ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY USE IN HUNGARY Csilla Tonkó, GyörgyPátzay BME KKFT&MTET 6. May. 2011 RENEXPO 2011 Geothermal energy •Geothermal energy is one of the cleanest, partially renewable energy. •Conventional geothermal energy (100-2500m depth) can be used directly for heating, drying stc. or indirectly for electric energy production. •Geothermal fluids are multicomponent, multiphase fluids or steam, containing dissolved solid, gas, organic materials and suspended solid particles. These components concentrations vary in a broad scale. •Concentration of the dissolved components are usually increasing with temperature. Some components (toxic etc.) should be removed before or after the energetic use. •Potentially the components with high risk (Hg, B, As, and Cl) could be separated, and the used fluid should be recharged into the reservoir. 2 Some geothermal wells are potentially suitable for electric energy production (ORC) in Hungary 3 NSz-3 high entalphy well High TDS and chloride, less calcium- and magnesium bicarbonate and sodium sulfate. There is no calcium-sulfate and chloride present. parameters values unit Depth of well 3165.0 m Water flowrate 1313.4 dm3/min Water temperature 171.0 oC TDS 24855.0 mg/dm3 Gas flowrate 6986.1.0 dm3/min Gas temperature 171.0 oC Wellhead pressure 45.0 Bar Separated GWR 1700.0 CO2 16.270 vol%, CH4 79.440 vol% N2 4.290 vol% Ndm3/m3 Dissolved GWR 3400.0 CO2 35.250 vol%, CH4 61.910 vol% N2 2.840 vol% Ndm3/m3 Water analysis Ca2+ 1.335.10-3 Mg2+ 3.350.10-4 Na2+ 3.453.10-1 SO42- 2.380.10-4 Cl- 3.179.10-1 ATOT 2.600.10-2 mol/kg mol/kg mol/kg mol/kg mol/kg mol/kg 4 Fab-4 high entalphy well High TDS and chloride, less calcium- and magnesium bicarbonate and sodium sulfate. There is no calcium-sulfate and chloride present. Parameter value unit Depth of well 4239.0 m Water flowrate 3750.7 dm3/min Water temperature 180.0 oC TDS 27200.0 mg/dm3 Gas flowrate 46500.0 dm3/min Gas temperature 180.0 oC Wellhead pressure 40.0 Bar Separated GWR 4400.0 CO2 76.714 vol%, CH4 20.899 vol% N2 2.566 vol% Ndm3/m3 Dissolved GWR 8000.0 CO2 89.300 vol%, CH4 7.824 vol% N2 3.876 vol% Ndm3/m3 Water analysis Ca2+ 3.081.10-3 Mg2+ 4.540.10-4 Na2+ 4.284.10-1 SO42- 2.380.10-4 Cl- 4.684.10-1 ATOT 1.009.10-2 mol/kg mol/kg mol/kg mol/kg mol/kg mol/kg 5 Other possibilities: Heat pump heating using geothermal heat. Example: Szeged city . The building of the Environmental authority is heated. 15 drilled 120 m deep heat exchanger used. District heating with geothermal wells using recharging wells into UpperPannonian sandstone in Hódmezővásárhely. Since 1998 the system is in service. The GeoGas Energia-hasznosító és Szolgáltató Co. developed a project to use the separated methane content of 32 geothermal wells in gas engines to produce electricity. The mathane content of these wells are between 65-95%. The project contains future use of 27 gas engines (7 with 201 kWe, 10 with 150 kWe and 10 with 105 kWe capacity.) 6 Geothermal energy direct use has advantages: Low- and medium-enthalpy fluids could be used (<150oC) Theese fluids are the most of the fluids (80 countries) In direct use no convection- high efficiency Conventional drilling technology can be used Conventional, not too expensive devices are needed (fitted on the temperature and chemistry of the fluids) • Construction time is short • Small scale use is possible: – households – greenhouses – Fish-farming, algal growth etc. • Large scale is possibel too: – District heating, heating of buildings etc. – Drying of foods, wood, ores etc. • • • • • 7 Environmental aspects of geothermal energy use Air quality All geothermal fluids contain more or less carbeonates, hydrogen-carbonates and dissolved carbondioxide in equilibrium below the bubble point depth. Above the bubble point depth boiling is started, and non condensable gases (most often carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen) are segregated, forming a separated gas. Bertani et al (2002) investigeted 85 geothermal power plants and determined an average 122 g/kWh carbon-dioxide emission value. In most hydrothermal systems the oxigen concentration is very low, and in theese systems the reduced form of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon (H2S, NH3, and CH4), are in the gas-steam phase. In most geothermal system the ratio of the steam-non condensable gas phase is less then 5% by mass. In binary cycle geothermal power plant ther is not separated stem-gas phase, and gas content of the fluid is recharged into reservoir. 8 In direct-use systems the gas-steam phase is separated, methane could be fired in a gas-motor, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide separated, while carbondioxide is emitted into environment. In some cases the steam-gas phase could contain volatile Hg, Rn, B, N2 and He components. The most important air pollutatnts are: CO2, H2S, NH3, Hg, As and H3BO3. (H2S is the most irritating). Air pollution is higher at high-enthalpy, mostly liquid phase fluids. Air pollution is happening mainly during the energy pruduction. Recgarging and/or waste heat multistep use diminishes the air pollution. 9 Some air pollution examples at geothermal power plants (mg/kg) (Hg mg/kg) Brown, Ellis CO2 and H2S emission in Icelandic power plants (Armannsson) 10 Typical steam-gas phase compositions (g/kg) (Barbier 1997) Components (g/kg) The Geysers USA Larderello Italy Matsukawa Japan Wairakei N.Z. Cerro Prieto Mexico H2O 995.9 953.2 986.3 997.5 984.3 CO2 3.3 45.2 12.4 2.3 14.1 H2S 0.2 0.8 1.2 0.1 1.5 NH3 0.2 0.2 CH4 + H2 0.2 0.3 Others 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 11 Surface and subsurface water pollution Dissolved salts: Na, K, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra, Li, Mg, Fe, NH4+, Cl-, SO42-, HCO3-, CO32-, F-, NO3-, HPO42-, HS-, Br-, I-, SiO2 Dissolved toxic components: Li, B, As, H2S, Hg, Cu, Pb, Cd, Fe, Zn, Mn, Al Liquid wastes are generated during drilling and production too. Most danerous are the hot, toxis, alkaline or acidic, high salt content fluids. Toxicity depends on the temperature of the fluid and on the type of the reservoir rocks. 12 Pollutants and toxic components concentrations in geothermalwaste waters (mg/kg) mercury (mg/kg) ( Ellis & Mahon 1977, Ellis 1978, Brown, 2000) 13 Waste heat Waste heat is generally high for geothermal plants compared to other energy types. According to DiPippo (1991), a liquid dominated geothermal field releases 8 times more liquid heat per year than conventional fossil fuel fired power plants, while a vapor dominated field releases nearly 4 times as much heat. In case all waste liquid is reinjected into the deep reservoir this impact is zero, otherwise hot waste liquid can rise the temperature locally so that animals and vegetation are killed. The impact of the disposal of hot waste liquid depends on many factors, such as the amount and temperature of the waste stream, but also on climatic and seasonal conditions and on the flow characteristics and temperature of a river or lake. 14 The used thermal waters of high temperature and organic matter content conducted upon the ground surface into the rivers or lakes are increasing the heat and pollution load of surface waters and that of the geological formations. They are damaging the natural ecosystem through increasing the pollution and temperature of the recipient. Even a 2-3-oC-increase in the temperature of water as a result of discharging wastewater can damage the ecosystem. Hydrobiological processes increases and dangerous changes in the biological equilibrium can be expected. The solubility of oxygen decreases. The plant and animal organisms that are most sensitive to temperature variations can gradually disappear. In many cases the thermal water utilisation and drain systems are constructed with the insertion of a cooling pool to make possible the cooling of water below 40 oC in such situations as well. 15 Waste heat emissions of power plant types Thermal power (MWe) / electric power (MWe) 0 Gas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gas (combined cycle) 1.1 Gas (single cycle) Oil 1.6 Coal 1.7 Nuclear 2.0 Solar Thermal Geothermal 3.0 2.3 Direct steam Double flash Single flash Binary 4.4 4.8 5.3 9.0 Waste heat of different power generation technologies Rybach 2005 16 Subsidence oSubsidence of the ground is an irreversible process as a result of fluid withdrawal due to geothermal exploitation. When fluid withdrawal exceeds natural inflow, the pressure in pore spaces reduces. oThe amount of subsidence in an area depends both on the production rate and on physical-mechanical properties of the reservoir such as lithostatic pressure, enthalpy of the reservoir fluid, elastic moduli of the rock and can possibly be accompanied by (undetectable) effects of compaction of the caprock and reservoir thermo-elastic contraction (Ciulli et al., 2005). Change in thermal features This is due to a decline in reservoir pressure because of mass withdrawal during production. Pressure reduction can cause a drawdown of the groundwater table through permeable paths in the bedrock and results in a reduced amount of geothermal fluids reaching the surface. 17 Land use The land that is occupied by the exploitation equipment and a large part around this area can not be used for other purposes either for mankind or to serve as habitat for living species. Might cause loss of valuable cultural sites or recreational area for example and might result in some social effects and might have an impact on the biodiversity of the area under exploitation. The amount of land occupied by geothermal exploitation is much smaller than for other renewable energy sources. 18 Land requirement for power plants 3 2 specific land requirement [10 m /MWe] 0 10 20 30 40 Solar PV 60 70 66.0 Coal 40.0 Solar Thermal Nuclear 50 28.0 10.0 Geothermal Flash cycle 2.7 Binary cycle 1.2 Rybach 2005 19 Noise oPeriodic blasting noise could occur during construction of well pads, sumps and the power plant site, which can be reduced with the help of noise shields around drilling rigs and residential grade mufflers. oDuring operation noise could increase above ambient levels, but these effects would not contain any perceptible high frequency tones and would produce a neutral, indistinguishable sound. Noise above ambient level could have adverse impacts, especially on noise sensitive wildlife species. Sound levels 20 Potential environmental impacts of direct use geothermal projects: probability and severity (from Lunis 1989). Impact Probability of occurring Severity of consequences Air pollution L M Surface water pollution M M Underground pollution L M Land subsidence L L to M High noise levels H L to M Well blowouts L L to M L to M M to H Socioeconomic problems L L Solid waste disposal M M to H Conflicts with cultural and archeological features Pollution can be chemical and/or thermal L = low, M = medium, H = high 21 CO2 emission (Ton/MWh) Coal 0,1000 Oil 0,750 Natural Gas 0,500 0,250 Geotermia Source: EIA 1998; Bloomfield and Moore 1999 22 Typical exploitation of a geothermal field 23 Some environmental aspects of the Hungarian geothermal energy production Dissolved materials Dissolved materials, such as sodium chloride (NaCl), boron (B), in some cases traces of arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) – whose concentrations usually increase with temperature – is a source of pollution if discharged directly into the environment. There may be a need for monitoring in case their concentrations exceed permitted pollution limits. Thermal waters cooled in the course of utilisation are usually released to public sewers, drainage canals, sometimes at lakes or storage reservoirs or occassionall used for irrigation. But in many cases the total dissolved salt content of thermal waters or equivalent % of Na is exceeding the limit value below which used waters may be disposed in public sewers without pollution fee or used for irrigation without spoiling soil quality. 24 In some geothermal direct use systems the used warm water is collected in a surface lake, and after cooling is partially discharged.The total dissolved solid (TDS) content or the sodium content of this water is often above the limiting values. cooling. These waters can be discharged only with dilution. For discharge important characteristics are: Na %: ratio of sodium between cations Na Na% 100 (Ca 2 ) ( Mg 2 ) ( Na ) ( K ) If in the water HCO3- is dominating, max Na % is 35%. If in the water Cl- is dominating, max Na % is 45%. 25 SAR (sodium adsorption ratio) SAR Na Ca 2 Mg 2 2 Na cause alkalization in soil!! 26 Total salt content in Hungarian thermal waters Specific conductivity Wells Surface water Specific conductivity measures the total dissolved solid content! 27 Salt content of some Hungarian Thermal Water Zalakaros ~11600 mg/l 91 % Mezőkövesd ~4200 mg/l 39 % Kistelek ~1500 mg/l 94% Szentes ~2000 mg/l 97 % Hévíz, Bogács, Eger < 1000 mg/l 14%, 20 %, 11 % Bükfürdő ~10000 mg/l 89 % - TDS - Na eq% Na eq % = Na eq / (Na eg + K eq + Ca eq + Mg eq) * 100 MSZ 1484-3 (6. point) standard Na eq = Na mg/l /23 K eq = K mg/l /39,1 Ca eq = Ca mg/l /20 Mg eq = Mg mg/l28/12 •Radioactive isotopes (226Ra, 228Ra, 222Rn) Mined thermal water contain mor or less 238U and 235U isotopes and their decay products, among other radioactive 226Ra, 228Ra, 222Rn in dissolved form or as scale. Radon gas bubbles out very easily from thermal water and diluted with air is less dangerous. Isotopes of radium, like calcium, magnesium and barium precipitate as sulfate type scale. High energy gamma-ray of 226Ra maydanegerous and such type os separated scale should be stored in a closed separated place. Radium could be separated from water by adding barium-chloride. •Organic compounds (humic acids, phenols etc.) Environmentally dangerous aromatic and polyaromatic compounds may be present in high concentration only at higher temperatures. In some Hungarian thermal water there are detectable amounts of phenolic and alky-benzene types of organic compounds. COD~20-70 mg O2/l . 29 •Boron compounds Boron compounds are present in some Hungarian thermal waters with several hundreds of ppm concentration. They are potential pollutants for the environment. Boron dissolved in water is an essential element for the plants, but above 1 ppm it is toxic. Boron compounds can be removed by adsorption, ion exchange or memnrane separation. •Arsenic compounds Some Hungarian thermal waters contain considerable (~10 mg/l) amount of arsenic compounds. The cooled water should not recharged into surface waters without arsenic removal. Water containing arsenites and arsenates, the former forms are more toxic. Human consumption is possible below 50 mg/l, for watering this limit is 200 mg/l. Arzenic compounds could be removed from thermal water by adsorption, ion exchange and membrane separation. 30 As, B content and phenol index in some Hungarian geothermal water well CSERKESZŐLŐ HAJDÚSZOBOSZLÓ SÁRVÁR ZALAKOMÁR CSERKESZŐLŐ ZALAKAROS ZALAKAROS ZALAKAROS BÜKKSZÉK ZALAKAROS BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK ZALAKAROS BÜKKSZÉK ZALAKAROS BÜKKSZÉK NYÍREGYHÁZA SÁRVÁR ZALAKAROS ZALAKAROS NYÍREGYHÁZA ZALAKAROS B mg/l 203519 185017 128278 106076 88487 88310 83874 76054 74130 74007 72477 70923 69073 67839 67839 66606 62905 61672 61672 61672 60439 60300 well No As mg/l MEZŐCSÁT 46 930 MEZŐKÖVESD 48 620 MEZŐKÖVESD 48 620 CSERKESZŐLŐ 1 584 MEZŐKÖVESD 48 570 BÉKÉS 27 500 POROSZLÓ 34 480 GÁLOSFA 4 400 BÉKÉS 46 360 BÉKÉS 29 339.64 NAGYSZÉNÁS 13 300 ABÁDSZALÓK 40 290 POROSZLÓ 34 280 NAGYSZÉNÁS 13 270 FÜZESGYARMAT 34 230 KÖRÖSÚJFALU 4 201 GÁLOSFA 4 200 KISVÁRDA 154 200 CSORNA 47 200 BÉKÉSCSABA 1019 200 FÜZESGYARMAT 41 200 well No SZEGED SZEGED BÉKÉSCSABA SZEGED GYULA SZEGED SZARVAS SZARVAS SZÉKKUTAS SZARVAS DESZK SZARVAS DOMASZÉK VÉGEGYHÁZA MEZŐTÚR SZEGED TÚRKEVE ÖCSÖD TÓTKOMLÓS OROSHÁZA HÓDMEZŐVÁSÁRHELY MAKÓ MAKÓ BÉKÉSCSABA SZARVAS BÉKÉSCSABA KISKUNMAJSA CSERKESZŐLŐ SZENTES SZARVAS SZEGED 376 650 953 474 453 602 61 87 271 80 40 110 25 19 140 476 26 46 145 481 1077 230 189 282 81 282 49 1 658 88 453 fenol ind. mg/l 100 13.8 8.59 8.25 6.872 5.895 5.87 5.59 5.55 5.3 4.527 4.36 3.691 3.17 3.1 3.092 3.02 2.98 2.92 2.917 2.9 2.6 2.1 1.94 1.9 1.8 1.44 1.4 1.34 1.25 1.022 K, Na content and water hardness (mg/l) in some Hungarian geothermal water well SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR GÖDÖLLŐ SÁRVÁR GÖDÖLLŐ GÖDÖLLŐ No 23 36 36 36 23 23 23 36 36 36 36 36 74 36 74 74 K+ BALATONSZABADI CSERKESZŐLŐ KAPUVÁR CSERKESZŐLŐ BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK 49 1 84 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 9 1 1 150 SÁRRÉTUDVARI BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK BÜKKSZÉK KAPUVÁR 19 9 9 9 61 1100 1280 680 570 900 770 1020 146 127 99.8 93.2 96.72 100 178.4 72.6 95 120 Na+ 26544.5 17500 17000 16916 16600 16292.7 16211.5 16128.6 16000 15500 14800 14800 14000 13684.5 13279.7 13067.4 10600 10376 9800 8884.9 7850.3 7797 7784.3 7452 7254.89 6800.91 6796 6796 6750 6607.4 6533.4 6323.62 6200 6140 6100 6000 well BÜK BÜK BÜK BÜK BÜK SZOMBATHELY BALATONSZABADI SZOMBATHELY BÜK SÁRRÉTUDVARI BÜK PÉCSVÁRAD BÜK GÖDÖLLŐ GÖDÖLLŐ GÖDÖLLŐ KISKŐRÖS KISKŐRÖS HEVES KAPOSSZEKCSŐ BÜK DÉVAVÁNYA HEVES BUDAPEST-XIV.KER. VAJTA TÁPIÓGYÖRGYE ZALACSÁNY SÁRVÁR KEHIDAKUSTÁNY BÜK MEZŐKÖVESD BÜK ZALACSÁNY SÁRVÁR SZEGED SÁRVÁR SÁRVÁR hardness 8721 7226 7168 5152 5152 4750 4652 4450 4379 3448.52 3048 2960 2280 2260.05 2250 2200 1912 1880 1520 1460 1331 1320 1180 1092 1072 920 900 858 844 841.39 827.39 820 820 817.13 812 803.34 802.13 32 28/2004. (XII. 25.) KvVM Governmental Decree Emission limits Parameter Unit Energetical use Balneological use Thermal bath Chemical Oxigen Demand (COD) mg/l - 150 - TDS mg/l 3000 5000 2000 % 45 95 45 Ammonia-ammoniumnitrogen mg/l - 10 - Sulfids mg/l - 2 - Phenolindex mg/l 1.0 - - Total barium mg/l - 0.5 - oC 30 30 30 Sodium-equivalent Heat discharge 33 34 Variations of the wellhead pressures in Szeged ,Székelysor well (By Dr Török, J.) 35 Thank you! 36