Ontologies - UMBC ebiquity research group


Making the Web

Safe for Agents

Tim Finin

University of Maryland,

Baltimore County

Presented at the NSF/NSDL workshop on scientific markup languages, 14 June 2004 http://ebiquity.umbc.edu/v2.1/resource/html/id/32/



The web has made us all smarter

We need to help software agents benefit as well

The semantic web has a coherent approach to knowledge sharing

Ontologies are a key enabler

Knowledge sharing isn’t the only requirement for better systems

There’s a lot to be explored and tried

UMBC an Honors University in Maryland


“XML is Lisp's bastard nephew, with uglier syntax and no semantics. Yet XML is poised to enable the creation of a Web of data that dwarfs anything since the Library at


-- Philip Wadler,

Et tu XML? The fall of the relational empire

, VLDB, Rome,

September 2001.

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“The web has made people smarter.

We need to understand how to use it to make machines smarter, too.”

-- Michael I. Jordan, paraphrased from a talk at AAAI, July 2002 by Michael Jordan (UC Berkeley)

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“The Semantic Web will globalize

KR, just as the WWW globalize hypertext”

-- Tim Berners-Lee, M.I.T.


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“The multi-agent systems paradigm and the web both emerged around 1990. One has succeeded beyond imagination and the other has not yet made it out of the lab.”

-- Anonymous, 2001



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What’s an ontology?

-- In Philosophy --

Branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being

“Ontology” is from the Greek word ontos for being and logos for

An ontology is a theory of what exists

It lets us experience, operate in, and talk about the world

As Plato put it, we need to

“carve nature at its joints”

Successful communication requires a shared ontology

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Aristotle described an ontology of basic categories of predicates to describe the world (Sowa, after Brentano)


What’s an ontology?

-- in Information Systems --

An explicit formal specification of how to represent the objects, concepts and other domain entities and relationships among them.

Common examples: UML diagrams, Data dictionaries, DB schema, Conceptual Schemas,

API descriptions, Knowledge Bases, etc.

Ontologies provide an abstract conceptualization of information to be represented and a vocabulary of terms to use in the representation.

Interoperability between two systems requires them to share a common ontology.

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Conceptual schemas as ontologies

Databases are opaque

Typical DB schemas don’t help much

Conceptual schemas gives intended meaning of concepts used in a DB

We assume they

“bottom out” on common ontologies

“understood” by the programs involved

If not, we fail to capture the meaning

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139 74.50

140 77.60

… …

Table: price

*stockNo: integer; cost: float



Ontology price(x, y) =>

 (x’, y’) [ auto_part(x’) Product

& part_no(x’) = x Ontology

& retail_price(x’, y’, Value-Inc)

& magnitude(y’, US_dollars) = y]

Units &




Implicit vs. Explicit Ontologies

Systems which communicate or cooperate must share an ontology

The shared ontology can be implicit or explicit

Implicit ontology are common and typically represented only by procedures and data structures

Explicit ontologies are (ideally) given a declarative representation in a well defined knowledge representation (KR) language

Explicit ontologies enable tools and programs to

(partially) understand descriptions in ontologies if they understand the KR language.

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Conceptualizations, Vocabularies and Axiomitization

Three important aspects to explicit ontologies

Conceptualization: modeling domain in terms of objects, attributes and relations.

Vocabulary: assigning symbols or terms to refer to those objects, attributes and relations.

Axiomitization: encoding rules and constraints to capture significant aspects of the domain model.

Ontologies for the same domain may differ in any or all of these three levels.

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Little and Big Ontologies

Ontologies come in all sizes but there does seem to be a split between those that like them huge and those that prefer small composable ones.

Small ontologies include: Dublin Core, FOAF, etc.

Some large, general ontologies are freely available:

Cyc - Original general purpose ontology

OntoSem – UMBC’s lexical KR system and ontology

WordNet - a large, on-line lexical reference system

World Fact Book -- 5Meg of KIF sentences of geo-political facts

UMLS - NLM’s Unified Medical Language System

SUMO – Standard Upper Merged Ontology

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Semantic web languages today

Today there are a few languages for the semantic web, with more to come (probably)

The RDF family:

RDF – Resource Description Framework http://www.w3.org/RDF/

DAML+OIL – Darpa Agent Markup

Language http://www.daml.org/


OWL – Ontology Web Language http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/

Topic maps (http://topicmaps.org/) are another species, not based on RDF

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RDF is the first SW language


XML Encoding

<rdf:RDF ……..>




Good for




Data Model

Good For



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Triples stmt(docInst, rdf_type, Document) stmt(personInst, rdf_type, Person) stmt(inroomInst, rdf_type, InRoom) stmt(personInst, holding, docInst) stmt(inroomInst, person, personInst)

Good For


RDF is a simple language for building graph based representations


The RDF Data Model

An RDF document is an unordered collection of statements, each with a subject, predicate and

object (aka triples)

A triple can be thought of as a labelled arc in a graph

Statements describe properties of web resources

A resource is any object that can be pointed to by a


 a document, a picture, a paragraph on the Web, …

E.g., http://umbc.edu/~finin/cv.html

a book in the library, a real person (?) isbn://5031-4444-3333

Properties themselves are also resources (URIs)

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URIs are a foundation

URI = Uniform Resource Identifier

"The generic set of all names/addresses that are short strings that refer to resources"

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) are a subset of URIs, used for resources that can be accessed on the web

URIs look like “normal” URLs, often with fragment identifiers to point to a document part:

 http://foo.com/bar/mumble.html#pitch

URIs are unambiguous, unlike natural language terms

 the web provides a global namespace

Assumption: references to the same URI are to the

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The RDF Graph

An RDF document is an unordered collection of triples

The subject of one triple can be the object of another

So the result is a directed, labelled graph

A triple’s object can also be a literal, e.g., a string.

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Simple RDF Example


~finin/talks/idm02/ dc:Title dc:Creator

“Intelligent Information Systems on the Web and in the Aether” http://umbc.edu/

UMBC an Honors University in Maryland bib:Aff bib:name

“Tim Finin” bib:email



XML encoding for RDF

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=" http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc ="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:bib=" http://daml.umbc.edu/ontologies/bib/">

<description about="http://umbc.edu/~finin/talks/idm02/">

<dc:title> Intelligent Information Systems on the Web and in the

Aether </dc:Title>



<bib:Name>Tim Finin</bib:Name>


<bib:Aff resource="http://umbc.edu/" />





UMBC an Honors University in Maryland


N triple representation

RDF can be encoded as a set of triples.



> <


> <


> .

So we get these seven triples:



"Intelligent Information Systems on the Web and in the Aether" .

_:j10949 <http://daml.umbc.edu/ontologies/bib/Name> "Tim Finin" .

_:j10949 <http://daml.umbc.edu/ontologies/bib/Email> "finin@umbc.edu" .

_:j10949 <http://daml.umbc.edu/ontologies/bib/Aff> <http://umbc.edu/> .

_:j10949 http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type <Description> .


<http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/Creator> _:j10949 .

<http://umbc.edu/~finin/talks/idm02/> http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdfsyntax-ns#type <Description> .

Note the gensym for the “blank node” _:j10949

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Triple Notes

RDF triples have one of two forms:


<URI> <URI> <quoted string>

Triples are also easily mapped into logic

<subject> <predicate> <object> becoming:


With type(<S>,<O>) becoming <O>(<S>)


 subclass(man,person) sex(man,male) domain(sex,animal) man(adam) age(adam,100)

; Note: we’re not

; showing the actual

; URIs for clarity

Triples are easily stored and queried in a DBMS

Flat nature of a triple a good match for relational DBs

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A usecase: FOAF

FOAF (Friend of a Friend) is a simple ontology to describe people and their social networks.

See the foaf project page: http://www.foaf-project.org/

We recently crawled the web and discovered over 1,000,000 valid

RDF FOAF files.

Most of these are from the http://liveJournal.com/ blogging system which encodes basic user info in foaf

See http://apple.cs.umbc.edu/semdis/wob/foaf/


<foaf:name>Tim Finin</foaf:name>


<foaf:homepage rdf:resource="http://umbc.edu/~finin/" />

<foaf:img rdf:resource="http://umbc.edu/~finin/images/passport.gif" />


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FOAF: why RDF? Extensibility!

FOAF vocabulary provides 50+ basic terms for making simple claims about people

FOAF files can use other RDF terms too: RSS,

MusicBrainz, Dublin Core, Wordnet, Creative Commons, blood types, starsigns, …

RDF guarantees freedom of independent extension

OWL provides fancier data-merging facilities

Result: Freedom to say what you like, using any RDF markup you want, and have RDF crawlers merge your

FOAF documents with other’s and know when you’re talking about the same entities.

After Dan Brickley, danbri@w3.org

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No free lunch!


We must plan for lies, mischief, mistakes, stale data, slander

Dataset is out of control, distributed, dynamic

Importance of knowing who-said-what

Anyone can describe anyone

We must record data provenance

Modeling and reasoning about trust is critical

Legal, privacy and etiquette issues emerge

Welcome to the real world

After Dan Brickley, danbri@w3.org

UMBC an Honors University in Maryland


RDF is being used!

RDF has a solid specification

RDF is being used in a number of web standards

CC/PP (Composite Capabilities/Preference Profiles)

P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences Project)

RSS (RDF Site Summary)

RDF Calendar (~ iCalendar in RDF)

And in other systems

Netscape’s Mozilla web browser

Open directory (http://dmoz.org/)

Adobe products via XMP (eXtensible Metadata Platform)

Web communities: LiveJournal , Ecademy , and Cocolog .

We’ve found over 1.6M RDF documents on the web.

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RDF Schema (RDFS)

RDF Schema adds taxonomies for classes & properties

 subClass and subProperty and some metadata.

 domain and range constraints on properties

Several widely used

KB tools can import and export in RDFS

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Stanford Protégé KB editor

• Java, open sourced

• Extensible, lots of plug-ins

• Provides reasoning & server capabilities

• Imports and exports RDF and OWL

• See http://protege.stanford.edu/


RDFS supports simple inferences

An RDF ontology plus some RDF statements may imply additional RDF statements.

This is not true of XML.

Example: domain(parent,person) range(parent,person) subproperty(mother,parent) range(mother,woman) mother(eve,cain)

New and


100% Better than XML!!

Implies: subclass(woman,person) parent(eve,cain) person(eve) person(cain) woman(eve)

This is part of the data model and not of the accessing/processing code

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Is RDF(S) better than XML?

Q: For a specific application, should I use XML or RDF?

A: It depends…

XML's model is

 a tree, i.e., a strong hierarchy applications may rely on hierarchy position relatively simple syntax and structure not easy to combine trees

RDF's model is

 a loose collections of relations

 applications may do “database”-like search

 not easy to recover hierarchy easy to combine relations in one big collection great for the integration of heterogeneous information

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Problems with RDFS

RDFS too weak to describe resources in sufficient detail, e.g.:

No localised range and domain constraints

Can’t say that the range of hasChild is person when applied to persons and elephant when applied to elephants

No existence/cardinality constraints

Can’t say that all instances of person have a mother that is also a person, or that people have exactly 2 parents

No transitive, inverse or symmetrical properties

Can’t say that isPartOf is a transitive property, that hasPart is the inverse of isPartOf or that touches is symmetrical

OWL is layered atop RDFS to provide these and other features.

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W3C’s Web Ontology Language (OWL)


OWL released as W3C recommendation 2/10/04

See http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/ for

OWL overview, guide, specification, test cases, etc.

Three layers of OWL are defined of decreasing levels of complexity and expressiveness

OWL Full is the whole thing

OWL DL (Description Logic) introduces restrictions

OWL Lite is an entry level language intended to be easy to understand and implement


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An OWL ontology is a set of RDF statements

OWL defines semantics for certain statements

Does NOT restrict what can be said -- documents can include arbitrary RDF

But no OWL semantics for non-OWL statements

Adds capabilities common to description logics:

 cardinality constraints, defined classes (=> classification), equivalence, local restrictions, disjoint classes, etc.

More support for ontologies

Ontology imports ontology, versioning, …

But not (yet) variables, quantification, & rules

A complete OWL reasoning is significantly more complex than a complete RDFS reasoner.

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Tools for RDF(S) and OWL

Validators to check syntax, identify language & level, ...

Visualizer to draw graphs, UML diagrams, etc.

APIs to parse XML or N3, import ontologies, draw inferences, materialize model as set of triples, …

Editors that create, modify, browse ontologies & KBs

Reasoners for heavy duty reasoners for OWL

Markup tools help authors add SW annotations to other documents

Query languages designed for SW languages

Database systems for storing SW content and answering queries about it

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Two kinds of systems

RDF is being used to support many practical, useful applications

E.g., RSS, CCPP, P3P, FOAF tools

RDF, and OWL are being experimented with in many research prototypes

We’ll describe some research at UMBC

SWAD-Europe survey:

 http://www.w3.org/2003/11/SWApplSurvey

 lists more than 50 applications in 12 categories…

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Rich Site Summary or

RDF Site Summary

A lightweight multipurpose extensible metadata description & syndication format for the web

 news & other headline syndication

 weblog syndication

 propagation of software update lists.

UMBC an Honors University in Maryland



<title>UMBC AgentWeb</title>


<description>UMBC AgentWeb...</description>




<pubDate> Mon ... </pubDate>

<lastBuildDate> Mon ... </lastBuildDate>


<rating>(PICS-1.1 ... </rating>

<image rdf:resource="http:..." />




<title>UMBC AgentWeb</title>



<width>46</width> <height>66</height>


<item rdf:about="http:...">



<description>the ...</item>




ITTALKS is a database driven web site of IT related talks at UMBC and other institutions. The database contains information on

Seminar events


People (speakers, hosts, users, …)

Places (rooms, institutions, …)

Web pages with DAML markup are generated

The DAML markup supports agent-based services relating to these talks.

Users get talk announcements based on the interests, locations and schedules.

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UMBC an Honors University in Maryland human view


UMBC an Honors University in Maryland machine view



Our research group’s web site generate both


HOW? This is relatively easy since the content is in a database.

PHP is sufficient for the job.

HTML pages have links to corresponding OWL

WHY? This exposes the information to programs and agents – no more web scraping.

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Market dynamics

Auction theory (TAC)

Semantic web

Agent collaboration

(FIPA & Agentcities)

Travel Agent Game in Agentcities


Open Market Framework

Auction Services

OWL message content

OWL Ontologies

Global Agent Community


FIPA (JADE, April Agent Platform)

Semantic Web (RDF, OWL)


Internet (Java Web Start )

Ontologies http://taga.umbc.edu/ontologies/ travel.owl

– travel concepts fipaowl.owl

– FIPA content lang.


– auction services tagaql.owl

– query language

Report Contract Report Direct Buy Transactions

Market Oversight


Report Travel Package

Report Auction Transactions

Bulletin Board


Auction Service





Direct Buy

Travel Agents Web Service


FIPA platform infrastructure services, including directory facilitators enhanced to use DAML-S for service discovery http://taga.umbc.edu/


Acknowledgements: DARPA contract F30602-00-2-0591 and Fujitsu Laboratories of America.


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What comes next?


On the Research Frontier

Developing useful upper ontologies

For time, space, web services, …

Some standard problems

Ontology alignment and mapping, learning ontologies, automating markup, …

Extending OWL

Adding rules, uncertainty, query languages, …

Integrating information

Representing and using provenance, trust, …

Integrations with

Agents, web services, information retrieval, …

Efficient tools

Good applications

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CGI scripts


Video files

HTML documents

Audio files SWIs

Web services


Images Agent service s

Swoogle is a crawler based search & retrieval system for semantic web documents (SWDs) in RDF, Owl and DAML. It discovers SWDs and computes their metadata and relations, and stores them in an IR system.

Web interface


Tomcat php, myAdmin




The web, like Gaul, is divided into three parts: the regular web (e.g. HTML), Seman- tic

Web Ontologies (SWOs), and Semantic Web

Instance files (SWIs)

SWD Properties

Language and level; encoding, number of triples, defined classes, defined properties, & defined individuals; type (SWO, SWI); form

(RSS, FOAF, P3P, …); rank; weight; annotations; …

SWD Relations

Binary: R(D1,D2)

IM: D1 owl:imports D2

IMstar: transitive closure of IM

EX: D1 extends D2 by defining classes or properties subsumed by D2’s

• PV: owl:priorVersion & subproperties

TM: D1 uses terms from D2

IN: D1 uses individual defined in D2


D1 maps some of its terms to D2’s

SIM: D1 & D2 are similar

• EQ: D1 & D2 are identical

EQV: D1 & D2 have the same triples

Ternary: R(D1,D2,D3)

MP3: D1 maps a term from D2 to D3 using owl:sameClass, etc.

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Jena mySQL


IR engine

SWD crawler


We b


Agents cached files


Ontology discovery

Ontology discovery

Swoogle uses two kinds of crawlers to discover semantic web documents and several analysis agents to compute metadata and relations among documents and ontologies. Metadata is stored in a relational DBMS.


SWD Rank

A SWD’s rank is a function of its type

(SWO/SWI) and the rank and types of the documents to which it’s related.

Swoogle v1 has ~12K SWDs & 100K relations. v2 will also catalog classes and properties and their metadata and have >1.6M SWDs.

SWD IR Engine

Swoogle puts documents into a character ngram based IR engine to compute document similarity and do retrieval from queries

Contributors include Tim Finin, Anupam Joshi, Yun Peng, R. Scott Cost, Jim Mayfield, Joel Sachs, Pavan Reddivari, Vishal Doshi,

Rong Pan, Li Ding, and Drew Ogle. Partial research support was provided by DARPA contract F30602-00-0591 and by NSF by awards NSF-ITR-IIS-0326460 and NSF-ITR-IDM-0219649. 20 May 2004.



Knowledge Discovery in the Semantic Web

NSF award ITR-IIS-0325464

U. Georgia, Sheth (PI), Arpinar (CO-PI), Kochut, Miller

NSF award ITR-IIS-0325172

UMBC, Joshi (PI), Yesha (CO-PI), Finin


Design, prototype and evaluate a system supporting the discovery, indexing and querying of complex semantic relationships in the Semantic Web. The system maintains and utilizes trust and provenance information to enhance the relationship discovery.

AssociationConnective connective xsd:real [0,1] confidence


DocumentRelation foaf:Document




Knowledge representation systems reason over semantic web content discovered on the web which is reduced to triples that can be efficiently stored and processed in relational databases.

Trust models and heuristics guide the formation of conclusions


A “web of belief” model and associated ontology is used to represent, integrate, and evaluate conclusions drawn from the large volume of heterogeneous assertions found in the data.

Broader impacts

Techniques and prototypes developed can be applied to a range of problems, including discovering new connections and relations in scientific information and homeland security.

Reference foaf:Agent source selects FOAF Network island

Kagal source

L. Ding

P. Kolari

A. Joshi knows

T. Finin

H. Chen knows

F. Perich hub knows

Y. Yesha

J. Golbeck

J. Hendler sink


Trust Network mapTo






A. Joshi

Y. Peng




M. P. Singh


A. Sheth

An experimental algorithm has been developed to integrate and rank discovered relationships.

SWETO is large ontology covering several test-bed domains. It is pop-ulated with 800K instances and 1.M relations extracted from heterogeneous Web sources. SWETO was developed using Semagix Freedom system.



DBLP Network

60 http://semdis.umbc.edu/

June 2004

Invasive species do more economic damage to the U.S. every year that all other natural disasters combined. Above: plants, animals, and a virus.


Semantic Prototypes in Research Ecoinfomatics

Spire is a distributed, interdisciplinary research project exploring how semantic web technology supports information discovery, integration, and sharing in scientific communities. We are building prototype tools and applications for inclusion in the

National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII), with a focus on the early detection and warning of invasive species.


We are building prototype tools and applications that demonstrate how semantic web technology supports information discovery, integration and sharing in scientific communities. The National Biological Information Infrastructure

(NBII) and Invasive Species Forecasting System (ISFS) provide requirements and serve as testbeds for our prototypes.

Significant Results

SWOOGLE - a search engine for the semantic web.

MoaM (Meal of a Meal) - Given a species list, infer a food web.

Photostuff - annotate regions of a picture with OWL.

SWOOP - the first ontology editor written specifically for OWL.

Ontologies for ecological interaction, and observation data.

Food web visualization and analysis tools that are driven by OWL ontologies and instance data.

CRISIS CAT - an RDF based catalog of Invasive Species resources in California.

Coordination with USGS, NASA, EPA, GBIF, and the

Intergovernmental, Interagency Cooperation on Ecoinformatics.

The RMBL team expresses food webs in OWL using an ontology for ecological interaction they have constructed in coordination with other ecologists. The OWL model drives the simulation and visualization.

The NBII California Information Node (CAIN), maintained by

UC Davis, is a jumping off point to broader NBII deployment.



Meal of a Meal (after Friend of a Friend). We know

Fish 1 eats Plant 1. We then infer that Fish 1 may also eat the taxonomic siblings of Plant 1: Plants 2 and 3. Similarly, we infer that the taxonomic siblings of Fish 1 - Fishes 2 and 3 - may eat Plant 1.

An ontology (found via Swoogle) is loaded into Photostuff to mark up regions of a field photograph.

Swoogle is a crawler based search and retrieval system for semantic web documents (SWDs) in RDF and OWL. It discovers SWDs and computes their metadata and relations, and stores them in an IR system. Users can search for ontologies or instance data, and hits are ranked according to our Ontology

Rank algorithm.

Broader Impacts

Enable knowledge from one community to be effectively used by another.

Harness the power of the citizen scientist. (The majority of invasives are discovered by amateurs.)

Integrate research and education in the classroom.

Coming Soon

• ELVIS – an end to end application that starts with a location and produces a model of its food web.

• The Pond Project - a junior high school classroom activity to monitor the health of local ecosystems.

• Enhanced tools.

Spatial distribution of exotic plants at the Cerro Grande fire site. The statistical techniques used to generate these maps do not take trophic data as input. Yet.

Research Team

UMBC ebiquity (Finin)

UMBC GEST Center (Sachs)


UC Davis ICE (Quinn)

RMBL PEaCE (Martinez)

NASA GSFC (Schnase)


UMBC an Honors University in Maryland


Agents do not live by logic alone

RDF and OWL are based in a knowledge/logic model

As a computer scientist, I have to admit that this is only appropriate for representing and reasoning about *some* information

So, agents should probably live in a world populated with objects, procedures, DBs, XML, topic maps, RDF, etc.

UMBC an Honors University in Maryland


IS RDF the right foundation?

Not everyone likes using RDF as the foundation for a KB compatible markup language

Graph-based representations have well known problems

The semantics of RDF also constrains higher layers like OWL

Basing a language like OWL or a rule language like RuleML directly on XML is an alternative

IMHO, the train has left the station, it’s a pretty good train, and it’s got momentum. We should see if it makes it up the hill before starting on a new one

UMBC an Honors University in Maryland


Solving the symbol grounding problem

The web may become a common world that both humans and agents can understand.

Confession: the web is more familiar and real to me than much of the real world.

Physical objects can be tagged with low cost (e.g., $0.05) transponders or RFIDs encoding their URIs


See HP’s Cooltown project http://cooltown.com/

an Honors University in Maryland


Rethinking the agent communication

A possible new paradigm?

Agents “publish” beliefs, requests, and other

“speech acts” on web pages.

Brokers “search” for and “index” published content

Agents “discover” what peers have published on the web and browse for more details

Agents “speak for” content on web pages by

Answering queries about them

Accepting comments and assertions about them

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How do we get there from here?

This semantic web emphasizes ontologies – their development, use, mediation, evolution, etc.

It will take time to deliver on the intelligent agent paradigm, either on the Internet or in a pervasive computing environment.

The development of complex systems is basically an evolutionary process.

Random search carried out by tens of thousands of researchers, developers and graduate students.

As long as some incremental benefits accrue, the process is worth it

UMBC an Honors University in Maryland


So, we should …

Start with the simple and move toward the complex

E.g., from vocabularies to FOL theories

Allow many ontologies to bloom

Let natural evolutionary processes select the most useful as common consensus ontologies.

Support diversity in ontologies

Monocultures are unstable

There should be no THE ONTOLOGY FOR X.

The evolution of powerful, machine readable ontologies will take many years, maybe generations

Incremental benefits will more than pay for effort

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