
Eliminate Beaurocracy through Technology.
How much can be done online for:
a. Measuring the Will of the People
i. Netflix, Tivo, Amazon, Online Dating
ii. Intrade Markets
b. Education Complex
i. Home schooling
ii. MIT’s
iii. Online Education
iv. Forums
c. Health Care
i. Insurance Companies
ii. Webmd.com
iii. Health Care Delivery
iv. iVilliage
d. Infortainment Media
e. Crime/Cybercrime/Homeland Defense/Cyberwarfare
We do Education Complex
 State ideas
 Anything that is better than what exists is acceptable
 Evaluate how to go about changing education into an internet kind of deal.
2 page; feasibility,
Education has taken many forms. The internet is an upcoming champion in this effort to improve the knowledge
of the general public. Education is considered in the form of grade-school education, how to [blank], job training, blogs
for specific information. And the list continues.
Some talk about converting schools such as elementary schools from education centers for class work to
exercise centers for sports and socializing for the students zones to the school. This would allow home schooling for
traditional classes such as English, history, math, science and art maybe even a second language. We have examples of
home schooling for such classes through tutors physically coming to a prospective student’s home. During these sessions
the tutor would give instructions and view the work that the student has done and assist to improve upon the student’s
skills. The tutor would be paid a fee for the service provided and assign homework for the student. The tutor would
spend an hour or two with the student once or twice a week. Stories have been shared that this is more efficient than
going to school on weekdays for 6 hours where teachers would teach for less than an hour on average. And with this,
our group has come up with this;
Convert schools to socializing event holders (space for rent), sports for home-schooled students. Essentially
schools become rec centers for rent / public use. Rec Centers for Rent for people not zones for that school, and that is a
source of income for the school. Teachers that are good with children can still run the rec centers and such. Teach social
skills to the children that show up. Teachers of schools would be the tutors of children in areas as well as graduate
students from colleges nearby to set up work-study programs for those college students. The home schooled children
would have to learn manners from their parents.
On the internet a whole new web site will be made. The idea; to put all educational videos into one site. More
than likely more than 5 sites to handle all the traffic. Educational videos would be categorized by subject matter. Various
ways to organize would be alphabetical, numerical course code (such as how college classes are shown), subject matter.
One website for each subject matter; English, History, Art, Math, Science. Each subject matter would be split into sub
categories. Namely, Math will have algebra, trig, calc, multi variable, diff eq. as well as the many lower grade subjects.
Science will be split into bio, chem, physics, astronomy and earth science. Text books can be converted to pdf files to be
either paid to use or free. [Much like ARIS for CHEM] Thus reducing paper use and supporting the environment.
Websites will have videos on tutorials for each subject matter and the subcategories and their subdivisions.
Websites will also support web-cam capabilities with professors/teachers to have questions asked. The websites will
also support blogs to answer questions posted. Links to Wikipedia and other engines that provide many answers will be
provided on relevant pages. The whole idea to this is to put all relevant information together such that it is easily
accessible to everyone without much effort.
Just like the web-dating software, based on performance, subjects searched and looked into, profession choices
will be presented as well as internships and jobs will be presented to the website visitor with a history. This will expose
visitors to experiences that would generally appeal to their senses. The issue of self-learning as far as students’
inability to understand something can be addressed by creating a data base of problems and solutions. The basic idea
would be that if a student was having difficulty with a concept or problem it would direct the student to other
students answers or definitions. Moderators could be contacted in cases where there is no existing solution and the
solution would then be added to the database.
This is all achievable now, just need people to dedicate months of work to get every bit of information to a
couple sites and obey the current copyright laws and such. However, the problem arises as to how one would be
assessed for moving onto higher education that is not necessarily plausible to be done completely online.
Assessments, if done online, would have to be designed around the ability to obtain the answer or be timed so as not
to provide the time to cheat. This would provide accurate assessment for students to move on to higher education.
a. Education Complex
i. Home schooling
ii. MIT’s
iii. Online Education
iv. Forums
Transition: Class Room to Place of Residence
a. Access to working computer
i. Reliable internet
ii. Programs for course
b. Create a website hub for this resource
i. Teachers make tutorials/video on the topic/lesson
a. Possibility to lose teachers due to this
2. Thorough and clear as well as concise
3. Webcam conferences every so often with a “class”
c. New software to make additional money
i. Insurance, copy right, etc
ii. Regulation
iii. Mistake regulation
iv. Speech recognition for English/language course
d. Licensing, Official, Recognition, etc. [Recognized Degree]
e. Interface to talk/contact the teacher in video
i. Possibly MEET teacher in video
Software, tracks performance
i. Checking system to solutions given
ii. Test and Quiz grades
iii. Class-work
iv. Homework
g. Method to have young children use their hands to physically write rather than type always.
h. Possibility to schedule a meeting with a tutor nearby for hands on instructions.
i. Promote proper penmanship.
i. Encourage student(s) to visit websites with factual information that has been tested and are still found
to be true.
i. Wolfram
ii. Certain Wiki articles
iii. First hand sources
j. Networks to promote social interaction between children of same classes
i. To socialize
ii. Learn together
iii. Play sports
iv. Group activities (labs, presentations)
k. Put literature and textbooks online
i. Pay for access to site (Convert book manufacturers to online purposes)
a. More “one on one” time.
b. Less interruptions due to poor mannered children
c. Children learn to pace and work
d. Teachers have more time to teach
e. Class is when you are ready
f. Likely hood of teacher being injured on the job is significantly lowered
g. Less wasted paper
h. Harder to spread viruses and such
a. Less socializing in general[Assignment to hangout with kids in same courses from same area]
b. Regulation?
c. Any new laws?
d. Standardized testing, what now? (“Open Net”, timed, )
e. Need software and websites to be created
f. Requires a tutor within area
g. Electric bill is increased
h. Lower immunization strength due to less frequent random illnesses due to other children
i. Eye damage due to excessive computer use
j. How to prevent hacking in (and the likes)
k. Organization, easily accessible but lots of info.
l. Can we involve Porn? Seriously.
Place age groups.
Incentive/Motivation to do the work and attain knowledge.
a. Challenges to make it worth while
b. Attach meaning to the work or don‘t do it at all
c. Software to held assist with what classes you do well in to decide what courses to choose next.
Forcing Attendance
- Truancy laws are a big part of our system, how can they be replicated on a computer ?
- Education is needed and some people might not be motivated by computer learning
- Computers require some self-motivation and some people lack that, are they to suffer?
Everyone Has A Computer?
-People without computers will be at a disadvantage
- Will the government mandate computers and thus mandate curriculum?
- Without government intervention a rich->richer poor->poorer situation occurs.
Fact Checking
- Many issues have multiple sides and questions can have different answers
- Who decides what is right and wrong? Who checks the facts?
- Open source can lead to an overload of opinion and views
- A government can lead to too strict controls on curriculum
- Response Bias steps in here, meaning those with strong opinions will most naturally want to get their
views out there which could unfairly represent the popularity of views
Employer Woes
- How does an employer know if an employee is actually qualified?
-Can an internet education compete with a high school education?
- Will a government have to come in and hand out degrees to people that pass aptitude tests and have
done online course work?
- Will companies have to take the lead and decide to accept people whom were educated over the
- The credibility issue is very hard to overcome on open source unless general aptitude tests are offered.
Tether Constellation
Blame Avoidance
Law of No Space; [ideal = limit you want to approach]
-Ideal machine has no moving parts.
-Ideal corporation has no product. (Insurance, credit card, finance)
-Ideal worker does nothing
-ideal programmer writes no code
-Ideal company has no employees. (Joint Venture)
-ideal price on internet, free
-Ideal interaction takes 0 time
-Ideal distance for information to travel is 0
-Ideal surgery requires no incision
-ideal university has no staff, admin, students.
Most efficient way to learn is to play.
-Ideal university teaches nothing.
-Ideal world, there is no profit.
2 page strategy/argument saying this is going to work.