Introduction to the Domains In-service training presentation for Southern Region – Sept 2012 Broward County Sheriff’s Office – Child Protective Investigations Section • Learning Objectives 1. Understand why we are shifting to the safety framework 2. Identify the six domains • Why Change? 1. Our mission is to ensure child safety 2. To do that, we need more information about the family than simply the whether or not there was maltreatment 3. For example, home has hazardous conditions, but may have underlying mental health issues/other issues What is a “safe child”? • No threats of danger exist, or • Parents possess protective capacities to manage any threats What is an “unsafe“ child? Threats of danger exist Children are vulnerable to those threats Parents have insufficient protective capacities to manage threats In order to really know if a child is safe or unsafe, we need to understand how the family functions. To do that, we have to understand what is happening in the six domains listed below: Child’s day to day functioning? Extent of maltreatment Disciplinary Practices Circumstances surrounding the maltreatment General Parenting Child Functioning Adult Functioning Concerned with facts & evidence of actual maltreating behavior Worker’s Observations Interviews and Supporting Evidence Experts such as LEO, CPT, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence professionals Includes verification about type of Maltreatment consistent with finding Surrounding or Accompanying Circumstances Qualifies Maltreatment as to what preceded or led up to the event Or existed while the maltreatment was occurring Greater understanding as to seriousness of maltreatment • Considered w/respect to age appropriateness of the child • Must have working knowledge of child development • Assess trust, motor skills, intellect, emotion, play, eating & sleep habits • Skills & communication • Independence & assertiveness • Physical capabilities including vulnerabilities • Emphasis is on general behaviors, emotions, rather than the intervention Strictly about caregivers in their everyday lives Concerned with life management Social relationships, problem solving Intellect Stress Management Role performance influenced by Mental Health & Substance Abuse Individual’s history [i.e.: criminal, employment, relationships, etc] Distinctly Centered on overall parenting Can not allow the overall maltreatment to overshadow information Parenting Experiences Their viewpoint towards children General Parenting Expectation of children Communication Basic style and care & the origin of their beliefs. Focuses on one area – discipline of the child Includes parent’s method & source of method Parenting Discipline Purpose or reasons for discipline [i.e.: “My parents spanked me & I am ok.” ] Expectations of the discipline [i.e.: Change behavior or punish] • For the PI, safety can only be determined if you can understand and explain what is happening within the six domains of the family. • For the case manager, enhanced protective capacity for the parents and the safety of the child , (not compliance with case plans) will be the drivers that determine whether you can close a case or return a child home. • Remember- a safe child is one where no threats exist, or the parents possess sufficient protective capacity to keep the child safe from the threats. Questions?