Thinking Like an Economist

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• Is economics a science?

• What do economists mean by a


• Why do economists use mathematical models so much?

• What patterns and habits of thought must you learn to successfully think like an economist?

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• is a social science

– focuses on human beings and how they behave

• debates within economics last longer than those in natural sciences

– less likely to end in consensus

• economists are unable to undertake largescale experiments

• the subjects studied by economists--people-have minds of their own

– expectations of the future play an important role

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The Importance of

Expectations: An Example

• The stock market crash of 1929 changed what Americans expected about the future of the economy

 spending

 production layoffs

 income

• Expectations that future income would be lower became realized

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Figure 3.1 - The Stock Market, 1928-1932

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• is a quantitative science

– uses arithmetic to measure economic variables of interest

– uses mathematical models to relate economic variables of interest

• involves a particular way of thinking about the world using

– unique technical language

– a specific set of data

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• use a special set of analogies and metaphors to describe the functioning of the macroeconomy

– curves “shift”

– money has a “velocity”

– the central bank “pushes the economy up the Phillips curve”

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Figure 3.2 - Pushing the Economy Up the

Phillips Curve

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Dominant Concepts

• the image of the “circular flow of economic activity”

• the use of the word “market”

• the idea of “equilibrium”


• use of graphs and diagrams

– equations depicted by geometric curves

– situations of equilibrium occur where curves cross

– changes in economy demonstrated by shifts in the curves

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The Circular Flow

• patterns of spending, income, and production flowing through the economy

– flow of purchasing power

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The Circular Flow

• “income side”

– firms buy the factors of production from households

– money payments flow from firms to households

• “expenditure side”

– households buy goods and services from firms

– money payments flow from households to firms

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Figure 3.3 - The Circular Flow Diagram

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Circular Flow

• can be made to be more realistic by adding

– the government

– financial markets

– international trade and finance

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Figure 3.4 - The Circular Flow of

Economic Activity

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Different Measures of the

Circular Flow

• “expenditure side” measure

– consumption

– investment

– government purchases

– net exports

• “income side” measure

– purchases of labor, capital, and natural resources owned directly or indirectly by households

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Different Measures of the

Circular Flow

• “uses of income” measure

– where households decide to use their income

• saving

• taxes

• consumption

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• are used as a metaphor for the complex processes of matching and exchange that take place in the economy

– economists assume that buyers and sellers are well-informed about prevailing prices and quantities

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• is a point (or points) of balance at which some economic quantity is neither rising nor falling

– once equilibrium is identified, economists can determine how fast economic forces will push the economy to the points of equilibrium

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Graphs and Equations

• an algebraic equation relating two variables can also be represented as a curve drawn on a graph

• the solution to a set of two equations is the point on a graph where the two curves that represent the equations intersect

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Figure 3.5 - Two Forms of the Production


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Using Graphs Instead of


• behavioral relationships become curves that shift around on a graph

• conditions of economic equilibrium can be represented by the points where the curves describing behavioral relationships intersect

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Using Graphs Instead of


• changes in the state of the economy can be shown as movements in the intersection of the curves

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Building Models

• restrict the problem to only a few behavioral relationships and equilibrium conditions

• capture these relationships and equilibrium conditions in simple algebraic equations

– use diagrams to represent the equations

• apply the model to the real world

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Important Concepts in

Macroeonomic Models

• representative agents

– assume that all participants in the economy are the same

– examine the decision-making of one individual and then generalize to the economy as a whole

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Important Concepts in

Macroeonomic Models

• opportunity costs

– occur when any decision is made

– measured by the value of the best alternative foregone

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Important Concepts in

Macroeonomic Models

• expectation formation

– macroeconomic models must explain

• the amount of time people spend thinking about the future

• the information that people have available

• the rules of thumb used to turn information into expectations

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Important Concepts in

Macroeonomic Models

• expectation formation

– static expectations

• decision makers do not think about the future

– adaptive expectations

• decision makers assume that the future is going to be like the recent past

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Important Concepts in

Macroeonomic Models

• expectation formation

– rational expectations

• decision makers spend as much time as they can thinking about the future and know as much about the structure and behavior of the economy as the model builder does

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Building and Solving an

Economic Model

• write equations that represent behavioral relationships

– state how the “effects” are related to the


• draw a diagram to help visualize the relationship

• consider equilibrium conditions

– can be shown as intersections on diagram

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Building and Solving an

Economic Model: An Example

• The production function relates

– the economy’s capital-labor ratio (K/L)

– the level of technology or efficiency of the labor force (E)

– the level of real GDP per worker (Y/L)

Y/L  F(K/L, E t


• Cobb-Douglas production function

Y/L  (K/L)   E 1 t

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Building and Solving an

Economic Model: An Example

• Equilibrium condition for balanced growth

– the ratio of the economy’s capital stock

(K) to its level of output (Y) must be constant

K/Y   *  n  s g  

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Building and Solving an

Economic Model: An Example

• Equilibrium condition for balanced growth

K/Y  κ*  n  s g  δ

• s=share of total income in the economy saved and invested

• n=proportional growth rate of the labor force

• g=proportional growth rate of the efficiency of the labor force

•  =the depreciation rate

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Building and Solving an

Economic Model: An Example

• arithmetic can be used to determine the steady-state output per worker

– Let E=$10,000,  =1/2, s=25%, n=1%, g=1%, and  =3%.

K/Y  κ*  n  s g  δ

1% 


1%  3%

 5

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Building and Solving an

Economic Model: An Example

K/Y  κ*  n  s g  δ

1% 


1%  3%

 5

• since K/Y=5, this must imply that

K/L=5  Y/L

• substituting for  and E t in the Cobb-

Douglas production function

Y/L  (K/L) (0.5)  10,000 (0.5)

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Building and Solving an

Economic Model: An Example

• in equilibrium, both conditions must hold

K/L  5  Y/L  5  K/L  100

K/L  $ 250,000

Y/L  $ 50,000

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Building and Solving an

Economic Model: An Example

• algebra can be used to determine the steady-state output per worker

Y/L  (K/L)   E 1 

Y/L  [( Y/L)  (K/Y)]   E 1 

(Y/L) 1   (K/Y)   E 1 

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Building and Solving an

Economic Model: An Example

(Y/L)  (K/Y) 1 

  E

• putting in the balanced-growth condition

(Y/L) 

 n  s g  


1  

 E

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Building and Solving an

Economic Model: An Example

• Let E=$10,000,  =1/2, s=25%, n=1%, g=1%, and  =3%

(Y/L) 

 .01



 .03



 10,000

(Y/L)  $50,000

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Building and Solving an

Economic Model: An Example

• graphs can also be used to show the steady-state output per worker

– the production function can be drawn with output per worker (Y/L) on the vertical axis and capital per worker (K/L) on the horizontal axis

– the equilibrium condition for balanced growth can also be shown

• K/L=s/(n+g+  )

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Figure 3.6 - Equilibrium Output per Worker

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The Advantages of Using


• best way to summarize cause-andeffect behavioral relationships

– allows us to consider different possible systematic relationships by changing the value of parameters

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Figure 3.7 - A Single Equation, a Host of Relationships

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Figure 3.8 - Changing Parameter Values and the

Shape of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function

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Figure 3.9 - The Effect of Changes in the

Efficiency of Labor on the Shape of the

Production Function

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Chapter Summary

• Don’t be surprised to find economists’ ways of thinking strange and new-that is always the case when you learn any new intellectual discipline

• Don’t be surprised to find economics more abstract than you thought

– Today’s economic courses focus more on analytic tools and chains of reasoning and less on institutional descriptions

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Chapter Summary

• Economics is a relatively mathematical subject because so much of what it analyzes can be measured

– Economists use arithmetic to count things and use algebra because it is the best way to analyze and understand arithmetic

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Chapter Summary

• When macroeconomists build models, they usually follow four key strategies

– strip down a complicated process to a few economy-wide behavioral relationships and equilibrium conditions

– ignore differences between people in the economy

– look at opportunity costs

– focus on expectations of the future

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