel at Susquehanna Health Regional Medical Center, 700 High Street. The Rev. Andy France, chair of the Faith-based Initiative, along with other local clergy, will offer prayers on behalf of first responders, healthcare providers, families coping with loved ones with addictions and those in recovery. Harvest Home and Blanket Sunday On Sunday, October 4, 2015, worshippers will be invited to bring forward their gifts of canned goods, boxes of pasta, or monetary offerings for the hungry during the singing of the Hymn of Praise. Decorating for Harvest Home will take place on Saturday, October 3 at 2 p.m. Volunteers are always needed. Call Meg Harbaugh at 570-322-6445 if you can help. Donations of fresh produce (pumpkins, potatoes, apples, squash, etc.), cornstalks and gourds to use in decorating are very much needed. These perishable items may be dropped off at the Bald Eagle Alley entrance any time Thursday-Friday, October 1-2 between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. or after 10 am on Saturday, October 3. Where does the food go? All perishable gifts of food received will be shared with the St. Anthony Center and the canned goods will stock our own food pantry and help to supply the Christmas baskets. Monetary gifts in lieu of in-kind gifts may be placed in plain envelopes marked “Harvest Home.” Checks should be made payable to “Messiah Lutheran Church” and be sure to include your envelope number if you would like your offering recorded. Blanket Sunday: Donated blankets and quilts will be distributed by Lutheran World Relief. Please place clean blankets or quilts in the gray bin located in the elevator entrance no later than October 4. Monetary gifts may be placed in an envelope on which you mark “Blankets.” Checks should be made payable to “Messiah Lutheran Church.” These monetary gifts also will be received during the singing of the Hymn of Praise. Messiah's Women of the ELCA will meet in Shaheen Hall on Wednesday, October 7, at 7:00 p.m. to "Carve Halloween Pumpkins." It has been fun in other years--see the bulletin board for last year's "carvings." There will be a brief business meeting; devotions by Marge Wonderlich; refreshments by Bobbie Bower and Barb Houseknecht. Bring a hollowed-out pumpkin and a "Pumpkin Carving Set." Everything else will be provided. Cub Scout Pack 41 will be marching in the Mummers Parade, October 17. A box for donations of candy to be distributed during the parade has been placed in the alley entrance. Your donations would be appreciated. Lutheran Shared Ministry's SCHOOL OF RELIGION Wednesdays in October from 1:30-3:30 p.m. October 7 - October 14 - October 21 - October 28 St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 142 Market Street, Williamsport There is no cost, but you must pre-register by October 4 by calling St. Mark's office at (570) 323-4619. Further details were published in the September 22 issue of the Messenger, or can be found online at United Churches Fundraiser at Hoss’s: Eat at Hoss’s on Sunday, September 27, and 20% of your total bill will be donated to United Churches. If a lot of people go and there is $1,200 in sales, Hoss’s will donate 25%! Vouchers will be available on the ushers’ desk. Fundraiser for Family Promise at Eder’s Ice Cream: Saturday, September 26. $1.00 from every baby cone or dish sold that day will be donated to Family Promise! Get Your Ice Cream On! Save the Date - Trivia Night: Food, Fun, and Fellowship - Saturday, October 24, 2015 Apple Dumplings will be on sale beginning September 28! The youth will again hold their Apple Dumpling Fundraiser to offset the cost of attending the Youth Quake. Youth will begin taking orders on Monday, September 28 and throughout the month of October. The dumplings are available baked or unbaked, and regular or sugar-free for a cost of $3.00 each. All orders must be pre-paid by November 1. Apple Dumplings will be available for pick-up on Saturday, November 7 and Sunday, November 8. Watch for more details! YOUTH NEWS September/October Youth Group Activities – Grades 7-12 Weekly Youth Group Nights Grades 7-12 Sundays 5:30-7:30 p.m. September 27 October 4 October 18 October 25 Youth Quake 2016! – Grades 6-12: January 29-31, Pittsburgh, PA If you would like to attend the Youth Quake but did not receive an information letter, please contact the church office. Cost is $144 per person if you turn in your paperwork to the office by November 16. An INFO MEETING will be held on Sunday, September 27, 4:30 p.m. for all those interested in going on the trip. A parent should accompany you to the meeting. We will also discuss our Apple Dumpling Sale and pass out order forms that evening. The John Bower Sunday School Basketball League is starting up again! The season runs from December through February for players from Kindergarten through grade 12. According to the rules of the league, players must have regular attendance at either Sunday School or worship as attested by the pastor to be eligible to play. Applications are available on the alley bulletin board or on the church web site. Children are encouraged to sign up at the alley bulletin board. If we do not have enough players to field a team in a specific age bracket, players will have the option to be placed on a team with another church in coordination with the league and with the approval of Messiah’s coaches. In accordance with league rules, players may play on a team with another church only if Messiah does not have enough players in their age bracket to field a team.. Coaches are needed for all levels. If you are able to coach or assist this year, please contact Kathy Wither at the church office. All coaches will be required by PA State Law to obtain the necessary clearances. The church will cover the cost of the clearances. “BYG” News Building Youth Groups - Grades 3-6 Saturday, October 31 - BYG Fall Retreat Day Trip to Camp Mount Luther Team-building Games Reflection on God’s Word Nature and Recreational Activities Fun! Registration Deadline: Sunday, October 18 $15 per person; cost will be waived in the case of need Registration forms are available on the alley bulletin board or on our web site at ** We will be home in plenty of time for trick or treating! Family Fun Night - Saturday, October 10 Hayride and Corn Maze at Carpenter’s Farm in Linden Meet at the church at 4:30 p.m. to caravan to the site. Find your way through the corn maze, go on a hayride, and pick out your own pumpkin, all for $6 per person. Following the hayride, we will gather together for a cookout while we enjoy a time of fellowship, hot dogs on the grill, and some traditional fall treats. Please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board. Hope to see you there! Weekly Calendar of Events Sunday, September 20 8:15 am Holy Communion 9:30 am Sunday Church School 9:30 am New Members Class 10:45 am Holy Communion 1:00 pm Synod Day Knoebels Monday, September 21 10:00 am SC Peppi 12:30 pm SC Square Dancing 6:15 pm Cub Scouts 6:30 pm Finance Committee 6:30 pm Youth Committee Tuesday, September 22 1:00 pm SC Bingo 4:00 pm Morningstar Choir Wednesday, September 23 10:00 am SC Peppi 11:30 am SC Bible Study Thursday, September 24 SC Cards all day 6:30 pm Celebration Ringers 7:30 pm Sanctuary Choir 7:30 pm Alanon Friday, September 25 9:00 am SC Craft Group 10:00 am SC Peppi Weekly Calendar of Events Sunday, September 27 8:15 am Holy Communion 9:30 am Sunday Church School 9:30 am Coffee Hour 9:30 am Prayer Pillow Session 10:45 am Holy Communion 4:30 pm Youth Quake Information 5:30 pm Youth Group Monday, September 28 10:00 am SC Peppi 12:30 pm SC Square Dancing 6:00 pm Boy Scouts 6:15 pm Cub Scouts 6:30 pm Christian Ed. Committee 7:00 pm Property Committee 7:30 pm Stewardship Committee Tuesday, September 29 1:00 pm SC Bingo 4:00 pm Morningstar Choir Wednesday, September 30 10:00 am SC Peppi 11:30 am SC Bible Study Thursday, October 1 SC Cards all day 10:00 am Knitters for Neighbors 4:30 pm Cherub Choir 5:00 pm Chapel Singers 6:30 pm Celebration Ringers 7:30 pm Sanctuary Choir 7:30 pm Alanon Friday, October 2 9:00 am SC Craft Group 10:00 am SC Peppi Saturday, October 3 8:00 am Synod Workshop