Senior Syllabus Biology 2004 (amended 2006 and 2014) Biology Senior Syllabus 2004 (amended 2006 and 2014) © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2014 Queensland Studies Authority, PO Box 307, Spring Hill, Queensland 4004, Australia Phone: (07) 3864 0299 Fax: (07) 3221 2553 Email: Website: CONTENTS Summary of syllabus amendments January 2014 ...................................................... 3 1 A VIEW OF SCIENCE AND SCIENCE EDUCATION .................................................. 1 2 RATIONALE ..................................................................................................................... 2 3 GLOBAL AIMS ................................................................................................................. 3 4 GENERAL OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................. 4 5 4.1 Understanding biology (UB) .................................................................................. 4 4.2 Investigating biology (IB) ...................................................................................... 4 4.3 Evaluating biological issues (EBI) ......................................................................... 5 4.4 Attitudes and values (AV) ...................................................................................... 5 ORGANISATION .............................................................................................................. 6 5.1 Organising principles ............................................................................................. 6 Accommodation of individual and group differences of students 5.2 Course structure ..................................................................................................... 6 Contextualised Thematic 6 Problem-based learning Framework Principles of Biology Key concepts Key ideas 7 Table 1: Course framework Figure 1: Course organisation 5.3 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 10 Work program requirements ................................................................................ 10 LEARNING EXPERIENCES .......................................................................................... 11 6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 11 6.2 Learning experiences and the key competencies ................................................. 12 6.3 Language education ............................................................................................. 12 6.4 Quantitative concepts and skills ........................................................................... 13 6.5 “Theory into practice” .......................................................................................... 14 6.5.1 Field work 6.5.2 Practical work 6.5.3 Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 6.6 14 15 16 Workplace health and safety ................................................................................ 17 7 ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................. 18 7.1 Underlying principles of exit assessment ............................................................. 18 Continuous assessment Balance 19 Mandatory aspects of the syllabus Significant aspects of the course of study Selective updating Fullest and latest information 7.2 19 19 19 20 20 Planning an assessment program ......................................................................... 21 7.2.1 Special consideration 7.2.2 Authentication of student work 21 21 7.3 Exit criteria........................................................................................................... 22 7.4 Requirements for verification .............................................................................. 22 7.5 Determining exit levels of achievement ............................................................... 23 7.6 Assessment categories .......................................................................................... 24 Category 1: Extended experimental investigations (EEI) Category 2: Extended response tasks (ERT) Category 3: Written task 7.7 26 28 30 Standards associated with exit criteria ................................................................. 31 8 EDUCATIONAL EQUITY .............................................................................................. 33 9 GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................... 34 10 RESOURCES ................................................................................................................... 38 QSA website Syllabus and related materials Subject-specific resources Community resources Electronic media Learning technology Newspaper reports Periodicals Science centres Textbook and other resources Websites 40 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 APPENDIX 1: POSSIBLE MATCH — KEY CONCEPTS AND KEY IDEAS ..................... 42 APPENDIX 2: SAMPLE COURSE ORGANISATION A ....................................................... 45 APPENDIX 3: SAMPLE COURSE ORGANISATION B ....................................................... 48 APPENDIX 4: UNITS .............................................................................................................. 55 Summary of syllabus amendments January 2014 The following table outlines the amendments made to Biology Senior Syllabus 2004 (amended 2006). These amendments are a consequence of the directions of the Minister as outlined in the Queensland Government Response to the Education and Innovation Committee Report No. 25: The assessment methods used in senior mathematics, chemistry and physics in Queensland schools. Syllabus section 2014 update Section 2: Rationale Understanding of biological concepts, as well as general science knowledge and skills, is relevant to a range of careers, including those in medical, veterinary, food and marine sciences, agriculture, biotechnology, environmental rehabilitation, biosecurity, quarantine, conservation and eco-tourism. This subject will also provide a foundation for students to critically consider contemporary biological issues and to make informed decisions about these issues in their everyday lives. Section 7.2.2: Authentication of student work It is essential that judgments of student achievement be made on genuine student assessment responses. Teachers must take reasonable steps to ensure that each student’s work is their own, particularly where students have access to electronic resources or when they are preparing responses to collaborative tasks. The QSA’s A–Z of Senior Moderation contains a strategy for authenticating student work <>. This provides information about various methods teachers can use to monitor that students’ work is their own. Particular methods outlined include: teachers seeing plans and drafts of student work student production and maintenance of evidence for the development of responses student acknowledgment of resources used. Teachers must ensure students use consistent, accepted conventions of in-text citation and referencing, where appropriate. Section 7.6: Assessment categories Modes of assessment Assessment techniques may be presented in a variety of modes, e.g. written, spoken/signed and multimodal. An assessment response is communicated to an audience for a particular purpose which may influence the type of text, language features and other textual features used in the response. Purposes may include: analysing; persuading; arguing; informing; presenting investigative, experimental or field-based findings; creating; performing; showcasing; reviewing a text or situation; completing calculations or solving problems. Referencing conventions must be followed regardless of the mode of assessment. Written responses Written responses require students to communicate a written assessment response to an audience for a particular purpose. Spoken responses Spoken responses require students to present a spoken assessment response to a live or virtual audience (i.e. through the use of technology) for a particular purpose. Multimodal responses A multimodal response uses a combination of at least two modes to communicate an assessment response to a live or virtual audience for a particular purpose. Modes include: written spoken/signed nonverbal, e.g. physical, visual, auditory. Each of the selected modes contributes significantly to the multimodal response. Different technologies may be used in the creation or presentation of the response. Replication of a written document into an electronic or digital format does not constitute a multimodal response. When making judgments about multimodal responses, teachers apply the standards to the entire response — that is, to all modes used to communicate the response. Supporting evidence Supporting evidence is required to substantiate decisions made on spoken and multimodal responses for monitoring, verification and exit purposes. Evidence to support spoken or multimodal responses may include: Section 7.6 Category 1: Extended experimental investigations (EEI) research/data analyses notes or annotations summary of findings journal entries or log book seminar brief or conference paper a recording of the response (as appropriate). The outcome of an extended experimental investigation is a written, spoken or multimodal response. In each year of the course no more than two EEIs may be undertaken. The assessment conditions in the table below refer to discussion, conclusions, evaluation and recommendations. [Conditions provided for each mode. See p. 27.] When an extended experimental investigation is undertaken for the first time, the scaffolding should help students complete the assessment by modelling the extended experimental investigation process and familiarising students with assessment expectations. Section 7.6 Category 2: Extended response tasks (ERT) The outcome of extended response tasks is a written, spoken or multimodal response that demonstrates aspects of each of the three criteria. [Conditions provided for each mode. See p. 29.] 1 A VIEW OF SCIENCE AND SCIENCE EDUCATION Science is a social and cultural activity through which explanations of natural phenomena are generated. It incorporates ways of thinking that are creative and critical. Scientists have a deep conviction that the universe is understandable. Explanations of natural phenomena may be viewed as mental constructs based on personal experiences. They emerge from a range of activities that may include observation, experimentation, imagination and discussion, and are achieved by considering the complexities of the universe at a level that can be understood. The evolution of scientific understandings has happened in definable episodes, with chance sometimes playing an important role. Currently accepted scientific concepts, theories and models may be viewed as shared understandings that the scientific community perceive as viable in light of the available evidence and arguments presented, and that have a predictive value. New understandings are continually arising and current understandings may be challenged by the scientific community, and modified or replaced. This is an essential characteristic of science. Students construct personal explanations of phenomena they experience in everyday life. One role of science education is to help students move from their personal constructions, which are at times discordant with scientific explanations, towards theories and models accepted by the scientific community. As students progress through their formal education, explanations of the phenomena they encounter increase in complexity as does the sophistication of their observations. Science students are encouraged to appreciate the social and cultural perspectives of science. They also participate in activities that help them construct explanations and recognise the nature of scientific understandings. Through science education students are encouraged to develop critical and creative thinking skills as well as scientific understandings. This will equip them to imagine alternative futures and make informed decisions about science and its applications. Such decisions will influence the wellbeing of themselves, other living things and their environment. Biology Senior Syllabus 1 2 RATIONALE Biology is the study of life in its many manifestations. It encompasses studies of the origin, development, diversity, functioning and evolution of living systems and the consequences of intervention in those systems. Biology is characterised by a view of life as a unique phenomenon with fundamental unity. Living processes and systems have many interacting factors that make quantification and prediction difficult. An understanding of these processes and systems requires integration of many branches of knowledge. The study of Biology provides students with opportunities to: gain insight into the scientific manner of investigating problems pertaining to the living world experience the processes of science, and that leads to the discovery of new knowledge develop a deeper understanding and aesthetic appreciation of the living world. Participation in Biology enables students to engage in creative scientific thinking and to apply their knowledge in practical situations. The study of Biology will help students foresee the consequences of their own and society’s activities on the living world. This will enable them to participate as informed and responsible citizens in decision-making processes, the outcomes of which will affect the living world now and in the future. Understanding of biological concepts, as well as general science knowledge and skills, is relevant to a range of careers, including those in medical, veterinary, food and marine sciences, agriculture, biotechnology, environmental rehabilitation, biosecurity, quarantine, conservation and eco-tourism. This subject will also provide a foundation for students to critically consider contemporary biological issues and to make informed decisions about these issues in their everyday lives. Biology Senior Syllabus 2 3 GLOBAL AIMS Biology provides learning experiences which will further develop in students: a knowledge and understanding of the living world the capacity to identify, gather, manipulate and process information in the context of scientific endeavours including field investigations the capacity to communicate effectively in various formats on biological issues an appreciation of the complexity and beauty of biological phenomena a recognition that Australian ecosystems have unique characteristics an appreciation that each type of organism, including Homo sapiens, occupies a unique position in the biosphere a sense of responsibility for the stewardship of the local and global environment an ability to apply biological understanding, skills and reasoning to present-day and emerging issues. Biology Senior Syllabus 3 4 GENERAL OBJECTIVES The General objectives are derived from the interaction of the Global aims (section 3), Rationale (s. 2), and A view of science and science education (s. 1). The general objectives of the syllabus are categorised as: Understanding biology Investigating biology Evaluating biological issues Attitudes and values. Learning through each of the general objectives is developed through learning experiences and activities that range from simple to complex in their challenge to students. Participation in these learning experiences requires students to present and communicate ideas and information. Students are required to communicate ideas and information using genres, terminology and conventions (linguistic, mathematical, graphic and symbolic) appropriate to biology. At all times, students are to be aware of safety issues and use safe scientific practice as outlined in s. 6.6. The objective, Attitude and values relates to the affective elements that permeate each of the other three objectives. This objective is not directly assessed in awarding exit levels of achievement. The objectives of Understanding biology, Investigating biology, and Evaluating biological issues are linked to the exit criteria of the Biology syllabus and help in developing the key competencies. (The numbers in the following sections cross-refer to items in the tables in the appendixes.) 4.1 UNDERSTANDING BIOLOGY (UB) This objective provides opportunities for students to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and ideas of biology (see tables 5.1 and 5.2). Students will be required to acquire, construct and communicate knowledge and understanding of the ideas, concepts and theories of biology. Students should be given opportunities to: 1. recall ideas, concepts and theories of biology 2. describe biological ideas, concepts and theories applied to a range of situations 3. apply and link ideas, concepts and theories to explain phenomena in a range of situations. 4.2 INVESTIGATING BIOLOGY (IB) This objective provides opportunities for students collectively and individually to access, collect, derive and interpret quantitative and qualitative biological data. Students will be required to critically and creatively question, observe, construct ideas, make choices, analyse data, make decisions and solve problems to demonstrate the processes involved in biological investigation. Students should be given opportunities to: 1. identify and formulate questions and hypotheses for investigations and research 2. design, manage and carry out experimental and non-experimental investigations 3. develop skills and processes required to collect, organise, interpret, model and present primary and secondary data Biology Senior Syllabus 4 4. 5. analyse data gathered from investigations make judgments and draw conclusions pertaining to the validity of an investigation. 4.3 EVALUATING BIOLOGICAL ISSUES (EBI) This objective aims to develop in students the ability to embrace current biological understandings and ideas to evaluate the effects of their application on present-day and future society. Students will be required to gather information, predict outcomes, and make and communicate informed decisions about the effects of human intervention on biological systems. Students should be given opportunities to: 1. recognise relevant past and present scientific and social issues 2. explain the explicit and implicit meanings of information selected from a variety of sources 3. evaluate and assess the reliability, authenticity, relevance, accuracy and bias of the sources and methods of the collection of information 4. justify decisions and develop future scenarios based on the interpretation and analysis of current information. 4.4 ATTITUDES AND VALUES (AV) The focus of this objective is for students to develop heightened levels of sensitivity to the implications of Biology for individuals and groups in society. It refers to the feelings, dispositions and ways of thinking about questions and issues in the field of study. This objective requires students to consider attitudes and values in making decisions related to Biology. Through this process, students should be given opportunities to develop attitudes and values to: 1. understand that science is a human endeavour and has limitations 2. demonstrate collegiality and cooperation 3. retain a commitment to scientific reasoning, openness to new ideas, intellectual honesty, and respect for evidence 4. appreciate the contribution of Biology to local, national and international issues 5. acknowledge responsibility when making decisions about the use of biological information 6. develop respect and appreciation for the natural world and minimise human impact on the environment. Biology Senior Syllabus 5 5 ORGANISATION 5.1 ORGANISING PRINCIPLES The syllabus provides the conceptual basis on which courses of study in Biology may be constructed but does not limit the approach taken. The overall course organisation should describe opportunities for students to explore key concepts (see table 5.1). It is a requirement that increasing complexity in both scope and depth of subject matter will be developed within units of work and over the course of study in Biology. While the scope and depth of treatment of particular concepts is the decision of the school, increasing complexity must be reflected in the teaching and learning experiences and the assessment program developed by the school. This syllabus has been designed to cater for a course of study of not less than 55 hours per semester (220 hours) of timetabled school time, including time for assessment. Accommodation of individual and group differences of students The development of courses should take into consideration the needs of individuals and class groups as well as students’ prior experience and conceptualisation. This principle is applied in terms of the cohort, school work unit, selection of resources (including the teacher’s special areas of expertise and interest), learning experiences, assessment task design, and educational equity. Teachers are encouraged to explore the local community for resources that would enrich the course. The constructivist approach to teaching and learning as described in the Science Years 1 to 10 syllabus is promoted in this syllabus, thus providing continuity of learning experiences for students through the years of schooling. 5.2 COURSE STRUCTURE Schools are encouraged to develop a course of study that reflects the interconnectedness of the key concepts (see table 1). Schools may choose to do this in a variety of ways through the development of contextualised, thematic or problem-based units. The syllabus allows flexibility in choosing and developing units that are relevant to students and use local resources. Contextualised A context is a group of related situations, phenomena, technical applications and social issues likely to be encountered by students. A context provides a meaningful application of concepts in real-world situations. Thematic Themes are unifying organisers that integrate elements in authentic and purposeful ways. Biology Senior Syllabus 6 Problem-based learning Problem-based learning allows students to engage in a real and intellectual inquiry where thinking and problem-solving skills are naturally developed while mastering important subject knowledge and understandings. Framework The syllabus provides a framework for the development of a course of study where understandings are to be developed in terms of concepts rather than lists of content. Principles of Biology The three principles that encompass the intent of the syllabus are: Survival of species is dependent on individuals staying alive long enough to reproduce. At every level of organisation in the living world structure and function are interrelated. Each level of organisation in the living world has its own unique aspects and there is continual interaction of structure and function between these levels. Continuity and change occurs at all organisational levels in the living world. Changes may be cyclical or directional. The continuity of life is a balance between all the change processes. Key concepts The key concepts, presented in table 1, are mandatory aspects of the course and are inherent in the principles of Biology. The study of Biology in this syllabus allows for selection of learning experiences relevant to the needs and interests of the students. In a planned course of study it is expected that: all key concepts are to be considered as equally significant aspects of more than one key concept will be included in a unit aspects of each key concept will be included in more than one unit evidence of students’ understanding of each key concept will be included in the student profile. Key ideas Associated with the key concepts are key ideas, which reflect the holistic and complex nature of the concepts. The key ideas in table 1 indicate the depth and scope of the key concepts. All these key ideas will be drawn upon to design learning experiences for the students over the two-year course as they construct understandings of key concepts. Key ideas additional to those listed in the syllabus may also be included and must be detailed in the school’s work program. (See appendix 1 for a possible match between key concepts and key ideas). Biology Senior Syllabus 7 Table 1: Course framework Principle of Biology Key ideas 7. Cells have a chemical composition that must be maintained for the continued life of the cell. 8. Organelles contribute to the structure and functioning of eukaryotic cells. 9. There are different types of cells and the ways they are organised influences their functioning. 10. Energy required by all living things is obtained in different ways. 11. Cell division is an integral part of growth and reproduction. 12. The set of systems comprising an organism enables it to function in its environment. 13. All systems are interrelated and interdependent. 14. Systems of the body work together to maintain a constant internal environment. 15. Different types of multicellular organisms have different roles in an environment. 16. Malfunctioning in one system or part of a system may affect the whole organism. 17. The external features and internal functioning of organisms together enable an organism to obtain its needs. 18. Abiotic and biotic factors in an environment influence the size of populations and the composition of communities. 19. Energy and matter move within ecosystems. 20. Human actions have significant impacts on interactions within an environment. 21. Different organisms perform different interdependent roles in an ecosystem. 22. An organism has adaptations specific to its environment. 23. Living things employ a variety of reproductive strategies. 24. Human understanding of the mechanisms of reproduction and DNA structure and function have led to intervention in natural processes. 25. Theories of evolution by natural selection can be used to explain speciation and changes in organisms through time. 26. The activity of organisms changes the environment. 27. Evidence shows that organisms and ecosystems change through time. 28. In most organisms coded instructions within the DNA molecule account for their inherited characteristics. 29. During reproduction DNA is passed from parent(s) to offspring. 30. The genetic variations within a population determine its long-term survival. 31. Evolutionary processes acting on the gene pools of populations have given rise to diversity of organisms. 32. Humans group organisms in a variety of ways to make sense of diversity and to aid communication. Survival of species is dependent on individuals staying alive long enough to reproduce. Key concepts Principle of Biology At every level of organisation in the living world, structure and function are interrelated. Each level of organisation in the living world has its own unique aspects and there is continual interaction of structure and function between these levels. 1. Cells are the functioning units of all living things. 2. Multicellular organisms are functioning sets of interrelated systems. 3. Organisms live an interdependent existence in environments to which they are adapted. 4. A variety of mechanisms results in continual change at all levels of the natural world. 5. There are processes that maintain dynamic equilibrium at all organisational levels. 6. There are mechanisms by which characteristics of individuals in one generation are passed on to the next generation. Principle of Biology Continuity and change occur at all organisational levels in the living world. Changes may be cyclical or directional. The continuity of life is a balance between all the change processes. Biology Senior Syllabus 8 Suggested subject matter Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ in their structure. There are structural similarities and differences between the cells of higher plants and animals. There are major groups of chemical compounds in cells. Cellular activities require energy. The structure of the cell membrane regulates the ways substances move into and out of cells. Tissue development and cell replacement involve the process of mitosis. The function of cells relates to their structure. There are specialised structures associated with obtaining nutrients, transport, gas exchange and excretion. Processes such as transpiration and translocation move materials within vascular plants. The integration of structures and processes is essential for the functioning of the whole organism. Stimulus response and feedback mechanisms are important for the integration and coordination of processes. Homeostasis is the coordination and control of various body processes to maintain a dynamic equilibrium in the internal environment. Malfunctioning of structures and/or processes will have varying effects on the functioning of the system and the organism as a whole. Organisms exhibit different structural, physiological and behavioural adaptations in different environments. The population growth rate and distribution of a species is determined by the available resources, physical environment, its own characteristics and the activities of other organisms. Special associations may occur between organisms within a community. Changes in communities result from changes in the surroundings and members of the community interacting with each other and with the abiotic environment. An ecosystem consists of both living and nonliving components. By replacing natural ecosystems with agricultural and/or urban ecosystems, human activity has altered the natural flow of energy and matter. Changes in ecosystems can occur as a result of natural processes and human activity. An understanding of the various interactions within ecosystems is an integral part of environmental management. Asexual reproduction produces similar offspring while sexual reproduction results in variation. Both internal and external fertilisation are associated with a range of different reproductive strategies for survival in different environmental conditions. Meiosis occurs at some stage in the life cycle of sexually reproducing organisms. Biology Senior Syllabus 9 Plants and animals have specialised reproductive structures. Pollination and fertilisation in flowering plants may result in seed development. Reproductive cycles in mammals are regulated by hormone feedback mechanisms. The development of the fertilised egg into a new individual and its growth involves mitotic division in multicellular organisms. A variety of technologies is applied to either inhibit or facilitate human reproduction. Some patterns of inheritance can be predicted by applying knowledge of dominant and recessive genes, monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, incomplete dominance, co-dominance, sex determination and sex linkage. Environmental factors can affect the phenotype and, by causing mutations, affect the genotype. Knowledge of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) has contributed to understanding of genes, DNA replication and mutation. DNA, messenger-RNA, transfer-RNA and ribosomes all play a role in protein synthesis in cells. Genotypes can be manipulated using a variety of technologies. Evidence drawn from the diverse fields of science indicates that the earth is of great age. Evidence for evolution is found in many different fields of modern science. Various scientific attempts had been made to outline mechanisms accounting for the observed phenomenon of evolution. The theory of natural selection outlines a mechanism that accounts for the observed phenomenon of biological evolution. Modern discoveries have contributed to a deeper understanding of the origins of genetic variation, the alteration of gene frequencies within populations and the processes leading to speciation. Complex organisms have evolved from simpler organisms. The hierarchical classification used in biological science has the species concept as its basis and provides an evolutionary history (phylogeny) of organisms. International conventions govern the naming and classification of species. The naming of species and their classification changes with current interpretation of data. Distinctive characteristics enable major groups of organisms to be distinguished from each other. The emergence of adaptations enables organisms to colonise diverse environments. Human activities can affect the course of evolution and have had a major impact on biodiversity. Figure 1: Course organisation Principles of Biology General objectives Key concepts School develops units in the form of themes and/or problem-based learning and inquiries. Mandatory all equally significant aspects of more than one included in a unit For each unit: select more than one key concept select and/or generate supporting key ideas aspects of each included in more than one unit develop learning experiences that reflect general objectives and are relevant to students evidence of each key concept included in the student profile. sequence subject matter. Key ideas Assessment indicate depth and scope of key concepts additional key ideas may be included & must be detailed in the work program. 5.3 WORK PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS A work program is the school’s plan of how the course will be delivered and assessed based on the school’s interpretation of the syllabus. It allows for the special characteristics of the individual school and its students. The school’s work program must meet all syllabus requirements and must demonstrate that there will be sufficient scope and depth of student learning to meet the general objectives and the exit standards. The requirements for work program approval can be accessed from the Queensland Studies Authority’s website ( This information should be consulted before writing a work program. Updates of the requirements for work program approval may occur periodically. Biology Senior Syllabus 10 6 LEARNING EXPERIENCES 6.1 INTRODUCTION Learning experiences provide the bridge between the general objectives of the syllabus and achievement of standards as demonstrated through the assessment. Student learning, general objective coverage and assessment are evaluated on the basis of these learning experiences. This section of the syllabus provides suggestions for a range of learning experiences. When selecting learning experiences for students in Biology, the students’ backgrounds, the role of language in the learning process, the importance of field work and practical work, and the resources available all need to be considered. For a course of study in Biology to contribute to a general education in science, it should provide learning experiences that will contribute to the development of individuals who: can recognise relevant issues and pose questions which are related to science or technology are able to associate these with appropriate scientific concepts and principles can identify sources of relevant information and/or data are aware of, and skilled in using, appropriate scientific methods for extracting and/or collecting information or data can manipulate data and information in ways appropriate to the task make decisions based upon the best available information through their actions, communicate their competence in and understanding of the things listed above. Students will participate in learning experiences individually and as a member of a team. Schools should list a broad range of learning experiences used with each context chosen. The following suggestions for learning experiences are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive: collaborative learning, planning and organising activities, and solving problems laboratory activities and experiments library research assignment work constructing models using information technology classroom debates teacher explanation and questioning excursion and field work film, video and slide audiovisual observation computer software simulation case studies or surveys media presentations independent research study solving problems as an individual or member of a team oral reports Biology Senior Syllabus 11 searching the internet. 6.2 LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND THE KEY COMPETENCIES In selecting learning experiences, teachers have many opportunities to deal with the key competencies, which occur naturally in the learning context and are essential to the study of Biology, namely: collecting, analysing and organising information communicating ideas and information planning and organising activities working with others and in teams using mathematical ideas and techniques solving problems using technology 6.3 LANGUAGE EDUCATION The language characteristics of individuals and groups, the varieties of English used, and the ways in which students communicate, all influence the nature of learning Biology within the school course. Teachers of Biology have a responsibility to ensure that students become scientifically literate and able to decipher technical articles in journals, books and magazines. Students should understand and use appropriate scientific terms and phrases wherever the need arises, thus becoming more scientifically literate and better able to interpret technical manuals, catalogues, data sheets, etc. To achieve understanding of scientific terms, it may be necessary for students to develop their own glossaries as they progress through the course. Learning experiences must be based upon a range of sources consistent with an emphasis upon the development of scientifically literate adults. These should require students to use language effectively for several purposes in different contexts and for a variety of audiences. Students should prepare and present communications in a range of forms and mediums. Biology Senior Syllabus 12 Students should take part in learning experiences that involve them in: Drawing upon sources of information, such as: Using language for the purposes of: Presenting information in forms such as: observations restating information laboratory/field notes demonstrations reporting results formal reports experiments giving instructions letters textbooks formulating a hypothesis abstracts handbooks of data designing an experiment précis manuals of procedures explaining a relationship reviews product brochures arguing a proposition oral presentations specification sheets proposing action seminars computer files defending a position discussions journal articles justifying a stand demonstrations magazines evaluating an argument charts newspapers developing an idea graphs broadcast media interpreting a theory sketches advertisements persuading models videos or films making conclusions photographs lectures following instructions electronic media interviews predicting the results of an experiment discussions internet evaluating scientific arguments 6.4 QUANTITATIVE CONCEPTS AND SKILLS Success in dealing with problems and other situations in life and work depends on the development and integration of a range of abilities, such as being able to: comprehend basic concepts and terms, in the areas of number, space, probability and statistics and measurement extract, convert or translate information given in numerical forms, diagrams, maps, graphs or tables use calculators and computers use skills or apply concepts from one problem or study area to another. Teachers of Biology are responsible for encouraging the use of quantitative skills and understandings that were developed previously by their students. Within appropriate learning contexts and experiences in the subject, opportunities are to be provided for revising, maintaining and extending such skills and understandings. Students of Biology will usually be required to apply basic mathematical concepts learned in other subjects. Biology Senior Syllabus 13 6.5 “THEORY INTO PRACTICE” Applications of biological knowledge relate to the natural world and the environment created by humans. Biological investigations can be conducted in the field or in school. Field work provides students with opportunities to experience, at first hand, some ecological principles and gain an appreciation of the complexity and beauty of a natural ecosystem. They also have opportunities to collect primary data which they can analyse and integrate with further ecological studies. Field work could also provide students with opportunities to gather information about the work undertaken by biologists and to make links between theory and its applications. Practical work carried out in school enables students to develop the skills of investigation, data collection and analysis. 6.5.1 Field work Students are required to undertake investigations which involve a minimum of ten hours spent in the field, excluding any preparatory work or follow-up activities as well as any travelling time. Field work should be integrated with the study of the key concepts to help students gain a better understanding of biological phenomena. All field work should be evident in the assessment overview. It should provide students with the opportunity to observe and experience, at first hand, the operation of basic biological principles in real situations. The objectives of field work would depend on the site chosen and the concepts being developed. Some possible venues for field work include: natural ecosystems museum university Field work — 10 hours spent in the field research at least 5 hours — natural ecosystems institutions remainder can be developed to suit school botanic gardens interests aquaria terraria school grounds hospitals. Artificial ecosystems such as botanical gardens are rather limited in their scope. It is essential, therefore, that students spend at least five hours studying natural ecosystems. It is expected that as part of their study of natural ecosystems all students would use: techniques for identifying organisms (e.g. keys and field guides) sampling techniques (e.g. traps, quadrats and transects) methods to measure environmental data (e.g. pH of water and soil, salinity, temperature and availability of light). Biology Senior Syllabus 14 Schools should minimise the collection of biological material and damage to the environment and look at alternative means of gathering information, such as photography, digital imaging, video and drawing. All field work is an essential part of the course. Analysis of primary data collected must be assessed and evident in the assessment overview. 6.5.2 Practical work Practical work is an integral part of this subject and a lot of time will be spent working with biological materials. Observations and investigations can enhance student learning. Practical work may consist of activities designed to illustrate concepts and ideas to which the students have already been exposed. In such cases it is usual to give the students a clear set of procedures which, if followed, provide them with the desired results. Some may need help in analysing these results and drawing the best conclusions. If the activities are well designed, however, this type of practical work can be very useful in helping students understand some key concepts. Most practical work would probably be of this kind. Students must be given opportunities to develop concepts using an investigative approach. They are expected to make observations, formulate hypotheses, design experiments, use equipment, collect and organise data, and draw conclusions. They are expected to observe workplace health and safety standards. Students must report on an extended investigation as part of their assessment (see s. 7.6). Manipulative skills are fundamental to an effective scientific investigation and relate to the ability of students to operate scientific and experimental equipment proficiently and safely. Consequently, manipulative skills should be taught as part of normal dayto-day laboratory activities. The following list outlines the skills that are fundamental to a course in Biology: 1 prepare wet-mount slides and use a microscope to observe specimens 2 dissect specimen material to observe structure and infer function 3 use appropriate methods and equipment to measure environmental factors 4 handle specimens of living material responsibly and ethically 5 record observations of biological specimens, e.g. sketch/draw/photograph/video 6 use appropriate equipment to perform experiments to demonstrate biological phenomena, e.g. measure the rate of transpiration, demonstrate factors affecting photosynthesis, test food materials for their chemical components. Biology Senior Syllabus 15 6.5.3 Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 Animal welfare The Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 and the accompanying Animal Care and Protection Regulation 2002 govern the treatment and use of all animals in Queensland. The Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (DPI&F) is responsible for enforcement of the legislation. The purpose is to prevent animal suffering, to improve the welfare of animals and to ensure all use of animals for scientific purposes is justified, open and accountable. “Scientific purposes” is defined to include activities for the purposes of demonstration and teaching. The legislation covers animals described as “any live vertebrate, including live prenatal or prehatched creatures in the last half of gestation or development”, and includes amphibians, birds, fish, mammals and reptiles. It does not include the eggs, spat or spawn of fish, nor invertebrates such as octopi, squid, crabs, crayfish, lobsters and prawns. Further details of the categories covered by the legislation can be obtained from the DPI&F website under “Using animals for scientific purposes” and “What is an animal?” The Act also requires compliance with the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. The current version is the 7th edition 2004, which can be downloaded from The Code defines an animal for the purposes of use in teaching as “any live non-human vertebrate, that is, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, encompassing domestic animals, purposebred animals, livestock, wildlife, and also cephalopods such as octopus and squid”. National codes of practice are available for most livestock industries, and outline acceptable standards of husbandry and management. There are also Model Codes of Practice covering areas such as transporting livestock, saleyards and abattoirs. In Queensland, the national livestock codes are used as the minimum standard. These Model Codes of Practice are available from the CSIRO website If you intend to use animals for scientific purposes (which includes teaching), in order to comply with the Act: 1 you (or your employing institution) must register with the DPI&F and nominate the Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) that will assess your animal use 2 you must ensure all animal use is approved by the AEC before the activity 3 you must provide an annual report to the DPI&F of activities where animals are used. An employer may register with the DPI&F as a “user of animals for scientific purposes” to cover employee activities requiring the use of animals for scientific purposes. An animal ethics application must be made to the AEC for each “use of animals” or “type of use of animals” for a series of similar events. AECs may approve activities that are frequently repeated in a school program. Approval can be sought for a three-year period but activities must be reported annually to the AEC. The Queensland Schools Animal Ethics Committee (QSAEC) is required to meet and assess written applications for every educational activity that involves using animals for scientific purposes in Queensland schools. The QSAEC is a cross-sector committee linking Education Queensland, Queensland Catholic Education Commission and Independent Schools Queensland, and includes members drawn from the scientific and wider community to bring a diversity of knowledge, values and beliefs to the committee. Biology Senior Syllabus 16 Animals must not be used for scientific purposes in any Queensland school without written approval from the QSAEC. The QSAEC meets once a term — usually during the third week of each term. There are at least four meetings of the QSAEC each year. The main task of the members of the Queensland Schools Animal Ethics Committee is to weigh up the benefits and costs of using animals in schools. The QSAEC members decide whether the proposed activities have justified the use of animals and that the welfare of those animals has been considered. More information on the QSAEC and its activities can be found at Employing authorities are currently considering ways they can support schools to comply with requirements. You should check with your employing authority for the details of any guidelines or processes in place to assist you to meet the requirements of the legislation. Further information and resources on animal ethics can be found at 6.6 WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY Biology is a practical science. A significant amount of the course should be devoted to practical experiences in the laboratory. These practical experiences expose students to a variety of hazards from corrosive and poisonous substances to injury from glass and hot objects. Besides a teacher’s duty of care that derives from the Education (General Provisions) Act 1989, there are other legislative and regulatory requirements, for example the Workplace, Health and Safety Act 1995, that will influence the nature and extent of practical work. All practical work must be organised with students’ safety in mind. In Biology, there are many activities associated with handling biological materials including live animal and plant specimens, micro-organisms, and materials for dissection, that expose teachers and students to health hazards. The current science safety requirements are clearly explained in Workplace Health and Safety Guidelines — Curriculum — Core Module, on the following website: It is the school’s responsibility to ensure that their practices meet current guidelines. Biology Senior Syllabus 17 7 ASSESSMENT The purposes of assessment are to provide feedback to students and parents about learning that has occurred, to provide feedback to teachers about the teaching and learning processes, and to provide information on which to base judgments about how well students meet the general objectives of the course. In designing an assessment program, it is important that the assessment tasks, conditions and criteria are compatible with the general objectives and the learning experiences. Assessment then is an integral aspect of a course of study. It can be formative or summative. The distinction between formative and summative assessment lies in the purpose for which that assessment is used. Formative assessment is used to provide feedback to students, parents, and teachers about achievement over the course of study. This enables students and teachers to identify the students’ strengths and weaknesses so students may improve their achievement and better manage their own learning. The formative techniques used should be similar to summative assessment techniques, which students will meet later in the course. This provides students with experience in responding to particular types of tasks, under appropriate conditions. So that students can prepare for assessment tasks it is advisable that each assessment technique be used formatively before being used summatively. Summative assessment, while also providing feedback to students, parents and teachers, provides cumulative information on which levels of achievement are determined at exit from the course of study. It follows, therefore, that it is necessary to plan the range of assessment techniques and instruments/tasks to be used, when they will be administered, and how they contribute to the determination of exit levels of achievement. Students’ achievements are matched to the standards of exit criteria, which are derived from the general objectives of the course. Thus, summative assessment provides the information for certification at the end of the course. 7.1 UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES OF EXIT ASSESSMENT The Authority’s policy on exit assessment requires consideration to be given to the following principles when devising an assessment program for the two-year course of study: Information is gathered through a process of continuous assessment. Balance of assessments is a balance over the course of study and not necessarily a balance over a semester or between semesters. Exit achievement levels are devised from student achievement in all areas identified in the syllabus as being mandatory. Assessment of a student’s achievement is in the significant aspects of the course of study identified in the syllabus and the school’s work program. Selective updating of a student’s profile of achievement is undertaken over the course of study. Exit assessment is devised to provide the fullest and latest information on a student’s achievement in the course of study. These principles are to be considered together and not individually in the development of an assessment program. Exit assessment must satisfy concurrently the six principles Biology Senior Syllabus 18 associated with it. Continuous assessment The major operating principle is “continuous assessment”. The process of continuous assessment provides the framework in which all the other five principles of balance, mandatory aspects of the syllabus, significant aspects of the course, selective updating, and fullest and latest information exist and operate. This is the means by which assessment instruments are administered at suitable intervals and by which information on student achievement is collected. It involves a continuous gathering of information and the making of judgments in terms of the stated criteria and standards throughout the two-year course of study. Decisions about levels of achievement are based on information gathered, through the process of continuous assessment, at points in the course of study appropriate to the organisation of the learning experiences. Levels of achievement must not be based on students’ responses to a single assessment task at the end of a course, or instruments set at arbitrary intervals that are unrelated to the developmental course of study. Balance Balance of assessments is a balance over the course of study and not necessarily a balance within a semester or between semesters. Within the two-year course for Queensland Studies AuthorityBiology it is necessary to establish a suitable balance in the general objectives, assessment techniques and instruments/tasks, conditions and across the criteria. The exit criteria are to have equal emphasis across the range of summative assessment. The exit assessment program must ensure an appropriate balance over the course of study as a whole. Mandatory aspects of the syllabus Judgment of student achievement at exit from a two-year course of study must be derived from information gathered about student achievement in those aspects stated in the syllabus as being mandatory, namely: the general objectives of Understanding biology, Investigating biology, and Evaluating biological issues the six key concepts (see table 5.1). The exit criteria and standards stated in s. 7.7 must be used to make the judgment of student achievement at exit from a two-year course of study. Significant aspects of the course of study “Significant aspects” refers to those areas in the school’s course of study selected from the choices permitted by the syllabus. Significant aspects can complement mandatory aspects, or be items additional to them. They will be determined by the context of the school and the needs of students at that school to provide a choice of learning experiences appropriate to the location of the school, the local environment and the resources available. The significant aspects must be consistent with the general objectives of the syllabus Biology Senior Syllabus 19 and complement the developmental nature of learning in the course over two years. Selective updating In conjunction with the principle of fullest and latest information, information on student achievement should be selectively updated throughout the course. Selective updating is related to the developmental nature of the two-year course of study and operates within the context of continuous assessment. As subject matter is treated at increasing levels of complexity, assessment information gathered at earlier stages of the course may no longer be representative of student achievement. The information therefore should be selectively and continually updated (not averaged) to accurately reflect student achievement. 1. 2. The following conceptions of the principle of selective updating apply: A systemic whole subject-group approach in which considerations about the whole group of students are made according to the developmental nature of the course and, in turn, the assessment program. In this conception, developmental aspects of the course are revisited so that later summative assessment replaces earlier formative information. An act of decision making about individual students — deciding from a set of assessment results the subset which meets syllabus requirements and typically represents a student’s achievements, thus forming the basis for a decision about a level of achievement. In the application of decisions about individual students, the set of assessment results does not have to be the same for all students. However, the subset which represents the typical achievement of a student must conform to the parameters set in requirements for verification folios. Selective updating must not involve students reworking and resubmitting previously graded assessment tasks. Opportunities may be provided for students to complete and submit additional tasks. Such tasks may provide information for making judgments where achievement on an earlier task was unrepresentative or atypical, or there was insufficient information upon which to base a judgment. Fullest and latest information Judgments about student achievement made at exit from a school course of study must be based on the fullest and latest information available. This information is recorded on a student profile. “Fullest” refers to information about student achievement gathered across the range of general objectives. “Latest” refers to information about student achievement gathered from the most recent period in which the general objectives are assessed. As the assessment program in Biology is developmental, fullest and latest information will most likely come from Year 12. Information recorded on a student profile will consist of the latest assessment data on mandatory and significant aspects of the course, which includes the data gathered in the summative assessment program that is not superseded. Biology Senior Syllabus 20 7.2 PLANNING AN ASSESSMENT PROGRAM At exit, judgments are made about how students have achieved in relation to the standards stated in the syllabus for each of the criteria. These summative judgments are based on achievement in each of the general objectives. When planning an assessment program, schools must consider: general objectives (refer to s. 4) course structure (refer to s. 7.2) the learning experiences (refer to s. 6) the underlying principles of assessment (refer to s. 7.1) a variety of assessment techniques and instruments over the two-year course (refer to s. 7.6, “Assessment categories”) conditions under which the assessment is implemented the exit criteria (s. 7.3) and standards (s. 7.7) verification folio requirements, especially the number and the nature of student responses to assessment tasks to be included (refer to s. 7.4) minimum assessment necessary to reach a valid judgment of the student’s standard of achievement. Students should be conversant with the assessment techniques and know of the criteria to be used in assessment instruments. 7.2.1 Special consideration Guidance about the nature and appropriateness of special consideration and special arrangements for particular students may be found in the Authority’s policy statement on special consideration, Special Consideration: Exemption and special arrangements in senior secondary school-based assessment (30 May 1994). This statement also provides guidance on responsibilities, principles and strategies that schools may need to consider in their schools. To enable special consideration to be effective for students so identified, it is important that schools plan and implement strategies in the early stages of an assessment program and not at the point of deciding levels of achievement. The special consideration might involve alternative teaching approaches, assessment plans and learning experiences. 7.2.2 Authentication of student work It is essential that judgments of student achievement be made on genuine student assessment responses. Teachers must take reasonable steps to ensure that each student’s work is their own, particularly where students have access to electronic resources or when they are preparing responses to collaborative tasks. Biology Senior Syllabus 21 The QSA’s A–Z of Senior Moderation contains a strategy for authenticating student work <>. This provides information about various methods teachers can use to monitor that students’ work is their own. Particular methods outlined include: teachers seeing plans and drafts of student work student production and maintenance of evidence for the development of responses student acknowledgment of resources used. Teachers must ensure students use consistent, accepted conventions of in-text citation and referencing, where appropriate. 7.3 EXIT CRITERIA The following exit criteria must be used in making judgments about a student’s level of achievement at exit from a course in Biology. They reflect three of the four general objectives of the syllabus (s. 4): Criterion 1: Understanding biology Criterion 2: Investigating biology Criterion 3: Evaluating biological issues. Each criterion must be assessed in each semester and each criterion is to make an equal contribution to the determination of levels of exit achievement. Students are to be given opportunities to demonstrate their level of achievement in a variety of assessment tasks that include complex and challenging aspects. These opportunities should be embedded in a range of contexts. 7.4 REQUIREMENTS FOR VERIFICATION For the purposes of verification, schools must submit: a copy of the approved work program all assessment instruments and corresponding marking schemes upon which judgments about levels of achievement have been made up to that time detailed criteria sheets for each instrument together with statements of conditions and expected student responses details of strategies used to ensure student authorship and ownership of all tasks sample student verification folios containing evidence of student achievement. Biology Senior Syllabus 22 Verification folios must contain: the individual student profile showing sufficient detail required for the determination of the proposed level of achievement: a minimum of four and a maximum of six assessment instruments must be submitted each of these instruments must assess at least two criteria at least one and no more than two instruments from each of the following three assessment categories must be included: extended response written task extended experimental investigation one of the instruments presented must include an analysis of field work primary data assessment of the six key concepts must be evidenced for each student in the verification folio. Typically, work selected would be student responses to instruments that are common to all submitted folios. 7.5 DETERMINING EXIT LEVELS OF ACHIEVEMENT On completion of the course of study, the school is required to award each student an exit level of achievement from one of the five categories: Very High Achievement High Achievement Sound Achievement Limited Achievement Very Limited Achievement. The school must award an exit standard for each of the three criteria: Understanding biology, Investigating biology, and Evaluating biological issues, based on the principles of assessment described in this syllabus. The criteria are derived from the general objectives and are described in s. 4. The standards associated with the three exit criteria are described in s. 7.7. When teachers are determining a standard for each criterion, it is not always necessary for the student to have met each descriptor for a particular standard; the standard awarded should be informed by how the qualities of the work match the descriptors overall. For Year 11, particular standards descriptors may be selected from the matrix and/or adapted to suit the task. These standards are used to inform the teaching and learning process. For Year 12 tasks, students should be provided with opportunities to understand and become familiar with the expectations for exit. The exit standards are applied to the summative body of work selected for exit. Of the seven key competencies, the six that are relevant to this subject1 are embedded in the descriptors in the standards matrix. The descriptors refer mainly to aspects of Understanding biology, Investigating biology, and Evaluating biological issues. 1 KC1: collecting, analysing and organising information; KC2: communicating ideas and information, KC3: planning and organising activities; KC5: using mathematical ideas and techniques; KC6: solving problems; KC7: using technology Biology Senior Syllabus 23 When standards have been determined in each of the three criteria of Understanding biology, Investigating biology, and Evaluating biological issues, the following table is used to determine the exit level of achievement, where A represents the highest standard and E the lowest. Table 7.1: Minimum requirements for exit levels of achievement VHA Standard A in any two exit criteria and no less than a B in the remaining criterion HA Standard B in any two exit criteria and no less than a C in the remaining criterion SA Standard C in any two exit criteria and no less than a D in the remaining criterion LA Standard D in any two exit criteria VLA Does not meet the requirements for Limited Achievement 7.6 ASSESSMENT CATEGORIES This syllabus identifies three assessment categories: extended response written task extended experimental investigation. Each assessment instrument contributes equally to the determination of a level of achievement and must reflect the nature of the learning experiences. There should be variety and balance in the types of instruments used enabling students with different learning styles to demonstrate their understanding. Each instrument must assess more than one criterion and may include all three. At least two criteria must be included in each instrument. At least one and no more than two instruments from each of the three assessment categories is to be included in the verification folio. Further information regarding requirements for verification folio is provided in s. 7.4. Fieldwork is a compulsory aspect of this course of study. It can be either the focus or the stimulus for an assessment instrument developed from one of the assessment techniques. Evidence of the analysis of fieldwork primary data must be evident in student work in the verification folio. Modes of assessment Assessment techniques may be presented in a variety of modes, e.g. written, spoken/signed and multimodal. An assessment response is communicated to an audience for a particular purpose which may influence the type of text, language features and other textual features used in the response. Purposes may include: analysing; persuading; arguing; informing; presenting investigative, experimental or field-based findings; creating; performing; showcasing; reviewing a text or situation; completing calculations or solving problems. Referencing conventions must be followed regardless of the mode of assessment. Biology Senior Syllabus 24 Written responses Written responses require students to communicate a written assessment response to an audience for a particular purpose. Spoken responses Spoken responses require students to present a spoken assessment response to a live or virtual audience (i.e. through the use of technology) for a particular purpose. Multimodal responses A multimodal response uses a combination of at least two modes to communicate an assessment response to a live or virtual audience for a particular purpose. Modes include: written spoken/signed nonverbal, e.g. physical, visual, auditory. Each of the selected modes contributes significantly to the multimodal response. Different technologies may be used in the creation or presentation of the response. Replication of a written document into an electronic or digital format does not constitute a multimodal response. When making judgments about multimodal responses, teachers apply the standards to the entire response — that is, to all modes used to communicate the response. Supporting evidence Supporting evidence is required to substantiate decisions made on spoken and multimodal responses for monitoring, verification and exit purposes. Evidence to support spoken or multimodal responses may include: research/data analyses notes or annotations summary of findings journal entries or log book seminar brief or conference paper a recording of the response (as appropriate). The following tables provide an overview of the characteristics and considerations of each category and possible parameters for the design of relevant assessment instruments. Biology Senior Syllabus 25 Category 1: Extended experimental investigations (EEI) Characteristics and considerations Within this category, instruments are developed to answer an open-ended practical research question, which may include laboratory-based or fieldwork experiments. The focus is on planning and problem solving using primary data generated through experimentation by the student. The outcome of an extended experimental investigation is a written, spoken or multimodal response. In each year of the course no more than two EEIs may be undertaken. The individual items making up the task must provide adequate opportunities for students to demonstrate their level of biological expertise across the full range of standards in the syllabus. The investigation will be conducted over a 2–3 week minimum time frame. Elements of the investigation may be conducted in small groups or pairs. Processes to ensure individual student ownership of the task must be applied. No matter what format is chosen to present this category, the investigation must include: a planned course of action a clearly stated research question giving a purpose and aim to the investigation descriptions of the experiment showing evidence of modification or student design evidence of primary and secondary data collection and selection the execution of the experiment/s data analysis and discussion evaluation and conclusion/s with justification the presentation of the discussion and findings. The teacher may suggest topics and provide some stimulus to trigger student interest. Teachers must allow some continuous class time for students to be able to effectively undertake each component of the investigation. However, independent student time will probably also be required to complete the task. Students may be required to select an appropriate genre for the final presentation (e.g. scientific report, journal or scientific log book, article for a scientific magazine/newspaper, scientific poster or non-written presentation). The flexibility for students to determine the genre for the final presentation may cause some challenges to teachers attempting to write task-specific criteria sheets. The non-written presentation would need to be supported by explanatory notes, data and diagrams. Forms Instruments developed in this category must allow students to produce: a response to a valid research question evidence for the range of the sources used. The response should take the form of: a written report, assignment or other written genre a spoken and/or multimodal presentation The response: Biology Senior Syllabus 26 may take a wide variety of forms should be accompanied by a detailed task-specific criteria sheet must be accompanied by research notes should conform to the characteristics of the genre selected. The assessment conditions in the table below refer to discussion, conclusions, evaluation and recommendations. Mode Year 11 Year 12 Written Report 800–1000 words (discussions, conclusions and/or recommendations) 1000–1500 (discussions, conclusions and/or recommendations) Assignment 800–1000 words 1000–1500 words Article 800–1000 words 1000–1500 words Spoken 3–4 minutes 4–5 minutes Multimodal 3–5 minutes 5–7 minutes Authentication of research process Evidence that supports authentication of student work may be: Teacher involvement / scaffolding annotated notes in response to issues that emerged during research (e.g. journals, experimental logs) teacher observation sheets research checklists self/peer assessment referencing and reference list. When an extended experimental investigation is undertaken for the first time, the scaffolding should help students complete the assessment by modelling the extended experimental investigation process and familiarising students with assessment expectations. Consultation and feedback on the research process should be provided judiciously, gradually being reduced with student experience and confidence. Origin of research question Scaffolding should be provided to help students complete the assessment by modelling the expected processes and genre. It should not specify the biology, nor lead the student through a series of steps dictating a solution. Scaffolding of the task in the form of a series of generic questions which opens out the task, making it accessible to all students, is quite appropriate; however, through the year scaffolding should be reduced to allow the student to better demonstrate independence in the research process. Provided by the teachers and/or negotiated; rationale for the question should be evident. Provided and/or negotiated by teacher and student; rationale that gives a context for the question is expected from the student. Biology Senior Syllabus 27 Category 2: Extended response tasks (ERT) Characteristics and considerations Within this category, instruments are developed to questions or issues, raised within a biological context and are essentially non-experimental. The focus is secondary data, except when the category is used to assess fieldwork which must include an analysis of primary data. The outcome of extended response tasks is a written, spoken or multimodal response that demonstrates aspects of at least two of the three criteria. The individual items making up the task must provide adequate opportunities for students to demonstrate their level of biological expertise across the full range of standards in the syllabus. Elements of the extended response may be conducted in small groups or pairs. The management of the extended response must be mostly the responsibility of the student. Processes to ensure individual student ownership of the task must be applied. No matter what format is chosen, the investigation must allow students to demonstrate: an understanding and processing of information and concepts the gathering of information and data from a range of sources skills of interpretation, analysis and synthesis evaluative and decision-making processes. Teachers must allow some continuous class time for students to be able to effectively undertake each component of the investigation However, independent student time will probably also be required to complete the task. Forms Instruments developed in this category must allow students to produce: a response to a valid research question evidence for the range of sources used. Written Report: In the report, the student would make some form of decision regarding the question or issue under investigation and support the decision with logical argument. The report may be in response to observations made and conclusions drawn from a case study or studies, industrial visits, or field trips. Assignment: Students provide a response to a specific question or issue. The response may be supported by appropriate tables of data, diagrams and flowcharts. The assignment could be a persuasive argument or informative text. Article: Students create an article that would be suitable for a scientific magazine or publication that would run stories of scientific interest. Documentation of findings should be enhanced by the use of graphics, tables and pictures. Spoken For example, debates, seminars, lessons, demonstrations. Multi-modal For example, PowerPoint presentations, webpages, videos, computer simulations. Spoken and multi-modal presentations would need to be supported by explanatory notes, references, data and diagrams. Biology Senior Syllabus 28 Mode Year 11 Year 12 Written Report 800–1000 words (discussions, conclusions and/or recommendations) 1000–1500 (discussions, conclusions and/or recommendations) Assignment 800–1000 words 1000–1500 words Article 800–1000 words 1000–1500 words Spoken 3–4 minutes 4–5 minutes Multi-modal 3–5 minutes 5–7 minutes Authentication of research process Evidence that supports authentication of student work may be: Teacher involvement / scaffolding Origin of research question annotated notes in response to issues that emerged during research (e.g. journals, experimental logs) teacher observation sheets research checklists self/peer assessment referencing and reference list. Consultation and feedback on research process should be provided judiciously, gradually being reduced with student experience and confidence. Scaffolding should be provided to help students complete the assessment by modelling the expected processes and genre. It should not specify the biology, nor lead the student through a series of steps dictating a solution. Scaffolding of the task in the form of a series of generic questions which opens out the task making it accessible to all students is quite appropriate; however, through the year scaffolding should be reduced to allow the student to better demonstrate independence in the research process. Provided by the teachers and/or negotiated; rationale for the question should be evident. Provided and/or negotiated by teacher and student; rationale that gives a context for the question is expected from the student. Biology Senior Syllabus 29 Category 3: Written task Characteristics and considerations This assessment technique must be conducted under supervised conditions to ensure authentication of student work. The individual items making up the task must provide adequate opportunities for students to demonstrate their level of biological expertise across the full range of standards in the syllabus. Forms 1. short response tests, e.g. items requiring sentence responses or short paragraph responses 2. short response to stimulus test 3. other short written responses under test conditions such as editorials, news articles 4. or a combination of the above. Length Recommended time: 1–1½ hours. Perusal times may be required. Responses to about 300 words maximum per item Recommended time: 1½–2 hours. Perusal times may be required. Responses to about 500 words maximum per item 5. Essay under test conditions in which the student gives a response to a question or statement, mainly by reference to sources supplied. The question or statement is not provided before the test (unseen). If the sources are unseen, they should be of a type and length to allow students to handle in a reasonable preparation time, e.g. about four sources in Year 11, and about six sources in Year 12. Also they should be of a reading level that students can manage in the allocated time. If the stimulus material is complex, students may be given the material before the task. Schools should be clear with respect to the time made available and the material that can be taken into the test situation. Students should not have prior access to the specific questions used in the test. Perusal times may be required. Length Recommended time: 1½–2 hours Recommended time: 1½–2 hours 500–600 words 600–800 words Biology Senior Syllabus 30 7.7 STANDARDS ASSOCIATED WITH EXIT CRITERIA Investigating biology Understanding biology A B C D E The student communicates their understanding by: The student communicates their understanding by: The student communicates their understanding by: The student states terminology and ideas relevant to concepts. making links between related ideas, concepts, principles and theories to reveal meaningful interrelationships applying knowledge and understanding to a range of complex and challenging tasks. explaining ideas, concepts, principles and theorie,s and describing interrelationships between them defining and describing ideas, concepts, principles and theories, and identifying interrelationships The student communicates their understanding by stating ideas and using terminology relevant to concepts and recalling interrelationships. applying knowledge and understanding to a range of complex tasks. applying knowledge and understanding to a range of tasks. The student communicates investigative processes by following instructions to collect and organise data. The student communicates investigative processes by: The student communicates investigative processes by: The student communicates investigative processes by: The student communicates investigative processes by: formulating justified researchable questions formulating researchable questions identifying researchable questions following instructions to collect and organise data designing, modifying and implementing investigations selecting, modifying and implementing investigations selecting and implementing investigations using data to answer questions. collecting and organising data to identify trends and interrelationships collecting and organising data to identify trends collecting and organising data interpreting and critically analysing results with links to theoretical concepts to draw conclusions relating to the question(s) interpreting results and drawing conclusions relating to the question(s) discussing results and drawing conclusions. evaluating the design of the investigation and reflecting on the adequacy of the data collected and proposing refinements. evaluating the design of the investigation and the adequacy of the data collected. Biology Senior Syllabus 31 Evaluating biological issues The student communicates by: The student communicates by: The student communicates by: The student communicates by: gathering, critically analysing and evaluating information and data from a variety of valid and reliable sources gathering information and data from a variety of sources gathering and using biological information to make statements integrating the information and data to make justified and responsible decisions gathering, analysing and evaluating information and data from a variety of valid and reliable sources recognising that a given issue has biological implications. considering alternatives and predictions relevant in past, present and future biological contexts. recognising alternatives and predictions that are relevant in a range of present-day biological contexts. selecting relevant information and data to make plausible decisions and predictions in a range of biological contexts integrating the information and data to make supported decisions recognising concepts that form the basis of presentday biological issues. Biology Senior Syllabus 32 The student communicates by using supplied information to make statements. 8 EDUCATIONAL EQUITY Equity means fair treatment of all. In developing work programs from this syllabus, schools are urged to consider the most appropriate means of incorporating the following notions of equity. Schools need to provide opportunities for all students to demonstrate what they know and what they can do. All students, therefore, should have equitable access to educational programs and human and material resources. Teachers should ensure that the particular needs of the following groups of students are met: female students; male students; Aboriginal students; Torres Strait Islander students; students from non– English-speaking backgrounds; students with disabilities; students with gifts and talents; geographically isolated students; and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. The subject matter chosen should include, whenever possible, the contributions and experiences of all groups of people. Learning contexts and community needs and aspirations should also be considered when selecting subject matter. In choosing appropriate learning experiences teachers can introduce and reinforce non-racist, nonsexist, culturally sensitive and unprejudiced attitudes and behaviour. Learning experiences should encourage the participation of students with disabilities and accommodate different learning styles. It is desirable that the resource materials chosen recognise and value the contributions of both females and males to society and include the social experiences of both sexes. Resource materials should also reflect the cultural diversity within the community and draw from the experiences of the range of cultural groups in the community. Efforts should be made to identify, investigate and remove barriers to equal opportunity to demonstrate achievement. This may involve being proactive in finding out about the best ways to meet the special needs, in terms of learning and assessment, of particular students. The variety of assessment techniques in the work program should allow students of all backgrounds to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a subject in relation to the criteria and standards stated in this syllabus. The syllabus criteria and standards should be applied in the same way to all students. Teachers may find the following resources useful for devising an inclusive work program: Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Certification Authorities 1996, Guidelines for Assessment Quality and Equity, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Certification Authorities, available through QSA, Brisbane. Department of Education, Queensland 1991, A Fair Deal: Equity guidelines for developing and reviewing educational resources, Department of Education [Education Queensland], Brisbane. Department of Training and Industrial Relations 1998, Access and Equity Policy for the Vocational Education and Training System, DTIR, Brisbane. [Queensland] Board of Senior Secondary School Studies 1994, Policy Statement on Special Consideration, available through QSA, Brisbane. [Queensland] Board of Senior Secondary School Studies 1995, Language and Equity: A discussion paper for writers of school-based assessment instruments, available through QSA, Brisbane. [Queensland] Board of Senior Secondary School Studies 1995, Studying Assessment Practices: A resource for teachers in schools, available through QSA, Brisbane. Biology Senior Syllabus 33 9 GLOSSARY Algorithm Process or set of rules to be used; systematic procedure to solve a problem in a finite number of steps; step-by-step approach. Analyse To break up a whole into its parts, to examine in detail to determine the nature of, to look more deeply and to detect the relationships between parts. Assessment instrument / task Particular methods developed and used by a school to gather information about student achievement. Assessment techniques The methods (categories) identified in the syllabus to gather evidence about student achievement. Senior syllabuses describe suitable techniques and prescribe the mix of assessment techniques for verification folios. Communicate Convey information about; make known; impart; reveal clearly; manifest. Compare Displaying recognition of similarities and differences and recognising the significance of these similarities and differences. Conclusion Final result or summing up; inference deduced from previous information; reasoned judgment. Contextualised A context is a framework for linking concepts and learning experiences that enables students to identify and understand the application of biology to their world. A context is a group of related situations, phenomena, technical applications and social issues likely to be encountered by students. A context provides a meaningful application of concepts in real-world situations. Contrast Displaying recognition of differences by deliberate juxtaposition of contrary elements. Criteria A property, dimension or characteristic by which something is judged or appraised. In senior syllabuses, the criteria are the significant dimensions of the subject, described in the rationale and used to categorise the general objectives and exit criteria. Data In the context of the Biology syllabus, data are thought of as documented information or evidence of any kind that lends itself to biological interpretation. Data may be quantitative or qualitative. Decision The process of coming to a conclusion or determination about something; resolve, form conclusions, provide judgment for an answer; choice formed after considering various alternatives. Biology Senior Syllabus 34 Deduce Infer; reach a conclusion which is necessarily true provided a set of assumptions is true. Demonstrate Explain process; prove or show to be true; provide evidence. Depth The development of knowledge and understandings from simple through to complex. Discuss Consider a particular topic in speaking or writing; talk or write about a topic to reach a decision. Estimate Calculate an approximate amount or quantity. Evaluate Establishes the value, quality, importance, merit, relevance or appropriateness of information, data or arguments based in logic as opposed to subjective preference. Exit level of achievement The standard reached by students at exit judged by matching standards in student work with the exit criteria and standards stated in a syllabus. Formative assessment Formative assessment is used to provide feedback to students, parents, and teachers about achievement over the course of study. This enables students and teachers to identify the students’ strengths and weaknesses so students may improve their achievement and better manage their own learning. General objectives General objectives are those which the school is intended to pursue directly and student achievement of these is assessed by the school. Genre Genres are conventionalised, staged, purposeful language interactions that occur among and are recognised by those who participate within a certain culture. Hypothesis A tentative explanation for a phenomenon, used as a basis for further investigation. Identify Recognise, name or select. Investigative process Examine; inquire into something with organisation, care and precision; the questions chosen should be of interest to students, should encourage additional questioning, and should challenge students to explore a range of solutions. Justify Provide sound reasons based on logic or theory to support response; prove or show statements are just or reasonable; convince. Key competencies The key competencies define skills essential for effective participation in adult life, including further education and employment. Biology Senior Syllabus 35 Key concepts The key concepts are accepted broad scientific (biological) understandings. Key ideas The key ideas are statements that illustrate the depth and scope of the key concepts. Moderation Moderation is the name given to the quality assurance process for senior secondary studies used by the QSA to ensure that: Authority subjects taught in schools are of the highest possible standards, student results in the same subject match the requirements of the syllabus and are comparable across the State, and the process used is transparent and publicly accountable. Problem-based Problem-based learning allows students to engage in a real and intellectual inquiry where thinking and problem-solving skills are naturally developed while mastering important subject knowledge and understandings. Qualitative Concerned with quality; verbal analysis. Quantitative Concerned with measurement; mathematical analysis. Reliability Able to be trusted to be accurate or correct or to provide a correct result. Scaffolding The scaffolding analogy comes from the building industry, and refers to the process of supporting a student’s learning to solve a problem or perform a task that could not be accomplished by that student alone. The aim is to support the student as much as necessary while they build their understanding and ability to use the new learning; then gradually reduce the support until the student can use the new learning independently. Solution Answers to problems, investigations, research or questions. Standard A standard is a fixed reference point for use in assessing or describing the quality of something. In senior syllabuses, standards are usually described at five points within each exit criterion. Student profile of achievement This records information about student performance on tasks undertaken periodically throughout the course of study. Techniques are chosen to sample the significant aspects of a course across relevant exit criteria to ensure balance in assessment. In particular, it is important that the profile of achievement illustrates how assessment of significant aspects is selectively updated and eventually leads to summative assessment within each exit criterion. Biology Senior Syllabus 36 Summative assessment Summative assessment provides cumulative information on which levels of achievement are determined at exit from the course of study. It follows, therefore, that it is necessary to plan the range of assessment instruments or tasks to be used, when they will be administered, and how they will contribute to the determination of exit levels of achievement. Thematic Themes are unifying organisers that integrate elements in authentic and purposeful ways. Theory A set of facts, propositions, or principles analysed in their relation to one another and used, especially in science, to explain phenomena. Validity Sound, reasonable, relevant, defensible, well grounded, able to be supported with logic or theory. Verification Towards the end of Year 12, school submissions, one for each Authority subject, are sent to the relevant (usually district) review panels who review the material to confirm that the standards assigned to students’ work are in line with the descriptors in the syllabus. These submissions comprise folios of the work of sample students about to exit from the course of study, together with the school’s judgment of the value of the work of each of those students. Verification folio This is the collection of documents (tests, reports, assignments, checklists and other assessment instruments) used to make the decision about a student’s level of achievement. At October verification, it will contain four to six pieces of work that conform to the underlying principles of assessment as outlined in section 7.1. Usually these pieces of work will be common to all submitted folios. Work program The school’s program of study in Authority and Authority-registered subjects for which the students’ results may be recorded on Queensland Studies Authority certificates (requirements are listed on the QSA website). Biology Senior Syllabus 37 10 RESOURCES The selection of resource material to support study in Biology will be governed to some extent by local factors. It is unlikely that there is a single student or teacher resource that can be universally applied to all programs. QSA website The QSA website provides essential resources for teachers of Senior Biology. The website address is or go to > Yrs 11 & 12 > A list of senior syllabuses and associated resources > Biology. Syllabus and related materials Syllabus (2004) Subject guide Biology work program requirements (2004 syllabus). Subject-specific resources Including: information about assessment conditions work programs approval review notes samples task and task sheet design sample assessment tasks unpacking the exit standards information on planning a course of study. Community resources The material and personnel resources of the local community can help the study of biology. Many aspects of the Biology syllabus could be directly related to local environments. Government departments or agencies are a source of personnel who may provide valuable assistance or advice. The Queensland Museum provides another valuable storehouse of biological materials and expert knowledge. There may be protocols that must be observed when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and community groups, for example meeting with the elders before an activity is conducted. One such set of protocols may be found in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies senior syllabus. Electronic media The ABC television series “Catalyst” usually contains items of value. Documentaries produced by the National Geographic Society and similar bodies are telecast frequently and copies of these programs are available, for educational use, at a reasonable cost. Biology Senior Syllabus 38 “The Science Show” and “Ockham’s Razor” are regular radio series (on ABC Radio National) pitched at an appropriate level. Learning technology Several computer programs are suitable for use in studying Biology. Such programs include tutorial software, databases of information and simulations of processes and events. CD-ROMs provide interactive access to information presented in a variety of forms. The Science Teachers Association of Queensland in conjunction with QSA and Education Queensland has produced the Biology Resources Project 2006 CD-ROM. There are also many internet sites offering a rich source of material on topical issues. Newspaper reports Some newspapers carry regular columns and features on the impact of science and technology on Australian industry and society. Local papers can also be a source of useful data. The compilation of news files on particular topics can broaden candidates’ knowledge. Such news files can also provide a valuable source of material for developing assessment instruments. Periodicals Many useful teaching strategies are reported in the Australian Science Teachers’ Journal as well as the respective state science teachers’ journals such as The Queensland Science Teacher. These journals often contain details and information about free materials, teaching kits and some worthwhile commercial packages. Useful topics may also be found in science research journals and discipline-specific journals. Lists of these are contained in listings of periodicals held in most libraries. Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) publications contain articles of direct relevance to the topics of this syllabus. Other publications from various sources such as the Australian Academy of Science, conservation and environmental groups and scientific organisations may contain recent and useful information. Popular science periodicals such as Scientific American and New Scientist provide information on areas of latest research. Australasian Science and the CSIRO periodical Helix contain relevant articles. School librarians would be able to provide assistance with identifying and locating other useful periodicals. Science centres A number of science centres have been set up in capital cities and in mobile format. For example Questacon — the National Science and Technology Centre in Canberra and the Queensland Museum Sciencentre in Brisbane offer information and programs for schools. Textbook and other resources A wide variety of textbooks and resource materials could be used to supplement a course in Biology. Book suppliers can provide details regarding new publications. The following texts are suggested: Biology Senior Syllabus 39 Allan, R. 2005, Year 11 Biology, Biozone International Ltd, Hamilton. ISBN 1 877329 51 7. Allan, R. 2005, Year 12 Biology, Biozone International Ltd, Hamilton. ISBN 1 877329 52 5. Aubusson, P. & Kennedy, F. 2003, Biology in Context: The spectrum of life, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Vic. Huxley, L.M. & Walter, M. 2005, Biology: An Australian perspective, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Vic. ISBN 0 19 551723 7. Kinnear, J. & Martin, M. 2004, Biology Book 1, Preliminary Course, Jacaranda HSC Science, John Wiley, Milton Qld. ISBN 0 7016 3424 3. Kinnear, J. & Martin, M. 2004, Biology Book 2, HSC Course, Jacaranda HSC Science, John Wiley, Milton Qld. ISBN 0 7016 3465 0. Mason, M., Weller, B., Tsilemanis, C., Fullerton, K., Coffey, R. & Spenceley, M. 2004, Biology: A Contextual Approach, Student Activity Manual, Heinemann, Melbourne. ISBN 1 74081 354 5. Spenceley, M., Weller, B., Mason, M., Fullerton, K., Tsilemanis, C., Evans, B., Ladiges, P., McKenzie, J. & Batterham, P. 2004, Biology: A contextual approach, Heinemann, Melbourne. ISBN 1 74081 351 0. Snyder, W., Kennedy, E. & Aubusson, P. 1990, Biology — The spectrum of life, Oxford University Press, Melbourne. ISBN 0 19 553067 5. Websites A plethora of interactive and static websites exist that can be used to enhance study in Biology. Here are a few: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) (resources, activities and awards for school science education programs) Schoolscience (a UK site with free online resources showing how to apply the science that students learn in school) Australian National Botanic Gardens and Australian National Herbarium (information to promote Australia’s flora — school education programs, botanical databases, biodiversity, etc.), Department of the Environment and Heritage Birds Australia (information about Australian birds, watching birds, studying birds, endangered species, etc.) (Australian Government science portal that has a section on Biological Science and Biotechnology) How Stuff Works (easy-to-read articles, and links to a huge number of subjects, including introductory science topics) Biology Senior Syllabus 40 EdNa Queensland Senior Secondary Sciences Group (discussion group for teachers of Senior Science in Queensland) Nova: Science in the news (published by the Australian Academy of Science) Biotechnology Online School Resource (an Australian Government Initiative which is designed to fit with Australian State and Territory Science curriculums) The Gene CRC UK Biobank (resource for ethical research into genetic and environmental factors that impact on human health and disease) The basics and beyond from the Genetic Science Learning Centre (The University of Utah) Biology Senior Syllabus 41 APPENDIX 1: POSSIBLE MATCH — KEY CONCEPTS AND KEY IDEAS Possible match — key concepts (in bold type) and key ideas (in standard type) 1 Cells are the functioning units of all living things 1 Cells have a chemical composition that must be maintained for the continued life of the cell 2 Organelles contribute to the structure and functioning of eukaryotic cells 3 There are different types of cells and the ways they are organised influences their functioning 4 Energy required by all living things is obtained in different ways 5 Cell division is an integral part of growth and reproduction 6 The set of systems comprising an organism enables it to function in its environment 7 All systems are interrelated and interdependent 8 Systems of the body work together to maintain a constant internal environment 10 Malfunctioning in one system or part of a system may affect the whole organism 11 The external features & internal functioning of organisms together enable an organism to obtain its needs 16 An organism has adaptations specific to its environment 22 In most organisms coded instructions within the DNA molecule account for their inherited characteristics 23 During reproduction DNA is passed from parent(s) to offspring 26 Humans group organisms in a variety of ways to make sense of diversity and to aid communication 2 Multi-cellular organisms are functioning sets of interrelated systems 4 Energy required by all living things is obtained in different ways 6 The set of systems comprising an organism enables it to function in its environment 7 All systems are interrelated and interdependent 8 Systems of the body work together to maintain a constant internal environment 10 Malfunctioning in one system or part of a system may affect the whole organism 11 The external features and internal functioning of organisms together enable an organism to obtain its needs 16 An organism has adaptations specific to its environment Biology Senior Syllabus 42 3 Organisms live an interdependent existence in environments to which they are adapted 4 Energy required by all living things is obtained in different ways 6 The set of systems comprising an organism enables it to function in its environment 7 All systems are interrelated and interdependent 9 Different types of multicellular organisms have different roles in an environment 10 Malfunctioning in one system or part of a system may affect the whole organism 11 The external features and internal functioning of organisms together enable an organism to obtain its needs 12 Abiotic and biotic factors in an environment influence the size of populations and the composition of communities 13 Energy and matter move within ecosystems 14 Human actions have significant impacts on interactions within an environment 15 Different organisms perform different interdependent roles in an ecosystem 16 An organism has adaptations specific to its environment 17 Living things employ a variety of reproductive strategies 19 Theories of evolution by natural selection can be used to explain speciation and changes in organisms through time 20 The activity of organisms changes the environment 21 Evidence shows that organisms and ecosystems change through time 24 The genetic variations within a population determines its long-term survival 25 Evolutionary processes acting on the gene pools of populations have given rise to diversity of organisms 26 Humans group organisms in a variety of ways to make sense of diversity and to aid communication 4 A variety of mechanisms result in continual change at all levels of the natural world 1 Cells have a chemical composition that must be maintained for the continued life of the cell 2 Organelles contribute to the structure and functioning of eukaryotic cells 3 There are different types of cells and the ways they are organised influences their functioning 4 Energy required by all living things is obtained in different ways 5 Cell division is an integral part of growth and reproduction 6 The set of systems comprising an organism enables it to function in its environment 7 All systems are interrelated and interdependent 8 Systems of the body work together to maintain a constant internal environment 9 Different types of multicellular organisms have different roles in an environment 10 Malfunctioning in one system or part of a system may affect the whole organism 12 Abiotic and biotic factors in an environment influence the size of populations and the composition of communities 13 Energy and matter move within ecosystems 14 Human actions have significant impacts on interactions within an environment 15 Different organisms perform different interdependent roles in an ecosystem 19 Theories of evolution by natural selection can be used to explain speciation and changes in organisms through time 20 The activity of organisms changes the environment 21 Evidence shows that organisms and ecosystems change through time 24 The genetic variations within a population determines its long-term survival 25 Evolutionary processes acting on the gene pools of populations have given rise to diversity of organisms Biology Senior Syllabus 43 5 There are processes which maintain dynamic equilibrium at all organisational levels 1 Cells have a chemical composition that must be maintained for the continued life of the cell 2 Organelles contribute to the structure and functioning of eukaryotic cells 4 Energy required by all living things is obtained in different ways 5 Cell division is an integral part of growth and reproduction 7 All systems are interrelated and interdependent 8 Systems of the body work together to maintain a constant internal environment 9 Different types of multicellular organisms have different roles in an environment 12 Abiotic and biotic factors in an environment influence the size of populations and the composition of communities 13 Energy and matter move within ecosystems 15 Different organisms perform different interdependent roles in an ecosystem 23 During reproduction DNA is passed from parent(s) to offspring 6 There are mechanisms by which characteristics of individuals in one generation are passed on to the next generation 5 Cell division is an integral part of growth and reproduction 17 Living things employ a variety of reproductive strategies 18 Human understanding of the mechanisms of reproduction and DNA structure and function have led to intervention in natural processes 19 Theories of evolution by natural selection can be used to explain speciation and changes in organisms through time 21 Evidence shows that organisms and ecosystems change through time 22 In most organisms coded instructions within the DNA molecule account for their inherited characteristics 23 During reproduction DNA is passed from parent(s) to offspring 24 The genetic variations within a population determines its long-term survival 25 Evolutionary processes acting on the gene pools of populations have given rise to diversity of organisms Biology Senior Syllabus 44 APPENDIX 2: SAMPLE COURSE ORGANISATION A Semester Reminder: UB = Understanding biology. IB = Investigating biology. EBI = Evaluating biological issues. AV = Attitudes and values. Term General objectives Unit Time Key concepts Key ideas Manipulative skills UB IB 1 Scope of Biology 28 hr 1,2,3,4,5,6 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14– 17,19,21–23 1, 3, 5, 6 1,2 1, 3 2 Your body 28 hr 1,2,5 1, 2, 6–8, 11, 16, 17, 18 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 1–3 1–4 1, 3, 4 3 Home garden 28 hr 1,2,3,6 4–7, 9, 12, 15, 20, 26 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1–3 1–4 1, 3 4 4 Combating disease 28 hr 1,2,3,4,5 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 26 1, 3, 5, 6 1–3 1–5 1–4 1 4 Mile Creek study 28 hr 3,4,5 12–16, 20, 26 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 1–3 1–5 1–4 2 It’s all in the genes 28 hr 1,2,4,6 1, 2, 5, 10, 22–25 1, 4, 5 1–3 1–5 1–4 3 Independent research project 28 hr Identified by students Identified by students Project dependant 1–3 1–5 1, 2 4 Origins and futures 28 hr 3,4,5,6 1–4, 6,9, 16–26 1–3 1–5 1–4 1 EBI 2 3 4 Task no. Semester Sample assessment plan A Criteria Unit Assessment category Key concepts (KC) UB IB 1 Scope of Biology Written task 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 2 Your body Extended response 1, 2, 5 3 Home garden Extended experimental investigation 1, 2, 3, 6 4 Combating disease Extended response 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 5 4 Mile Creek study Field data analysis 3, 4, 5 1 2 3 6 Extended response Its all in the genes 7 4 8 1, 2, 4, 6 Written task Independent research project Extended experimental investigation Identified by students Biology Senior Syllabus 45 EBI 9 Origins and futures Extended response 3, 4, 5, 6 Biology Senior Syllabus 46 Sample student profile A Scope of biology Written task *(multiple choice, short response) 1 Your body Extended response *(seminar) Internal reporting 2 Home garden Extended experimental investigation Combating disease Extended response *(hypothetical) Monitoring/internal reporting 3 4 Mile Creek study Field data analysis Extended response *(argumentative essay/debate) Its all in the genes Written task *(problem solving, short responses) Internal reporting 4 Independent research project Extended experimental investigation Verification Origins and futures Extended response *(multimedia presentation) Exit Level of achievement * specific nature of the task can vary from year to year and may be written in the profile accordingly. Biology Senior Syllabus 47 Evaluating biological issues Assessment task Investigating biology Unit Understanding biololgy Semester Criteria APPENDIX 3: SAMPLE COURSE ORGANISATION B (55 hrs) Semester 1 Semester 2 (55hrs) (55 hrs) Semester 3 Year 12 Semester 4 (55 hrs) Year 11 Units/themes Cell biology & energetics Unit length weeks 9 Assessment Key concepts 1, 5 Key ideas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 22, 23 Description Task type Conditions Written test WT 90 minutes supervised ER 5 wks preparation—in-class presentation WT 7 weeks data collection— in-class supervised response EEI 6 wks data collection— in-class response ER 4 weeks in-class preparation— seminar presentation WT 4 weeks of journal and supervised response EEI Teacher-monitored, 5 weeks class time 2 days field studies WT 3 weeks research, supervised response short answer response to stimulus Evolution & diversity 11 3, 4, 6 2, 3, 6, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Multimedia presentation of two animal groups Regulation of the internal environment 11 2, 5 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 Collection of data – (1o & 2o) Olympic athlete focus Responsiveness & coordination 9 2, 5 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16 Experimental investigation Genetics & molecular biology 11 1, 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 18, 22, 23, 24, Research of new application Reproduction & development 9 2, 4, 6 1, 5, 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25 Problem-based learning Ecology 13 3,4 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21 Field studies The search for better health 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20 Research investigation, case studies Biology Senior Syllabus 48 Unit: Cell biology & energetics Time: 9 weeks Overview: All organisms are composed of one or more cells. The cell is the smallest unit that retains the characteristics of life. Each new cell arises from pre-existing cells. Life originated in water and is dependent on water for survival. Cells use elements and compounds. Carbohydrates and lipids are the cell’s main sources of energy and building blocks. Nucleic acids are the basis of inheritance. Proteins serve many functions in structure, transport, movement, cell activity, and defence. The structure of the cell is related to its function. Cells use energy to build, store, break apart and eliminate substances in ways that help them survive and reproduce. Carbon-based compounds are the building blocks and energy stores of life. Plants assemble these compounds by photosynthesis. All cells can release energy stored in glucose and other organic compounds. General objectives Main focus Points of interest Key ideas Learning experiences AV UB IB Inside/outside The cell membrane is the barrier between the cell’s interior and its surrounding environment. It is selective in what it allows to pass. Materials are categorised. 1 Develop a concept map of materials of life based on provided concepts and links. Investigate models of cell membranes 2, 3 1, 2 3, 4 There are different mechanisms for the movement of material. Functioning cells Cell structure EBI Investigate function of cell membrane (MS 1, 6) 1, 2, 3 Model cell structure - analyse limitations of model Compare and contrast analysis of prokaryotic / eukaryotic cells (MS 1) 2, 1, 2 3, 4 4, 5 Animal Plant Comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Harvesting energy Autotrophs are “self-nourishing”. They utilise CO2 from the atmosphere and water to manufacture food. Photoautotrophs use sunlight as their energy source. Chemoautotrophs use chemicals. 2, 3, 4 Does photosynthesis on coral vary throughout the day? Structured analysis of data. (MS 6) 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 3 Metabolism Organisms release energy stored in glucose and other organic compounds, then use it in ATP production 2, 3, 4 Killer bees – why do they do everything faster? Inquiry process 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3 Cell division in prokaryotes and eukaryotes Mitotic cell division is the basis of growth and tissue repair in multicellular organisms – it keeps the chromosome number constant. Meiosis occurs only in the cells set aside for sexual reproduction 1, 2, 5, 22, 23 Co-operative learning - Flow chart development of both mitosis and meiosis 2, 1, 2 Biology Senior Syllabus 49 1, 2, 3 1, 3 3 Unit: Evolution & diversity Time: 11 weeks Overview: Evidence suggests that life originated 3.8 billion years ago. The history of life spans five intervals of geological time and has been influenced by asteroid impacts, drifting and colliding continents and other environmental insults. The diversity of life is the result of the divergence of primitive bacterial cells into three great lineages — archaebacteria, prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Natural selection and adaptation are thought to account for the rich diversity of life in present times. Comparisons using fossils, anatomy, and biochemical information are used to identify organisms and track lineage. Classification directs information about species into organised retrieval systems. General objectives Main focus Points of interest Key ideas Learning experiences AV UB IB EBI Evolution? Evidence of evolution comes from investigations that began two centuries ago. Difference in survival and reproduction among individuals that differ in one or more traits are the basis for natural selection. 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Stimulus response task involving natural selection and speciation. Development of cladograms (internet access) 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 3 1, 2, 3 From single cells to multicellular organisms All the inorganic and organic compounds necessary for self-replication, membrane assembly and metabolism could have formed spontaneously under conditions that existed on early earth. 2, 3,16, 19, Where did organelles come from? Cooperative learning – inquiry process 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 3 Grouping organisms – monera, protista, fungi Microorganisms are judged according to their impact on human lives. Many cause disease. 3, 20, 21, 25, 26 Cooperative learning Investigation of characteristics of each group and a disease caused by an organism from each of the three groups. Discussion of characteristics of viruses and how they fit into the living world. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 3 1, Grouping organisms - Plants All but a few plants are multicellular photosynthesisers. Although their earliest ancestors lived in water, most are adapted to land. 2, 3, 6, 11, 16, 17 25, 26 Plant classification collection, example of bryophye, fern, gymnosperm and angiosperm 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 3 1 Animals are multicellular, aerobic heterotrophs that ingest or parasitise other organisms. Grouping of animals is complex. 9, 11, 20 26 Groups prepare multi media presentation of two groups in the animal kingdom. Compare and contrast between 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 3 1 Grouping organisms animals Development of life cycle diagrams (MS 4, 5) Biology Senior Syllabus 50 Unit: Ecology Time: 13 weeks Overview: Within their environment, organisms interact with each other and their non-living surroundings forming ecosystems. Ecosystems may vary enormously in size and complexity. Energy and matter transfer through ecosystems and can be identified in food chains and webs. Ecosystems respond to external pressures and adjust accordingly. Organisms are adapted to succeed in their surroundings. Australia has a unique environment comprising a variety of valuable ecosystems. Each ecosystem plays a vital role in the overall balance life. General objectives Main focus Points of interest Key ideas Learning experiences AV UB IB EBI Transfer of energy and matter Law of conservation of energy 4, 9, 13 1, 2, 3 3 1 Energy and matter cycles Group discussion and investigation of essential cycles 2, Relationships Abiotic factors 11, 12, 15 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 3 2 Biotic factors 1, 2, 3, 4 Interspecies relationships Development of models to represent and interpret and interpretation of food webs Investigation of beneficial and detrimental relationships “What if” scenarios Populations 12, 21 Skills development 1, 2 2 3, 4 Succession Measurement Australian ecosystems 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 Adaptation of organisms to the environment 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 3 2, 3, 4 Distribution and abundance of populations Adapting to unique environments Transects, quadrats, capture/ recapture techniques Measurement of physical factors (MS 3, 4) 4, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20 Identification of Australian ecosystems Investigation of environmental limits Viscosity, buoyancy, temperature, pressure, salt, Gas exchange, water balance, temperature control (MS 3, 6) Field Studies Contact with a variety of ecosystems Appreciation of human impact on natural environments 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20 Two day field trip to investigate and measure Sand dune succession Rocky platform Mangrove environment Estuary influence Collection and Analysis of data (1o and 2o) (MS 1, 3, 4, 5, 6) Biology Senior Syllabus 51 1, 2, 3, 4 Assessment overview 1 Task Semester Criteria 1 Unit Assessment task Key concepts UB IB Cell biology & energetics Written task 1, 5 3, 4, 6 EBI Written test comprising short answer responses and response to stimulus — both sections provide opportunities for application of knowledge at range of levels. 2 Evolution & diversity Extended response Multimedia presentation to demonstrate characteristics of two distinct groups. Cladogram and explanation of the mechanism of two species from one of the groups. 2 3 4 3 Regulation of the internal environment Written task Stimulus response task based on homeostasis. Unseen questions 2, 5 4 Responsiveness & coordination Extended experimental investigation Student-directed design and collection of data. Analysis of results. Assessed in stages. Final task to answer unseen questions under supervision. 2, 5 5 Genetics & molecular biology Extended response Media analysis of topical issue compared with the scientific research on the topic. 1, 6 6 Reproduction & development Written task Response to information gathered in PBL — e.g. What happens if identical twins marry and have children. Unseen questions. 2, 4, 6 7 Ecology Extended experimental investigation 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Ecological field study. Collection of raw data and subsequent analysis of an aspect of the data. Presented as a recommendation to a nominated audience. 8 The search for better health Written task Case study of nominated disorder — response based on justified decision from information provided and gathered. Biology Senior Syllabus 52 Student profile Task 1 Criteria U 2 I E U 3 I E U 4 I E U I E Monitoring 5 U U I E 6 I E A B C D E No rating Biology Senior Syllabus 53 U 7 I E U I B Verification 8 U U I E Exit I E U I E Interim level of achievement Biology Senior Syllabus 54 APPENDIX 4: UNITS For schools writing their own units the recommended generic features to be included are: Title: giving an indication of the area of biology being presented Time: in hours Context: providing a biological background to the unit of work Key concepts, key ideas and general objectives and skills being developed Assessment: linked to general objectives and learning experiences Broad focus descriptor and suggested time Learning experiences clearly showing the purpose of the learning experience and the relationship to the general objectives Specific content suggesting the depth and breadth of biology being developed in the unit of work. The following are sample units which use these features. Biology Senior Syllabus 55 Title: Human impact Time: 45 hours (13 week) unit How is the urban spread of the local community impacting on local ecosystems? Are there sustainable ways that our community can manage the impacts on the local environment? Context overview: Australia has a unique environment comprising a variety of valuable ecosystems. Each ecosystem plays a vital role in the overall balance of life. The school is situated in northwestern Queensland and draws water from the artesian basin and the local river, which has seasonal flows. Two large water catchment containment areas have been created for a nearby mine and the increased town population. From studying their local environment, students will develop an appreciation of the balance that must be maintained to sustain their local, urban and natural communities. General objectives UB 1–3 IB 2–4 and EBI 1–4 Key concepts 3. Organisms live an interdependent existence in environments to which they are adapted. 4. A variety of mechanisms results in continual change at all levels of the natural world. 5. There are processes which maintain dynamic equilibrium at all organisational levels. Key ideas 7. All systems are interrelated and interdependent. 12. Abiotic and biotic factors in an environment influence the size of populations and the composition of communities. 14. Human actions have significant impacts on interactions within an environment. 15. Different organisms perform different interdependent roles in an ecosystem. 16. An organism has adaptations specific to its environment. 20. 21. 26. The activity of organisms changes the environment. Evidence shows that organisms and ecosystems change through time. Humans group organisms in a variety of ways to make sense of diversity and to aid communication. Biology Senior Syllabus 56 Focus Possible selected learning experiences (neither exhaustive nor prescriptive) Possible subject material What do I need to know? Students: In groups of 4 or 5 examine the native fish aquarium in the classroom to identify the factors that contribute to the functioning of an artificial ecosystem. (UB 1, IB3) Within their environment, organisms interact with each other and their non-living surroundings (abiotic and biotic factors). Characteristics of communities; naming communities Factors that determine distribution and abundance of organisms List the findings and analyse the data to construct a model of ecosystem. (IB 3,4) Adaptations Collect data from local communities to classify and identify. (UB 1,2 IB 3) Ecosystems may vary enormously in size and complexity. Hold a group discussion to compare and contrast different local urban and natural ecosystems. (UB 1–3, IB4) Relationships within communities and ecosystems can be modelled, e.g. food chains, food webs, predator–prey graphs, diagrammatic representations of ecosystems. Practise field study techniques. (IB 3, MS3) field research techniques: quadrats, transects, etc. Assessment (ER): In groups, collect and analyse ecological data to compare the ecosystems of two ecological areas (one within the local urban area and the other in an area unaffected by the local industries). Include data about the impact of humans and associated management strategies. How can I find out information about these two ecosystems? What sorts of data do I need to use to decide if there is impact? What data can I generate? Students: identifying relevant secondary data sources Identify and evaluate the quality of various sources, including newspapers, journals and web articles, and where appropriate interview stakeholders. (EBI 1,2,3) methods and approaches to data analysis, recognition of bias, reliability, validity Research similar ecosystems to identify community composition, interrelationships and issues relating to human impact. (UB1–3, IB3,4 EBI 1) Collect information on the adaptations of significant members of each community to discuss abiotic–biotic relationships. (UB 1–3 IB 3) Collect and organise data to present information to class. (IB 3) Students: planning a field study Interview an environmental scientist to develop a field study plan. (IB2,3) collecting and collating field data Visit and investigate each of the ecosystems to collect field data. (IB2,3) Organise and present the data to identify trends and interrelationships. (IB 3) basic statistical measures and graphing techniques Biology Senior Syllabus 57 What comparisons can be drawn from the data? What are the human impacts and how can they be managed? Students: Compare input and outputs for each ecosystem to assess the stability of each ecosystem. (UB 1–3, IB 4) Compare the communities to obtain a measure of the biodiversity of each ecosystem. (UB 1–3, IB 4) Draw food webs from each ecosystem to compare community relationships. (UB 1-3) Relate adaptations to abiotic factors to assess the potential of organisms to cope with change. (UB 1–3, IB 4) Students: Participate in a class forum to identify potential and observable impacts of urbanisation. (EBI 1) Identify differences between the two ecosystems to assess human impact. (UB1–3, EBI 1) Research management strategies that minimise the impact of urbanisation on the communities. (UB1–3) Debate in class the human impacts on the ecosystems and possible management strategies. (EBI 1,4) Biology Senior Syllabus 58 techniques for analysing data Impact of: water containment, habitat fragmentation, introduced species on biodiversity (distribution and abundance), urbanisation on waterways, atmosphere management strategies for preserving biodiversity, reducing environmental degradation. Title: Biotechnology – Fantastic new technology or certain disaster? This is a unit developed for use with a Year 12 class. The unit builds upon knowledge previously developed in relevant Key Concepts and Key Ideas. Time: 30 hours Context overview: Humans have used biochemicals for over two thousand years. In recent years, the technology for the extraction, purification, analysis and modification of biological molecules has advanced at an enormous rate. When it was understood that nearly all of the genetic information of the cell was contained in DNA, new concepts were rapidly provided in the 1950s and 1960s. In the 1970s, the breakthrough of recombinant DNA technology took biotechnology, or genetic engineering, to new heights. The development of laboratory equipment, availability of biomolecules and refinement of techniques has seen the encompassing of biotechnology in many fields of science, e.g. biochemistry, immunology, food technology, agriculture, microbiology, chemical engineering. Is genetic engineering the great solution for many health and environmental problems or will future generations pay the price of our interference with nature? Key concepts General objectives 1. Cells are the functioning units of all living things. UB 4. A variety of mechanisms results in continual change at all levels of the natural world. Manipulative skills 6 1,2,3 IB 1,2,3,4 EBI 1,3,4 Assessment: WT 100 minutes to be conducted in two parts. Key ideas 1. Cells have a chemical composition that must be maintained for the continued life of the cell. 10. Malfunctioning in one system or part of a system may affect the whole organism. 14. Human actions have significant impacts on interactions within an environment. 18. Human understanding of the mechanisms of reproduction and DNA structure and function has led to intervention in natural processes. 25. Evolutionary processes acting on the gene pools of populations have given rise to diversity of organisms. Part A: Multiple choice and Short response items — providing students with opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of the biology which underpins DNA and gene biotechnology. (50 minutes) Part B: Essay — Identify your point of view about a biotechnology and justify the development of that biotechnology. (400 words) (50 minutes) (topic unseen) Biology Senior Syllabus 59 Time (hrs) 1 3 2 3 Focus Learning experiences Subject material How long has this technology been around? Students research major developments in biotechnology throughout history to recognise the importance of past issues. (EBI 1) In pairs, students can focus on a particular time to present major developments to the class. (IB3) Origins: domestication, artificial selection, use of microbes, gene technology Theorists: Pasteur, Jenner, Florey, Watson and Crick, Gellert Why is the biomolecule important? Examine the structure of major biochemicals; amino acids, enzymes, proteins and nucleic acids to: recognise that molecules have 3D shape, understand the structural relationships between molecules, and relate structure to function (UB 1–2) Separate amino acids using paper chromatography to demonstrate extraction of biomolecules (could be expanded to determine the amino acids of egg white) (IB 1–4, MS6) Structure and properties of proteins — polymers of amino acids and other chemicals Structure of DNA and replication Watch video, make a model, draw diagrams, etc. about DNA to: develop an understanding of the base pairing and double helix structure of DNA (UB 1–2) develop an understanding of the process of DNA replication (UB 1–2) Helical structure base pairing GATC, antiparallel orientation of the two strands of DNA, gene concept (promoter, terminator) Use interactive computer software to develop an understanding of how proteins are synthesised. (UB 1–2) Transcription, uracil, translation, mRNA, tRNA Each combination of three bases on the RNA (codon) codes for a specific amino acid. These amino acids are incorporated into growing protein molecules. DNA and protein synthesis Discuss protein synthesis to demonstrate the relationship between a gene and a protein. (UB3) 1 Regulation of gene expression Gather information relating to the control of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes to develop a summary of the control mechanisms involved in gene expression (IB 3, UB 1–2) Biology Senior Syllabus 60 Uses: fermentation, vaccine refinement, insulin, agricultural pest controls, etc. Nucleic acids — polymers of nucleotides Technology for the extraction, refinement, analysis and modification of biomolecules DNA replication: Primer molecule, DNA polymerase. Role of plasmids, types of genes, the operon, RNA processing in eukaryotes 5 What is the role of enzymes in biotechnology? Research examples of the use of enzymes in biotechnologies to identify some of the chemicals produced by biotransformation. (IB 3, UB 1–2) discuss the role of enzymes in genetic engineering (IB3, UB 1,2) contraceptives, cortisone, vitamin C, penicillin, etc. Catalysts change the rate of a reaction without being affected themselves. The activity of an enzyme is dependent on the presence of a specific molecule which binds to the active site. temperature, pH, substrate concentration evaluate the role of micro-organisms in the production of biomolecules by biotransformation (EBI 1, 4, UB 1–2) There are many roles of enzymes in genetic engineering — restriction endonucleases, polymerases, etc. optical assay/simulation of enzyme activity to demonstrate the role of enzymes in metabolic processes (IB 2–4, MS6) Investigate the activity of enzymes to determine the effect of various variables on enzyme activity. (IB 2,3,4) Investigate catalysis by enzymes to: 4 3 Extracting and manipulating DNA Genetic change — mutation and oncogenes Research the processes involved in inserting genes into bacteria to develop an understanding of one of the main techniques of recombinant DNA technology. (UB 1–2) Read about recombinant DNA techniques in multicellular organisms’ PCR to discuss scenarios involving genetic engineering. (UB3, EBI4) Perform DNA extraction to develop an understanding of DNA and cell structure. (UB 1–2, IB 2–5, MS6) Mini electrophoresis of nucleic acids (lunch box procedure) to demonstrate the principles of electrophoresis (UB 1–3 IB 1,3,4, MS6) isolation of gene, plasmid isolation, cutting and joining DNA, cloning of gene, identifying clones (radioactively labelled antibodies, probes, e.g. Southern blotting), determination of recombinant success by production of desired molecule. Investigate changes in the genetic code (mutation) and link this idea to variation within a species and cancer. (UB 1–3) Research examples of mutation resulting from human activities to: chromosome mutations — chromosomal non-disjunction, polyploidy, transposons gene mutation — base pair substitution, frameshift mutations identify bias in reporting information (EBI 3) form justified opinions relating to the development and use of technology (EBI 4) mMtation of cells is known to be caused by radiation — nuclear, electromagnetic and ultraviolet, chemicals and the action of certain viruses and fungi. production of insulin reverse transcription, PCR transgenic plants and animals, DNA fingerprints tumour suppressor genes, oncogenes Biology Senior Syllabus 61 3 Genetic change — mutation and oncogenes 6 Biological issues and implications Mutation resulting from human activity: Leukaemia in children contaminated by radiation in Chernobyl, leukaemia in children near high-voltage power lines, benzene and its derivatives and effects on various organs, melanoma, HPV and cervical cancer, Hep C and liver cancer, asbestos and mesothelioma, aflatoxin on peanuts, and cancer. Research articles for and against genetic engineering to develop an understanding of controversial issues involved. (UB 1–3, EBI 1,3,4) Prepare for a class debate on selected issues. (IB 1,3,4) Government controls of genetic engineering, release into environment of transgenic plants, reduction of pesticide use, patenting of biomolecules, effects of consumption of GM foods, production of synthetic hormones, recombinant vaccines, ethical issues, etc. Many arguments exist for using biotechnology in our world. Is it failproof, or have the long-term consequences not been considered? Biology Senior Syllabus 62