SD 14-11, Curriculum Document Approval Process

The Faculty Senate
SD 14-11
Curriculum and Educational
Policy Committee
April 21, 2014
For Discussion
TO: University Senate
FROM: Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee
SUBJECT: Curriculum Document Approval Process, Procedure, and Template
The Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee requests the Senate’s approval to replace SD
10-10 with a new Curriculum Document Approval Process, Procedure, and Template:
Please refer to Senate Document 10-10.
The Constitution and By-Laws of the University Senate at Purdue University Calumet empower
the Curriculum and Education Policy Committee (CEP) with the responsibility and authority of
designing templates and establishing procedures for reviewing and approving all curriculum
documents and program proposals at Purdue University Calumet. The following has been
designed to make the process a seamless one for all academic departments. Any questions
should be directed to the CEP Committee chair.
Curriculum Document Template
The curriculum document template is to be used by all academic departments. The faculty
member will download the template from this website and fill it in completely. The CEP expects
that ALL categories on the template will be addressed.
The template can be found at (TBD).
Submitting Curriculum Documents for Review
The completed curriculum document is presented for approval to the relevant program (if
applicable), academic department, and then school curriculum committee. Once the school has
approved the document, a document number will be assigned and the document/file is named.
Name the Document - The name of the file must follow the format below in the order stated
to allow for proper archiving:
 College designation (BUS, CEP, EDU, EMS, HON, LAS, NUR, TEC)
 Document number (14-08)
The Faculty Senate
For a course, the following
o Course ID (ECE 20100)
o Course name (Linear Circuit Analysis I)
o If a general education course (GEN ED) or and experiential (ExL) course this
must be indicated. Include this for courses requesting approval AND for
approved courses if a change is being made, including deleting the approved
course. If this is not done, approval may be delayed.
o If it is a new course, NEW. If it is a revision of a course, REV. The latter applies
to existing courses submitted for general education or experiential learning
o If a course is to be deleted, please mark it DEL.
Examples: EMS 14-54 ME 31200 Fluid Mechanics REV; LSS 14-01 PSY 2xxxx Intro
Human Development NEW GEN ED
For a Program, the following
o Program name or abbreviation (ECE, OLS)
o If a revision, REV. If new, NEW.
Example: TEC 14-16 OLS EHS REV
Submitting the Document: To be determined.
The Review Process
The CEP will review the posted documents and vote to approve or not approve the documents at
their monthly meeting. The CEP may modify documents.
All general education and experiential learning documents are reviewed and
approved/modified/denied first by the relevant subcommittee.
Following review by CEP, the approved documents are identified and attached to the agenda for
the next Senate meeting. At that time they are available for review by all faculty.
University Senate Approval
When the document passes CEP review, it is presented for approval to the University Senate at
its next meeting. When approved, it is recorded in the minutes of the Senate and the document(s)
are moved to the appropriate location TBD.
Following Senate Approval
Upon approval of the curriculum document by the University Senate, the academic department
initiating the proposal shall send a hard copy of the document plus the completed Registrar Form
40 to the University Registrar. This form is sent on to Purdue-West Lafayette for processing.
Once it is returned, the information is added into Banner and the academic departments are
notified and/or sent a copy of the completed Form 40.
The Faculty Senate