B EGINNING R ESEARCH THE B IG 6 WAY T HE B IG 6 Day 1 What is it? A way to calm yourself down when faced with a daunting task that will require research A problem-solving method It can apply to all your subjects, not just English What is the first step? TASK DEFINITION What is my information problem? What information will I need to solve this problem or complete this task? TASK D EFINITION What is your task when it comes to this research unit? Write a 5-7 page paper Use MLA format Cite your sources to avoid plagiarism Use a variety of credible sources, both print and nonprint Pick a side in a persuasive argument Use correct grammar and spelling Include clear main point sentences, supporting details, and transitions Find the best research and incorporate it with your own ideas B UT H OW DO WE EVEN GET STARTED ? How do you accomplish all of those goals if you don’t even know what your initial research question will be? Let’s take a look at this article by Somni Sengupta from The New York Times. T HE FACEBOOK D ILEMMA What are the important questions we should ask ourselves after reading this article? What parts of my private information does Facebook provide to other companies? How are these other companies using my private information? What could be the negative effects of this informationsharing in the long run? What are the benefits of this information sharing? How does it affect my day-to-day life? Should one company have all of this power? E SSENTIAL Q UESTIONS Essential questions ask what is important about the topic. A informative paper on the history of Facebook is not really necessary. Why? It’s been done before. It’s not new. It’s not contributing to the piles of information out there in the world. "Questions may be the most powerful technology we have ever created," said Jamie McKenzie, editor of the educational technology journal From Now On (qtd. In Valenza). S OME GOOD E SSENTIAL Q UESTIONS : Information taken from: “Best Answers” by Joyce Valenza Which one? How? Understand problems, weigh options, propose solutions What if? Instead of writing a report on cancer; write a paper on which disease deserves the most funding? Ask a hypothetical question like, “What if the Germans won WWII?” Should? Make a moral or practical decision based upon evidence Should we clone humans? Why? Understand cause and effect Why do people abuse children? B ACK TO THE FACEBOOK A RTICLE … Are there any essential questions we left out? What parts of my private information does Facebook provide to other companies? How are these other companies using my private information? What could be the negative effects of this informationsharing in the long run? What are the benefits of this information sharing? How does it affect my day-to-day life? Should one company have all of this power? C REATING A CENTRAL RESEARCH QUESTION … Day 2 You will need to focus your essential questions into one central research question. Some of your essential questions will definitely be addressed in the research process. Back to the Facebook article… What parts of my private information does Facebook provide to other companies? How are these other companies using my private information? What could be the negative effects of this information-sharing in the long run? What are the benefits of this information sharing? How does it affect my day-to-day life? Should one company have all of this power? What is the main question I would like to focus upon? Should one company potentially have access to a huge percentage of the world’s private information? D IHYDROGEN M ONOXIDE http://www.dhmo.org What is the focus/point of this website? Does the substance seem dangerous? What do you think Dihydrogen Monoxide actually is? D ATABASES Websites VS . W EBSITES Databases Not always credible May contain accurate information but not always written by experts Generally must pay to subscribe Contains information that has been published and reviewed Includes an abundance of resources Generally free Accessed through search engines Contains credible information Must be specific with search terms Can search loosely EBSCOH OST http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtyp e=ip,uid&custid=s8588123 How does this tool appear different than Google? Day 3 G ALVESTON , T EXAS Image taken from: city-data.com S TEP 2: I NFORMATION S EEKING S KILLS Search engines map out different routes, just like you did. We need to know how the internet works so that we know how to find our route, or our information Yesterday, we started this journey by discovering the differences between databases and search engines Today, we are going to learn about the differences between various search engines H OMEWORK Go to: http://21cif.com/tutorials/micro/mm/searchengi nes/ Complete the Search Engines Worksheet for homework W HAT IS A B OOLEAN S EARCH ? Day 4 It used to be a better, more academic way to search through search engines However, most search engines today are not Booleanfriendly They are still effective search tools when using databases or the online card catalog What is it? Uses words called “operators”—AND, NOT, OR These operators limit or expand searches + and – signs can also be used for AND and NOT B ENEFITS OF B OOLEAN Even if some search engines don’t focus on Boolean searches anymore, Boolean can still be helpful to determine keywords. Remember our research question: Should one company potentially have access to a huge percentage of the world’s private information? When searching in a database or search engine, what keywords would we use to find information about this question? Facebook, privacy laws, privacy settings, Facebook advertising—What else? T HE 3M’ S MUST USE OF MIGHT USE K EYWORDS MUSTN’T USE Q UALITIES OF A C REDIBLE W EBSITE Day 5 We are continuing with Step 2: Information Seeking Strategies We know that databases, especially our school’s, are generally credible But what about websites? Read through the following tutorials, looking for signs of a credible website: -“Accuracy” http://21cif.com/tutorials/micro/mm/accuracy/ -“Bias” http://21cif.com/tutorials/micro/mm/bias/ -“Author: Who Wrote this Page?” http://21cif.com/tutorials/micro/mm/author/ W HAT ARE THE Q UALITIES Y OU R EAD ABOUT ? S TEPS 1&2 P ROJECT Go over Requirements Go over Rubric Pick Partner Come up with Topic Project due in two days