SPAN 213 CRN 10212 10766 - Western New Mexico University

Department of Humanities
SPAN 213: Spanish for Heritage Speakers I
Fall 2012
Mondays 4:00 – 6:45 p.m.
ITV @ Deming (CRN 10766) & Silver City (CRN 10212)
WI-Writing Intensive & Web-enhanced
Instructor: Dr. María Eugenia Trillo
Deming Office—Monday afternoons: Faculty Lounge
Silver City Office: Bowden Hall, Rm. 213
Office Phone (for messages only): 1-575-538-6526
Departmental Phone: 538-6525
Fax: 575-538-6535
Virtual Office Hours: Thursdays, 9:00-12:00 noon, or by appointment
COURSE CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION: For Southwest Spanish speakers who have had little or
no previous exposure to written Spanish; emphasis on vocabulary-building through cultural readings.
Prerequisite: Background knowledge in Spanish. Credit lecture hrs.: 3
EXPANDED COURSE DESCRIPTION: The grammar of standard Spanish and regional dialects will
be studied and seen in film, local radio, music and “live” narratives.
TITLE: La lengua que heredamos
PUBLISHER:John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
Rental available at theWNMU Bookstore
Free Link to Student Companion Site:
--Spanish phrase cards (or 2 sets of index cards, one white and one colored, & key ring)
--Spanish/English Dictionary (no mini versions; you may use websites also)
--Journal (Dollar Tree or Dollar General kind)
**Don’t forget that you may also use RENT-A-TEXT by going to the WNMU Bookstore online.
Another option for book purchases is through
....a friendly place that supplies you with “reasonable-cost” books, carbon free shipping and funded
portions of your purchase go to literacy worldwide so that your purchase helps us help others.
It is also recommended that students use the pronunciation, vocabulary & grammar drills to
familiarize themselves further on the aspects of standard Spanish by using these freebies:
1) (includes self-tests)
2) Rosetta Stone software program (available in Miller Library for in-house use only)
COURSE INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to have students:
1) Learn about the Spanish-speaking countries & cultures through their art, history, music,
literature, & film;
2) Learn more about the history of the Spanish language and its position in today’s world;
3) Reinforce knowledge of grammar, syntax and orthography of the Spanish language, including
standard and regional dialects;
4) Develop reading comprehension and writing skills in standard Spanish.
 These instructional objectives comply with Area I: Communications Competencies, and Area
V: 3 & 4: Humanities & Fine Arts Competencies as required by GenED, but in Spanish.
Student Learning Outcomes--By the end of the semester, students will be expected to:
a) demonstrate an expanded knowledge/understanding of the different hispano cultures;
b) demonstrate an improvement in their 5-skills abilities (Reading, Writing, Speaking, & Listening), as
based on the guidelines recommended by the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages
(ACTFL Guidelines downloaded on August 13, 2009
c) demonstrate critical thinking skills through the practice of inquiry and data-based observations.
90-100 = A (intermediate-low)
70-79 = C (novice-mid)
80-89 = B (novice-high)
60-69 = D (novice-low)
Attendance & participatio in person100 pts.
ONLINE assignments 100 pts.
4 Quizzes (100 pts. ea.) 400 pts.*
Final Examination (online) 200 pts.
Presentación oral final (includes HOs/visual) 200 pts.
Total: 1000 pts. max.
*Entry Benchmarks & Exit Exam not included as part of overall grade but they do count as part of online
assignment points
Absenteeism policy: Students are required to attend class each day to receive the necessary input from
the instructor and the other students. More than 3 absences during this course will necessitate a
reduction of the semester grade by 10 points. If circumstances beyond a student’s control require an
extended absence, dropping the course is strongly advised. You must also log into the Canvas
component of this course 2-3 times a week to keep abreast of any necessary changes AND to do the
mandatory online assignments, discussions, tests and video-watching. The Plan de Trabajo/Work
Plan (see Read me First! Folder in “Files” inside Canvas) is a general guideline. For up-to-date
modifications, students must check Canvas. It is the responsibility of the student to keep up with
the instructor. The instructor will send courtesy emails but it is up to each student to be
responsible for his own educational process and progress.
Please note: Student athletes should inform the instructor of when absences are due to travel for
athletic events. Students are required to keep up with assignments regardless of athletic responsibilities.
Students who stop attending class after the first week of the course will receive an “F” for the course.
The instructor will NOT drop you automatically. It is the student’s responsibility to do the necessary
paperwork and follow-up to be officially dropped.
Disability Services at WNMU:
Services for students with disabilities are provided through the Academic Support Center’s Disability
Services Office in the Juan Chacon Building, Room 220. Some examples of the assistance provided are:
audio materials for the blind or dyslexic, note takers, readers, campus guides, audio recorders, a quiet
testing area, and undergraduate academic tutors. In order to qualify for these services, documentation
must be provided by qualified professionals on an annual basis. Disability Services forms are available
in the Academic Support Center. The Disability Services Office, in conjunction with the Academic
Support Center, serves as Western New Mexico University's liaison for students with disabilities. The
Academic Support Center’s Disability Services Office can be contacted by phone at 575.538.6400 or email at
Classroom Behavior: Since this is a university, proper behavior becoming an adult in an academic
setting is required. If you are disruptive, I will ask you to leave the class and will drop you from the
class roster. Your transcript will read “WF” (Withdraw/failing) for this course.
Plagiarism: There are serious consequences for cheating of any kind, stealing intellectual property,
misrepresenting oneself, and other such activities. The instructor will illustrate in class what is
considered academic dishonesty. The instructor reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any
student who is found guilty of academic dishonesty, i.e. misrepresenting your work will earn you an
“F” for the course.
STUDENT FEE PERKS: Did you know that, because you pay student fees, you are entitled to use
certain services for free or at reduced rates? You may use the Golf Course for a reduced fee. You have a
certain amount of photocopying allotted to you at the computer labs. You may use the racquet courts,
exercise room and swimming pool with only the use of your student ID. You may also attend
performances at the FACT at a reduced rate, and sometimes free, with your student ID.
GET E-MAIL/PHONE Spanish Survival BUDDIES (for some homework assignments & to check
what you missed in class when you are absent); also provide a non-WNMU email and phone
number to your instructor:
INCLEMENT WEATHER class policy —Here are some sources you can use to see if classes are
cancelled. Whether classes are cancelled or not, you are still responsible for the material that would be
covered in class.
WNMU INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES: The decision on whether to close the University
will be based on the condition of the campus streets and parking lots and the surrounding main arteries. It
will also take into consideration when Law Enforcement close down roads in and out of Silver City,
Deming, Lordsburg, and Truth or Consequences. The University’s inclement weather procedures will be
communicated to the entire University, as deemed necessary.
Weather closing/delay information will be made available in the following ways:
1. WNMU webpage
2. WNMU Mustang Express
3. Radio Stations
102.9FM (Silver City)
37.7FM (Lordsburg)
92.2FM (Silver City)
1230 AM (Deming)
94.3FM (Deming)
95.1FM (Silver City)
1400 AM (Truth or Consequences)
4. TV Stations
a. KOAT – TV (Albuquerque)
b. KOB – TV (Albuquerque)
c. KRQE – TV (Albuquerque)
d. CATS – TV (Silver City)
In the event of delays or closures during final exam week, faculty whose final exams are
affected by the delay or closure may elect one of three options. Faculty must choose one of
the options prior to final exam week and clearly communicate to their students in their
syllabus which option they have chosen. The options are as follows:
a. Faculty may assign as final grades, the current grades that students have going into
final exam week.
b. Faculty may make provisions for students whose exams are canceled to contact
them for scheduling a make-up exam or alternative arrangements.
c. Faculty may, as a last resort, choose to assign incomplete grades.
Tentative Scheduled Work (this Plan de Trabajo is subject to change IF there are unscheduled,
uncontrolled circumstances beyond the instructor, such as: acts of nature, war, acts of terror). If there are
any changes, the instructor will provide a revised Plan de Trabajo. It is the responsibility of each student
to keep abreast of any changes.