History and Lineage of the English Bible 1450BC 900BC OT 1: ORIGINS Archaic Hebrew partOT Hebrew Aramaic Daniel and Ezra Square Script Hebrew 300 to 200BC Sea Scrolls 150BC Dead written 30AD Greek KING JAMES OT+A OT+NT 1782AD from 500AD Masoretic Text Jesus spoke Aramaic copy errors NT+L Writings in Slavonic Greek Orthodox Greek about OT+A 300AD Latin 3rd Authorised (KJV) Culmination of C16 translation work. Greek Septuagint 90AD English OT+A+NT 1611AD OT 500BC 400BC 3: post KING JAMES Origen Jesus rationalises and corrects Greek Septaugint NT+L Armenian C5 Georgian C5 Old Latin Coptic C3 Ethiopic C4-5 Vaticanus (B) 350AD Codex Codex Siniaticus (S) OT+A Eusebius of Caesarea defines Canon Emp Constantine 322 NT+L 1867AD 1873AD Inspired Version (1833) by Joseph Smith, Church of the Latter Day Saints First US Printing King James Version without Apocrypha from Codex S OT+NT OT+NT English Hexaplex English Hexaplex 7 column printing of Greek plus 6 English 7 column printing of Greek plus 6 English OT+NT 1881-5AD removed from 1885AD Apocrypha the King James Bible From TR and other fragments OT+NT REVISED Textus Receptus (TR) Oxford edition is considered definitive TR First major attempt to translate rigorously. Work of 65 scholars. OT+NT 1901AD LATIN Codex B, S, A [oldest NT surviving] 1842AD Robert Aitken American Standard based on the Revised OT+A 383AD of Carthage (397) & 397AD Council Hippo(393) fix NT cannon 450AD Rome says “Latin only” 600AD 680AD Caedmon translates NT 1904AD +NT Jerome’s Latin Vulgate 20 Century NT Greek literal translation OT NT 1934AD Masoretic Text vowel and accent standardisation 1947AD stories to Anglo Saxon Alfred’s translation 995AD King into the “venacular” Dead Sea Scrolls discovered 2: BEGINNINGS Wycliffe Bible First English of Florence 1439-43 Council defines NT 27books Wycliffe’s bones were ground down to dust. 1455AD GUTENBERG INVENTS PRINTING OT+NT 1952AD OT+A+NT Gutenberg Bible parallel 1516AD Erasmus’ Greek / Latin Bible NCC in USA sponsor. Strong Greek basis. OT+A+NT Textus Receptus (TR) German NT 1522AD Luther’s (Greek & Hebrew origin) 1959AD OT+NT 1961AD 1965AD OT+A+NT Berkeley Bible Typesetable Greek over 200 versions. NT 1525AD Tyndale: NT Tyndale was burned at the stake in 1537. New English CoS inspired. Contemporary. Abstracted from modernism's. OT+NT 1971AD 1st Complete English Bible (80 books) Revised Vulgate approved by Vatican Council 2. OT+NT Thomas Matthew Living Bible A Revision of Tyndale’s Bible. 1539AD Taverner’s of Thomas Matthew 1546AD Council Trent starts minus notes. Liberal translation seen as too “free” by purists. OT+A+NT GREAT BIBLE 1st Authorised Version. OT+A+NT GENEVA Good News Simple vocabulary and plain use of English. (TEV) OT+A+NT Stephanus’ TR Major landmark in interpretation and accuracy. OT+A+NT 1560AD OT+NT 1976AD Clementine Triggered by Trent, published in 1592. Exclusive Latin bible. 1550AD OT+NT 1978AD New International Written in Geneva by exiled reformers. First Study Bible. 1568AD Contemporary phrase by phrase. (NIV) BISHOP’s 2nd Authorised. The Geneva minus antipapal study notes. 1582AD Vulgate 1965 Literal translation. Myles Coverdale OT+A+NT OT+A+NT New American Standard Bible OT+A+NT 1535AD A Revised Standard First printed book is a 2 vol. Bible in Latin 1537AD Greek Translation in “today’s” language 4: post DEAD SEA SCROLLS OT+A+NT 1382AD Hebrew Riverside NT OT+NT 1982AD New King James New Bible in King James Version style. Rome surrenders Latin only edict. OT+A+NT 1609/10 Douay / Rheim First, and root “Catholic” Bible KEY: historical date Important events. OT+A+NT 1611AD KING JAMES English BIBLE NAME Brief description and facts about version 3rd Authorised (KJV) Culmination of C16 translation work. Hebrew content Latin Greek Main flows of style and source material language OT: Old Testament A: Apocrypha NT: New Testament L: Laodiceans