Kidney Failure: Hemodialysis

Kidney Failure:
By :Andrew McNaught
Function of the Kidneys
Regulate the composition of your blood
Keep the volume of water in your body constant
Remove wastes from your body (urea, ammonia, drugs, toxic substances)
Keep the acid/base concentration of your blood constant
Help regulate your blood pressure
Stimulate the making of red blood cells
Maintain your body's calcium levels
Your kidneys filter all your blood (7-8 pints) once every hour
Sources of kidney failure
Alcohol/drug abuse
Medications (anti-inflammatory drugs) that are toxic to the
kidney (ex. Ibuprophen and naproxen)
Abnormal blood flow to and from the kidneys
Prostate cancer
Tumors around the kidney
Kidney stones
Multiple myeloma – cancer of blood plasma
When the kidneys fail..
High levels of acidity in the blood will alter enzyme and
oxygen metabolism causing organ failure.
The kidneys cannot address the rising acid load in the body,
breathing becomes more rapid as the lungs try to buffer the
acidity by blowing off carbon dioxide
Rising urea levels in blood can affect many organs.
General weakness due to anemia (low red blood cell count)
Inpatient or at home procedure that
takes the blood and filters it through a
People with chronic kidney disease
(CKD) will usually use the at-home
To test for CKD, a patients blood is taken
and if there are high levels of creatine, it
shows that the kidney is failing.
How hemodialysis works
An inside look at hemodialysis
Comparing hemodialysis to kidney
At Home Hemodialysis
Conventional HHD - done
three times a week for four
hours. It is like in-centre
hemodialysis (IHD), but
done at home.
Short daily home
hemodialysis (SDHHD) done five to seven times a
week for approximately
two hours per session.
Nocturnal home
hemodialysis (NHHD) done 3 to seven times per
week at night.
Conventional Hemodialysis
Conventional hemodialysis
is done about three times a
week. In this form of
treatment, it takes 3-4
hours per session
Side Effects/complications
The initial insertion of the needle is painful to many but can
be overcome by a numbing spray
Removing too much fluid or fluid too fast can cause nausea,
fatigue, low blood pressure, chest pains, leg cramps. (Wash
Hemodialysis exposes the circulatory system so infections
such as sepsis(infection of the heart valves) and osteomyelitis
(infection of the bones).
Heparin(anti coagulant) allergy
Automated wearable artificial kidney
Four cycles an hour and every 8 hours patients change the filter.
Electrolytes and glucose are added
6 pounds
FDA approved – trials start in 2011
-sterilizing filter
-valves and tubing
Works cited
Renal Physician's Association Working Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines: Clinical
Practice Guideline on Adequacy of Hemodialysis. Clinical Practice Guideline #1. December
1993, Renal Physician's Association, Washington DC
Hakim RM, Stannard D, Port FK, Held PJ: J Am Soc Nephrol 3:351, 1994
‘Blood Pressure Response during Hemodialysis”: The Effect of Amount of Replacement Fluid
and Dialysate Temperature." Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 1 Sept. 2001.
Web. 10 Mar. 2011.