Comprehensive Major in Communication Sciences and Disorders COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SCIENCES University Requirements English Competency Mathematics Foreign Language/Foreign Culture Cultural Diversity Service Learning Wellness Theory and Physical Activity English Competency University Requirements ENGL 110: Introductory to College Writing or HNRS 101: ENGL 112: College Writing for Transfer Students or transfer students who have partially completed the English requirement Mathematics University Requirements MATH 246: Elementary Statistics (required) ***Be aware that this may taken and can fill GE, University, Major and ASHA requirements*** Foreign Language/Foreign Culture University Requirements A. Competency exam-passed at 102: Beginning …. level or 102 course –grade C or better (including CSD 103: American Sign Language III or B. 9 credits of foreign culture coursework or C. A semester of study abroad completed successfully or D. 6 credits of a foreign culture courses & one course from (A) Cultural Diversity University Requirements ES 385: Social Foundations: Human Relations (3 credits) ***This course requires 15 hours prior to class and 15 hours in class for a total of 30 hours of cultural diversity*** Service Learning University Requirements ES 385: Social Foundations: Human Relations & CSD 470: Clinical Practicum 30 hours required 15 human relations hours prior; 15 hours during course Students MUST work out a plan for service-learning hours if ES 385 and CSD 470 are not taken Wellness Theory and Physical Activity University Requirements 2 credits total Wellness (1 credit) BIOL 196: Human Nutrition IDIS 260: Techniques of Speaking and Singing IDIS 301: KINS 186: Wellness Concepts and Health Related Fitness KINS 262: Health Survey KINS 361: Physical Education and Health Education for Teachers of Grades K-8 FMHN 211: Wellness: Food for Fitness FMHN 212: Navigating Health Care FMHN 213: Body, Mind, Spirit Wellness SW 424: Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse ADTN 265: Women’s Health Issues ADNT 285: Men’s Health Issues ADNT 465: Interventions in Wellness and Healing Physical Activity (1 credit): KINS 101-184: Activities courses, 186, 200-209 NOTE: ENGLISH 110, A MATH COURSE & THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE/CULTURE REQUIREMENT SHOULD BE COMPLETED EARLY General Education (GE) Requirements Bachelor of Science GE I: Communications GE II: Natural Sciences GE III: Social Sciences GE IV: Humanities GE V: University Wide General Education Communications (GE I) Minimum of 3 credits from Sub A & 3 credits from Sub-B Sub-A: CJ 202 required: Fundamentals of Speech Sub-B: MATH 246 required: Elementary Statistics ***Be aware that MATH 246 may be taken and can fill GE, University, Major and ASHA requirements*** Natural Sciences (GE II) 9-12 credits from 2 sub-categories, including 1 lab (labs in parenthesis) ***At least one HUMAN BIOLOGY (100, 111, 151, or 214)*** Biology: (100 General Biology, 110 Ecology and Evolution, 151 Biology of Humans, 195 Plants and Society) Chemistry: (101, 104 General Chemistry II, 115 Chemical Principles, 180) Geography: (physical) (101, 104 The Physical Environment) Geology: (106 Earth Science, 110 Physical Geology, 115 Environmental Geology) Physics: (100 Physical Science, 211 General Physics, 226 Astronomy-Solar System, 229 Astronomy-Stars and Galaxies , 231 Universal Physics I) IDIS: Natural Sciences Social Sciences (GE III) 9-12 Credits from 2 sub-categories A. Anthropology B. Economics C. Geography (cultural) D. Political Science E. Psychology (PSYC 260, 230 required) **This is where your required Psychology courses apply** F. Sociology G. IDIS-Social Sciences Humanitites (GE IV) 9-12 credits from 2 sub-categories DPI requirements-courses must be taken in sub-A and sub-D A. Fine Arts: art, art history, music, theatre B. Philosophy: (excluding logic) or Religious Studies C. History D. Literature: English or Foreign Language Literature E. IDIS: Humanities, IDIS, INTS, WMNS University Wide General Education (GE V) Up to 6 credits of GE ***Any other GE credits up to 6*** Department of Public Instruction (DPI) requires a course in each category Western History or Western Contemporary Culture Non-Western History or Non-Western Contemporary Culture ***Comprehensive Majors MUST have a course in each of the above categories (per DPI). These can be taken in GE-some courses meet more than one requirement-consider GE III and IV that meet more than a single requirement.*** Comprehensive Major (B.S.): Communication Sciences and Disorders CSD Courses Non-CSD Courses CSD Electives 59 credits total: 42 CDS, 17-18 non-CSD CSD Courses (42 Credits Total) Course Semester Credit 256 Anatomy & Physiology F 4 257 Normal Communication Development F 3 Sp 1 F, Sp 2 Sp 3 F 3 331 Developmental Language Disorders Sp 4 352 Fluency Disorders Sp 3 353 Speech & Hearing Sciences Sp 4 F 3 F, Sp 3 373 Basic Audiology F 3 440 Neurological Aspects F 2 F, Sp 2 Sp 2 258 Normal Communication Lab 262 Phonetics 321 Aural Rehabilitation 326 Voice & Resonance Disorders 358 Phonological Disorders 370 Clinical Procedures 470 Clinical Practicum 485 Serving Diverse Populations Non-CSD Courses (17-18 Credits) Required Course Credits ES 385 Human Relations 3 PSYC 260 Educational Psychology 3 PSYC 230 Human Development 3 SPED 200 Exceptional Child or PSYCH 334 Psychology of Exceptional Child 3 SPED 306 Behavioral Management or PSYC 281 Intro to Behavior Analysis & Therapy or PSYC 302 Principals of Learning 3 Non-CSD cont… Minimum of one required: 2-3 credits Course Credits SPED 210 Intro to Cognitive Disabilities 3 SPED 220 Intro to Special Ed: Early Childhood 3 SPED 330 Intro to Learning Disabilities 3 PSYC 333 Psychology of Adulthood & Aging 3 PSYC 378 Psychology of Language 3 PSYC 379 Cognitive Psychology 3 ES 328 Content Area Reading & Study Strategies 2 CSD Electives Course Semester Credits 150 Intro to CSD F, Sp 3 101 ASL I F, Sp 3 378/578 Intro to Sign F, Sp 3 F, Sp, Su 1-3 410/610 Communication Disorders of the Aged Sp 3 411/611 Facilitating Comm in Preschool Child Sp 2 F, Sp 1-3 448/648 Aphasia and Related Disorders Sp 2 473/673 Applications in Audiology F 2 495/695 Directed Studies in CSD F, Sp, Su 1-3 499 Independent Study (Senior) F, Sp, Su 1-3 399 Independent Study (Junior) 415 Instructional Internship Miscellaneous CSD Information For CSD 470: overall GPA 2.75 • CSD 3.00 • All CSD 300 & 400 level courses require a minimum overall GPA 2.75 Summer classes offerings in CSD Taking Graduate level courses as an Undergraduate Paperwork for Independent Studies Self Advising FAQ How do I drop (withdraw from a class)? During the first week of the fall or spring semesters, you can drop a class directly through MyBlugold. There will be no record of your enrollment in your class on your transcript. As of the second week, you must get approval signatures on a Change of Registration form to drop classes. You will receive a “W” on your record. Dates for dropping a class with no record of enrollment and for withdrawing from a class with a “W” are prorated for short courses (those lasting less than 16 weeks) and for courses during summer and winterim. You can check these dates on MyBlugold. For more information see "Issues to Consider before Withdrawing From a Class". FAQ Is it o.k. to go below full time? Dropping below full time (12 credits for a regular semester) can cause problems in the following areas: Athletic eligibility Health insurance (if the student is covered under his/her parent's health insurance, full time enrollment is often required) Veterans benefits and financial aid Eligibility for the Dean's list Withdrawing from more than one course can affect your academic standing. FAQ How do I withdraw from the university? Withdrawing from the University is begun in the office of the College in which the student is enrolled. In emergencies the process can be done for the student by the Office of Student Development and Diversity. Academic Consequences of withdrawing from the university: Withdrawing from the university during the first two weeks of classes (the official period for adding or dropping classes) results in no academic penalty. A student receives either a full or partial refund of fees. A statement on the transcript indicates that the student withdrew from the University. Withdrawal from the university during the third through the tenth week of classes will negatively affect a student's academic standing (because the student did not complete 75% of the classes) unless an "exemption to academic penalty" is approved by the student's Dean or Associate Dean. "W's" are always reported on the transcript. Withdrawing from the University after the tenth week of classes will normally result in grades of "F's" for all unfinished classes. Exceptions to this policy, generally given for extenuating circumstances, may be obtained from the Dean of the College in which the student is enrolled, usually upon the recommendation of the Associate Dean of Student Development FAQ Can I change my adviser? You can always request a new adviser. Go to Paula Collins in HSS 112. FAQ How do I change my major or minor? You change your major or minor in the academic department. A complete list of procedures can be found at: htm FAQ How do I find out about on-line courses? A special web-page lists on-line courses. In addition, there is a special section of the on-line Class Schedule Bulletin. FAQ I want to take a summer school course back home. How do I know if it will transfer? Equivalencies for all UW System schools and Wisconsin Technical Colleges can be found on Transfer Information System (TIS). Course equivalencies for private schools in Wisconsin and for Minnesota Schools are available on the UW-Eau Claire Registrar’s web page. Prior approval forms: It is wise to do paperwork before you take the course. If they are going to Wisconsin or Minnesota school you should print out the equivalency currently on the web (see above), sign and date it, and turn it in to the Registration Office, Schofield 128. Students attending a school not listed on either of the above web sites may file a Prior Approval Form. FAQ How do I get a what-if degree audit? What-if degree audits are requested on-line and delivered to your email account. From our home page Select “Current Students” Select “MyBlugold” from the left-hand column Sign on using your normal computer username and password Select “My Info” Select “Request for Degree Audits, Transcripts, etc. ” Sign on again using your normal computer username and password Select your desired major/degree Choose catalogue year Choose type of degree and school/college (if needed) Choose a second program if you have a minor or another major Choose a third program if needed Select submit FAQ How do I get a transcript? Official - Transcripts are requested in the Office of Registration. Complete information and a downloadable form is found at the Registrar’s site. Unofficial transcripts can be obtained through "MyBlugold". Choose "My Info" and select "Requests for Degree Audits, Transcripts, etc." FAQ I'm not doing well in a course. How do I get help? The first rule is always to talk with the instructor. He or she can often give you study tips or help you will specific problems. A guide to tutoring help can be found at: FAQ How do I calculate my GPA? There is an on-line GPA calculator that calculates your semester GPA and can help you figure out what grades you have to get to raise your GPA. FAQ Is it o.k. if I take a course S/U? That is a complicated question. It is best to talk to your adviser before taking a course S/U since some majors have restrictions. FAQ I need enrollment verification for health insurance. Where do I go? You can request enrollment verification through the Registration Web site. FAQ I didn't get my retroactive credits for language. What should I do? Retro credits are not put on your transcript immediately, but if they do not appear within a few weeks of the end of the semester, you should contact your instructor. There is a form that you needed to fill out to get the credits and sometimes a student doesn’t fill it out or it doesn’t get to the Registrar’s office. FAQ I need to take a placement test. How do I go about doing it? If you are a current student, call 836-5522 or stop by Schofield 226 to see when we are giving the placement tests. New freshmen will take the tests during Regional Placement testing. You will receive information about that in February. Transfer students will have an opportunity to take the placement test during Orientation. Graduate Application Process Factors to Consider • Minimum GPAs and GRE scores • Day vs. evening classes • Safety & geographical location • Available resources and experiences • Cost – In state vs. reciprocity vs. out of state – Housing, books, cars needed – Application fees – Financial aid availability & likelihood Decisions How many applications to submit? Between 1 & 5 Each has application fee of at least $45.00 What do if accepted to > 1 program? Yes to your first choices, no to others Make final choice within 6 weeks Let programs know if interested or not Required Materials You Send Application to university Application to program (specify SLP, Aud) Letter of intent Optional Scholarship applications Graduate assistant applications Financial aid forms Other Materials to be Sent GRE scores Official transcripts from ALL colleges NOT UWEC when apply to UWEC Letters of recommendation For program For scholarships For graduate assistantships Pay close attention to: • Deadlines & what to send where • Essay/letter of intent – 1-2 double spaced pages – Edit for perfection – Tailor to each program • Letters of recommendation – Mostly CSD faculty; supervisor if possible – Provide stamped envelopes & all forms – Provide sheet about you – Provide program addresses & deadline Admission to UWEC Overall GPA at least 2.75 CSD GPA at least 3.0 GRE scores – no minimum Files are ranked with top admitted, bottom not admitted & middle on waiting list Tips Use checklist Forms sent to 3 different places Questions