2nd Annual Healthy Living Summit October 21-23, 2015 | Barrow, Alaska Call for Presentations The North Slope Borough and the Arctic Slope Native Association are hosting the 2 nd Annual Healthy Living Summit at the Barrow High School from October 21-23, 2015. We are seeking proposals that explore emerging and current health issues, health advocacy, and topics that have an impact on the North Slope population. We are inviting you to submit a proposal to be a presenter at our upcoming Summit, and be a part of our dynamic community and culture for three days! Proposals will be accepted for: Presentations - Team or individual proposals accepted. Sessions will run 75-90 minutes and should allow for in-depth presentation and Q&A. Panels - Panel discussions will be considered. They may be organized and submitted as a group by a panel coordinator, or an individual may submit their particular viewpoint to become part of a panel. Ideally, this will last 60 minutes and be held during a lunchtime session. Workshop – If a longer session than 75 minutes is desired, please describe in detail why. We will offer “Part I” and “Part II” (two 75-minute sessions) as well, so please keep that in mind when submitting proposals. Poster/Booth – Posters/Booths are aimed at sharing research, programs, program activities, school information, hands-on safety techniques, among other things. Please keep in mind your booth/poster should be accompanied by a representative during the Summit. 1. Please check the box corresponding to the proposal you are submitting: 75-90 Minute Presentation 60 Minute Panel Discussions Workshop (2-3 hours) Poster/Booth ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Who Will Attend?: Residents from all 8 North Slope communities Community Health Providers Youth ages 14-18 Page 1 of 3 The Summit will have three tracks: a community track, a health provider track, and a youth track. Presentations of all three tracks will run concurrently all three days, except for the youth track, which will be dedicated to the final day on Friday, the 23rd. Youth from the surrounding villages of the North Slope and Barrow High School will attend the youth track on Friday, as the schools have allowed the students to “miss” school in order to attend sessions geared toward the youth. All meeting rooms will be equipped with a laptop, projector and screen. For larger spaces, such as the auditorium (panel discussions, for instance), microphones will be provided as well. Wireless internet access will be available, however, keep in mind, it will be much slower on the North Slope than what you are used to elsewhere in Alaska/out of state. All meeting rooms will have a moderator. 2. Please indicate which track your proposal fits into: Community ☐ Health Provider ☐ Youth ☐ Speaker Benefits: The Summit sponsors have limited ability to pay for traveling expenses and lodging for presenters. All speakers will receive a presenter package to include a bag with the Summit logo and Summit materials. Speakers will be featured in the Summit publication and possibly on the North Slope Borough and ASNA websites. 3. Please indicate if you will require any travel expenses. Keep in mind that requests may be denied if funding is not available: a. b. Travel expenses (airfare) Lodging ☐ ☐ c. Honorarium/other fees* ☐ *Please indicate amount $ Click here to enter text. Presentation Rules: Content – The Summit seeks to educate its audience and not promote any specific products. Exhibit space is available for all promotional activity. Only presentations that are productneutral will be considered. Presentation selections will be made based upon desired topics, flow of content, educational value and understanding of the content. All selected content will be advertised in publications and online. Schedule – The summit organizers will set the day and time for each presentation, in order to optimize the sequencing and flow of content and tracks. Sessions will end by 5:00 pm each day. Presentation Information: Page 2 of 3 4. TITLE of Presentation Enter title here: Click here to enter text. 5. SUMMARY Provide a brief summary of your presentation topic in 50 words or less – this will be published in the Summit program if accepted. Type summary here: Click here to enter text. 6. DESCRIPTION This description should elaborate on your summary above, and is limited to 500 words. Reviewers will use this description to evaluate your presentation proposal/poster/booth; please include as much detail as you can. Type description here: Click here to enter text. 7. List all the names of the presenters/panel members for your session, including what organization they represent (a brief bio will be requested upon acceptance of proposals that will be printed in Summit material): Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 8. here: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. If you would like CEU’s available to participants at your session, please indicate Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, give three (3) learning objectives that participants will take away from your session: i.Click here to enter text. ii.Click here to enter text. iii.Click here to enter text. Submit this proposal form by email to: russell.bryant@north-slope.org by August 7th, 2015. The Content Committee will notify all selected speakers by August 20th, 2015. Questions, concerns or comments should be directed to the Summit Content Committee at: Russell Bryant (907) 852-0366 russell.bryant@north-slope.org Heather Dingman (907) 852-0366 heather.dingman@north-slope.org Page 3 of 3