System Safety Risk Management: An Autonomous UAV Example from a Course on Safety By Design and Flight Certification Dr. Daniel P. Schrage Professor and Director, CASA and CERT School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0150 Presentation Outline Overview of Georgia Tech graduate program in Aerospace Systems Design Brief description of the Safety By Design and Flight Certification Course Example from Safety Course for an Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) – The GTMAX Georgia Tech Practice-Oriented M.S. Program in Aerospace Systems Design Semester I Semester II Summer IPPD Methods/Techniques Integrated Product/Process Development Disciplinary Courses Applied Systems Design Design II Modern Design Methods I Propulsion Systems Design Applied Systems Design Design IIII Modern Design Methods II Product Life Cycle Management IPPD Tools/Infrastructure Mathematics (2 Required) Legend: Core Classes Special Project Safety By Design Design Seminars Internships Other Electives Elective Classes Safety By Design and Flight Certification Course First taught in 1998 as a project oriented course to orient students on the role of safety by design and flight certification in the design iteration process Course builds on the Integrated Product/Process Development (IPPD) through Robust Design Simulation (RDS) environment created in the Georgia Tech Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL) Course taught in the summer semester to allow students to analyze the designs they developed during the fall and spring semesters (Fixed Wing,V/STOL Rotorcraft, Space, and Missiles) Course has been continuously improved each year to address more of the issues in moving to a risk based managed process Course has sought to incorporate user friendly tools for System Reliability Prediction, FTA, FMEA and Markov Analysis Emphasis on the course taught this summer was on the interaction of Hardware, Software, and Liveware (Human) reliabilities & partnerships with industry and government Course Projects for Summer 2002 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft – in conjunction with Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation The ICBM Peacekeeper as a Commercial Launch Vehicle – in conjunction with the FAA Space Systems Development Division A VTOL Personal Air Vehicle (PAV) – in conjunction with the NASA PAV Evaluation program *An Autonomous UAV: GTMAX – in conjunction with the DARPA Software Enabled Control (SEC) program and the GT Entry in the International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC) * Example to be illustrated Development of a Certification Plan (ARP 4754:Cert Considerations For Highly-Integ or Complex Aircraft Systems) Each Plan should include: A functional and operational description of the system and the aircraft on which the system will be installed A statement of the relationship of this certification plan to any other relevant system certification plans A summary of the functional hazard assessment (aircraft hazards, failure conditions, and classification) A summary of the preliminary system safety assessment (system safety objectives & preliminary system development assurance levels) A description of any novel or unique design features that are planned to be used in meeting the safety objectives A description of the new technologies or new technology applications to be implemented The system certification basis including any special conditions The proposed methods of showing compliance with the certification basis A list of the data to be submitted and the data to be retained under configuration control, along with a description or sample of data formats The approximate sequence and schedule for certification events The Overall GT Safety By Design Approach DO-178B/160D DO-178B Aircraft/Spacecraft FHA/FTA RELIABILITY PREDICTION System FHA/FTA FHA/FTA AIRCRAFT/SPACECRAFT AIRCRAFT/SPACECRAFT SYSTEM DESIGN DESIGN SYSTEM ARP 4754 ARP 4761 Safety Goals SAFETY PREDICTION ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES Technology Insert. TIF/TIES ? Other PSSA Methods CRITICALITY MATRIX SYSTEM RELIABILITY (PRISM) PREDICTION PROGRAMS RELIABILITY SIMULATION MARKOV ANALYSIS (MEADEPS) PROBABILISTIC ASSESSMENT (CRYSTAL BALL) NO APPLY SATISFIED? YES SBD Process Overview Concept Development Preliminary Design Aircraft FHA System FHA •Functions •Hazards •Effects •Classifications •Functions •Hazards •Effects •Classifications Detailed Design Design Validation & Verification PSSA Aircraft FTA •Qualitative •System Budgets •Intersystem Dependencies System FTA •Qualitative •Subsystem Budgets SSA System FTAs System FMEAs FMES •Qualitative •Failure Rates DD MA Particular Risk Analysis CCA Common Mode Analysis Zonal Safety Analysis GTMax Preliminary Safety Assessment and Certification Plan Han Gil Chae Adeel Khalid Kayin Cannon Colin Pouchet Henrik B. Christophersen Overview Introduction General facts about GTMax GTMax Certification General Information of UAV Certification Analysis for particular system Human Errors Proposed system improvement Proposed Certification plan Conclusions Introduction System Description System Requirements GTMax : Development Originally developed for aerial pest control Modified for DARPA SEC Program and for Aerial Robotics Test bed for Manned Vehicle Electronic System Software Enabled Control (SEC) The objective of SEC is to co-develop advanced real-time control system algorithms and the software services and infrastructure necessary to implement them on distributed embedded processors in a robust and verifiable way Dr. John Bay DARPA/IXO DARPA SEC Participants Open Control Platform (OCP) Developers: -Georgia Tech - Boeing Phantom Works - UC Berkeley -Honeywell Technology Labs SEC Technology Developers (Active State Modelers, On Line Control Customization,Coordinated Multi-Modal Control, High Confidence Software Control Systems): -Georgia Tech - UC Berkeley - Rockwell Collins - Cornell - MIT - Northrop Grumman Corp - Cal Tech - Draper Labs - Honeywell Labs - U of Min - Vanderbilt - OGI - Stanford University Led Experiments (Rotary Wing): Georgia Tech Industry Led Experiments (Fixed Wing): Boeing Phantom Works The Georgia Tech GTMAX : A Truly Modular Open System Testbed The Georgia Tech GTMAX consists of The Yamaha RMAX Remotely Piloted Helicopter: a rugged, proven air vehicle which is becoming the vehicle testbed choice for VTOL UAV autonomous vehicle research The Georgia Tech Modular Avionics Package: built for reconfigurability, growth and easy upgrade The Boeing - Georgia Tech OCP: a Real Time CORBA based open system software architecture As a system the GTMAX provides an excellent resource for the UAV community for developing and evaluating UAV technologies, both hardware and software, as well as Home Security Experiments GTMAX : Vehicle Specifications (mm) Performance Weight Engine Gross Weight Gasoline Fuel 2-Cylinder : 6L: (1.6 204.6gal) lb Water EmptyCooled Endurance Weight : 60:min 127.6 lb Payloadoutput : :21Hp Power 66 lb 1800 1080 3115 720 3630 GT Research UAV: GTMAX GEORGIA TECH GPS GPS Reference Georgia Tech Onboard Avionics Boeing-GT OCP Data Link I Ethernet Data Link II YAMAHA Yamaha Attitude Control System (YACS) Data Link II Ground Computer(s) And Network Ground Control Station 3x RS-232 Serial Actuators Data Link I RC Receiver On-board Avionics RC Transmitter Safety Pilot Onboard Avionics Hardware Architecture Magnetometer Sonar Altimeter Radar Altimeter IMU Power Dist ServoInterface Computer #1 D-GPS Computer #2 Wireless Serial Ethernet Hub Wireless Ethernet Ext Power Video Camera, Radar and Possibly Lidar to be installed this summer Serial Data Ethernet Power GTMAX Avionics HW Integration GTMAX hardware is packaged into exchangeable modules: Flight Computer Module GPS Module Data Link Module IMU/Radar Module Unused Module (Growth) Sonar/Magnetometer Assemblies Power Distribution System Each module has selfcontained power regulation and EMI shielding Shock-mounted main module rack GTMAX Hardware Integration Power System On-board generator outputs 12V DC, 10 A Power source hotswappable between onboard and external Each module is powered via individual circuit breakers Interfacing and Wiring Interface Types: RS-232 Serial, Ethernet, 12V DC All interfaces on module back-sides Aviation-quality wiring harness Open Control Platform Motivation Limitations of State-of-the-Art Complex Control Systems: • Tightly coupled • Difficult to adapt or evolve • Complex, inflexible data interchange • Computationally limited • Closed, proprietary systems Desired Capabilities: • Adaptibility and dynamic reconfigurability • Plug-and-play extensibility, component interchangeability • Real-time quality of service • Interoperability, distributed communication • Openness Boeing-GIT Baseline Open Control Platform (OCP) Software Implementation on the GTMAX GPS Controls API Input Port Sensors Serial Interface IMU Controls API Output Port Magnetometer sonar Vehicle Serial Interface timeout_in RMAX Attitude sensors receiver commands I/O Component 100 Hz Timer Vehicle Health DataLink Interface Ethernet “Serial” Port Serial port NavData_out ControlData_out 1 Hz & 10 Hz 1 Hz & 10 Hz 50 Hz Ethernet “Serial” Port Serial port 100 Hz ControlData_in NavData_in Navigation Module Component NavControl_in 50 Hz NavControl_out Controller Component Actuator Serial Interface 50 Hz RMAX Actuator demultiplexer Input datalink ports read @ 100 Hz m0 written at 10 Hz m1 written at 1 Hz Mission Intelligence Flow for GT Research Situation Awareness Mission Planning Obstacle/Target Tracking Mode Selection Mode Switching Obstacle/Target Identification Obstacle/Target Detection Flight Control System UAV Sensors Sensor Fusion Fault Tolerant Control Yes Emergency ? No Diagnostics Continue Mission GTMax : Aerial Robotics Mission & SEC Scenario 15 min T/O (manually) Fly Autonomously 3Km Get Information from the Inside Identify Structure No Need to Return after the Mission GTMax Certification Certification Basis Analysis (Functional, FHA, PSSA) Human Errors Strategy for achieving compliance Sequence of certification events FAA Certification Design Type Design Approval Type Certificate Production Operation Quality Assurance Approval Type Design Conformity Production Certificate Airworthiness Certificate Defect found in operation Continued Airworthiness Certification Basis No Certification Basis for UAVs System Design/Analysis - AC 25.1309-1A Safety Assessment - SAE APR4761 Rotorcraft - FAR 27 Suggested Regulations Certification basis? Presently no certification basis for unmanned aircraft. Unmanned vs. manned aircraft: Increased reliance on electronic flight control systems in unmanned aircraft Safety = threat to persons and property outside aircraft Flight over populated areas vs. isolated areas Ground Control System Suggested Regulations Flight crewmember(s) on the ground Safety equipment for occupants not required Impact protection for occupants Safety belts Oxygen Warning lights Flight Control System Certification Ground Control System Certification Categories of unmanned aircraft Certification basis Amended FARs FAR Part 1: Definitions and Abbreviations FAR Part 21: Certification Procedures for Products and Parts FAR Part 27: Airworthiness Standards: Normal Category Rotorcraft FAR Part 33: Airworthiness Standards: Aircraft Engines FAR Part XX: Airworthiness Standards: Electronic Flight Control Systems for Unmanned Aircraft FAR Part XX: Airworthiness Standards: Ground Control Systems for Unmanned Aircraft Functional Analysis Top Level 1.0 Manage Organization AND AND 5.0 2.0 3.0 Maintain Equipment Receive Mission Assignment NO GO Execute Mission (UAV) 4.0 GO Prepare for mission AND AND 6.0 Execute Mission (GCS) Functional Analysis 1.0 Manage Organization AND AND 5.0 2.0 3.0 Maintain Equipment Receive Mission Assignment NO GO Execute Mission (UAV) 4.0 GO Prepare for mission AND AND 6.0 Execute Mission (GCS) Manage Organization Manage Operation Manage Personnel Manage finances Manage sales/marketing Manage supporting equipment/facilities Maintain Equipment Maintain mission vehicle(s) Maintain Ground Station Equipment Maintain Supporting Equipment Functional Analysis 1.0 Manage Organization AND AND 5.0 2.0 3.0 Maintain Equipment Receive Mission Assignment NO GO Execute Mission (UAV) 4.0 GO Prepare for mission Receive Mission Assignment AND AND 6.0 Execute Mission (GCS) Ref. 2.0 Maintain Equipment 3.1 Receive Mission Description 3.2 3.3 Study map of route Make preliminary flight plan AND AND 3.4 Checkweather 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Investigate regulatory issues Request additional information from customer Evaluate Mission Negotiate rate with customer NO GO NO GO Ref. 2.0 Maintain Equipment GO Ref. 4.0 Prepare for mission. Functional Analysis 1.0 Manage Organization AND AND 5.0 2.0 3.0 Maintain Equipment Receive Mission Assignment NO GO Execute Mission (UAV) 4.0 GO Prepare for mission AND Prepare for mission AND 6.0 Execute Mission (GCS) Verify readiness of UAV Create flight plan File NOTAM Verify that all necessary equipment is loaded and ready Obtain/sign release form Depart for launch site Functional Analysis 1.0 Manage Organization AND AND 5.0 2.0 3.0 Maintain Equipment Receive Mission Assignment NO GO Start executing mission Execute Mission (UAV) 4.0 GO Prepare for mission AND Execute Mission (UAV) AND 6.0 Execute Mission (GCS) 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Arrive at launch site Prepare UAV Preflight UAV Take off and climb Cruise 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 Search for target Locate target Search for portals Find open portal(s) Prepare for subvehicle launch 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 Deploy subvehicle Hover in relay position Cruise (return) Descend and land Finished Executing Mission Functional Analysis 1.0 Manage Organization AND 2.0 3.0 Maintain Equipment Receive Mission Assignment 4.0 GO Prepare for mission Execute Mission (GCS) AND 5.0 Execute Mission (UAV) AND AND 6.0 Execute Mission (GCS) NO GO 6.3 Start executing mission (GCS) Simulate mission in GCS 6.1 6.2 Arrive at launch site Prepare GCS for launch 6.5 AND Establish communication link with UAV AND 6.4 Brief crew 6.6 Upload software/flight plan to UAV 6.7 Perform BIT 6.9 GO Prepare for take off NO GO 6.3 5.8 5.9 Perform manual take off Activate flight plan (autonomous flight) Monitor UAV during mission execution OR OR OR OR 6.4 5.9 Perform autonomous take off Control UAV (high-level commands) 6.8 Troubleshoot and repair ABORT MISSION 6.3 6.3 6.3 Land UAV upon return to Launch site Download data from UAV as needed Shut down GCS Prepare for next flight Finished Executing Mission (GCS) FHA & FTA : Flight Control as Critical System Safety Subsystem Control System (Collective) Mechanical System Electronic System A1.1 Generate Rotor Force Loss of Lift Force of Rotor a. Loss of Rotor structure Catastropic b. Loss of Aerodynamic Forces Take off Causes whole aircraft failure and crash. May cause severe damage of people on the ground Need aircraft to land back imediately c. Loss of Aerodynamic Forces Causes loss of control capability Major May cause severe crash. Depends on Hazardous FHA & FTA : All Mechanical System Cruise d. Loss of Aerodynamic Forces Landing A1.2 A1.1 A1.3 Generate Power Loss of engine operation More likely Loss ofheight. Collective Pitchthan T/O phase. All Needcapability aircraft to land back as soon as Control Function Failure Condition Phase a. Loss of engine structure Generate Rotor Force Loss of of Liftinlet Force b. Loss air of Rotor c. Fuel system failure a. structure All d. Loss Loss of of Rotor electricity e. Exhaust system failure Loss of Actuator Capability f. Cooling system failure b. Loss of Aerodynamic Forces Take off g. Lubrication failure Transmit Power Loss of Transmission capability c. Loss of Aerodynamic Forces Cruise a. Loss of Transmission All d. Loss of Aerodynamic Forces Landing structure A 2.1 A1.2 Failure of Control Collective Loss of Control Capability All Mechanical Generate Power Loss of engine operation Loss of ElectiricityAll Pitch Component of Actuator A 2.2 Control Cyclic Pitch A1.3 Transmit Power A 2.3 A 2.1 Control Yaw Control Collective Pitch Hazardous Hazardous possible. Limited flight may be possible to Effect of Failure Classfication find landing spot.Condition Causes whole aircraft failure and crash. May cause severe damage of people on Loss of Mechanical the ground Linkage Capability Need aircraft to land back imediately Ref. To Supporti Material Catastropic Hazardous 1E-6 Causes loss of control capability Major Causes loss of rotor capability Catastropic May cause severe crash. Depends on Hazardous height. More thanfailure T/O phase. Causes wholelikely aircraft and crash. Catastropic Needcause aircraft to land back as as on Hazardous May severe damage ofsoon people possible. Limited flight may be possible to the ground Loss of steering Loss of steering find landing spot. a. Loss of Control sys. Structure commands from commands from a.1E-5 Loss of engine structure Remote Control Flight Control b. air Receiver Computer b. Loss Loss of of inlet electricity c. Fuel system failure c. Loss of Command d. Loss electricity Loss of of Control Capability All Causes whole aircraft failure and crash. Catastropic e. Exhaust system failure Loss of Battery Failure of Wire May cause severe damage of people on Capability Harness f. Cooling system failure the ground g. failure a. Lubrication Loss of Control sys. Structure Loss of Transmission capability To Electronic System b. Loss of electricity a. Loss of of Command Transmission c. Loss structure Loss of Control Capability Loss of Control Capability a. Loss of Control sys. Structure a. Loss of Control sys. Structure All Causes of rotor capability Failure ofloss On-Board Failure of Ground Catastropic All All System Station Causes whole aircraft failure and crash. Catastropic Catastropic Causes whole aircraft failureofand crash. May cause severe damage people on May cause severe damage of people on the ground the ground Aircraft will not be able to perform complex maneuvers. B2 Communicate with GCS Data Link: / other UAVs Unable to Receive signals from GCS. a. Unable to receive GCS high-level steering commands FHA & FTA : B1 B3 Electronic System T/O, The crew will not be able to alter Landing the UAV’s existing flight plan. and inSafety pilot may switch to manual range control. Cruise Function Failure Condition Phase commands Effect of Failure b. Unable toLoss receive Cruise The crew will notCondition be able to alter of steering GCS high-level from Flight (out of Control RC the UAV’s existing flight plan. Generate actuator Loss of valid steering commands Computer range) Could result in a hazardous steering commands commands from FCS. condition. c. Unable to receive T/O, Missions requiring precise a. Invalid or missing Landing T/O & Safety pilotshould will assume control of DGPS corrections. navigation be cancelled. output from FCS. Landing aircraft and bring it to a safe and landing. Cruise b. Invalid Safety pilot will assume control of Data Link:or missing Cruise output from FCS. (within RC aircraft and bring it to a safe Unable to transmit range) landing. signals to GCS. c. Invalid or missing Cruise High probability Lossthe of Aircraft. a. Unable to send T/O, The GCS will notofhave up-tooutput from FCS. (out of RC date information about the current telemetry data to GCS Landing Loss of steeringand of Heartbeat Loss of steering range) Failure location of the UAV Heartbeat Monitor switches incorrectly commands from Monitor to switch to commands from Partial loss of to Backup Contr. Main ComputerCruise Backup Controller Backup Controller commands from FCS. Monitor Failure to detect 3E-3 1E-3 systems/performance 1E-4 problem Intermittent or T/O & Safety pilot a. Failure to detect T/O, Problem willwill notassume surface control unless of erratic output from Landing aircraft and bring it to a safe Main Computer failure there is an actual Main Computer FCS (unstable flight) and inlanding. Safety pilot may take failure. Failure of Main b. Intermittent or Cruise Safety will assume control of range control.pilot Computer to Internal failure in erratic output from discontinue (within sending RC aircraft and bring it to a safe Heartbeat Monitor Cruise heartbeats. landing. FCS (unstable flight) range) c. Intermittent or Cruise 1E-3 High probability of1E-4 Loss of Aircraft. erratic output from (out of RC FCS (unstable flight) range) d. FCS causes stable T/O & Safety pilot will assume control of flight at incorrect Landing aircraft and bring it to a safe position. landing. To Mechanical System Minor (D) Classfication Major (C) Ref. To Supp Material No effect (E) to (D) Minor (D) Minor (D) Catastrophic Minor (D) to (A) Major (C) Loss of steering commands from Backup Controller 1E-4 Minor (D) Minor (D) Catastrophic (A) Minor (D) PSSA : Software Exploration Prism MEADEP Crystal Ball What for ? System failure rate modeling Markov analysis Monte Carlo Simulation Easy ? Database Redundancy Multiple Events Distribution Fuctions PSSA : Strategy Fault Tree based on FHA PRISM for Mech. Components Loss of Collective Pitch Control capability Loss of Actuator Capability Loss of Mechanical Linkage Capability 1E-6 Loss of Electiricity Failure of Mechanical Component of Actuator 1E-5 Loss of Battery Capability Mech. Failure of Wire Harness Loss of steering commands from Remote Control Receiver Failure of On-Board System Loss of steering commands from Flight Control Computer Failure of Ground Station Heartbeat Monitor switches incorrectly to Backup Contr. Loss of steering commands from Backup Controller 1E-3 Loss of steering commands from Backup Controller Loss of steering commands from Main Computer 1E-4 3E-3 Elec. 1E-4 Failure of Heartbeat Monitor to switch to Backup Controller Failure of Main Computer to discontinue sending heartbeats. 1E-3 Markov Analysis for Mechanical System & Electronic System Internal failure in Heartbeat Monitor 1E-4 Monte Carlo Simulation for Whole System PSSA : Prism modeling Mechanical components Failure rates Failure/M calendar hr Failure/Operation hr Linkage 27.089 9.36E-04 Yoke 8.1256 2.81E-04 Main Rotor 3.7443 1.29E-04 Swash P 2.8822 9.96E-05 Servo 9.2274 3.19E-04 Prism Database Total Failure Rate - 1.76 E-3/Op. hr PSSA : Markov Analysis Mechanical System MTTF - 6023.275 /hr Reliability - 93.57 hr PSSA : Markov Analysis Electronic System MTTF - 1000.249 /hr Reliability - 90.48 hr PSSA : Monte Carlo Simulation Loss of Collective Pitch Control capability Fault Tree from FHA loverall = l1 + l2 + l3 + (l5 + l6)Block × l4 + l7 Simplified Diagram Loss of Actuator Capability Loss of Mechanical Linkage Capability 1E-6 Loss of Electiricity Failure of Mechanical Component of Actuator 1E-5 Loss of Battery Capability Failure of Wire Harness Loss of steering commands from Remote Control Receiver Loss of steering commands from Flight Control Computer Actuator Capability Steering command from Remote Control Receiver Failure of On-Board System Failure of Ground Station Heartbeat Monitor switches incorrectly to Backup Contr. Electricity Loss of steering commands from Backup Controller 1E-3 Mechanical Component of Actuator l1 l2 Battery Capability 1E-4 l5 l6 On-Board System Ground System Mechanical Linkage Capability l3 l7 Wire Harness Loss of steering commands from Backup Controller Loss of steering commands from Main Computer 1E-4 3E-3 Failure of Heartbeat Monitor to switch to Backup Controller Failure of Main Computer to discontinue sending heartbeats. 1E-3 Steering commands From Flight Control Computer l4 Internal failure in Heartbeat Monitor 1E-4 PSSA : Monte Carlo Simulation Actuator Capability Steering command from Remote Control Receiver Electricity B4 Mechanical Component of Actuator Mean = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B4 B4 Battery Capability Wire Harness B4 On-Board System Ground System Mean = 0.00 0.00 Mean = 0.00 0.00 1E-5 B4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1E-6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1E-5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1E-6 Mean = 0.00 0.00 B4 Mean = 0.00 0.00 Mechanical Linkage Capability Mean = 0.00 B4 0.00 1E-5 0.00 Steering commands From Flight Control Computer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1E-5 Mean = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1E-6 Same order as Inputs Overlay Chart Frequency Comparison .017 .012 .008 .004 .000 0.00290 0.00300 0.00310 0.00320 0.00330 Normal curve fit gives m = 3.1×10-5 s = 7.0 ×10-5 PSSA : 10 / 100,000 flight hrs = 1E-4 / flight hr Reliability Goals 10% Reliability Goal LOAFlight Control= 1E-5 Human error plays significant roll in UAV 60% - Mechanical system failures - “Other” external causes General Aviation Loss Of Aircraft (LOA) Human Errors : Introduction Direct or Indirect Intentional or Unintentional Flying into Electrical Lines - Mission planner - Ground control - Maintenance : Human Errors Human Safety and Reliability Better Working Environment Increased Worker Reliability Increased Worker Safety Increased ROA Reliability Reduced Delays Due to Injury Increased Safety of ROA and Environment Increased Mission Success Human Errors : Working Environment Some important factors and issues Documentation - Stay 500 feet from power lines Information - There are power lines here Communication Training - We should move away - What do I do now? Visual/Aural Alerts - Warning! Workload - What? I’m busy Human Errors : Environment Each Top Level Function has a Different Environment 1.0 Manage Organization AND AND 5.0 2.0 3.0 Maintain Equipment Receive Mission Assignment NO GO Execute Mission (UAV) 4.0 GO Prepare for mission AND AND 6.0 Execute Mission (GCS) Possible Dangers in the Environment High workload / Time critical workload / High stress Unnoticed errors / no quality assurance Too many details to consider Hazardous equipment and materials Distractions Human Errors : Launch Site Setup Major Dangers: Suggestions: High workload Unnoticed errors Hazardous equipment and materials Weather and terrain Document procedure Labels and color Range safety officer Familiarization with all equipment Information about launch site before arrival New technology Fault tolerant software Fault tolerant system architecture Fault Tolerant Design: Software LPE Step 1 Mission Objective Abstract Mathematical Language Mission Objective Assumption : operationalt (U ) 4 Goal : u U .t T .operationalt (u) | v. post D | Fault Tolerant Design: LPE Step 2 Mission Plan Flowchart Language Formal Proof Software Fault Tolerant Design: LPE Step 3 Control System Destination Vector Formation Vector Proven Algorithm Automatically Generated Code Software Fault Tolerant Design : Software Open-Control Platform LPE Step 1 Math. Expression High-Level Abstraction Located On-Board LPE Step 2 Flowchart Validation LPE Step 3 Executable Code Several Languages Code Validation MPC, Control, Communication API Real-Time Reconfig. Mediator Fault Tolerant Design : system architecture Primary Sensor Sensor data Main Flight Computer Steering Commands HB Monitor and Steering Relay Secondary Sensor Actuators Rotor (Mech. systems) Backup Flight Controller Generator RMax battery Primary Avionics DC Bus Secondary Avionics DC Bus Backup Battery Trickle charge Power plant system Strategy for showing compliance Today: No Certification basis for unmanned aircraft The “5-year plan”: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Demonstrate product FAA cooperation Initial NPRM Amendments to FARs Start formal Certification process Certification Plan Year 1 Activity Application to FAA O Develop. Certification Basis GTMax is already flying GCP Develop. Cert. Schedule Develop. Initial Type board meeting O Test Plan Submital GCP Review and Approval Interm. Type board meeting Structure is not so O Drawing Release expensive Prototype 1 Fab/Assemble Prototype 1 1st FLT Envelope expansion Load level survey Tests for Autonomous Systems/Weather/Lightning Prototype 2 Fab/Assemble flight & Control system Prototype 2 1st FLT Envelope expansion Performance & HQ Mod into GTV GTV Ground Tests Rotor & XMSN Bench Test Static tests Final Type Board Meeting Certification O O Conclusions Summary Further study What was accomplished Suggested Certification basis Functional Analysis, FHA, PSSA Quantified System Reliability Considered Human Factors Developed fault tolerant flight control Proposed strategy for compliance Further Study Current work to include UAVs in FARs Obtain more accurate failure rates Analysis for aircraft level reliability Complete safety assessment process on all aircraft systems Develop systems through operational experience Questions ? Thank you