
...И грянул бой... Уж зрители мужались.
События к финалу приближались.
И падал в снег расстрелянный герой…
В театре лиц, событий и имен,
мы следуем намеченным путем.
Что завтра ждет нас впереди,
сокрыто в серой дымке мглы.
Образовательный портал «Мой университет» -
Факультет «Реформа образования» -
• Theatre is the branch of the performing arts defined by
Bernard Beckerman as what "occurs when one or more
persons, isolated in time and/or space, present
themselves or each other.
• By this broad definition, theatre has existed since the
dawn of man, as a result of human tendency for story
telling. Since its inception, theatre has come to take on
many forms, often utilizing elements such as speech,
gesture, music, dance, and spectacle, combining the
other performing arts, often as well as the visual arts,
into a single artistic form.
History of theatre
• The earliest recorded theatrical event dates back to 2000
BC with the passion plays of Ancient Egypt. This story of the
god Osiris was performed annually at festivals throughout
the civilization, marking the known beginning of a long
relationship between theatre and religion.
• The ancient Greeks began formalizing theatre as an art,
developing strict definitions of tragedy and comedy as well
as other forms, including satyr plays.
• Opera genre is called as vokalno-theatrical (the vocal is a
• The genre "opera" has arisen at the end of 16 century, in
1600, in the Italian city of Florence.
• Drama (literally translated as action, from a
verbal root meaning "To do") is the branch of
theatre in which speech, either from written text
(plays), or improvised is paramount. And the
companion word drama is also Greek, dran
means to do.
• Classical forms of drama, including Greek and
Roman drama, classic English drama including
William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe
and French drama including Molière is still
performed today.
Musical theatre
• Music and theatre have always had a close
relationship. Musical theatre is a form of theatre
combining music, songs, dance routines, and spoken
• Modern musical theatre emerged from the variety
shows and "follies" in the early 20th century and
includes a combination of dialogue, song and dance,
and spectacle. Broadway musicals of the 21st century
include lavish costumes and sets supported by million
dollar budgets.
• Comedy (from the Greek κωμωδία, komodia) as a
popular meaning, is any humorous discourse generally
intended to amuse, especially in television, film, and
stand-up comedy.
• It must be carefully distinguished from the academic
definition, namely the comic theatre, whose Western
origins are found in Ancient Greece. In the Athenian
democracy, the public opinion of voters was
remarkably influenced by the political satire performed
by the comic poets at the theaters.
• Ballet is a formalized form of dance with
its origins in the French court, further
developed in France and Russia as a
concert dance form. It is a highly
technical form of dance with its own
• It is primarily performed with the
accompaniment of classical music. It has
been influential as a form of dance
globally and is taught in ballet schools
around the world which use their own
culture and society to modernize the art.
• Ballet dance works (ballets) are choreographed, and
also include mime, acting, and are set to music
(usually orchestral but occasionally vocal). It is best
known in the form of classical ballet, notable for its
techniques, such as pointe work and turn-out of the
legs, its graceful, flowing, precise movements, and its
ethereal qualities. Later developments include
neoclassical ballet and contemporary ballet.
• Operetta (French: opérette, German: operette, Italian:
operetta) is a genre of light opera, light in terms both
of music and subject matter. It is also closely related, in
English-language works, to other forms of musical
• Official birthday of an operetta is on July, 5th 1855.
This day Jacque Offenbach has opened the small
theatre "Buff-Parizen" in Paris, on the Champs Elysée.
Within the next twenty years he has written and has
put at the theatre of 89 operettas.
• Music of Imre Kalmana
has no equal in an
conviviality, "elegance"
The insurgent (боевик)
• The Insurgent (English action movie, letters. The action film) - illustrates
this genre of motion picture arts the known thesis «good should be
with fists». The Protagonist usually faces harm in its most obvious
display: a crime, corruption, terrorism, murder. Without finding other
exit, the protagonist decides to resort to violence.
The western (вестерн)
• the Western (English west - the West) - in classical films of this genre
action occurs in the Wild West of America in the XIX-th century. The
conflict is usually developed between a gang of criminals,
representatives of the authorities and hunters behind the award
(English bounty hunter). As well as in the usual insurgent, the conflict is
authorised violence with shooting. Westerns are impregnated by
atmosphere of freedom and independence, characteristic for the West
of the United States.
Military (военный)
• Military film or battle film - the historical feature film reconstructing
events of really occurring war or battle, ammunition, the weapon,
receptions and the fight organisation. In the centre of an art
composition of a battle film usually there is a scene of the main battle
which shootings combine wide panoramic plans with close ups of
heroes of a film.
Detective (детектив)
• the Detective (English detective, from an armour. detego - I open, I
expose) - a genre which products invariably contain illustrations of the
criminal actions, investigation following them and definition of the
guilty. The spectator, as a rule, has a desire to make own investigation
and to put forward own version of a crime.
Documentary (документальный)
• Documentary cinema (or not game cinema) - a cinema genre. The film
in which basis shootings of original events and persons have laid
down is called as documentary
A drama
• the Drama (греч. drama, letters. - action) - a literary and cinema
genre. Specificity of a genre is made the plot, by an action
conflictness, an abundance of dialogues and monologues. Dramas
represent basically private human life and its sharp conflict to a
society. Thus the accent often becomes on the universal
contradictions embodied in behaviour and acts of concrete
• the Historical film - films of this genre of motion picture arts
reconstruct really occurring historical events.
• the Film-accident - a film which heroes have got to accident and
try to escape. Speech can go as about natural accident (a tornado,
earthquake, volcano eruption, etc.) or technogenic accident
(plane wreck, for example).
A comedy (комедия)
• the Comedy (греч. komodia) - a genre characterised by the comic
(satirical) approach. Films which set as the purpose to make laugh the
spectator concern this genre, to raise a smile, to improve mood.
Melodrama (мелодрама)
• the Melodrama (from греч. meloz - a song and a drama) - the genre of
fiction, a theatrical art and a cinema, which product open the spiritual
and sensual world of heroes in especially bright emotional situations on
the basis of contrasts: good and harm, love and hatred, etc.
The mysticism (мистика)
• of the Mystic - is a genre of fantastic films, but actions in films is
connected with interaction of people and various mysterious forces. The
last do not give in to the unequivocal scientific description, than and
A musical (мюзикл)
• the Musical film - a musical or an operetta transferred from a theatrical
stage on a screen. It is a lot of songs, dances, beautiful suits and
scenery. Necessarily there are elements of a melodrama and is frequent
«happy end». The violence if also is, in the most harmless form.
Adventures (приключения)
• the Adventure film - unlike the insurgent, in adventure films
the accent is displaced from rough violence on sharpness of
characters, ability to outwit, deceive the villain. In adventure
films heroes should get out of difficult situations in an original
way. «Happy end» also is very probable
A fairy tale (сказка)
• Films-fairy tales, films which are removed on motives of a fairy
tale, and are the narrative genre supposing a known share of
fiction and containing unusual events in household sense
(fantastic, wonderful or everyday) which reliability is called into
Tragedy (трагедия)
• a tragedy Basis (греч. tragōdía, letters. - a goat song, from
trаgos - a goat and ödе - the song) makes collision of the
person with the world, a society, the destiny, expressed in
struggle of strong characters and passions.
A thriller (триллер)
• the Thriller (from English thrill - trembling) - so name the
films, aspiring to create at the spectator sensation of intense
experience, excitement.
Horrors (ужастик)
• the Film of horrors (English horror film, horror movie) - a
feature film genre. To films of horrors carry films which urged
to frighten the spectator, to instal feeling of alarm and fear,
to create a charged atmosphere of horror or painful
expectation something awful.
A fantasy (фантастика)
• the Fantasy (from греч. phantastike - art to imagine) - a
fiction version; its initial ideologically-aesthetic installation is
imagination dictatorship over a reality
• Alexander Hanzhonkov
was born on August, 8th
(on July, 26th on old
style) 1877 in village
(nowadays settlement
Donetsk area) in a family
of the impoverished
On December, 9th (22), 1906
Hanzhonkov addresses in the Moscow
merchant justice with the statement
«about establishment it together with
three investors of the Trading house in
an image of association on trust under
firm A. Hanzhonkov and To “for the
purpose of trade manufacture by
cinema tapes, magic lanterns,
dissolving views, various cars and
devices and other goods for a
fabrication of all these subjects».
Known banker Ivan Ozerov, a member
of the State Council was one of
guarantors of the company.
• First Hanzhonkov is engaged only cinema documantary
and hire in Russia foreign films, but in the summer of
1907 it begins shootings of a domestic picture «Palochkin
and Galochkin» which, however, has not been finished.
• In 1911 on screens there is a feature film first in Russia
«Defense of Sevastopol», in common put Hanzhonkovym
and Goncharov. In 1912 the company lets out in hire the
first-ever cartoon film which has been removed in the
technician of volume animation — «Fine Lyukanida, or
War of men with a big moustache with horns» directed
by Vladislav Starevicha. From the beginning of 1910th
years company Hanzhonkova becomes the indisputable
leader of the Russian film production.
Rowe Alexander Arturovich
• on March, 8th 1906, Moscow — on December, 28th
1973, Moscow
• The film director, a script writer.
• The national actor of Russia (1968).
• Has ended actor's branch of film school of B.
Chaykovskogo (1930), studied in the Moscow
drama technical school of a name of M.N.
Ermolovoy (1931—1934).
• Alexander Rowe fairly name the first film storyteller of
the country (nearby it is possible to put only
A.Ptushko's name). The exit on screens in 1938 of the
first work of Rowe has been "by magic met with
• Rolan (Roland) Bykov was born in a
family of red commander Anatoly
Bykova and beauty Olga Matveevna
from an intelligent family.
• The choice of a course of life was for
it natural. The theatre was included
into his life at school when he has
started to be engaged in studio of
the House of pioneers. After leaving
school it has resolved to become the
• Having finished in 1951 Shchukinsky school
(masterful V.K.Lvovoj and L. M. Shihmatova),
Bykov became the actor of Moscow theatre of
young performance.
• To act in film of Bykov has begun with the middle
of 50th years, originally in small roles.
• Since 1960 Rolan Bykov has passed to work as
the director on a film studio "Mosfilm". Since
then it and itself began to put films and
continued to act in film.
• The legendary actor and the film director died on
6th October, 1998.
• Nikita Sergeevich Mihalkov — the Russian
actor and the film director, the national actor
of Russia.
• The Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov
became the winner of the most prestigious
film was awarded in Japan — the reward of a
name of Akira Kurosawa.
• Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov was born on October, 21st,
1945 in Moscow. The Father-Sergey Vladimirovich
Mikhalkov, is well known children's writer and the poet,
his mother is Natalya Petrovna Konchalovskaya.
• In 1984 Nikita Mikhalkov received the rank of the
National Actor of Russia.
• Anlrey (Andron) Sergeevich
Mihalkov-Konchalovsky (on
Moscow) — the Soviet and
Russian director, a script
Konchalovskaya and Sergey
Mikhalkov's son.
• In 1957—1959 he studied
in the Moscow State
• In 1980 he was the National
Actor of Russia. The same
year he moved to the USA.
Now he lives and works in
• Andrey Arsenevich Tarkovskyi
(on April, 4th 1932, Jurevets, the
Ivanovo area, Russia — on December,
29th 1986, Paris, France) — the film
director, a script writer.
He was born in village Zavrazhye of the
Ivanovo region in a family of poet
Arsenyi Tarkovskyi. The childhood has
spent in the city of Jurevtse where
Tarkovsky's house museum is open
The national actor of Russia (1980).
His films were "Solaris" "Stalker“ and
Tarkovsky has died of a cancer of lungs
in Paris at the age of 54 years in 1986.
• Vera Vasilevna Holodnaya (in girlhood of
Levchenko, on 9th August, 1893, Poltava, the
Russian empire — on February, 16th 1919,
Odessa) — the well-known Russian actress of
mute cinema.
• Vera Holodnaya was born in Poltava in a family
of the teacher-language and literature teacher
of a city grammar school of Levchenko. In 1895
the family moved to Moscow.
• Holodnaya created the images of the beautiful
sad woman who deceived and haven’t been
• She suddenly died on 16th February, 1919 at
the age of 26 years in Odessa.
• Vitold Alfonsovich Polonsky (1879 — on 5th January, 1919), the
• He graduated the courses of the Moscow theatrical school
(1907). He was an actor of Malyi theatre.
• Maksimov Vladimir Vasilevich (1880-1937), one of the most
popular actors of mute cinema, the Honored artist of Russia
• Vladimir Maksimov Was born on 27th July, 1880. In 1904-1905
Vladimir Maksimov was an actor Malyi and other theatres. In
1919-1924 Vladimir Maksimov was the actor of the Bolshoy
• At cinema Vladimir Maksimov has acted in film for the first time
in 1911 in a film «Kashirsky old».
• Vladimir Vasilevich Maksimov died on 22nd March, 1937
was born on February, 11th, 1902 in
Zvenigorod. It is situated near Moscow in a family
of a noble family. The father of the future Soviet
movie star was Peter Fedorovich Orlov served in
military department. Mother was Evgenie
Nikolaevna Suhotina. She occurred from an ancient
sort of noble family.
1919-1922 — study in the Moscow conservatory
on a grand piano class.
1922-1925 — study for choreographic branch of
the Moscow theatrical technical school.
1922-1925 — lessons of actor's skill at teacher
E.S.Teleshova, the director of Art theatre.
1920-1926 — work as the ballroom pianist at
cinemas of Moscow
Lyubov Orlova
• 1926-1933 — the chorister, then the actress of
Musical theatre (originally — Musical studio at
MCHAT) under the direction of V.I. NemirovichDanchenko.
• 1926-1930 — marriage with Andrey Berzinym the
assistant to the People's commissar of agriculture
• In 1933 she met Grigory Vasilevichem
• which has played a pivotal role in its further destiny
has taken place.
• She died of a pancreas cancer in 1975. She is buried
on the New maiden cemetery.
• Oleg Dal was born on 25th May, 1941 in Moscow. The
father — Ivan Zinovevich Dal — was the large railway
engineer, mother — Pavel Petrovna — the teacher.
• The childhood of Dalya has passed in Lyublino, those years
it was a suburb of Moscow.
• Oleg Dalya's debut at the cinema has taken place in 1962
in Alexander Zarhi's film «My younger brother» under the
story «Star ticket» of Vasily Aksyonova.
• Oleg Dal died on 3rd March, 1981 in a hotel room, during
creative business trip in Kiev.
• He was buried on 7th March, 1981 on the Vagankovsky
cemetery in Moscow
• Andrey Aleksandrovich Mironov, was a real
name - Menaker (on 8th March, 1941, Moscow
— on 16th August, 1987, Riga)
• In 1958 Andrey Mironov finished school and
he entered to the theatrical school of V.
Schukin at the theatre of Evgenyi Vahtangova.
• On 14th August, in Riga, during tours of the
Moscow theatre of satire at performance
«Mad day, or Zhenitba Figaro», without having
finished last scene, faints. It is delivered to
local hospital where after two days, at 5
o'clock 35 minutes he died. It is buried on 20th
August, 1987 on the Vagankovsky cemetery in
• Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna – Feldman, the present
patronymic - Grigorevna. She was born on27th
August, 1896 in Taganrog.
She finished a private drama school.
In 1931-1935 – the actress of Chamber theatre,
In 1935-1939 – the actress of the Central theatre
of Red Army,
In 1943-1949 – the actress of Drama theatre
(nowadays theatre of Vl. Mayakovsky),
In 1949-1955 and in 1963-1984 – the Moscow
academic theatre of the Moscow Council.
In 1955-1963 – the actress of the Moscow
theatre of A.S.Pushkin.
She died – on July, 19th, 1984.
She buried in Moscow, on the Don cemetery .
Film genres
1-5 вопросы
I вариант
6-10 вопросы
II вариант
11-15 вопросы
III вариант
Read the names of film genres and match them with their descriptions
Historical films
- Blood, screams, monsters, vampires, maniacs and knives are typical of these
- Real facts of the events of the past without film stars are presented by these
films before the audience.
- are usually unrealistic as they are about unreal or supernatural things and stuffed
with events and have a mysterious plot.
Action films
- are films with a mysterious plot and people always try to guess who are criminals
in the film. Mysteries and clues are typical of these films.
Love stories
- are realistic, truly reflect the past and teach you to defend justice. Wars and
heroes are typical of these films.
- always keep the audience in suspense.
- Cowboys, guns, shots, saloons and prairies are typical of these films.
- are always full of tears and are said to be romances for girls.
Science fiction films
- are films with painted personages for children as a rule.
- are said to have a simple story line but touching. Love, faraway lands and horses
are typical of these films.
- love, sorrow and relationship are typical of these films.
Adventure films
- are funny and make people smile and laugh. Joker and sometimes silly situations
are typical of these films.
- are usually full of fights and adventures. Chase, fights and guns are typical of
these films.
Horror films
- are sometimes too dramatic and usually everybody dies at the end.
- are said to have a funny plot with a lot of music.