How Can Teacher Evaluation Be Connected to Student Achievement? State Achievement Measures Option 1 Student Achievement Status Models Student Achievement Status Models Post-test only Not a growth measure Can be: – Norm-referenced achievement tests – Criterion-referenced, end-of-course/year tests Examples: ITBS, SAT, GRE, State EOC tests Status Models: Questions Answered How well did Miguel perform compared to a national norm group of 5th grade students? (norm referenced) Did Miguel reach a pre-set benchmark score for proficiency or mastery on the 5th grade math test? (criterion referenced) Problem with Status Models 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% End of Year Beginning of Year 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Teacher A Teacher B Status Models Provide Valuable Information . . . but not for teacher evaluation. State Achievement Measures Option 2 Student Growth Percentile Model Note: SPG slides developed by Dr. Deborah Jonas, VA DOE Student Growth Percentile Model Questions Answered How much did Miguel improve from 4th grade to 5th grade relative to his academic peers (students with the same score in 4th grade or similar achievement histories)? Student Growth Percentile Characteristics Percentiles express the percentage of cases that fall below a certain score. – SGPs are reported between 1 and 99. – Higher numbers represent higher growth and lower numbers represent lower growth. Uncorrelated with prior achievement – Low achieving students can show high growth – High achieving students can show low growth Three Students with the Same Scaled Scores on Grade 6 Reading 301 Student A 301 Student B 301 Student C 260 280 300 320 340 360 SOL Scaled Score Grade 6 Same Three Students - in Grade 7 301 Student A 289 301 Student B 312 301 Student C 343 260 280 300 SOL Scaled Score Grade 6 320 340 360 SOL Scaled Score Grade 7 Example only. Note that SGPs account for as much historical data as are available. Same Three Students - in Grade 7 301 Student A SGP = 18 289 SGP=48 301 Student B 312 SGP=61 301 Student C 343 260 280 300 SOL Scaled Score Grade 6 320 340 360 SOL Scaled Score Grade 7 Example only. Note that SGPs account for as much historical data as are available. Additional Growth Measures The 30/70 Dilemma 30%: Teachers with State Test Data 70%: All Other Teachers Student Achievement Optional Measures No. 1 Average School Growth Score 30% of Teachers: Individual Scores Elementary Reading and Math Teachers - Algebra Teachers - Science and Social Studies Teachers 70% of Teachers: School/Team Scores - Teachers in non-tested grades Instructional Coaches - PE Teachers - Guidance Counselors Student Achievement Optional Measures No. 2 Student Achievement Goal Setting Goal Setting Process Step 1: Preassess Students Step 2: Student Set Learning Goals Step 3: Teaching & Learning Strategies Step 4: Monitor Student Progress Step 5: Post-Assess Students Polly Nomial 8th Grade Math Teacher EXAMPLE USING TEST DATA Goal Statement For the 2009/10 school year, all of my students will demonstrate measurable growth in mathematics. At least 80% of my students will meet or exceed the benchmark of 50th percentile or above on the percentile rank distribution for STAR. Baseline, Mid-Year, and End of Year Data Percentile Rank Distribution of Students on the STAR Mathematics Assessment Below 25th 60 25th to 49th 40 50th to 74th 20 75th and Above 0 Baseline Data Mid-Year End of Year Concept Model: Connecting Student Achievement to Teacher Evaluation Ending Achievement Level – Beginning Level Gain Score