Fraud - Extras Springer

Combatting Fraud
Security Planning
Susan Lincke
Security Planning: An Applied Approach | 3/12/2016 | 2
The student shall be able to:
What are the key elements of fraud, and what techniques can be
used to counteract these key elements?
What are the three categories of fraud and what crimes do they
Define skimming, larceny, embezzlement, lapping, shell company,
payroll manipulation, ghost employees.
What are the legal considerations of fraud?
Who commits fraud, and who commits the most expensive
What are some red flags of potential fraud?
How does social engineering occur, and how can it be prevented?
Define the four roles of segregation of duties.
Describe the purpose of the 3 stages of a fraud investigation.
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The Problem
Amount recovered following an
Incident of fraud
Organizations lose 5% of
revenue annually due to
internal fraud
Average scheme lasts 18
months, costs $140,000
20% costs exceed $1M
Smaller companies suffer
greater average $ losses due to
inadequate controls
ACFE 2012, 2014 “Report to the
Nations on Occupational Fraud and
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Internal or Occupational Fraud
Violates the employee’s fiduciary responsibility to employer
Is done secretly and is concealed
Is done to achieve a direct or indirect benefit
Costs the organization assets, revenue, or opportunity
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Fraud Categories
% of
Cases, $
Asset Misappropriation
Theft of checks, cash, money orders, inventory, equipment,
supplies, info
Bribe to accept contractor bid or Kickback, Collusion, Bid
Extortion: threat of harm if demand not met;
False Billing: Providing lower quality, overcharging
Conflict of interest in power decision
Corporate espionage: Sell secrets
Bribery &
$1 million
($4 million
in 2010)
Revenue Overstatement: False sales
Understating Expenses: Delayed or capitalization of
Overstating Assets: No write down of uncollectable
accounts, obsolete inventory, …
Understating Liabilities: Not recording owed amounts
Misapplication of Accounting Rules, etc.
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Legal Considerations of Fraud
Intentionally false representation
Not an error
Lying or concealing actions
Pattern of unethical behavior
Personal material benefit
Organizational or victim loss
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Key Elements of Fraud
Motivation: Need or
perceived need
Opportunity: Access to
assets, information,
computers, people
Rationalization: Justification
for action
3 Key
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How Fraud is Discovered
Tips provided by employees 49%, customers 21.6%, anon.14.6%, vendors 9.6%.
ACFE “2014 Report to the Nations on
Occupational Fraud and Abuse”
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Collusion: Two or more employees or employee & vendor defraud together
2012 Global Fraud Study
Assoc. of Fraud Examiners
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Who Does Fraud?
Most $$$ internal frauds committed by longer-tenured, older, and
more educated staff
Executives commit most expensive fraud: $500K
• Median manager fraud: $130K
• Median line employee fraud: $75K
Most hit: Banks/financial industries: 16.7%
• Government/public administration: 10.3
• Manufacturing: 10.1%
95% have no criminal convictions related to fraud
To steal a lot of money, you must have a position of power and
• highly degreed > HS grad
• older > younger people 2012, 2014 Global Fraud Study
Assoc. of Fraud Examiners
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Discussion Points
What types of fraud could computer programmers or system
administrators commit?
For each type of fraud, what methods may help to prevent such
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Example 1:
Financial Statement Fraud
Executives, Wall Street have high expectations: employees
needed to meet the standards. To meet these standards, it may
be necessary to play the game, and financial statement fraud may
be accepted.
Methods of such fraud may include: manual adjustments to
accounts or improper accounting procedures
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Example 2: Corruption
The Director of a subsidiary always purchases goods from 2 large
organizations, who provide rebates for large purchase quantities.
The director negotiated contracts and pocketed the rebates to an
off-shore bank account. Local vendors are upset that their bids
are ignored.
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Example 3:
Asset Misappropriation
A manager took money from one account, and when payment
was due, paid via another account. When that was due, she paid
via a third account, etc.
This lapping went on for years and was finally caught when a
sickness resulted in her being absent from work for an extended
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Asset Misappropriation
Skimming: Taking funds before they are recorded into company
Cash Larceny: Taking funds (e.g., check) that company recorded as
going to someone else
Embezzlement: Abusing a business privilege for personal gain
Lapping: Theft is covered with another person’s check (and so on)
Check Tampering: Forged or altered check for gain
Shell Company: Payments made to fake company
Payroll Manipulation: Ghost employees, falsified hours, understated
leave/vacation time
False Shipping Orders or Missing/Defective Receiving Record:
Inventory theft
Detecting &
Preventing Fraud
How to Recognize Fraud
How to Prevent Fraud
Info. Systems Applications
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Fraud & Audit
Audits are not designed to detect fraud
Goal: Determine whether the financial statement is free
from material misstatements.
Auditors test only a small fraction of transactions
Auditors must:
• Be aware of the potential of fraud
• Discuss how fraud could occur
• Delve into suspicious observations and report them
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Red Flags
Significant change in lifestyle: New wealth
Gambling, drug addiction, infidelity
Criminal background
Chronic legal problems
Dishonest behavior in general
Beat the system: Break rules commonly
Dissatisfaction with job
Report to the Nations on Occupational
Fraud and Abuse: 2014 Global Fraud
Study. ACFE.
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Work Habits of Fraudsters
One or more:
Justifying poor work habits
Desperately trying to meet performance goals
Over-protective of certain documents (poor sharing or avoids
Refusal to swap job duties
Consistently at work in off-time (early or late) or never absent
Essentials of Corporate Fraud, T L
Coenen, 2008, John Wiley & Sons
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Potential Transaction Red Flags
Unusual transactions:
Unusual timing, too frequent or infrequent
Unusual amount: too much or too little
Unusual participant: involves unknown or closelyrelated party
Voided checks or receipts, with no explanation
Insufficient supervision
Pattern of adjustments to accounts
Different addresses for same vendor, or vendors with
similar names
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Fraud Control Types
After Fraud
Amend controls
Fidelity Insurance
Employee Bonding
Time of
Detective Controls:
Finding fraud when it
occurs includes:
Anonymous hotline*->
Surprise audits*->
Monitoring activities->
Complaint or fraud
Mandatory vacations
Before Fraud:
Preventive Controls**:
Preventing fraud includes:
Segregation of Duties
Ethical Culture
Internal controls:
Physical & data security
Authorization (Passwords, etc)
Signed Documents
Fraud education
Employee Support Programs
Background checks
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Techniques to Discourage Fraud
Realistic job expectations
Adequate pay
Motivation Training in job duties
Segregation of duties Opportunity
Checks and balances
Job rotation
Physical security of assets
Background checks
Mandatory vacations
Examination of required documentation
Trained in policies
and procedures
Rationalization Policy enforcement
Sr. Mgmt models
ethical behavior
to customers, vendors,
employees, share
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Segregation of Duties
Acts on
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Compensating Controls
When Segregation of Duties not possible, use:
Audit Trails
Transaction Logs: Record of all transactions in a batch
Reconciliation: Ensure transaction batches are not modified
during processing
Exception reporting: Track rejected and/or exceptional (nonstandard) transactions
Supervisory or Independent Reviews
Separation of duties: authorization, distribution, verification
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Software to Detect Fraud
Provide reports for customer credits, adjustment accounts,
inventory spoilage or loss, fixed-asset write-offs.
Detect unusual anomalies such as unusual amounts or patterns
Compare vendor addresses and phone numbers with employee
Use Range or Limit Validation to detect fraudulent transactions
Logged computer activity, login or password attempts, data
access attempts, and geographical location data access.
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Red flags software can detect
Out-of-sequence checks
Large number of voids or refunds made by employee or
Manually prepared checks from large company
Payments sent to nonstandard (unofficial) address
Unexplained changes in vendor activity
Vendors with similar names or addresses
Unapproved vendor or new vendor with high activity
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Encourage Security in IT Departments
Physical security
Segregation of duties
Employee monitoring
Surprise audits
Job rotation
Examination of
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Business Application Checks
Checks locked up; access restricted
Physical inventory of checks at least every quarter
New accounts payable vendors’ existence and address doublechecked by management
Returned checks sent to PO Box and evaluated by someone
independent of Accts Payable
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What is the MOST effective means of preventing fraud?
Effective internal controls
Fraud training program
Fraud hotline
Punishment when fraud is discovered
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A woman in the accounting department set up a vendor file
with her own initials, and was able to steal more than $4 M
after 3 years. The auditor should have found that:
The vendor was a phony company
Purchases from the vendor did not result in inventory
The initials for the vendor matched an employee in the
accounting dept.
Management did not authorize new vendors with a separate
phone call
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What is: Origination, Authorization, Distribution, Verification?
1. Four stages of software release
2. Recommended authority allocations for access control
3. Stages for development of a Biometric Identity Management
System (BIMS)
4. Categories for Segregation of Duties
External Fraud
Social Engineering
Check & Receipt Fraud
A Fraud Investigation
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Red Flags Rule
Red Flag
Example Red Flag Cases
Warnings from 
a Credit Agency 
Other Sources
Identification or application looks forged or altered.
Info is inconsistent btwn ID, what client says, and their records.
Picture or signature differs.
Info matches other clients
Info. looks suspicious: phone number is answering service; SSN is on Death Master File;
info. inconsistent with credit report.
Incomplete application and client fails to submit additional info
Client cannot provide authenticating info beyond name address phone
A major change in spending or payment habits.
A change in address, followed by unusual requests: e.g., multiple credit cards.
Initial use of credit card shows unusual activity: first payment only; purchase of products
easily converted to cash: electronics, jewelry.
Inactive accounts become suddenly active.
Mail is undeliverable but transactions continue.
Changes to a credit report, inconsistent with client’s history.
Indication of fraud, credit freeze or other abuse.
Changes in recent credit transactions: increase in inquiries or new accounts.
Tip indicates an account has been opened inappropriately or used fraudulently.
Red Flags Rule
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Social Engineering I
The first 500 people to register at our Web site will win free
tickets to …
Please provide company email address and choose a password
You received a message from Facebook. Follow this link … log in.
Social engineering: Getting people to do something they would
not ordinarily do for a stranger
Social engineering is nearly 100% effective
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Social Engineering II
Telephone call from ‘IT’:
Some company computers have been infected with a virus that
the anti-virus software cannot fix. Let me walk you through the
We need to test a new utility to change your password…
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Social Engineering III
Phone call 1:
“I had a great experience at your store. Can you tell me
manager’s name, address?”
Phone call 2:
“This is John from X. I got a call from Alice at your site wanting me
to fax a sig-card. She left a fax number but I can’t read it can you
tell me? What is the code?
“You should be telling me the code…”
“That’s ok, it can wait. I am leaving but Alice won’t get her
“The code is … “
Phone call or fax 3:
“I need … Code is …”
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Social Engineering Techniques
Learns insider vocabulary and/or personnel names
Pretends legit insider: “I am <VP, IT, other branch,
other dept>. Can you …?”
Pretends real transaction:
Helping: I am in trouble <or> you need help due to …
• <My,Your> computer is <virused, broke, busy, don’t have
one>. Can you <do, tell me> …?
Deception: Hides real question among others.
Establishes relationship: Uses friendliness to gain trust for future
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Combating Social Engineering
Verification Procedure
Verify requester is who they
claim to be
Verify the requester is currently
employed in the position
Verify role is authorized for
Record transaction
Organization security
Data classification defines
Policies define guidelines for
employee behavior
Employees trained in roles,
need-to-know, and policies
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Fraud Scams
Get a receipt from the trash, ‘return’ a product
Copy gift certificate and cash in at multiple locations
Markdown sale prices reimbursed with receipt – copied
and collected at multiple locations
Fake UPC numbers to pay low prices then return at
higher price. If receipt total is sufficient, scam may
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Preventing Scams
Receipts must have security marks on them (e.g., two-colored ink
on special paper, or better: thermochromatic ink)
Line-item detail on receipts and sales records in company
Garbage bins which may receive receipts should be protected
from access (e.g., bank garbage bins)
Register gift certificates – unique numbers
Shredders should be used for any sensitive information
Protect against shoulder surfing or device attachment for card
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Check Fraud Examples
Altered Checks: Chemicals are used to erase the payee or amount, then reprinted OR check is appended to.
• An Argentinian modified a ticket-overpayment refund check from Miami,
changing a $2 check to $1.45 Million
Counterfeit Checks or Identity Assumption
• Someone in your checkout line views your check, or does yard work for you
• Fishes in a business’s in-mailbox or home’s out-mail for a check
• Checks can be purchased on-line or mail order
Telemarketing Fraud:
• “You’ve won a prize” or “Would you like to open a VISA?” “Now give me
your account information.”
Hot Check: “Insufficient Funds”
90% of ‘insufficient funds’ checks are numbered between 101 and 200
Account opening year may be printed on check
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Be Careful Printing Checks!
Paychecks & Accounts Payable should not be printed on blank
check paper
Laser printer is non-impact (ink does not go into paper but sits on
• Easy to remove printing
• ‘Laser Lock’ or ‘Toner Lock’ seals laser printing
Matrix printer puts ink into the paper
• Chemical ‘washing’ removes the print
Good Practices
Use larger printing: 12 font
Reverse toner in software: white on black
Control check stock and guard checks
Check your bank statements – you have 30 days
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Check Security Features
Watermark: Subtle design viewable at 45-degree angle toward light.
Cannot be photo-copied
Void Pantograph: Background pattern of checks. When photo-copied,
the background patter disappears or prints ‘VOID’
Chemical Voids: When check is treated with eradicator chemical, the
word VOID appears
Microprinting: When magnified, the signature or check border appears
to be written words. The resolution is too fine for a photo-copier
3-Dim. Reflective Holostripe: Metallic stripe contains at least one
hologram, similar to credit card.
Security ink: React to eradication chemicals, distorting check
Thermochromic Ink: Ink reacts to heat and moisture by fading and
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Processing Money Orders
Money order information provides info on a ready checking account
Non-negotiable incoming wire account prevents out-going checks
I would like to send you a
money order. What is your
account number?
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A Fraud Investigation
Step 1: Initial Inquiry
Investigate what is happening:
• What is happening from a financial and/or
operational aspect?
• Do security controls exist and are they
always practiced?
• Does the employee show any of the red
flags of fraud?
Data mining analyzes financial transactions
to find suspicious patterns or transactions
• e.g., match employee and accounts
payable contact information.
Initial Inquiry:
Investigate processes,
suspicious transactions
Develop & Confirm
Determine methods
& personnel involved
Collect Evidence:
Prepare for trial;
Answer all questions
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A Fraud Investigation (Cont’d)
Step 2: Develop and confirm
Step 3: Collect evidence.
Collect evidence for trial.
Analyze the evidence. Hypothesize on
possible methods of fraud and who is Prove the three requirements of
fraud: evidence of organizational loss,
personal gain, and deception.
The goal is to develop an accurate
Establish answers to full set of
story of what happened. Develop:
• timeline of what happened when,
• Who decided to make the unethical
• pictures of evidence,
or illicit changes?
• a diagram showing evidence
• Did affected personnel know the
relationships: which evidence is
correct methods?
associated with which people and
• How far up the management chain
other evidence
did this knowledge go, and could
auditors have been complicit?
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Forensic Tools for Fraud
Computer forensic tools can
• uncovering secret files
• decoding encrypted files
• investigating external media and deleted and retained email
• E.g., find images of checks in computer or printer memory.
Look at different versions of documents, transactions or emails:
• Analyze emails from both sender and receiver side; is there a
difference in emails purged?
• Fraudsters change dates, amounts and/or names of
transactions or checks; when are changes introduced?
These tools may also be used during earlier stages of the
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Fraud on average takes 5% of all income but can bankrupt organizations.
3 Key Elements: Motivation, Opportunity, Rationalization
Internal Fraud = Employee Fraud
• Asset misappropriation, corruption, financial statement fraud
• Controls: Preventive, Detective, Corrective
• Key: Segregation of Duties
External Fraud = Outsider Fraud
Red Flags Rule applies to any organization that provides credit
• Specifies suspicious transactions to be wary of
Social engineering fraud: fraudster pretends to be an insider
• Multiple calls build information
Other frauds: Receipt scams, checks, money orders, etc.