7 (M) Sept 17 – Sept 19 1 Due today: World Issue / Current Event

7 (M)
Sept 17 – Sept 19
Due today:
 World Issue / Current Event Article Summary
 Federalist #10 and #39 (blog discussion closes on Wednesday night)
Lesson Plan
 Daily Desktop Lesson – GDP or Piltzman Effect
 Discuss Current Issue article summaries
 (if time and for fun) watch Crash Course video on Capitalism and Socialism
 Class business
o Handout “Graphics and Synopses” on Ch. 3
o Discuss and explain the theory behind and the use of the study guides
o Assign Ch. 3 Quizlet terms
 3.1 and 3.2 – Emalee Ratliff
 3.3 and 3.4 – Reesi Marquis
o Explain Unit 1 Essay choices and pick essays (from a hat?)
 Give time in library to work on it
 Due Tuesday, September 25th
 Brief lecture on 6 Basic principles of the Constitution
o Constitutional scavenger hunt in groups of 3 or less
o I will give groups a fixed amount of time. After that completing it will
be a take home assignment
o Read “The Thread of Federalism” and identify the 9 ways Federalism
is built into the structure of our national government.
o Continue reading Ch. 3 (Chapter test is still planned, at this time, for
o Finish Constitutional scavenger hunt, be ready for discussion on
o Participate in discussion board entry on Federalist Papers
8 (W)
Sept 17 – Sept 19
Due today:
 Discussion board participation will be closed tonight
Lesson Plan
 Daily desktop Lesson
 Discuss scavenger hunt results
 Make corrections on Ch. 2 test
 Go over Federalism questions from study guide with visuals
o Ch. 3 (Federalism) test
9 (F)
Sept 17 – Sept 19
Due today:
 Test on Ch. 3
Lesson Plan
 Ch. 3 Test
 Time to work on essay in library
o Unit 1 essay (Need this for jigsaw/table-top discussion on Tuesday