Paper prototyping

Paper Prototyping
IS 403 – Fall 2013
• TODAY: Paper prototyping
• Thursday: HTML programming in ENGR
104A (not here)
• Making up participation
• Project ideas?
But first, scenarios
• A descriptive story about a use of your
• Designed to capture
– User’s goals
– User’s steps
– Environmental context
How scenarios are used
• Create during design process, keep
• Help balance design decisions
• Typical projects may have 5 to 500
Example scenarios
• From
Elaborated Scenarios give more user story
details. These details give the Web team a
deeper understanding of the users and
users’ characteristics that may help or
hinder site interaction. Knowing this
information, the team is more likely to
develop content, functionality, and site
behavior that users find comfortable and
easy to work with.
Mr. and Mrs. Macomb are retired schoolteachers who are now in
their 70s. Their Social Security checks are an important part of their
income. They've just sold their big house and moved to a small
apartment. They know that one of the many chores they need to do
now is tell the Social Security Administration that they have moved.
They don't know where the nearest Social Security office is and it's
getting harder for them to do a lot of walking or driving. If it is easy
and safe enough, they would like to use the computer to notify the
Social Security Administration of their move. However, they are
somewhat nervous about doing a task like this by computer. They
never used computers in their jobs. However, their son, Steve, gave
them a computer last year, set it up for them, and showed them how
to use email and go to websites. They have never been to the Social
Security Administration's website, so they don't know how it is
organized. Also, they are reluctant to give out personal information
online, so they want to know how safe it is to tell the agency about
their new address this way.
Back to paper prototyping
• Why?
• How to do it
• Clever examples
What is a prototype?
Prototype = “working” model
Full-size or to scale
Fully or partially functioning
Limited representation of an idea
• Common in almost every field of engineering
– Airplanes, chemical structures, architecture…
• In HCI prototypes may be virtual or physical
Prototype Examples
• A series of screen sketches (paper)
• A storyboard, cartoon-like series of scenes illustrating
key points of a scenario
• A PowerPoint Slide show
• A video simulating the use of a system
• A piece of software with limited functionality written in the
target language or in another language
• An electronic mock-up (hardware)
• A cardboard mock-up
Why prototype?
Why Prototype?
• To identify user interface and functional requirements
– Almost impossible to specify in advance
• Can’t always get things right the first time…
Why Prototype?
• Reveals problems/prevents
• Building artifacts immediately
leads to costly errors
– We did not have to consider
the stove, cup holder, or door
to see the design flaws, we
only considered pictures of
Why Prototype?
• Enables quick evaluation and feedback
throughout design process
• Fosters discussion, reflection and innovative
ideas (from designers and users): concrete
• Keeps design focused on users
• Cheap, easy way to test designs with users
– Help choose between design alternatives
(risky/critical features, go/no-go decisions)
– Help answer specific questions
– Users enjoy prototyping and feel involved
– Provides continuous feedback on the current design
Prototyping: When/How?
Early Design
Brainstorm different representations
Choose a representation
Rough out interface Style
Low fidelity paper prototypes
Task centered walkthrough and
Medium fidelity prototypes
Fine tune interface, screen design
Heuristic evaluation and redesign
Usability testing and redesign
High fidelity prototypes
Limited field testing
Alpha/Beta tests
Working Systems
Late Design
Different types of prototypes
• Fidelity: High vs. low
• Scope: Horizontal vs. vertical
• Materials: Paper, PowerPoint, screen…
Prototype Compromises
• All prototypes involve compromises…
Identify the compromises being made
• Examples of compromises in software-based
Slow reaction time
Limited functionality
Use “placeholder” images: clipart, stock icons
Simulate data or input
• Two common types of compromise:
horizontal and vertical
Fidelity in Prototyping
• Low Fidelity
– Quickly made representations of interface,
interaction is imagined
• Medium Fidelity
– Prototypes that are more finalized than low
fidelity, simulate interaction
• High Fidelity
– Prototypes that look like the final product,
build interaction elements
– Will cover in a future lecture….
Horizontal vs. Vertical
“thin” prototype
“thick” prototype
Horizontal vs. Vertical
• Horizontal Designs
First level of user interface is fully present
No, or limited, functionality (but looks complete)
Fast implementation
Full extent of interface can be tested, but not in a real-use
– Often does not capture the interaction “feel”
• Vertical Designs
– Restricted to a subset of the system
– This subset offers the interface and functionality
– Can undertake realistic testing
• Designers create prototypes at multiple
levels of detail, or Fidelity
• Example: Web sites are iteratively refined
at all levels of detail
Site Maps
Fidelity Example
Fidelity in Prototyping
• Low Fidelity
– Quickly made representations of interface,
interaction is imagined
• Medium Fidelity
– Prototypes that are more finalized than low
fidelity, simulate interaction
• High Fidelity
– Prototypes that look like the final product,
build interaction elements
– Will cover in a future lecture….
Wizard of Oz
• A method of testing a system that does
not exist yet
• Example: a system that transcribes text.
What the user sees
The Wizard
How to do low fidelity
• You need: 3 people
– 1 participant
– 1 “computer”
– Someone to take notes (observer)
• You need: a quiet place
– What is a good location?
• You need: example tasks
– What are good tasks?
What tools do I need?
What is this device?
Index Cards
• Index cards (3”x5”)… a great size!
• Each card represents one screen or one
element of a task
• Great for software prototypes with multiple
– Website design
– Mobile devices
– Windows of software
Index Cards (Example)
• Include enough detail for users to interact
with the prototype
Useful Low Fidelity Tools
Large, heavy, white paper
Index cards
Tape, stick glue, correction tape
Pens & markers (many colors
and sizes)
• Large sheet of foam core,
poster board, butcher paper
• Scissors, X-acto knives
• Band-aids
Explore your local art store for
Make a Low Fidelity Prototype
Once you like your layout,
you can focus on details
of the design
– example data values,
menu content, buttons,
labels, etc
– More specific layout of
interface objects
– You can even annotate
your paper prototype!
Fancier Low Fidelity Prototypes
Once the details are
ironed out, you can
create your interface
– Cut out each of the
etc) into it’s own window
• These can be used
to dynamically
simulate the entire
interface following a
storyboard, or flow.
Paper prototyping activity
• Let’s make: a mobile app for browsing
courses at UMBC, viewing reviews, adding
• Tasks:
– Search for class by course name/number
– Browse reviews for a class
– Add a review for a class
Prototyping Examples
• Pieces of paper
• Simulated screen with paper
• Cell phone testing
• Prototype usability testing
• Complete prototyping process
• Kid’s game design (what not to