Research at UKAL: Lessons Learned and New Adventures Steven W. Yates Inelastic Neutron Scattering inelastically scattered neutron Incident Neutron E** E* Target Nucleus Excited Cooled Nucleus Nucleus gs (n,n') reaction Neutron Production 3H(p,n)3He Q = -1 MeV 2H(d,n)3He Q = 3 MeV Neutron Energies (Accelerator Voltage: 1.5 – 7.0 MV) 3H(p,n) 0.5 < En < 6 MeV 2H 2H(d,n) 4.5 < En < 10 MeV or 3H gas n Target Pulsed p or d beam from VdG accelerator Beam γ (n,n') singles (n,n') Singles Measurements scattering sample gas cell HPGe BGO (n,n') Singles Measurements scattering sample Beam gas cell Gas Handling System 94Zr (n,n) Compton suppressed TOF Gating 94Zr(n,n) Angular Distribution W() = 1 + a2 P2(cos ) + a4P4(cos ) Comparison with statistical model calculations (CINDY) → multipole mixing ratio () and spins Doppler-Shift Attenuation Method v Detector E() = E (1 + v/c cos ) The nucleus is recoiling into a viscous medium. v v(t) = F(t)vmax E() = E (1 + F() v/c cos ) Level Lifetimes: Doppler-Shift Attenuation Method (DSAM) 180° v γ τ = 7.6(9) fs 0° γ • Scattered neutron causes the nucleus to recoil. τ = 76(7) fs • Emitted γ rays experience a Doppler shift. • Level lifetimes in the femtosecond region can be determined. T. Belgya, G. Molnár, and S.W. Yates, Nucl. Phys. A607, 43 (1996). E.E. Peters et al., Phys. Rev. C 88, 024317 (2013). DSAM Calculated curve Completely Dopplershifted F()exp v E γ θ ) E γ 1 Fexp τ ) cm cos θ c τ = 76(7) fs Not Dopplershifted K.B. Winterbon, Nucl. Phys. A246, 293 (1975). T. Belgya, G. Molnár, and S. W. Yates, Nucl. Phys. A607, 43 (1996). Scattering Sample Lithium Carbonate Loaded Paraffin Beam Paraffin-Filled Shielding Gas Cell Kentucky Gamma-ray Spectrometer KEGS KEGS gas cell “Monoenergetic” Neutron Production 3H(p,n)3He Scattering Sample n Gas cell with Mo foil window Neutron energy at center of the gas cell 1.75 MeV 3.19 MeV Straggling in 3.3-μm Mo entrance foil (keV) dE/dgas, 3-cm tritium cell at 1 atm (keV) 32 31 81 55 dE/d, outgoing neutron energy deviation over the sample (keV) 23 40 Diagnostic MCNPX calculations of neutron production in gas cell Inelastic Neutron Scattering with Accelerator-Produced Neutrons No Coulomb barrier/variable neutron energies Excellent energy resolution ( rays detected) Nonselective, but limited by angular momentum Lifetimes by Doppler-shift attenuation method (DSAM) T. Belgya, G. Molnár, and S.W. Yates, Nucl. Phys. A607, 43 (1996) E.E. Peters et al., Phys. Rev. C 88, 024317 (2013). Gamma-gamma coincidence measurements C.A. McGrath et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A421, 458 (1999) E. Elhami et al., Phys. Rev. C 78, 064303 (2008) Limited to stable nuclei Large amounts of enriched isotopes required Current and Future Research Directions at UKAL Fast neutron physics Nuclear shell structure and shape transitions Nuclear level lifetime determinations with the Doppler-shift attenuation method Nuclear structure relevant to double-β decay Precision fast neutron reaction cross sections Corporate and homeland security applications Neutron detector development (with collaborators) Current and Future Research Directions at UKAL Fast neutron physics Nuclear shell structure and shape transitions Nuclear level lifetime determinations with the Doppler-shift attenuation method Nuclear structure relevant to double-β decay Precision fast neutron reaction cross sections Corporate and homeland security applications Neutron detector development (with collaborators) 0νββ? 2νββ BE Is the neutrino its own antiparticle? What is the mass of the neutrino? 136Te 136Pr b- 136I EC b136La 136Ce 136Cs 136Xe b- EC 136Ba 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Z • 80.6% enriched in 136Xe • (remaining 19.4% is 134Xe) • Q-value: 2457.83 ± 0.37 keV Counts EXO-200: 200 kg of Xe (l) 1000 2000 E(keV) M. Auger et al., PRL 109, 032505 (2012) Pictures from R. Neilson TIPP 2011 and EXO Resolution 228Th 2615 keV FWHM ≈ 100 keV M. Auger et al., PRL 109, 032505 (2012) Neutron Backgrounds from Radioactive Decay Fig. 1. Neutron energy spectrum from U and Th traces in rock as calculated with modified SOURCES. Contributions from 60 ppb U (filled squares and lower curve), 300 ppb Th (open circles and middle curve) and the sum of the two (filled circles and upper curve) are shown. M.J. Carson et al., Astroparticle Phys. 21, 667 (2004). Neutron Backgrounds from Cosmic-ray Muons Fig. 7. Energy spectra of muon-induced neutrons at various boundaries: (a) filled circles–– neutrons at the salt/cavern boundary, open circles––neutrons after the lead shielding; (b) filled circles––neutrons at the salt/cavern boundary (the same as in (a)), open circles–– neutrons after the lead and hydrocarbon shielding. M.J. Carson et al., Astroparticle Phys. 21, 667 (2004). UKAL Experiments • Inelastic neutron scattering Monoenergetic neutrons via 3H(p,n)3He Allows determination of : • Level scheme • Transition multipolarities • Multipole mixing ratios • Level lifetimes XeF2 in • Transition probabilities Teflon vial • Solid XeF2 samples of 130Xe, 132Xe, 134Xe, 136Xe Highly enriched, solid targets not used previously New Level: 2485 keV 2485 32891 62 fs 0.20 0.48 0.32 1614 847 134Xe New Level: 2485 keV 871 1638 2485 2485-keV Transition bg Q-value: 2458 keV σ Measurement Other New Levels 2502 2440 260 310110 fs 22140 32 fs 1655 1593 847 847 Current and Future Research Directions at UKAL Fast neutron physics Nuclear shell structure and shape transitions Nuclear level lifetime determinations with the Doppler-shift attenuation method Nuclear structure relevant to double-β decay Precision fast neutron reaction cross sections Corporate and homeland security applications Neutron detector development (with collaborators) Applied Science with Monoenergetic Pulsed Neutrons from the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory S. F. Hicks University of Dallas, Irving, TX J. R. Vanhoy US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD M. T. McEllistrem and S. W. Yates University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Part of the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) to develop safe, clean, and affordable energy sources Goals of Gen IV: i) Safer ii) Sustainable iii) Economical iv) Physically Secure Critical need for high-precision and accurate elastic and inelastic neutron scattering data on materials important for fission reactor technology Critical need for trained individuals (NEUP initiative) One of the Six Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems Inelastic Neutron Scattering Fe* < 1019v1/css/h1019v1_69.htm.> “A Technology Roadmap for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems,” Generation IV International Forum, December 2002. Energy Loss Mechanism Neutron elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections are needed from structural materials such as Fe and coolants such as Na. Forward monitor Long counter Beam line Neutron detector Gas cell Copper shielding (n,n') TOF > 2-meter deep scattering pit Tungsten wedge 3H(p,n) Q= 0.76 MeV 2H(d,n) Q= 3.3 MeV 3H(d,n) Q= 17.6 MeV Gas cell Na sample Typical adjustment of wedge with cell and sample Beam line Neutron Detection: Main • Flight paths to about 4 m can be used for neutron scattering. Angles between 30 and 145 degrees are accessible with the Na and Fe samples. •Neutrons are detected by a deuterated benzene liquid scintillation detector (1x5.5). •Pulse Shape Discrimination Understanding background generation in TOF spectra Inelastic Cross Sections --Two Techniques 23Na(n,n) En=4.0 MeV, 125o 2000 Counts 1500 1000 500 0 1000 2000 3000 HPGe Channel Number 500 Counts 400 300 200 100 23Na 0 3000 5000 7000 HPGe Channel Number 9000 EVALUATIONS EXPERIMENTAL DATA Current and Future Research Directions at UKAL Fast neutron physics Nuclear shell structure and shape transitions Nuclear level lifetime determinations with the Doppler-shift attenuation method Nuclear structure relevant to double-β decay Precision fast neutron reaction cross sections Corporate and homeland security applications Neutron detector development (with collaborators) SCINTILLATOR DEVELOPMENT • Multi-radiation detectors – – – – CLYC: Cs2LiYCl6 CNYC: Cs2NaYCl6 CLLC: Cs2LiLaCl6 CLLB: Cs2LiLaBr6 Measured detector response for En = 0.5 - 22 MeV ~7 scintillators in 36 hours. Glodo-IEEETransNuclSci.60.864.2012 DETECTOR DESIGN & CHARACTERIZATION DEuterated SCintillator Array for Neutron Tagging @ TRIUMF • Neutron Detectors – Efficiency(En) – Pulse Shape Discrimination – Amplitude Distribution n n D e scintillator fluid C6D6 Different recoiling ions excite the atomic/molecular structure differently, and exhibit different characteristic decay times. 088531731.-2207520000.1373380138.&type=3&theater TIGRESS -ray detector array DESCANT neutron detector array Our Colleagues University of Dallas U.S. Naval Academy University of Guelph University of Wisconsin at Lacrosse Georgia Institute of Technology University of Notre Dame Radiation Monitoring Devices University of Cologne HIS at TUNL Yale University Technical University Darmstadt University of the West of Scotland University of the Western Cape (South Africa) iThemba Labs TRIUMF ANU