November 99 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/115r1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Proposal for WPAN High Rate Study Group] Date Submitted: [10 November, 1999] Source: [James D. Allen] Company: [Eastman Kodak Co.] Address: [1669 Eastman Ave. Rochester, NY, 14650-2015] Voice:[(716) 588-1906], FAX: [(716) 722-9053], E-Mail:[] Re: [ ] Abstract: [This presentation to 802.15 describes a proposal for a multi-mode WPAN High Data Rate, consumer priced PHY and MAC in order to satisfy the wireless needs of multimedia and digital imaging applications. ] Purpose: [To present background information and make a motion to create a WPAN High Data Rate Study group.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Submission Slide 1 James D. Allen, Kodak November 99 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/115r1 WPAN - High Rate Study Group Proposal Jim Allen Submission Walt Davis Slide 2 William Bailey James D. Allen, Kodak November 99 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/115r1 Proposal • The purpose of this project is to provide high speed PHY and MAC enhancement to 802.15 Task Group 1 for applications which involve Imaging, Multimedia, and networks with more than 8 users. • Bi - Modal PHY – Compatible with 802.15 Task Group 1 – 20 Mbps Multimedia Capable • MAC – Isochronous – Enhancements to 802.15 Task Group 1 – Not to impede Task Group 1 progress Submission Slide 3 James D. Allen, Kodak November 99 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/115r1 Broad Market Potential • Today, low bandwidth wireless systems do not satisfy the needs for consumer priced, embedded, high data rate systems. • Applications include: – Digital (Still) Imaging – Multimedia (Video, Voice over IP) – Many-user systems • Support currently includes Motorola, Eastman Kodak, Cisco Systems. Submission Slide 4 James D. Allen, Kodak November 99 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/115r1 Compatibility • Bi-Modal – The proposal will be backward compatible to the Task Group 1 1Mbps mode using the dual mode PHY layer and MAC. • Is intended to conform to the 802 standards guidelines imposed on 802.15. • Study Group will work with Coexistence Task Group. Submission Slide 5 James D. Allen, Kodak November 99 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/115r1 Distinct Identity • 20 Mbps High Speed Personal Area Network is not currently recognized as a Standards study group. • 802.11b addresses the speed, but not the requirements of an embeddable consumer oriented WPAN. • 802.15.1 addresses the requirements of an embeddable consumer oriented WPAN, but not the speed. Submission Slide 6 James D. Allen, Kodak November 99 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/115r1 Technical Feasibility • PHY - A 20 Mbps prototype is operational. – ASIC architecture has passed internal feasibility review – Prototype performance testing has started • MAC - Several enhancements to 802.15 TG1 are being modeled and simulated at the Protocol and Network levels. • Technology is scaleable to higher data rates and 5.8 GHz. Submission Slide 7 James D. Allen, Kodak November 99 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/115r1 Economical Feasibility • Bill of Materials expected to be consistent with current Task Group 1 estimates. • Current ASIC estimates and discrete bill of materials provide validation. Submission Slide 8 James D. Allen, Kodak November 99 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/115r1 Questions & Answers Submission Slide 9 James D. Allen, Kodak November 99 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/115r1 Motion to the Working Group • Move to form a Study Group with the charter of drafting a PAR and 5 Criteria for a High Rate WPAN which will have a fall back mode fully compliant with the proposed Task Group 1 draft standard. Submission Slide 10 James D. Allen, Kodak November 99 doc.: IEEE 802.15-99/115r1 Nominations • • • • Chair Vice Chair Secretary Technical Editor Submission Slide 11 James D. Allen, Kodak