SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT/ STUDENT, FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT DEPARTMENT FOSTER YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM FYS Liaison Elementary School Orientation 9.19.12 1 PART I: AGENDA Introductions Foster Youth Services Liaison Role Policy Support Student Support/Outreach Foster Youth Awareness Activities Administrative Duties Review FYS Liaison Materials Intake and Exit Forms Awareness Activity Logs 2 CULTURE A SIMPLE DEFINITION Culture is a society’s total way of living, much of which is learned. 3 SOME COMPONENTS OF CULTURE • Language and communication style • Level of acculturation • Health beliefs • Political power • Family Relationships • Racism • Sexuality • Gender roles • Poverty and economic concerns • Religion • History of oppression • Immigration status 4 CULTURE OF FOSTER CARE YOUR CHALLENGE 1. Describe the culture of foster care using the cultural “artifacts” represented at your table 2. List as many potential challenges and assets foster youth might have in promoting educational success 5 FOSTER CARE EDUCATION FACTS NATIONAL STATISTICS 35% of foster youth have experienced 4 or more school changes 75% perform below grade level 46% do not complete high school Only 4% percent of former foster youth obtain any type of degree or certificate, and only about 2% earn a bachelor’s degree or higher 80% of foster youths did not earn enough to be fully selfsupporting four years after leaving care EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE RATES SFUSD Foster Youth Students 100.00% 99.00% 98.00% 97.00% Kindergarten (95%) 96.00% 1st Grade (93%) 95.00% 2nd Grade (98%) 94.00% 3rd Grade (94%) 93.00% 4th Grade (99%) 92.00% 5th Grade (97%) 91.00% 90.00% 2009-10 (N=148) 2010-11 (N=146) 2011-12 (N= 116) 7 EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES CALIFORNIA STANDARDIZED TEST RESULTS SFUSD Foster Youth Students 40% 38% 35% 33% 30% 24% 25% 25% 20% 26% 22% 24% 19% Proficient and Above 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 15% 5th Grade 10% 5% 0% 8 English Math EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES EXPULSION RATES SFUSD Foster Youth Students 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% # Expulsions 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0 2009-10 (N=557) 0 2010-11 (N=510) 0 2011-12 (N=479) 9 ENHANCING SUPPORT: FOSTER YOUTH SERVICES LIAISONS 10 FOSTER YOUTH SERVICES LIAISON GOAL: Improve educational outcomes for foster youth students by providing on-site support and coordinated services. Policy Support Student Support/Outreach Foster Youth Awareness Activities Administrative Duties 11 POLICY SUPPORT ASSEMBLY BILL (AB) 490 & AB 1933 What do AB490 & AB1933 require? Immediate enrollment Prompt transfer of records Partial credit calculation Participation in extracurricular activities No penalization for absences due to court or placement changes School of origin/least restrictive placement Education placement decisions dictated by the best interests of the child Comprehensive public school shall be the first school placement option 12 Designated staff person as a foster care educational liaison TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE TO THE SCHOOL OF ORIGIN • The county child welfare agency must reimburse caregivers or otherwise provide funding for the reasonable costs of providing transportation to and from the school of origin – This money can be given in bus passes, directly to the foster parent, if they are driving, or to a transportation service. – Protective Services Worker submits 1015 form • If a foster child needs funding for transportation to the school of origin: – Ask the child’s social worker to provide the funding as part of foster care maintenance costs under Title IV-E DOES THE SCHOOL DISTRICT HAVE TO HELP WITH TRANSPORTATION?? • A school district may help with transportation to the school of origin but is generally not required to do so, unless: – the child is in special education and the IEP says so. – the child is homeless or is awaiting foster care placement. STUDENT SUPPORT/OUTREACH Facilitate “intake” and “exit” meetings with identified foster youth at your school site. Assess student educational needs and interests. Coordinate and collaborate with care providers, social workers, service providers, school counselors. Help connect youth to resources, services and opportunities. Involve students and care providers in school and community activities. Discuss the student and any needs at Student Assistance Program (SAP) meetings. Support school site representation at Team Decision Making (TDM) and GOALS Meetings. Help identify permanent connections for students, 15 including foster/adoptive parents, mentors, respite providers, educational surrogates. ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES Complete and submit FYS student intake forms by November 19, 2012. Complete and submit FYS student exit forms by May 17, 2013. Submit Health Awareness Activity logs by May 17, 2013. Distribute the FYS Census to site administrator and SAP team members. Make a brief presentation each semester at a faculty meeting regarding FYS Liaison role and responsibilities. Provide students, caregivers, and school site staff with FYS materials and appropriate school based and community resources. 16 Attend FYSL mid-year professional development on January 17, 2013. FOSTER YOUTH AWARENESS ACTIVITIES Coordinate two school-wide awareness events: May is National Foster Care Month & Our Community, Our Children Foster/Adopt Our SF Youth Campaign 17 PART II: AGENDA Program Resources and Updates FYS program supports Foster Focus Database Community Collaboration Team Decision Making Meeting support Community Panel Action Planning 18 PROGRAM RESOURCES AND UPDATES SFCSD Staff and Roles FYS Resources Foster Focus Database Community Resources is an online community connecting and supporting California’s foster youth liaisons, foster youth advocates, and all professionals working to improve the educational outcomes of foster youth. 19 FOSTER YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM 20 FOSTER FOCUS 21 HOW IS STATUS IN FOSTER FOCUS DETERMINED? Is child in out-of-home care? This includes guardianship with dependency, foster family home1, group home1, kinship, NREFM or court specified1 placement. ACTIVE IN FF INACTIVE IN FF Open 300 or 602 petition?* AB490/AB1933/FYS applies No AB490/AB1933/FYS protection *After reunification it is common for the 300 petition to remain open for six months 1 Considered “qualified” placement for state FYS funds WHAT DOES ACTIVE REALLY MEAN? The child is in an out-of-home placement with an open petition AND The child appears on the list provided by CPS (State FY ID# will appear on Foster Focus) It is possible for a child to be in an out-of-home placement with an open petition and not appear on the CPS list due to clerical error. 23 COMMON REASONS FOR INACTIVE/MISSING STUDENTS Reunited Run Away Guardianship – no dependency Incarcerated Moved to a non-Foster Focus county Dependent of a non-Foster Focus county Probation Status 24 COMMUNITY COLLABORATION: TEAM DECISION MAKING (TDM) MEETINGS What is a TDM? Preparing for a TDM Notification of TDM meetings Identifying school site staff for participation FYSL Intake Forms 25 COMMUNITY COLLABORATION: TEAM DECISION MAKING (TDM) MEETINGS Your Education Stability and Permanency TDM contribution to TDM meetings follow-up items School/Home transitional support Consultation with FYS Permanency staff 26 COMMUNITY COLLABORATION: COMMUNITY PANEL Gloria Anthony-Oliver (Human Services Agency) Alvaro Soria (Legal Services for Children) Janelle Pierce (Foster Parent) Name and Role Brief overview of your role and involvement with education Common educational issues that you encounter in your role Ways Foster Youth Services Liaisons can support in your efforts 27 THINK, PAIR, SHARE ACTION PLANNING Foster Youth Services Liaison Site Awareness Student Engagement Caregiver/Provider Collaboration Foster Care Month and “Our Community, Our Children” Awareness Activities 29 MATERIAL DISTRIBUTED Section 1: Contact Information SF-HSA Directory SF-JPD Directory Foster Youth Support Services and Key Contacts Section 2: Student Enrollment/Transfer Procedures SFUSD Foster Youth Enrollment Chart SFUSD Send/Receiving School Procedures 1144 and 1145 School Transfer Notification Forms Section 3: Releasing School Records Guidelines for Releasing School Records (with forms) Section 4: Foster Youth Services Liaison Documents Foster Youth Services Programs Chart FYS Liaison Job Description FYS Liaison Stipend Structure FYS Liaison Intake and Exit Forms FYS Liaison Foster Care Awareness Logs FYS Tutoring Request Form Foster Focus Confidentiality Agreement Foster Focus User Guide Section 5: Policies 2010 California Foster Youth Education Task Force Fact Sheets 30 QUESTIONS? 31 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! 32