The Outsiders Chapters 9-10 Study Guide

The Outsiders, Study Guide Chapters 9-10
Name: _________________________________________
1. Even though Pony does not want to be a greaser and does not like many of the things that greasers do, the
rumble allows him to be proud to be a greaser. Explain this contradiction (pp. 132-133).
Pony asks everyone in the gang why they like to fight. Fill in the chart below using this information (pp. 133137).
2. Soda
3. Steve
4. Darry
5. Two-Bit
6. Pony
7. What are the rules of the rumble? (pp. 140-142)
6. Why does Darry hate Paul Holden so much? (p. 142)
7. What literary reference does Pony make at the beginning of the fight? (p143)
8. Why does Pony always refer back to books he's read when things happen in his life?
9. Write a short response that summarizes the rumble.
10. What are Johnny’s last words?
11. What do you think they mean?
12. When Pony tells the gang about Johnny's death, who takes it the worst and why? (p152)
13. Dally spins out of control as a result of Johnny's passing (p153), what are the results of his actions?
14. Could you have predicted something like this might have happened to him? Explain your answer.
15. Why is it poignant that Johnny leaves the copy of Gone with the Wind to Pony and what does that show
about their friendship? (p158)
The Outsiders Novel StudyChapters 9-10
Directions: Complete the slang glossary from the novel.
"Outsiders" slang (1967)
Pg #
Modern Slang
Standard English
Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to include the question into the answer and all answers
should be complete sentences.
What does Soda compare fighting to? (p133) Is this an accurate comparison? Why or why not?
Describe Time Shepard's kid brother Curly. (p134)
What does the narrator mean when he hopes, "I'd hate to see the day when I had to get my nerve from a can"? (p137)
List the reasons that Soda, Steve, Darry, Two-Bit, and Pony had for fighting. (p137)
What is the difference between Pony's gang and Tim's gang? (p138) Keep in mind that they are both greaser gangs.
Describe how the Socs look arriving to the rumble. (p141)
What are the rules of the rumble? (p141)
What literary reference does Pony make at the beginning of the fight? (p143) Why does he always refer back to books he's read when
things happen in his life?
Who wins the rumble? Why do you think they won? (p145)
10. Just before Johnny dies he says, "Stay gold, Ponyboy." (p158) What does he mean by this and what is it in reference too?
11. When Pony tells the gang about Johnny's death, who takes it the worst and why? (p152)
12. Dally spins out of control as a result of Johnny's passing (p153), what are the results of his actions? Could you have predicted something
like this might have happened to him? Explain your answer.
13. Why is it poignant that Johnny leaves the copy of Gone with the Wind to Pony? (p158) What does that show about their friendship?