Earthquakes Chapter 6 Elastic Rebound Theory • Rocks on either side of a fault move slowly • When locked, stress builds…until fault ruptures • Rocks fracture and slip to new position releasing vibrations create seismic waves Relaxed Stressed Released What are faults • A fault is a crack in the Earth's crust along which movement has occurred. • Occur at plate boundaries or within a plate • Consists of a hanging wall (HW) and a foot wall (FW) 3 types of faults • Normal: – at divergent boundaries, HW moves down, FW moves up • Reverse (or thrust fault): – at convergent boundaries: HW moves up, FW moves down • Strike-slip faults: – At transform boundaries; movement is horizontal San Andreas Fault Strike-slip fault From shuttle (above) From air (at right) More San Andreas Earthquake Vocab • Focus: area along fault where slippage 1st occurs • Epicenter: point on surface directly above the focus Major EQ Zones – 1. Ring of Fire 2. Mid-Ocean Ridges 3. Eurasian-Melanesian Mts Boundary of Eurasian-Indian-African plates 4. Fault Zones • Faults along plate boundaries – San Andreas strike-slip fault • Faults within plates – in middle of US 1812 New Madrid, Missouri EQ • New England, too? • Nov. 2006 NH – 1.2 Recording EQs • Seismograph: instrument used to record EQs • Seismogram: printout from a seismograph Types of Seismic Waves • Primary “P” • Secondary “S” • Surface Waves – Rayleigh “R” – Love “L” Primary “P” waves • • • • “push-pull” waves Fastest seismic waves; 1st to be recorded Compression waves (like sound) Cause movement in the same direction as the wave motion • Rocks vibrate backwards and forwards, • P waves can travel through liquids and solids Secondary “S” waves • • • • Shake or shear waves Second to be recorded Slower and more destructive than P waves Rocks are moved from side to side as the wave passes, moving at right angles to the direction of wave motion • Transverse waves, like water waves • Move through solid only Surface, “L” waves • L for “Love” waves • Slowest of the three EQ wave types • L waves take the longer surface route around the earth • Have a rolling motion, side to side • Cause great damage • Behaves most like waves in a pond or on the sea Other surface waves • Rayleigh waves • Rolls along the ground, moving ground up and down • Animation: Power and ground type •The type of rock will determine how fast the wave travels, and will thus affect amplitude of the waves •Animation: Using Seismic Waves to determine Earth’s Interior • P waves travel through solids, liquids and gases • S waves travel through solids only • Outer core must be liquid (no S waves pass) Earthquakes, Tsunami and animals • Homework • Read and take notes – pp 104-105 • Answer questions #1-4, pg 102 and #3-5, pg 105