Planning Effective Advertising
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Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Approaches to
Product Advertising
Brand Advertising
Corporate Advertising
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
The Advertising Agency
A company that specializes in
creating advertising.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Advertising Agency
Account executive
Account planner
Media planner
Art director
Creative director
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
The Planning Process
 Advertising plan
 Advertising campaign
Set objectives
Determine the budget
Develop the creative strategy
Select and schedule the media
Develop the creative concept
Produce the advertising
Evaluate the plan’s effectiveness
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Determining the
Advertising Budget
What you can
Percentage of
Matching Your
Objective and
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Develop the Creative
How a company positions its brand
or product in its advertising
Strategic brief-short document that
defines the target market and
articulates the main message of the
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Select the Media
Lead Time
Creative Brand and
Corporate Fit
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
 Independent Practice Assignment #1
- Create brand advertising for a new energy candy bar called
Extra Mile; describe colors, designs, music, people in your
advertising campaign
 Independent Practice Assignment #2
cable, radio, full-page magazine, and newspaper. Identify
- Research the cost of a 30-second television ad on network,
advantages/disadvantages of each; present your findings
 Extension Assignments
- #1 develop a 30-second television commercial
- #2 create a newspaper advertisement for a local business
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.