IO 114-1415 - Mt. San Jacinto College

Resource Allocation Proposal
Sujatha Pamula
Life Sciences
Program or Department Name:
Dr. Carlos Tovares
Area Dean:
Dr. Pat Schwerdtfeger
Area Vice President:
Account Code:
Total Amount Requested:
One Time Funding _X___
On Going Funding __ ___
What are you requesting? Why is the request being made? Where was the need identified?
I am requesting Human Models that are essential to teach Human Biology Course. Currently the models available
through SJC Anatomy and Physiology labs are not there ( unusual for an Anatomy and Physiology course at college
level) or are broken to the extent that they are put together with Velcro or glue for the current use.
Thus far, these needs were not met for one or all of the following reasons
a. Budget cuts
b. Lower priority on the list due to budget deficiencies.
c. No STEM cannot support because it is not a STEM major course.
These models are essential part of the learning in Anatomy and Physiology as well as Human Biology courses. There
is no anatomy and physiology lab without human models other than SJC as I know. This gives one an idea how badly
these models are needed at SJC. With the increase in the offering of these courses, the models will be promote
learning and will be an excellent aid for students. This would also mitigate the lack of additional IAs for these
Section I
Demonstrate how your request is supported by your Program Review/Annual Program
Human Biology (BIOL100) course is being offered at SJC campus for the past two years.
After the development of the new Course and Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs), they were
assessed in SP2013 and FA2013. In addition, biology program has conducted a program vise
assessments of several biology courses including BIOL100.
Evaluation of CLOs at the BIOL program level and BIOL100 (conducted by me) indicated
that there are several deficiencies. These deficiencies were addressed in CIPs written for
Biology program and Human Biology course. These deficiencies can be overcome by taking
into consideration the holistic requirements for all the courses in the Biology program. One of
the important weaknesses is the lack of Human Models.
These models can be gainfully employed in BIOL 100 (Human Biology), ANAP101/102
(Anatomy and Physiology) and BIOL151 (Major’s biology) courses to study human organ
This RAP is written to address the above identified deficiency in the course improvement
Demonstrate how your request is supported by your Unit Plan and Division Plan (link to
Unit/Division Plans 2011-2012)
In order to learn and understand human body, human models are essential. This impact three
courses: BIOL 100 (Human Biology), ANAP101/102 (Anatomy and Physiology) and
BIOL151 (Major’s biology).
Section I
Human biology (BIOL100) is a relatively a new course at SJC developed and offered in
hybrid online form for the last two years by me. I was determined that human models are an
essential requirement for the course. There have been continuous discussions held to fulfill
the need.
Anatomy and Physiology (ANAP101/102) course instructor had been requesting these human
models to fulfill the need since the previous program review 2008. These needs have been
increasing with the increasing offerings of the Anatomy and Biology courses. This problem is
also compounded by the inability to hire additional IAs assigned for the courses.
The majors Biology course (BIOL151) can also benefit from these human models to study
human organ systems.
Demonstrate how your request is supported by your CLO/DLO/PL0/AUO/SLO:
The relevant CLOs for the three courses are listed below:
1. The student will be able to identify major anatomical structures in the human model.
2. The student will be able to co-relate the major anatomical structure with its function in
human body.
3. The student will demonstrate proficiency in the use of microscope in the lab
Section I
1. Identify anatomical structures in a dissected fetal pig.
2. Relate the structures of animals to their functions.
3. Trace the pathways through the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and urinary systems
in a fetal pig
ANAT 101 -102
1. Describe the activation and actions of the cell mediated and humoral branches of
2. Describe the sequence of events in the digestion to the point of absorption of a
CLOs 1 and 2 of BIOL100 explicitly indicate that human models are the most critical
component needed to satisfy the learning outcomes.
CLOs of ANAT 101/102 requires use of human models to study digestive system and
intergulatory system that provides the foundation for all Anatomy and Physiology courses.
Student success is based on providing them with models that helps them to comprehend the
course material.
Purchase of new models is critical for student success in these courses. The main advantages
(1) The new models will aid in attaining the CLOs for the above courses.
(2) The new models will go a long way in students successfully completing courses there
by improving retention rates.
(3) Students will learn to work independently as the models will be available to students
even during off hours.
(4) Increases active learning as students participate in groups and with the instructors to
clarify any questions.
Describe how your request is aligned with one or more of the following Institutional
Priorities: (link to SP)
Student Success
Section II
As an educational institution, successful completion of the courses by students determines
how well the institution is helping students to achieve their educational goal. On an average,
about 500 students attending SJC in an academic year take these courses. This includes
almost 400 students in ANAT courses and about 100 students in BIOL courses. It is clear that
the human models will go a long way in achieving educational goals for about 500 students.
Fiscally Sound Position:
Increase in the student retention and student success will pave a way for an increase in state
funding. This should eventually further improve the SJC facilities as a whole.
Systematic Planning and Assessment:
With the increase in the number of students taking Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology
courses, human models will aid in systematic assessments. The human models help the
instructor to provide the students with them a better environment to provide instruction. In
addition, models can be used by the students independently (outside of the normal class
times) and thus helping students to learn at their own pace.
Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture:
These courses are prerequisites for Nursing and several other allied health programs. Some of
these programs are offered at MSJC. As an educational institution, successful student
completion of the courses determines how well the institution is helping students to achieve
their educational goal. As indicated earlier, over 500 students take these ANAT and BIOL
courses at MSJC. Successful completion of these courses will benefit the students in being
accepted nursing or allied health program and attend 4 year colleges across state and the
country or .
The human models advance the institutional pride for a number of students. This could
further enhance the reputation of MSJC programs including the MSJC Nursing program.
Community Partnerships and Service
Availabilities of these models could encourage high school students to participate in dual
enrollment programs. This could further enhance the MSJC nursing and allied health
This would increase the awareness of MSJC programs in the local hospitals as well as the
surrounding communities on which they can rely to employ them.
Describe how your request will support one or more of the 12 Institutional Goals in the
Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan)
Section III
The greatest impact that this funding can provide is to contribute to student success
(1) Increase in retention, and completion of courses.
(2) Increase student academic success since these models will be available to the students
any time of the working day in a week.
Section III
Demonstrate how your project goals are supported by any of the following plans (2009-16
Educational Master Plan, Distance Education Plan, Technology Plan and/or the Facilities
Master Plan):
The Educational master Plan identified the requirement of more faculty and instructional aids.
This need has not been successfully met by the institution due to budget cuts. The human
models described in this proposal will mitigate this problem to some extent and contribute to
the student support and student success.
Describe your goal(s) for this proposal? How will this impact students or institutional
My goal is to acquire funding to purchase these models. As described earlier thee human
models will impact the students in a variety of ways:
Aid in successfully attaining the course learning outcomes.
Increase in retention, and completion of courses.
Increase student academic success since these models will be available to the students
any time of the working day in a week.
Learn to work independently and in groups
What are your measureable outcomes that will lead to you meeting your goal(s)? Provide
how your outcomes are tied to your CLO/DLO/PLO/AUO/SLO
Section IV
It is my strong belief that human models will provide students with an enriching learning
experience. I will conduct satisfaction surveys of students at the end of the semester
concerning usefulness of these models in BIOL100, ANAT101 and ANAT102.
Section V
What are the steps that you will take or need to be taken to implement this proposal?
Demonstrate the following:
• (a) Who is in charge of implementing the project?
• (b) What are the projected start and end dates?
• (c) What other departments will need to assist with the acquisition/ implementation of the
• (d) When will the outcomes be measured?
• (e) How will you measure the desired outcomes?
 Instructors Sujatha Pamula and Sterling Roulette made a list of models in the priority
and provide the information to SJC instruction Dean. Once approved, instructional
Aid, Cherri Hodge will be preparing the necessary purchasing requisitions that will be
forwarded to Business office.
 The project of purchasing will begin as soon as the funds are allocated. Since it is a
onetime funding, it need not be renewed for the following academic years.
 At the end of the semester, student assessments will be conducted. At the end of the
academic year, CLOs will be evaluated to assess student learning outcomes. These
results will be reported to the Instructional Dean at SJC.
Projected Expense Profile
New Personnel Request--This does not include Full Time Academic
Faculty Positions.
For personnel requests please attach the job description, job classification and label "Exhibit
New personal: None
Non Personnel
Object Code
unit cost
# of units
Urinary system
Male pelvis
Female Pelvis
Respiratory system
Head with Larynx
Eye in the orbit
2350.05/ unit
Secondary Effects (if this proposal is approved)
For Personnel Requests:
What additional space, if any, is needed to accommodate this position? If so, where is the proposed location?
For Equipment and Technology Request
Will additional space be needed to accommodate requested equipment? If so where is the proposed location?
Will requested equipment require maintenance agreements and or support personnel? If so what are the projected costs?
Please list future year anticipated needs and estimated financial needs. NOTE: This section refers to any anticipated funding not
addressed by this RAP, but required in the future. This will not be automatically funded. A new RAP must be completed in future
Fiscal Year
Anticipated Need
Estimated Amount
More variety in models will be requested
Dean Approval
Vice President Approval