CURRICULUM VITAE - Asian Institute of Technology

Dr. Ek Raj Ojha
Basic identification:
Birth-place (permanent address): Kalikasthan – 9, Doti district, Far-west Nepal
Birth-date: 23 September 1957; Current home: Karyavinayak, Lalitpur, Nepal
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married; son, daughter; Nationality: Nepalese
Contact addresses:
Telephone: 977-1-5590121 (home) / 977-9841-221788 (mobile)
E-mail:; GPO Box 13313, Kathmandu, Nepal
Higher education (including fields of study, years of completion, scores obtained):
PhD (Rural and Regional Development Planning), 1995, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok.
Overall score: 3.92 / 4.00 cumulative grade point average (CGPA).
Dissertation title: Ecosystem Dynamics Analysis: The Case of the Hills in Far-western Nepal.
Courses audited, besides taking the required courses, include: Rural Community Organization and Development;
Women in Rural Development.
MSc (Rural and Regional Development Planning), 1990, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok.
Overall score: 3.83 / 4.00 CGPA.
Thesis title: Impact Evaluation of the Production Credit for Rural Women (PCRW) Project in Dhading District, Nepal.
BSc (Agriculture), 1984, University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore.
Overall score: 3.86 / 4.00 CGPA.
Research reports: Effect of Crop-Weed Competition in Soybean Yield; Use of Mass Media by UAS Students.
Award/recognition/scholarship/research-grant/fellowship received:
The Who’s Who Medal, 2000, The Who’s Who Institute, California, USA.
Academic Award (Vidya Bhooshan ), Class I, 24 February 1999, Kathmandu.
AIT scholarship and GTZ research grant for Ph.D. (rural and regional development planning) programme, January
1991 – August 1995.
Asian Development Bank and Government of Japan scholarship award and Canadian International Development
Agency (CIDA) research grant to pursue M.Sc. (rural and regional development planning) studies, May 1989 –
December 1990.
Colombo Plan scholarship to pursue B.Sc. (Agriculture) degree studies, September 1980 – September 1984.
Training courses undertaken (only the major ones listed):
Program for Advanced Study in Comparative Institutional Analysis and Design, 27 August – 10 December 2001,
Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, U.S.A.
International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) Training Program, 27 August – 10 December 2001,
Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, U.S.A.
Environmental Economics for Development Policy, 16-27 July 2001, World Bank Institute, The World Bank,
Washington, DC.
Database Design, Development and Use for Natural Resource Management, 6-11 January 2001, Kathmandu
University (KU), Dhulikhel; Organized by the Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre (HNRSC), KU, in
collaboration with Indiana University (USA).
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
Project Analysis, 7 March – 7 April 1988, Banker’s Training Centre, Nepal Rastra Bank (The Central Bank of Nepal),
Public Speaking English Course, 15 November – 14 January 1987, The American English Language Institute,
Monitoring & Evaluation of Agricultural and Rural Development Projects, 23 January – 24 March 1986, jointly
organized by the Agricultural Projects Services Centre (APROSC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO), at APROSC, Kathmandu.
Computer Package Program (WordStar, d-Base II, VisiCalc), 11 February – 11 March 1985, MIPS Pvt. Ltd.,
Computer Package Program (d-Base), 24 March – 14 April 1985, sponsored by APROSC and the Agricultural and
Development Council (ADC), at APROSC, Kathmandu.
Project Planning, 21 May – 20 June 1985, sponsored by APROSC and FAO, at APROSC, Kathmandu.
Computer use proficiency:
Started using microcomputer in 1985 by undergoing the above-listed computer training courses. Since 1989, used
Word-star 4, Word-Perfect 5.1, Word-Perfect 6.0 and Microsoft Word for word-processing; Flowchart, Harvard
Graphics for chart and diagram making; Lotus 123 for table drawing and simple calculations.
Used the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for data entry, processing and analysis, operated
mainframe computer in producing the M.Sc. thesis and microcomputer in preparing the Ph.D. dissertation.
In 1992, participated in practical sessions on Arc-Info. Have been regularly using Email and Website systems since
the early 1990s. During 1991-1995, did all the layout and format-related works for own publications and also guided
and assisted many faculty and staff colleagues in technical editing for the finalizing and printing of their numerous
professional publications. Have been persistently using several programmes such as MS Word for word-processing
and MS PowerPoint for making slide presentations, including the classroom lectures.
Professional affiliation/experience (most recent and major listed):
Visiting Faculty, Department of Environmental Science, Golden Gate International College, Tribhuvan University,
Kathmandu, since 2 May 2013; Teaching the Sustainable Development and Environment course to MSc
(Environmental Science) programme students.
Visiting Faculty, Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur (Kathmandu), since
12 April 2013; Teaching the Sustainable Development course to MSc (Environmental Science) programme
Founder Chairman, Pushpanjali Research and Development Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. (PRDC), Kathmandu,
since 1 April 2013. Leading the operations of the institution devoted to R & D related services.
Academic Expert / Consultant, Midwestern University, Nepal. 10-15 Mar 2013: Offered intensive orientation
seminars on Development Economics and Rural Development for faculty; Sep – Dec 2012: Prepared detailed
Curriculum cum Guidebooks (including descriptions of courses) for Master of Development Economics,
Bachelor of Development Economics, Bachelor of Rural Development, and Master of Rural Development
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
Country Researcher, South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) and Global Development
Network (GDN), Sep 2011 – Jan 2012. Prepared a research report entitled “Improving the Effectiveness,
Efficiency and Sustainability of Fertilizer Use in Nepal”. The methodology included both primary information
collection through field-based interviews and observations in Kabhre district of Nepal, and literature review and
secondary data and information use.
Team Leader (Rural Development Planner / Expert), Ministry of Local Development, Government of Nepal, Jul –
Aug 2011. Prepared a report entitled “Framework for Rural Settlement Development Policy Nepal.” The study
process entailed both primary and secondary data and information collection and use.
Head of Economics Faculty, and Extended Essay Coordinator, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
(IBDP), Ullens Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal, June 2009 – June 2011. Participated in the IB Workshop (Subject
Sessions for Diploma Program – Economics), Mumbai, 21-23 November 2008;
Finalized the IB Economics syllabus (course outline), Unit Plan, Student Guide, Extended Essay (EE) Handbook;
Taught Economics bridge course to prospective IB Economics students.
Prepared IBDP Economics Course Outline, the Unit Plan, Student Guide, and EE Handbook;
Taught the Economics Bridge course in June 2009; taught the IBDP Economics course from August 2009 to June
2011; provided students with orientation in research methods, survey tools/formats (questionnaire, checklist, and
so on) and designed their administration/application in field research/work including observation, interviews,
community interactions, focus group discussions, and coordinated all the EE related matters; supervised 2
Economics EEs in 2010-11 and supervised 8 EEs for 2011-12;
Participated actively in the IB Asia Pacific 24th Regional Conference, 24-28 March 2010, Singapore, and
benefited greatly from the lectures of keynote speakers and resource persons and from interactions with many
knowledgeable professionals and academicians.
Development Planning Advisor (ADB Consultant for WSHP/Nepal), Energy Division, South Asia Department,
Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines, May 2009 - December 2010.
Reviewed various project related documents; have visited the project affected areas and people, held in the farwestern region of Nepal to get to know their situations, needs and demands; and made consultations and
discussions with the people in the project affected areas, officials from ADB, West Seti Hydroelectricity Project
and other stakeholder institutions’ officials in order to derive conclusions relating to project preparation and
launching and sharing those conclusions and recommends/views with all stakeholders, especially the ADB, in
Founder Chairman, Centre for Rural Research and Development (CERRED), Lalitpur, Nepal, July 2006 –
December 2009, and Director (Economic and Environmental Planning and Development) January 2008 –
December 2009.
Coordinated the research and development activities of the Centre through mobilization of the CERRED team
and others concerned, and developed and maintained professional working relationships with other institutions
with interests matching those of the CERRED for collaborative developmental efforts.
While with the CERRED, also served as:
Invitee Reporter for the Symposium for Parliamentarians on Child Health and Sustainable Immunization
Financing, jointly organized by Sabin Vaccine Institute (SVI), Washington, D.C., UNICEF/Nepal, and Ministry of
Health (MoH) of the Government of Nepal, on 9-11 February 2010, prepared and submitted a 50-page report
entitled “A Reporting on the Symposium for Parliamentarians on Child Health and Sustainable Immunization
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
Independent Observer, ‘Fact Finding Mission on the Proposed West Seti Hydroelectricity Project Nepal’
participated in by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), IUCN Nepal, Save the Children Japan, CMEC (China),
and the Export and Import Bank of China, and the Ministry of Water Resources, Nepal, during 14-22 March 2009,
covering the field visit of project affected areas (in hills and plains) of Bajhang, Baitadi, Dadeldhura, Doti, and
Kailali districts in Far-west Nepal, and prepared and submitted a 41-page Narrative Report, 31 March 2009.
Consultant, ‘Study on Agricultural Intensification in Fallow Lands of Nepal’s Terai,’ for and with support from the
Forum for Rural Welfare and Agricultural Reform for Development (FORWARD), Chitawan, and Department for
International Development (DFID), United Kingdom, and prepared and submitted the 64-page research report
entitled Cropping Intensification of Winter Fallow Lands in Nepal Terai: A Study of Socio-economic Constraints
Hindering the Process.
The study process included the visit to several representative locations and intensive interactions and interviews
with a large number of farm households belonging to different social and economic strata, besides the review and
recording of substantial amount of relevant literature.
Consultant and Team Leader, Mid-term Evaluation of the ADRA/UNFPA/ECHO operated ‘Working Together for
Reproductive Health (RH) in Mid- and Far-west Nepal Project,’ January - February 2007;
For the above evaluation, prepared the evaluation proposal for submission and its selection, designed detailed
evaluation methodology, recruited, oriented and mobilized diverse team members (medical doctors, public health
specialists, and other field researchers in conducting evaluation in sampled RH mobile camp operated remote
rural villages in the most backward regions (mid- and far-west) of Nepal, being fully engaged in team and the
process; obtained the service providers and various categories of service recipients in the field and the program
implementers and donors at the centre (in Kathmandu); engaged intensively in analysing and presenting the
findings of the evaluation process and presenting the evaluation report to the implementing agencies in various
forms (oral, print, and electronic);
Final Evaluation of the ADRA/UNPA/ECHO operated ‘Delivering Reproductive Health Outreach Services to
Conflict-affected Populations (in Mid- and Far-west Nepal) Project,' May - September 2007;
To fulfil the above evaluation, prepared the evaluation proposal for submission and its selection, designed
detailed evaluation methodology, recruited, oriented and mobilized diverse team members (medical doctors,
public health specialists, and other field researchers in conducting evaluation in sampled RH mobile camp
operated remote rural villages in the most backward regions (mid- and far-west) of Nepal, being fully engaged in
team and the process; obtained the service providers and various categories of service recipients in the field and
the program implementers and donors at the centre (in Kathmandu); engaged intensively in analysing and
presenting the findings of the evaluation process and presenting the evaluation report to the implementing
agencies in various forms (oral, print, and electronic);
Advisor, “A Study on Public and Private Sectors Participation in Solid Waste Management,” Ministry of Local
Development, Kathmandu, December 2006 - February 2007. Provided the study team with guidance on
designing the study methodology, conducting the field survey, processing and analyzing the gathered data and
information, and presenting the findings, conclusions and recommendations; contributed intensively in writing the
report and finalizing it for submission to the funding/commissioning agency – the MoLD.
Faculty Member, Central Department of Rural Development, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan
University (TU), Kirtipur, June 2003 – June 2008.
Taught the Sustainable Rural Development course to second-year M.A. (rural development) degree
programme students from June 2003 to June 2008.
Taught the Agriculture and Rural Development course to M.A. (rural development) degree programme
students from February to August in 2007.
Prepared Question Papers for many years, and evaluated thousands of Examination Answer Papers.
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
Supervised over 85 and served as the external examiner for a dozen of thesis/research undertakings on a wide
range of development-related issues: agriculture, agro-forestry, biodiversity, biogas production and use, buffer
zone and local people, child labour, community development, community mobilization, community forestry,
conflict resolution in natural resource management, environmental impact assessment, environmental protection,
human resource development, hydropower projects, impact of fertilizer and pesticide usage, indigenous resource
management systems, labour migration, people’s participation, poverty alleviation, rural development, water
supply, sanitation, solid waste management, social inclusion, street children, sustainable development,
sustainable rural livelihoods, water harvesting, HIV/AIDS, park-people interrelation, livestock rearing, clean
development mechanism (CDM), people-wildlife relation, NTFP in conservation areas, and micro-credit for
women, natural resource mismanagement and rural poverty, and climate change.
[NB: The exact titles with student names have been listed in Annex – 1].
Visiting Faculty / Resource Person for:
Golden Gate International College (Tribhuvan University affiliated), Kathmandu.
July – August 2012, offered intensive lecture sessions on Sustainable Development to MSc (Environmental
Science) Programme students.
K and K International College (Tribhuvan University affiliated), Kathmandu,
June 2006 – December 2012: Taught the Sustainable Rural Development course to MA (RD) 2nd-year
students; Guided the students in their March 2011 sustainable rural development related field-based study of
areas in Doti and other districts of Far-west Nepal.
20 April 2008: presented a seminar entitled Thesis Research Methodology;
19 March 2006: presented a seminar entitled Development: Overview.
Institute of Forestry (IOF), Pokhara, Tribhuvan University,
January – February 2010, Engaged as a visiting professor in teaching the Conservation and Rural
Development course in intensive lecture sessions with supervision and evaluation of field visits, term papers,
and written examinations;
August – December 2008: Taught the entire Rural Development and Conservation and Rural Development
courses following intensive lecture sessions, field visits, term papers, and evaluations.
20-22 August 2007: Offered intensive lecture sessions on parts of the Rural Development course to guest
students in their M.Sc. (MNRSA – Management of Natural Resource and Sustainable Agriculture) programme,
from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Norway;
18-25 April 2007, 12-17 February 2006 and 9-14 December 2005: Taught Rural Development (Sustainable
livelihood strategies and outcomes; and Institutional challenges for rural development), and Conservation and
Rural Development (Strategies and approaches to rural community development) to M.Sc. (Natural Resource
Management and Rural Development) program students. Engaged and guided the students in preparing the term
papers and evaluated their related tasks and outputs/reports. Prepared Question Papers for many years, and
evaluated the Examination Answer Papers.
Kathmandu College of Management (KCM), Kathmandu (Kathmandu Univesity affiliated),
February 2004 – May 2009: Taught the Economic Development and Nepalese Economy courses to BBA
(Bachelor of Business Administration) and BBIS (Bachelor of Business Information System) degree programmes
students, and supervised and evaluated them in all aspects required for the completion of the courses, for
instance, article reviewing and presenting assignments and their evaluation.
Prepared Question Papers for many years, and evaluated hundreds of Examination Answer Papers.
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
SSEDA, Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur,
19 October 2008: Presented a paper (for orientation of resource persons) entitled “Vartamaanko Vikaas
Vishayama Vichaar-Vimarsha,” (in Nepali), i.e., “Idea-sharing on the Subject of Development Today,” Regional
Seminar on Federalism in Nepal, 19-20 October 2008.
Martin Chautari, Kathmandu,
17 February 2008: presented a seminar on Sustainable Development for Building Prosperous Nepal.
Centre for Development and Policy Studies (CEDEP), Kathmandu,
25 and 26 January 2010 and 1 March 2008: presented intensive lecture sessions on Sustainable Development;
26 February 2008: presented an intensive lecture on Foreign Aid in Nepal.
Classic College International, Kathmandu,
Sep 2006 – May 2007: Taught the Natural and Human Resources Management and the Rural Resources,
Environment and Management courses to Bachelor of Arts (Rural Development) Programme students.
Management Development Campus (MDC), Management Association of Nepal (MAN), Kathmandu,
May - June 2006: Taught the Economic Analysis course to EMBA (Executive Master of Business
Administration) Programme students.
Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre (HNRSC), Kathmandu University,
5 May – 30 August 2004: Taught the Human Dimensions of Development course to M.A. (HNRS) degree
programme students and conducted evaluation of their performance in the course.
Thaames International College, Kathmandu,
1 January – 31 March 2003: Taught the Managing Contemporary Issues course to BBA programme students.
Centre for Language and Educational Technology (CLET), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok,
5 September 1994 – 23 December 1994: Tutored AIT Pre-master’s Bridging Program students in economics,
statistics, socio-economic research methods, and computer applications, and supervised them in carrying out a
piece of research entitled Income Generation in the Upland Areas of Khao Hin Son Village, Chachoeng Sao
Province, Thailand.
Associate Professor, (appointed with seniority grades), Kathmandu University (KU), 1 Sep 2000 – 31 Dec 2003.
Taught Environmental Economics course to M.Sc. (Environmental Science) programme second-year students;
Entrepreneurship course to B.Engg. (Computer; Electrical; Mechanical) and B.Sc. (Environmental Science;
Pharmacy) programme final/fourth-year students and evaluated them; and the Basic Elements of Nepalese
Society and Culture course to visiting Japanese university students from Osaka during the February–June 2001
semester. Initiated and guided the Entrepreneurship Course students in making a week-long study visit to various
enterprises in the Eastern Development of Region of Nepal, followed by their presentations of field-study reports.
Supervised student research works entitled "Small-scale enterprises: A tool for community development and
resource management in Solukhumbu district, Nepal”; "Socio-economic study of national park area beneficiaries
in Bardia district, Nepal"; "Impact of pesticide use on human health and farm productivity"; and "Organic farming
and the potential of marketing its produce to consumers".
Presented a seminar entitled Enterprises, Economy and the Environment around the Annapoorna Region:
Special Reference to Mustaang, 5 November 2000, at KU, Dhulikhel.
Was declared by the KU student opinion poll, and published in their magazine The Essence, as ‘most creative in
teaching’, ‘most handsome’, and ‘best smile’ (among the KU faculty).
Prepared Question Papers, and evaluated hundreds of Examination Answer Papers.
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Associate Director, Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre (HNRSC), Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel,
Nepal, 15 September 2000 – 31 December 2002.
Co-ordinated various preparatory activities including the development of the detailed action plan for the
establishment of the Centre with emphasis to developing the curriculum for an interdisciplinary Master’s degree
program planned to be introduced at the Centre from August 2001.
Maintained communication and collaboration between the HNRSC and the donor agency, the Ford Foundation,
Delhi, entailing also the periodic preparation and submission of progress reports (narrative reports as well as
financial statements).
Served as Course Director for the Seminar (Training Course) on Database Design, Development and Use for
Natural Resource Management, 6-11 January 2001, KU, Dhulikhel; Organized by HNRSC, Kathmandu University
and the Indiana University (USA) and participated in by 16 professionals from various national and international
Co-ordinated a seminar entitled An Institutional Analysis of Collective Action by Resource Users, presented by
Professor Dr. E. Ostrom of Indiana University and organized by the HNRSC at Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel,
on 15-17 April 2002.
Visiting Scholar, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, 1 August – 31 December 2001.
Took part in a variety of academic (teaching and research) activities (training sessions such as the IFRI
(international forestry resources and institutions) Course including field work (observation, interviewing, forestry
measurements, report preparation and presentation and computer application (IFRI database management and
SPSS programs), seminars and lectures at the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (WPTA), the
Institute of Social Science Research (ISSR), the Center for the Study of Institutions, Population, and
Environmental Change (CIPEC), and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) of the Indiana
University, Bloomington (IUB).
Development Economist, USAID/Nepal (United States Agency for International Development), Kathmandu, 20 Mar
2000 – 31 Aug 2000.
Analyzed and evaluated the economic and social aspects of the overall development status of Nepal for use in
determining program policy and strategy and in carrying out required and desired analyses related to specific
assistance activities.
Provided advice on economic implications of the program decisions and the impact of the government actions on
the country’s economic sector. Kept track of changes in the socio-economic conditions of the country, policies
and strategies of the government and programs of bilateral and multilateral donors.
Maintained contacts and collaborations with government and partner institutions in matters of development trends
and undertakings. Researched on the country’s development issues and prepared independent reports for use by
USAID staff and other concerned development partners.
Research Officer, Nepal Rastra Bank (Central Bank of Nepal), Research Department,
6 January 2000 – 31 March 2000.
Prepared a guiding framework to conduct research on the regional distribution of services of banks and other
formal financial institutions in the country. Guided a piece of research concerning the impact of the rise in
electricity tariff on the price levels of various goods and services in the country.
Senior Instructor, Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), the Central Bank of Nepal, Banker’s Training Centre, Kathmandu, 12
November 1998 – 5 January 2000.
Coordinated NRB-organized one-month (20 Dec 98  19 Jan 99) training course in Central Banking for
participants from the NRB, held at Birendra Nagar, Chitawan district, Nepal.
Offered lectures on matters relating to subject areas such as the Financial System in Nepal, Deprived Sector
Credit and Priority Sector Lending, Priority Sector Programmes in Nepal, Research Methodology, and Report
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
United Nations Researcher, Local Social Development Programme, United Nations Centre for Regional
Development (UNCRD), Nagoya, 1 September 1995 – 28 February 1997.
Edited (reformulated, and rewrote) four local social development- related Indian case studies entitled: “Improving
Slum Dwellers’ Lives: Three Cases from Delhi”; “Industrial Development in a Mountainous Area: The Bhutti
Weavers’ Cooperative Society (BWCS), Himachal Pradesh”; “Founding a Base for Development: Pindiprolu
Village, Andhra Pradesh”; and “Creating a Rural Development Model: Sukhomajri Village, Haryana state.”
Prepared articles for publication in development-oriented journals and other similar publications.
Observed various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Sri Lanka and the Philippines and facilitated their
interaction and collaboration with four NGOs from the Tokai region of central Japan.
Carried out in Nepal, Japan and the Philippines field surveys for research concerning the development of
highland ecosystems.
Presented at UNCRD a Special Seminar entitled Viewing Terrace-dominated Ecosystems for Development.
Research Associate, Human Settlements Development Programme, AIT, Bangkok, January 1991 – August 1995.
Worked intensively in the dissemination of human settlements information for development, through preparation,
production and distribution of relevant documents. Facilitated, through technical editing, the publication of many
individual as well as joint research publications of the faculty and staff at the Programme.
Carried out researches on such diverse areas as impact evaluation of production credit for rural women
programme, agricultural terracing, gender analysis, and ecosystem dynamics analysis.
Agriculture Officer, Nepal Rastra Bank (Central Bank of Nepal), Development Finance Department, Kathmandu, 16
July 1986 – 11 November 1998.
Formulated various small-scale projects concerning agriculture, cottage industry and service sectors for financing
by the formal credit system (the commercial banks), and supervised the operation of and conducted coordination
meetings for such projects at various rural as well as urban locations.
Offered lectures on matters relating to subject areas such as the Financial System in Nepal, Deprived Sector
Credit and Priority Sector Lending, Priority Sector Programmes in Nepal, Research Methodology, and Report
Participated heavily in identifying different kinds of informal self-help groups (SHGs) in different parts of Nepal
and prepared their detailed accounts, under the joint auspices of the Nepal Rastra Bank, and the Asian and
Pacific Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA)/RAPA/ FAO.
Presented a seminar entitled Developmental Dimensions of Agricultural Terracing: Introducing Important Issues
and Highlighting High Potentials, on 23 January 1998, at ICIMOD, Kathmandu.
Coordinated the Nepal Rural Finance Project supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), November 1997
 March 1998.
Assistant Agriculture Officer, Planning Section, Department of Agriculture, Kathmandu, January 1985 – July 1986.
Monitored and evaluated the government's agricultural development programmes and projects operated in the
country based on the reports submitted by the regional/district/field/project offices and on the field-based
studies/observations/supervisions; prepared progress reports for quarterly and annual reviews at the
departmental and ministerial levels, and facilitated/handled the feedback and followup activities
Reports Prepared (major):
2012a, “Curriculum cum Guidebook (including descriptions of courses): Master of Development Economics
programme, MU, Surkhet, Midwest Nepal;”
2012b, “Curriculum cum Guidebook (including descriptions of courses): Bachelor of Development Economics
programme, MU, Surkhet, Midwest Nepal;”
2012c, “Curriculum cum Guidebook (including descriptions of courses): Master of Rural Development programme,
MU, Surkhet, Midwest Nepal;”
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
2012d, “Curriculum cum Guidebook” (including descriptions of courses): Bachelor of Rural Development programme,
Midwestern University (MU), Surkhet, Midwest Nepal”;
2012e, “Improving the Effectiveness, Efficiency and Sustainability of Fertilizer Use in Nepal”, prepared for South Asia
Network for Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) / Global Development Network (GDN).
2011, “Preparation of Framework for Rural Settlement Development Policy,” Government of Nepal, Ministry of Local
Development, Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR), Kathmandu.
2010b, “Symposium for Parliamentarians on Maternal and Neonatal Health,” a 19-page narrative report on the
Symposium for Parliamentarians on Maternal and Neonatal Health, 2 October 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal,
organized by SABIN Vaccine Institute, Washington, D.C., United Nations Chidren’s Fund (UNICEF), and the
Government of Nepal’s Ministry of Health and Population, and the Women, Children and Social Welfare
Committee of Nepal’s Constituent Assembly.
2010a, “A Reporting on the Symposium for Parliamentarians on Child Health and Sustainable Immunization
Financing,” a 50-page report on the Symposium for Parliamentarians on Child Health and Sustainable
Immunization Financing, jointly organized by Sabin Vaccine Institute (SVI), Washington, D.C., UNICEF/Nepal,
and Ministry of Health (MoH) of the Government of Nepal, on 9-11 February 2010, prepared and submitted in
capacity as the invitee reporter / expert.
2009b, “Narrative Report: ADB Fact Finding Mission on the Proposed West Seti Hydroelectricity Project Nepal’ 31
March, for the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, and the West Seti Hydroelectricy Project (WSHEP),
2009a, “Agricultural Intensification of Fallow Croplands in Nepal Terai: A Study of Socio-economic Constraints
Hindering the Process,” for and with support from the Forum for Rural Welfare and Agricultural Reform for
Development (FORWARD), Chitawan, and the Department for International Development (DFID) of the United
Kingdom, Kathmandu.
2007c, “Final Evaluation of the Project ‘Delivering Mobile Reproductive Health Outreach Services for Conflict
Affected Populations’,” (Consultant and Team Leader: E.R. Ojha), for Adventist Development and Relief Agency
(ADRA) Nepal, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and European Commission Humanitarian Aid (ECHO),
2007b, “Mid-term Evaluation of the Project ‘Working Together for Reproductive Health (RH) in Mid- and Far-western
Nepal’, (Consultant and Team Leader: E.R. Ojha), for Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Nepal,
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and European Commission Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), Kathmandu.
2007a (Advisor/Editor/Contributor), “Public and Private Sectors Participation in Solid Waste Management,” for the
Solid Waste Management and Resource Mobilization Centre (SWMRM), Ministry of Local Development (MoLD),
2001, “Establishing the Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre (HNRSC), Kathmandu University: Programme
Activities Narrative Report,” submitted to Ford Foundation, Delhi, the donor for HNRSC establishment.
Publications (a select list):
Ojha, E.R. Ojha, 2012, “Vikaas Ra Paryavaranka Laagi Ahinsa Aparihaarya,” in Nepali, i.e., Non-violence
Indispensible for Development and the Environment,” Nepal Samachaarpatra, a popular Nepalese daily, 12
Kartik 2069 BS, p. 4.
Ojha, E.R., 2012, “Janaparyaawaran Ra Digo Vikaasbaare Ek Peshaagat Sandesh,” (in Nepali), i.e., “A Professional
Message on Human Environment and Sustainable Development,” Janaparyavarana Sandesh, (= Human
Environment Message), Year 1, Number 1, Shravan – Bhadra 2069 BS, pp. 11-12.
Ojha, E.R., 2012, “Vikaas Ra Nirmaan: Antarsambandha, Aparihaaryataa Ra Aadhaarshilaa,” (in Nepali), i.e.,
“Development and Construction: Interrelationship, Indispensability, and Bedrock,” Nirmana Drishti, (=
Construction Vision), pp. 9-12.
Ojha, E.R. and M. Ranjit, 2011, “Rural Settlement Development Policy for Nepal,” Rural Infrastructure: A Journal on
Rural Development, Vol. 2, Issue 2, August 2011, pp. 106-112.
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Ojha, E.R., 2011, “Digo Graameen Vikaasko Sandarbhamaa Sudoorpakshim Nepal” (in Nepali), i.e. “Far-west Nepal
in the Context of Sustainable Rural Development” Devaatawi, Year 21, Number 7, Baishakh 2068 BS (April ’11),
pp. 19-28.
Ojha, E.R., 2009, “Pashupaksheeko Jeevan Pratiraksha Maanawa Kartawya,” (in Nepali), i.e., “Protecting the Lives
of Animals and Birds is a Human Obligation,” Nepal Samaachaarpatra, 4 Mansir 2066 (Thursday, 19 November),
p. 4.
Ojha, E.R., 2008, “Sudoor Pakshim Vikaasko Sandarbhamaa Pakshim Setee,” (in Nepali), i.e., “West Seti (River)
(Hydroelectricity Project) in the Context of Far-west (Nepal) Development,” Sudoor Pakshim Saaptahik, (Far-west
Weekly), Yr. 1, No. 3, 8 September, pp. 1 and 8.
Ojha, E.R., 2008, “Sudoor Pakshim Nepaalko Vikaasko Sankshipta Vivechanaa,” (in Nepali), i.e., “Brief Discussion
on the Development of Far-west Nepal,” Sudoor Pakshim Saaptahik, (Far-west Weekly), Yr. 1, No. 2, 1
September, p. 2.
Ojha, E.R., 2006, “Curbing the Crux of the Cause of Nepal’s Underdevelopment,” Quarterly Development Review,
Vol. XIX, No. 23, June – August, pp. 17-21.
Ojha, E.R., 2004, "Durgam Kshetra Vikaasko Apriharyataa Ra Aadhaarharoo," ("The Indispensability and
Foundations of Rural Area Development,") Durgam, (Remote), Yr. 1, No. 1, 15 Vaishaakh – 15 Jeshtha 2061
(April), Kathmandu, pp. 11-12.
Ojha, E.R., 2003, "An Analysis of the Health Dimension of Nepal's Development and Recommendations for
Improvement," Regional Development Studies (RDS), Vol. 9, pp. 11-33.
Ojha, E.R., 2003, Vikaasko Sankshipta Vivechana: Vishesh Sandharva Sudoorpashchim Nepalko, (in Nepali), i.e., A
Brief Discussion on Development: Special Context of Far-Western Nepal), Bhrikutee Academic Publications,
Kathmandu, ISBN 99933-628-5-9.
Ojha, E.R., 2002, Possessions, Problems and Potentials of Mountains: Special Reference to Nepal and Its Farwestern Region, Ekta Books, Kathmandu, ISBN 99933-1-959-7.
Ojha, E.R., 2002, “Amerika Bhramanmaa Saanskritik Swaad,” (in Nepali), i.e., “Cultural Taste in the Journey to
America,” Nepal Samaachaarpatra, 6 Magh 2058 (February), p. 5.
Ojha, E.R., 2001, “Sustaining Mountain Agroecosystems Through Sustenance of Agricultural Terrace Systems,”
Botanica Orientalis: Journal of Plant Science, Annual Issue 2001, Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan
University, Kathmandu, pp. 138-143.
Ojha, E.R., 2001, “Vishwabhari Garai-gara,” (“Agricultural Terraces All Around the World”), a photographic
essay/feature, Nepal Samaachaarpatra, a Nepali daily, Kathmandu, Sunday, 26 Chaitra 2057 (8 April), p. gha.
Ojha, E.R., 2000, “Observing Major Development Trends and Tendencies: Which Way Would We Wade Well?,”
Aroonodya, Year 6, No. 4, pp. 1-9.
Ojha, E.R., 2000, “Developmental Role and Challenge of Civil Aviation in Nepal,” CAAN Souvenir 2000: 2nd
Anniversary Issue, Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), Kathmandu, 31 December, pp. 12-15.
Ojha, E.R., 2000, “Hateru – the market visitors,” The Kathmandu Post, Sunday, 13 August, p. iv.
Ojha, E.R., 2000, “Hateru,” (in Nepali), i.e., “The Market Visitors,” Kantipur Kosheli, 18 Chaitra 2056 (Saturday, 1
April), p. ka.
Ojha, E.R., 2000, “Garaakhetee: Laabh, Samasyaa Ra Sujhaaw,” (“Terrace Farming: Benefits, Problems and
Suggestions”), Kantipur, Nepalese daily, 6 Chaitra 2056 B.S. (19 March), p. 10.
Ojha, E.R., 2000, “Maanaw Astitwa Ra Vikaasko Sandharbhamaa Garaakhetee,” (“Terrace Farming in the Context of
Human Existence and Development”), Kantipur, 29 Phaagun 2056 B.S. (12 March), p. 10.
Ojha, E.R., 2000, “Maato,” (“Soil,”) Kantipur, Saturday Supplement ‘Koshelee’, 21 Phaagun 2056B.S. (4 March
2000, p. ka.
Ojha, E.R., 2000, “Vikaas Ra Vikaar,” (“Development and Defect”), Kantipur, 18 Phaagun 2056 B.S. (1 March), p. 6.
Ojha, E.R., 1999, Dynamics and Development of Highland Ecosystems: Highlights on the Hills in Far-western Nepal,
Walden Book House, Kathmandu.
Ojha, E.R., 1997, “Productivity Dynamics of Agricultural Terraces in the Hills of Far Western Nepal,” Green
Productivity: In Pursuit of Better Quality of Life, Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Tokyo, pp. 329-341.
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
Ojha, E.R., 1997, “Highland Ecosystems in Nepal: Why and How to Develop Them?,” Space Informatics for Mountain
Resources Management (UNCRD Proceedings Series No. 21), pp. 115-129.
Ojha, E.R., 1997, Agricultural Terracing: Development Perspectives, Ratna Pustak, Kathmandu.
Ojha, E.R., 1997, “Regional Development and Disparity in the Context of Overall Development: Special Reference to
Nepal,” Regional Development Studies, Vol. 3, Winter 1996/97, pp. 27-56.
Ojha, E.R., 1997, “Visiting the Highlands of Japan and the Philippines: Envisioning Local and Regional
Development,” UNCRD Newsletter, No. 43, Autumn 1996/No. 43, Spring 1997, pp. 18-19.
Ojha, E.R., 1997, “Three Highland Ecosystems in Nepal,” UNCRD Newsletter, No. 42, Autumn 1996/No. 43, Spring
1997, pp. 20-21.
Ojha, E.R., 1996, “Local Development Initiatives: Four Case Studies from India,” UNCRD Newsletter, No. 41, Spring
1996, pp. 20-23.
Ojha, E.R., 1996, “Nongovernmental Organizations in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and Japan,” UNCRD Newsletter,
No. 41, Spring 1996, pp. 20-21.
Ojha, E.R., 1996, “Assessing the Dynamics of Highland Ecosystems: A Regional Development Perspective,” UNCRD
Newsletter, No. 41, Spring 1996, pp. 20-21.
Ojha, E.R., 1996, “Highland Ecosystem in Far Western Nepal Awaits Development,” Regional Symbiosis, Vol. 4,
Institute of Regional Development Studies, Kanpur, pp. 47-69.Ojha, E.R., 1996, “Striving Towards Development
Planning for Common Futures,” Futures Bulletin, Brisbane, pp. 8-9.
Ojha, E.R. and K.E. Weber, 1993, Production Credit for Rural Women: An Impact Evaluation of the PCRW Project
around Gajuri, Nepal, Human Settlements Development Monograph 32, AIT, Bangkok, ISBN 974-8209-71-7.
Ojha, E.R. and K.E. Weber, 1993, HSD (Human Settlements Development) Report on Activities, 1992, AIT, Bangkok.
Ojha, E.R and U. Rôst, 1992, Introducing the Asian Institute of Technology in a Gender Distribution Perspective, v,
15 p., HSD Working Paper 39, AIT, Bangkok, ISBN 974-8209-091.
Ojha, E.R. and K.E. Weber, 1992, HSD Report on Activities, 1991, AIT, Bangkok.
Ojha, E.R. and K.E. Weber, 1991, HSD Report on Activities, 1989 – 1990, AIT, Bangkok.
Ojha, E.R. (ed.), 1990, ASTECH, Student Union Magazine, AIT, Bangkok.
Ojha, E.R., 1989, “Culture, Tradition…: A Nepalese Instance,” The Voice, Student Union Weekly Newsletter, 12
September, AIT, Bangkok, pp. 1-3.
Ojha, E.R., 1984, “Unforgettable,” Student Magazine 1984, Agricultural College, UAS, Bangalore, pp. 9-11.
Ojha, E.R., 1984, “Nepal,” in E.R. Ojha (ed.) Everest, Nepalese Students Association Magazine, April, Bangalore, pp.
Literary activities:
Consulting Editor, 1998-2005, Quarterly Development Review, Kathmandu.
Editor, 1989-1990, ASTECH, the AIT Student Union magazine, Bangkok.
Chairman, 1989-1990, Literary and Publications Committee, AIT Student Union, Bangkok.
Member (literary), 1990, The Voice, the AIT Student Union weekly newsletter, Bangkok.
Editor, 1984, Everest, the Nepalese Students Association magazine, Bangalore.
First Prize Winner, 1984, English Letter Writing Competition, Agricultural College, UAS, Bangalore.
Second Prize Winner, 1984, English Essay Writing Competition, Agricultural College, UAS, Bangalore.
First Prize Winner, 1983, English Letter Writing Competition, Agricultural College, UAS, Bangalore.
Academic representation:
Division Representative, 1990, Human Settlements Development Division (HSD), Asian Institute of Technology.
Translation (major):
Translated the dZi Foundation Field Manual into Nepali, May 2009, Kathmandu.
Translated the English version of the dZi Foundation’s Personnel Policies and Procedures Document into Nepali,
March 2008, Kathmandu.
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
Peer review service:
Serving for many years as a Reviewer for many development project concept notes / proposals.
Hobbies (photography, music, and sport):
Participant (artist), 22 October – 3 November 1996, Foreign Artists Exhibition, sponsored by Nagoya International
Centre (NIC) / Central Japan International Society, NIC Building, Nagoya, Japan; displayed a dozen photographs,
with the theme Multi-national and Multi-thematic Glimpses.
Many photographs have been published in HSDP/SERD/AIT publications, and professional calendars,
magazines, newspapers, and books.
First Prize Winner, 1984, Instrumental Music (flute, Hindustani classical), Agricultural College, UAS, Banglore.
Member, 1984, Musical Team, Agricultural College, UAS, Bangalore.
Second Prize Winner, 1984, Lyrics singing (Kannada language), Agricultural College, UAS, Bangalore.
Captain, 1983, Table-tennis Team, Agricultural College, UAS, Bangalore.
Conference participation (major):
IB Asia Pacific 24th Regional Conference, 24-28 March 2010, Singapore, organized by the International
Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).
APO World Conference on Green Productivity 1996, 4-7 December 1996, Manila, Philippines, organized by the Asian
Productivity Organization (APO), Tokyo, and the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), Manila.
The 2nd Space Informatics Seminar for Sustainable Development and Mountain Resources Management, 2-6
December 1996, Kathmandu, organized by the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), the
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), the National Space Development Agency
(NASDA) of Japan, and the Ministry of Population and Environment (MOPE) of Nepal.
XIII World Conference on Coherence and Chaos in Our Uncommon Futures: Visions, Means, Actions, 23-27 August
1993, Turku, Finland, organized by the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF).
Asia-Pacific Futures Course on Futures of Development: Historical Roots, Present Trends and Alternative Futures,
23-30 August 1992, AIT, Bangkok, organized by the WFSF.
National Conference on Science and Technology, 24-29 April 1988, organized by the Academy of Science and
Technology, Kathmandu.
Institutional membership:
Adviser, Sajha Prayas Nepal (Common Initiative for Development), a community development NGO, Kathmandu,
since 2009.
Life Member, Kailali Jana Pustakaalaya, (Public Library), Dhangadhi, Kailali, since October 2008.
Advisory Committee Member, Centre for Research Excellence (CRE), Kathmandu College of Management (KCM),
Kathmandu University affiliate, since September 2008.
Life Member, Kirateshwar Sangeetashraim, Kathmandu, since 2002.
Founder, Padma Nabh Jnana Vriddhi Puraskaar Kosh (a fund created at Sharada Lower Secondary School, Mauwa
Villge, Doti District, Far-west Nepal by personally donating Rs. 50,000 to offer prizes annually to those local
students, teachers, and social workers who show outstanding performance in their respective field).
Advisory Committee Member, World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), Asian-Pacific Futures Course entitled
Futures of Peace: Civilizations, Structures and Visions, 21-28 November 1994, University of St. La Salle,
Bacolod City, The Philippines.
Advisory Committee Member, The WFSF, Asia-Pacific Futures Course entitled Futures of Ecology, 7-14 August
1993, AIT, Bangkok.
Member, 1992- to date, WFSF.
Life Member, Aarogya Aashram (The Natural Health Centre), Kathmandu, since 1986.
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
Driving skill:
Holding a light-vehicle driving license, and driving a personal car persistently for over fifteen years.
Doteli (native language), Nepali (mother tongue), English and Hindi (can speak, understand, read and write fluently),
Urdu (can speak and comprehend quite well); Sanskrit and Kannada (can speak, understand, read and write fairly
well), Japanese, and Thai (can speak and understand a little).
Foreign countries/territories stayed in / visited:
Bhutan (1984), China (1994), England (2012); Finland (1993), Germany (2005), Hong Kong (1992), India (1980-84;
several times earlier and later, e.g., 2011), Japan (1995-97), Malaysia (1990), China (1994), Philippines (twice, in
1996), Singapore (1990, 1992, 2010), Sri Lanka (1996), Sweden (1993), Thailand (1989-95, 1997, 2010) and U.S.A.
Hereby, I sincerely declare with my signature below that to the best of my knowledge and belief this CV correctly
describes me and my qualification and that any intentional misinformation herein would lead to my disqualification.
Ek Raj Ojha
Place: Kathmandu, Nepal
Prof. Dr. Karl E. Weber
Formerly, Professor of Rural Development, and Vice President,
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
Contact addresses:
49, Soi 52 off Sukhumwit Road, Bangkok 10260, Thailand
Telephone: +66-[0]2-311 35 05 / 332 85 19; Email:
Prof. Dr. Shue Tuck Wong
Formerly, Professor of Human Settlements Planning,
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, and
Professor of Geography, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Contact addresses:
1702 Layton Drive, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V7H 1X8
Tel.: (604) 929-1950; Fax: (604) 929-1851; E-mail:
Prof. Dr. Alastair M. North
Formerly, President of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok
Contact addresses:
79/78 Soi 7/1 Mooban Tararom, Ramkhamhaeng Road Soi 150
Saphan Soong, Bangkok 10240,Thailand
Tel: (66-2) 373 2818; Fax: (66-2) 373 3052;
Prof. Dr. Apisit Eiumnoh
Formerly, Professor at the Interdisciplinary Natural Resources Management Programme
Asian Institute of Technology
Contact addresses:
1/73 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Don Muang, Bangkok 10210, Thailand
Tel.: 589-6072, 589-2342; Email:
Date: 14 June 2013
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
Annex – 1
Student Research Undertakings Supervised
NB: All research undertakings listed below, except the ones specified otherwise - e.g. MSc (Natural Resource
Management and Rural Development) programme at the Institute of Forestry, Pokhara] relate to the MA (Rural
Development) programme at the Central Department of Rural Development, University Campus, Kirtipur/Kathmandu.
A project work carries 100 marks each, just as a thesis does.
"Ghatta (traditional watermill) and its possible improvement for sustainable rural development: The case of Sakayal
Kholaa watershed in Dadeldhura district, far-west Nepal." Project work by Min Bahadur Shahi.
"An impact evaluation of a water and sanitation project in Lekhnaath municipality, Kashkee district, Nepal." Project
work by Chitra Mahato.
"Importance of maize production in rural perspective: A case study of Dhaapaakhel VDC, Lalitpur district, Nepal."
Project work by Megh Raj Dangal.
"Rural development in Nepal: A case study of Jyamirkot, Lalitpur" Thesis by Megh Raj Dangal.
"A study of water harvesting systems in Satighar, Kaabhre, Nepal." Project work by Suman Raj Kolachchhyapati.
"An evaluation of agroforestry as a viable base for rural development in Paanchkhaal VDC, Kaabhre, Nepal." Thesis
by Suman Raj Kolachchyapati.
"Rural poverty in Nepal: A case study of Dhaap VDC, Daarchulaa district, Nepal." Thesis by Dan Singh Thagunna.
"Sustainability of agricultural resources: A case study of Raampur VDC, Daang, Nepal." Thesis by Koshraj Regmi.
“Social mobilization approach in the process of overcoming human poverty in Nepal: The case of VDP in Kushadevi,
Kabhrepalanchok district.” Thesis by Yogendra Bista.
“Human resource development and sustainability in sustainable rural development perspective: An analysis of the
situation in Pahalmanpur VDC, Kailali district, Nepal.” Thesis by Hari Prasad Silwal.
"A study of indigenous knowledge and skills in plant resource utilization and conservation: The case of Kumal
community in Chitawan, Nepal." Thesis by Anis Dangol.
"Biodiversity for rural development: An analysis of potentialities of NTFPs uses for rural people in Sapahai VDC,
Baaraa district, Nepal." Thesis by Awatar Subedi.
“Community development and people’s participation: A case study of Machchhegaon, Kathmandu district, Nepal.”
Thesis by Khem Raj Bhattarai.
“An analysis of the rural-urban migration situation in Ratnanagar municipality, Chitawan, Nepal.” Thesis by Govinda
Prasad Acharya.
“Socioeconomic feasibility study of Sharada Khola small hydropower project in Salyan, Nepal.” Thesis by Pramila
“A study on rural development through community mobilization: The case of Shyama area in Dolakha, Nepal.” Project
work by Sudarshan Pokhrel.
“The government’s legal efforts for environmental protection and sustainable development in Nepal.” Thesis by Sujan
Babu Adhikari.
“The environmental impact assessment (EIA) process and its effectiveness in addressing the economic issues.”
Thesis by Basant Kumar Shrestha.
“Solid waste management: Problems and solutions (A study of Saamaakhusi area in Kathmandu valley, Nepal.”
Project work by Rajkumari Gurung.
“Assessing the water supply and sanitation situation in Tulasipur municipality area of Daang, Nepal.” Project work by
Krishna Prasad Bhandari.
“A study on social exclusion: The case of Saarki community at Jogbuda in Dadeldhura, Nepal.” Project work by
Bhuptendra Prasad Bhatta.
“Possibilities and challenges of biogas plant adoption by scheduled caste people: A case study of Harmichaur, Gulmi,
Nepal.” Project work by Deepak Kumar Pandey.
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
“An impact evaluation of the ‘community drinking water and sanitation’ project at Chandragadhi in Jhapa district,
Nepal.” Thesis by Rajesh Koirala.
"Impact of hydropower project on rural livelihoods: A case study of Mid-Marsyangdi Hydropower Project (MMHPP),
Lamjung district, Nepal." Thesis by Luna K.C.
“Labour migration as a search for better livelihoods and its impact on villages: A case study of Jogbuda in
Dadeldhura, Nepal.” Thesis by Bhuptendra Prasad Bhatta.
“A study on rural development through community mobilization: A case of Shyama area in Dolakha, Nepal.” Project
work by Sudarshan Pokharel.
“Conflict resolution in natural resource management: A case study of the forests around Salija in Parbat district,
Nepal.” Thesis by Bhaba Datta Sapkota.
“Socioeconomic impacts of dairy farming: A case study of Phulbari area in Chitawan, Nepal.” Project work by Keshab
Raj Sapkota.
“Gender- and ethnicity-based participation in community forest management: A case study of Myagdi district, Nepal.”
Project work by Yagya Prasad Rimal.
“Socio-economic and ecological impacts of pesticide and fertilizer usage: A study in Bhaktapur, Nepal.” Project work
by Prashant Banjade.
“Causes and consequences of child labour in Nepal: A study of child labourers working in hotels and restaurants of
Bharatpur municipality, Chitawan, Nepal.” Project work by Utsab Bhattarai.
“Socio-economic status of street children in Kathmandu metropolitan city.” Thesis by Damber S. Bohara.
“Community development through community forestry at Jaante in Morang district, Nepal.” Thesis by Nilakantha
“Slum communities’ perception of development programmes in Nepal: A case study in Lalitpur sub-metropolitan city.”
Thesis by Sikha Thapa.
“Women’s contribution to household economy: A case study of the Bote community in Gulmi, Nepal.” Thesis by
Yagya Murti Gautam.
“Sustainable livelihood improvement through organic matter management: A case study of Mudekuwa in Parbat
district, Nepal.” Project work by Yogendra Raj Rijal.
“Women’s participation in community forest management at Bharatpur in Chitawan, Nepal.” Thesis by Puspa Dhakal.
“Potentiality of project development through clean development mechanism (CDM) in Nepal.” Thesis by Usha
“A study of the socio-economic impacts of community forestry in Chalsa, Achham district, Nepal.” Project work by
Suraj Saud.
“Socio-economic impact of rooftop rainwater harvesting system: A case study of Purkot in Tanahun, Nepal.” Project
work by Rishi Ram Bimali.
“Role of goat rearing in rural poverty alleviation: A study of Kalati Bhumidanda in Kabhre.” Thesis by Rajan Parajuli.
“Rural development and brain-drain in Nepal: A case study of Jaidi VDC, Baglung, Nepal.” Thesis by Hema Raj
“Impact of community forestry on rural development: A case study from Dhankuta, Nepal,” Thesis by Kiran Ghimire.
“Air pollution in Kathmandu valley: A threat to environmental sustainability and human health” Thesis by Sudeep
“Constraints of socio-economic development in backward communities: A case study of Dalits of Pala VDC,
Baglung.” Thesis by Bijaya Raj Pant.
“Socio-cultural aspects of Tharu community: A case study of Daiji area in Kanchanpur district.” Thesis by Krishna
Bahadur Chand.
“Role of protected areas in sustainable livelihood of local people: A case study of Shivapuri National Park,
Kathmandu.” Thesis by Ramesh Kumar Lama.
“Impact of ecological sanitation toilets on sustainable development: A case study of Siddhipur village development
committee in Lalitpur district, Nepal.” Project work by Samita Shrestha.
“Role of biogas plant in rural livelihood: A case study from Morang district.” Project work by Rita Rai.
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
“Socio-economic impact of Shivapuri National Park on local community: A case study of Budhanilkantha area.”
Thesis by Laxmi Karki.
“Fund utilization in Dalits: A case study of the DFDP project area in Dhanusha district.” Project work by Bimala
“Understanding the consequences of pesticide use in agriculture: A study of Birendranagar VDC, Chitawan.” Project
work by Bijaya Pun.
“An assessment of the role of rainwater harvesting system in the development of hilly rural areas: The case of
Chatragunj in Arghakhanchi.” Project work by Mohan Panthi.
“User-participation and benefit-sharing in community forestry around Sunpur in Dang district, Nepal.” Thesis by Laxmi
“Surface water management for irrigation: A case study of Mainavati Khola at Devipur, Siraha district, Nepal.” Project
work by Ram Bhajan Yadav.
“Users’ knowledge and perception regarding improved cooking stoves: A case study of Kristi Nachne Chaur in Kaski
district.” Project work by Indra Bahadur Thapa.
“Involvement of NGOs in solid waste management: A case study of Saatdobaato area in Lalitpur city.” Thesis by
Sangam Maharjan.
“Wetland resources and the livelihood of local communities: A situation analysis of Kusaha area in Koshi Tappu.”
Thesis by Tewish Pradhan.
“Public accountability for good governance: A study on Chitawan District Administration Office.” Project work by
Laxmi Acharya.
“Impact of Bagmati river water pollution on downstream communities of the Kathmandu valley.” Thesis by Manoj
Kumar Chaudhary.
“A study on domestic child workers of Bagdol area in Lalitpur sub-metropolitan city.” Project work by Givson Kafle.
“Women’s participation in community forest management: A case study of Lataraha Chisapaani community forest
user group of Krishti Nachne Chaur in Kashki district.” Thesis by Indra Bahadur Thapa.
“Role of local handicrafts in improving the livelihood of rural women of Lumbini area in Rupandehi district.” Thesis by
Dhruba Raj Neupane.
“Indigenous knowledge as a livelihood support system for the Raji community in Surkhet district.” Thesis by Sumi
“Causes and consequences of grassroots level conflicts in community forestry in Nepal: A case study from Kaski
district.” Thesis by Radhika Shrestha.
“A study on the livelihood pattern of communities surrounding the Koshi Tappu wildlife reserve.” Project work by
Surendra Kumar Limbu.
“Contribution of community forestry in community development and household income: A case study from
Kabhrepalanchok district, Nepal.” Thesis by Gopal Prasad Ghimire, MSc (Natural Resource Management and Rural
Development), Institute of Forestry, Pokhara.
“Market potentiality of tropical timber species in Terai community forests of Nepal,” Thesis by Mahendra Singh
Thapa, MSc (NRN&RD), Institute of Forestry, Pokhara.
“Assesing the situation of domestic child labourers in Kathmandu Metropolitan City.” Thesis by Amrita Acharya.
“Impact of biogas technology on women and their social development: A case of Shaktipur in Chitawan district.”
Project work by Nirmala Paudel.
“Performance evaluation of community forestry: A case study of Hemantabada community forest in Bajhang district,”
Project work by Lokendra Bahadur Khadka.
“Socio-economic impact of biogas plant installation and use: A case study of Laxmipur area in Dang district.” Thesis
by Buddhy Prakash Ghimire.”
“The practices of resolving natural resource related conflicts: A case study from Bajura district, far-western Nepal,”
Thesis by Khem Raj Pandit.
“Study on the adoption of improved agricultural technology by rural community: The case of Mukundapur in
Nawalparasi district.” Project work by Nirajan Regmi.
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
“Impact Analysis of the Finnish aid supported rural water supply and sanitation project (RWSSP) in Gulmi district,
Nepal.” Thesis by Ram Prasad Kafle.
“Understanding the situation of poverty in Nepal: A case study of Bairiya in Mahottari district.” Thesis by Manoj
Kumar Singh.
“Livelihood strategies of the Janghadh community around Birwaguthi in Parsa district, Nepal.” Thesis by Lok Nath
“Trekking porters’ participation and contribution in local community development: A study of Solukhumbu and
Khotang districts.” Thesis by Ang Chokpa Sherpa.
“Role of indigenous knowledge system in rural development: A case study of the Chepang community around
Shaktikhor area of Chitawan district.” Thesis by Durga Ghimire.
“Socio-economic impacts of biogas production and use: A case study of Majhthana area in Kaski district.” Project
work by Krishna Prasad Tiwari.
“People’s participation in community forest management: A case study of the Tokme Daanda Community Forest
Users Group in Taplejung district.” Project work by Balahang Yaksho.
“Impacts of Rural Electrification in Nepal: Special Reference to Khaira area in Pyuthan district,” Thesis by Ram
Krishna Acharya.
“Haliya (bonded ploughman) rehabilitation in the hills of far-west Nepal: A case study of Amargadhi municipality in
Dadeldhura district.” Project work by Keshab Raj Joshi.
“Property Rights of Women in Nepal: A Study on the Baneshwar Area of Kathmandu Valley.” Project work by
Kalpana Neupane.
“Assessing the roles and challenges of poverty reduction programmes: A study of Phalaamkhaani area in Parbat
district.” Project work by Udaya Gurung.
“Impact of Biogas Production and Use on the Livelihood of Rural Households: A study of Gitanagar area in Chitawan
district, Nepal.” Thesis by Ganga Adhikari.
“Impacts of non-timber forest products (NTPFs) use on income-generating activities: A case study on Kanchanpur
district in far-western Nepal,” Thesis by Manju Bhatt.
“Women’s participation in rural development: A case study of women’s self-help groups (SHGs) in Kabhrepalanchok
district, Nepal.” Thesis by Saluja Mokatan.
“Developmental Status and Potential of Tharu Community: A Case Study of Lalmatiya Area in Dang District, Nepal.”
Thesis by Prem Prakash Chaudhary.
“Impact of non-formal education on Pahari community: A case study of Badikhel in Lalitpur district, Nepal.” Thesis by
Subas Ghimire.
“Socio-economic impacts of community water supply project: A case study from Kabhre.” Thesis by Laxmi Prasad
“Women’s participation in community forest management and use: A case study of Bhaktapur, Nepal.” Thesis by
Narsingh Bahadur Thapa.
“Natural resources mismanagement as a cause and effect of rural poverty: An assessment in Ilam district, Nepal.”
MSc thesis by Bishal Bharadwaj (Institute of Forestry (IOF), Pokhara).
“Impact of climate change on livelihoods of rural communities: A case study in Sankhuwasabha district of Nepal.” MA
thesis by Purushottam Niroula (K & K International College, Kathmandu).
Served as the External Examiner for:
“Landlessness and socio-economic situation of Darai community: A case study of Bharatpur, Chitawan,” Thesis by
Rajendra Kumar Darai.
“The need for intellectual property rights for rural development in Nepal.” Thesis by Kubernath Sharma.
“Conflict management in community forestry: A case study of Bachhauli VDC, Chitawan district, Nepal.” Thesis by
Chitra Mahato.
“Community perception of gender roles: A case study of productive, reproductive and community management
aspects in Hasara VDC, Gulmi, Nepal.” Thesis by Tara Prasad Gyawali.
E. R. OJHA / Curriculum Vitae / 14 June 2013
“Impact of modernization on indigenous community: A case study of Botes in Vyas municipality, Tanahun, Nepal.”
Thesis by Dinesh Khanal.
“Feasibility study of biogas plant: A case study of Pakhapani VDC, Parbat, Nepal.” Project work by Kushum Devi
“Social mobilization for poverty reduction: A case study of DACAW programme at Bhanumati in Tanahun.” Thesis by
Hem Raj Thapa.
“Causes and consequences of girl trafficking: A case study of Samundrataar VDC, Nuwakot district,” Project work by
Lalit Sapkota.
“Situation assessment of people displaced internally due to natural disasters: A case study of Bharatpur municipality,
Chitawan district, central Nepal.” Thesis by Jyoti Sapkota.
“Micro-credit for women’s empowerment: A case study of Madavelia village in Rupandehi district.” Thesis by Suresh
“People’s participation in village development programme: A case study of Manpur VDC of Dang district.” Project
work by Nabin Kishor Ratna.
“The impacts of religious tourism on local people’s income-generating activities: A case study of Dakshinkali in
Kathmandu district.” Project work by Pallavi Dahal.
“Micro-finance and poverty reduction in Nepal: A case study of Small Farmers Cooperative Limited in Jhapa district,
Nepal.” Thesis by Manju Khadka.
Study collections