Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.

DeLand, FL 32720

Email: randall(at)quintcareers.com

Key Elements of Dr. Hansen's vita:

# Education

# Honors

# Teaching Experience

# Teaching Interests

# Work Experience

# Publications

# Presentations

# Other Publications

# Research Under Review

# Research in Progress

# Research Interests

# Service

# Teaching Evaluations

# Professional Development


* Accomplished marketing professor with comprehensive blend of hands-on professional and academic marketing experience.

* Innovative teacher devoted to education and learning, committed to empowerment and student growth.

* Consummate marketer who is passionate about the potential and impact of marketing.

* Published author, career-development guru, and Webmaster of one of the oldest and most comprehensive career-development Web sites, Quintessential Careers.


Ph.D. Florida State University, College of Business, May 1993.

* Major: Marketing

* Support Area: Strategic Management

* Dissertation Title: Consumers' Perceptions of Unethical Market Behavior:

A Comparison of Multiple Models of the Cognitive Structure of

Unethical Practices

* Dissertation Chairman: Dr. J. Dennis Cradit

* Honor: American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium Fellow

M.A. University of Florida Graduate School, December 1984.

* Thesis Title: An Analysis of Marketing Segmentation Tools Used by

Consumer Magazines

* Concentration: Marketing Magazines

B.S./B.S. Syracuse University, S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and

School of Management, May 1982.

* Received dual degrees in magazines and marketing management

* Honors: Wall Street Journal Achievement Award

Outstanding Graduate, School of Management


* TrueColors Personality System Facilitator, 2005.

* Certified Electronic Career Coach, 2003.

* Recipient, Hand Award for Research Excellence, Stetson University, May 1996.

* Nominee, McEniry Award for Teaching Excellence, Stetson University, several years.

* Nominee, Teacher of the Year Award, School of Business Administration, Stetson

University, several years.

* American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 1991

* Wall Street Journal Achievement Award, Syracuse University, 1982

* Outstanding Graduate, School of Management, Syracuse University, 1982


Professor of Marketing, Stetson University, School of Business, 1992-2008.

Promoted to full professor, March 2006 (effective August 2006); tenured and promoted to associate professor, March 1998 (effective August 1998).

* Undergraduate Teaching: BN109: First-Year Business Experience, Principles of

Marketing, Advertising & Promotion Management, Consumer Behavior, Channels of

Distribution, Marketing Management, Marketing Career Development. Volunteered to teach (as overload) BN101: Business University Experience. Introduced Global

Marketing, Internet/E-Marketing, Seminar in Marketing, Gender Issues in

Marketing. Average class size of 25.

* Graduate Teaching: Marketing Decision-Making, Strategic Management

Teaching Assistant, The Florida State University, College of Business, 1990-92.

* Teaching assignment: Principles of Marketing. Average class size of 60; largest class 150.

Adjunct Professor, Tallahassee (FL) Community College, 1989-92.

* Primary teaching areas: Introduction to Business, Introduction to Management course. Average class size of 40.

Adjunct Professor, Union County (NJ) College, Department of Business, 1987-88.

* Primary teaching areas: Principles of Marketing, Principles of Advertising.

Average class size of 25.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Florida, College of Journalism, 1983-84.

* Demonstrated versatility and ability by teaching three different courses in four semesters. Teaching assignments: basic writing class, news reporting class, and mass communications law class. Trained new instructors. Average class size of 40.


Advertising/Promotion Management


Marketing Career Development

Marketing Ethics

Marketing Management

Marketing Principles

Marketing Seminar

Marketing Strategy


Owner/CEO, EmpoweringSites.com, 2007-Present.

* Manage day-to-day operations of a portfolio of empowering Websites

* Lead strategic development, content creation, and marketing of Websites

* Brainstorm new content, features, and tools for Websites

Founder/Webmaster/Publisher, Quintessential Careers, 1996-Present.

* Manage all aspects of Web-based information services business

* Analyze career, college, employment, and workplace trends

* Produce original career management and job search content for 3,500+ page


Assistant to the Dean, College of Business, Florida State University, 1991-92.

* Assisted in the marketing of college

* Handled public relations functions of college

* Developed and published external newsletters and magazines

Market Research Manager, Business Month Magazine, Goldhirsh Group, 1987-89.

* Played vital role in advertising sales turnaround

* Developed, planned and produced sales presentations

* Originated, supervised and produced subscriber and readership studies

Marketing and Sales Information Manager, PEOPLE Magazine, Time, Inc., 1985-87.

* Produced strategic marketing plans for magazine's major advertising categories, including automotive, beverage alcohol, financial services

* Participated in setting marketing objectives for department

* Developed and modified multimillion dollar in-house marketing and advertising research computer system

Market Research Analyst, The New Yorker Magazine, Conde-Nast, 1985.

* Managed in-house research computer system; responsible for updating of department's computer capabilities

* Spearheaded revision of advertising tracking computer system that saved an average of 20-business hours per week

* Assisted salespeople on research, presentations, and sales calls


Academic Refereed Journals:

Hansen, K, Hansen, Randall S., Olpihant, G., and Oliphant R. (2009 -- forthcoming),

"Best Practices in Preparing Students for Mock Interviews," Business

Communication Quarterly.

Hansen, Randall S. and K. Hansen (2007). "The Student Experience in Speed

Teaming: A New Approach to Team Formation." Journal of College Teaching and

Learning 4 (7), 69-78.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Benefits and Problems with Student Teams: Suggestions for Improving Team Projects," Journal of Education for Business, 82 (1), 11-19.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Integrating Career Development Techniques into the

Business School Curriculum: Tools for Better Preparing Our Graduates for

Successful Careers," International Business & Economics Research Journal, 1 (2), 73-


Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "The MBA Career Portfolio: A Strategic Tool for

Developing and Implementing a Successful Job Search," Career Planning and Adult

Development Journal, 17 (3), 14-24.

Hansen, Randall S. and K. S. Hansen (1995), "Incorporating Writing Across the

Curriculum into an Introductory Marketing Course," Journal of Marketing Education,

17 (1), 3-12.

Hansen, Randall S. (1992), "A Multi-Dimensional Scale for Measuring Business

Ethics: A Purification and Refinement," Journal of Business Ethics, 11, 523-534.

Refereed Proceedings:

Hansen, Randall S. and K. Hansen (2007). "The Student Experience in Speed

Teaming: A New Approach to Team Formation." Proceedings of the 2007 College

Teaching and Learning Conference.

Hansen, K. and Hansen, Randall S. (2006). "Using a Career Portfolio to Sustain a

Competitive Advantage: An Online Focus Group Study Using an Asynchronous

Board." Proceedings of the 2006 Society for Advancement of Management

International Business Conference.

Hansen, K. and Hansen, Randall S. (2006). "The Impact of Writing Responses to

Expected Interview Questions: A Writing-to-Learn Approach." Proceedings of the

2006 ABSEL Conference.

Hansen, K. and Hansen, Randall S. (2006). "Using an Asynchronous Discussion Board for Online Focus Groups: A Protocol and Lessons Learned." Proceedings of the 2006

Applied Business Research Conference and The 2006 College Teaching and Learning


Hansen, K. S. and Randall S. Hansen (2005), "Employment Interview Preparation: A

Writing-to- Learn Approach," Proceedings of the 2005 Applied Business Research

Conference and The 2005 College Teaching and Learning Conference.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Integrating Career Development Techniques into the

Business School Curriculum: Tools for Better Preparing Our Graduates for

Successful Careers," winner of Best Paper Award, International Business &

Economics Research Conference Proceedings.

Hansen, Randall S. (1998), "Combining Marketing Principles with Career

Preparedness in a Principles of Marketing Class: The Marketing Career Journal,"

Marketing: A Sharper Focus (Proceedings of the Atlantic Marketing Association 14th

Annual Conference), vol. 14, 151-158.

Oliphant, G. and Randall S. Hansen (1996), "The Job Market Approach to Team

Formation," in Marketing: Moving Toward the 21st Century. Southern Marketing

Association Proceedings, 159-163.

Hansen, Randall S. (1995), "Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC): A Mandate for

Marketing," Atlantic Marketing Association Proceedings, vol. 11, 168-174.

Hansen, Randall S. and J. Dennis Cradit (1993), "Understanding Consumers'

Perceptions of Marketing Ethics: An Examination of Dimensional Evaluation," in

Marketing: Satisfying a Diverse Customerplace, Tom Massey Jr., editor. Kansas City:

Southern Marketing Association, pp. 100-103.

Hansen, Randall S. (1993), "Using the List of Values (LOV) for Classifying and

Positioning Services," Atlantic Marketing Association Proceedings, 375-379.

Taylor, S.A., Hansen, Randall S., and R. Heines (1992), "Service Quality: An

Examination Using Multi-Dimensional Scaling," Southern Marketing Association

Proceedings, 401-405.

Hansen, Randall S. (1991), "Examining the Link Between Organizational

Effectiveness and Social Responsiveness: A Strategic Typology," Southern

Management Association Proceedings.

Hansen, Randall S. (1991), "The Use of Observation Techniques in Evaluating

Consumer Packaging," Southern Marketing Association Proceedings, 512-515.

Hansen, Randall S., K.S. Hansen, and S.A. Taylor (1991), "The Ethical Implications of

Television Advertising to Young Children: An Advertising Effects Model," Southern

Marketing Association Proceedings, 359-363.

Hansen, Randall S. and R.C. Ford (1991), "Intent and Opportunity as Predictors of

Ethical Decision-Making: A Comprehensive Ethical Decision-Making Model," Annual

Meeting of the Society for Business Ethics.

Taylor, S.A., J.J. Cronin, and Randall S. Hansen (1991), "Schema and Script Theory in

Channels Research," AMA Winter Educators' Conference Proceedings, 15-24.

Hansen, Randall S. (1990), "Incorporating Ethics into Strategic Management: An

Ethical Decision-Making Approach," Southern Management Association

Proceedings, 192-194.

Hansen, Randall S. (1990), "Making Ethical Marketing Decisions," Developments in

Marketing Science, 13, 254-258.


Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Raising the Stakes: Don't Leave Getting a Raise to

Chance," Making Waves, 02 (01), 12-13+.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "What's Your Major? Undeclared? Have No Fear; These

Six Steps Can Put You on the Path to Finding Your Ideal Career," Exabode, 01 (02),


Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "Your Job Skills Portfolio: Giving You an Edge in the

Marketplace," ArtJob, 19 (17), 1+.

Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "When Job-Hunting: Dress for Success," Godly Business

Woman Magazine, 1 (5), 41.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall S. Hansen (1999), "Choosing the Right Cover Letter,"

National Business Employment Weekly, Jan. 24-30, 21-22.

Hansen, Randall S., (1997), "The Marketing Career Journal: A New Teaching Tool,"

CareerWatch, (Spring).

Hansen, Randall S. (1995), "Tips for Overcoming the Fear of Writing," The Diary,

(Autumn), 7,21.

Hansen, Randall S. (1994), "Using the Internet in Marketing Classes," Marketing

Educator, 13 (4), 3.

Hansen, Randall S. (1993), "Clear, Concise Writing is Especially Important for

Marketers, Marketing News, 27 (19), 20.


Hansen, Randall S., and K.S. Hansen (2008), The Complete Idiot's Guide to Study

Skills. Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books.

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), The Complete Idiot's Guide to Choosing a College Major.

Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall S. Hansen (2001), Dynamic Cover Letters Third Edition.

Berkeley, CA: Ten-Speed Press.

Hansen, Randall S., and K.S. Hansen (1997), Write Your Way to a Higher GPA: How to Dramatically Boost Your Grade-Point Average Simply by Sharpening Your Writing

Skills. Berkeley, CA: Ten-Speed Press.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall S. Hansen (1995), Dynamic Cover Letters, Second Edition.

Berkeley, CA: Ten-Speed Press.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall S. Hansen (1990), Dynamic Cover Letters. Berkeley, CA:

Ten-Speed Press.

Refereed Chapters in Books:

Oliphant, R.J., G.C. Oliphant, and Randall S. Hansen (2002), "Making Group

Formation a Job Market Experience," in Great Ideas for Teaching Marketing, 6th edition, Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Carl McDaniel, and Charles W. Lamb, Jr., editors.

Cincinnati, OH: South-Western.

Hansen, Randall S. (1998), "Communication Across the Curriculum: Tools to

Redesign a Marketing Course," (pp. 255-262) in Electronic Communication Across the Curriculum, Art Young, Dickie Selfe, and Donna Reiss, editors. Urbana, IL: NCTE.

Chapters in Books:

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), "Dealing with a Bad Boss - Strategies for Coping," in

Managing the Boss, K.B.S. Kumar, editor. India: ICFAI Books.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall S. Hansen (2003), "The Basics of a Dynamic Cover Letter," in Business Writing, Pallavi Landit Laisram, editor. Hyderabad, India: ICFAI Books.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Making the Most of Your Internships," in The Last Job

Search Guide You'll Ever Need: How to Find – or Get – the Job or Internship of Your

Dreams!, Steven Rothberg, editor. Minneapolis, MN: Adguide Publications.

Ezine Articles/Web-based Articles:

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Making and Keeping Your New Year's Career and Job-

Search Resolutions," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (14), December 15. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_resolutions.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Recession Job-Search Do's and Don'ts," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 9 (14), December 15. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/recession_job-search-dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Career and Job-Search Planning Guide: From A to Z,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (14), December 15. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_planning_A-to-Z.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Don't Sing the Holidays Blues: A Six-Step Guide to

Successful Job-Hunting Between Thanksgiving and New Year's," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 9 (13), November 17. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/holiday_job-hunting.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Planning Your MBA? Lay the Groundwork Now for Your

MBA Internship," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (13), November 17. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/MBA_internships.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Developing Your Job/Career/Life Survival Plan:

Preparing for the Possibility of Losing Your Job in Weak Economic Times,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (12), November 3. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_survival_plan.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Job-Search Advice for College Seniors and Recent

College Grads: Job-Hunting in Times of Uncertainty," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 9 (12), November 3. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/jobsearch_advice.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Is Your Job in Jeopardy? Impending Layoff Warning

Signs," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (12), November 3. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_trouble_signs.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "College Scholarships Do's and Don'ts," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 9 (11), October 20. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_scholarships-dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Workplace Wellness Programs: A Winning Idea in Which

Employees Acquire Better Health While Employers Receive Higher Productivity...

and Perhaps Both See Lower Healthcare Bills," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9

(10), September 15. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/workplace_wellness.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Save Money, Help the Environment, and Increase Your

Health by Biking to Work," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (10), September 15.

URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/biking_work.html.

Hansen, Randall S., and K. Hansen (2008), "How the Lessons, Skills, and Values You

Develop in College (and Maybe Even High School) Prepare You for the Job Market,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (09), August 18. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_job-market_lessons.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Job-Hunting in a Weak Job Market: 5 Strategies for

Staying Upbeat (and Improving Your Chances of Success)," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 9 (08), July 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/jobhunting_weak_job-market.html.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall S. Hansen (2008), "Frequently Asked Questions About

Resumes: The Complete Resume FAQ," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (08), July

21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/resume_FAQ.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "10 Tips for Writing a Job-Search Interview Thank-You

Letter," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (06), May 19. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/thank_you_letter-tips.html.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall S. Hansen (2008), "Interviewing Prep: Job Interview

Checklist," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (06), May 19. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_interview_checklist.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Perception vs. Reality: 10 Truths About The Generation

Y Workforce," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (05), April 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/Gen-Y_workforce.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "How to Recruit, Hire, and Retain the Best of Generation

Y: 10 Workplace Issues Most Important to Gen Y," Quintessential Careers QuintZine,

9 (05), April 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/recruit_retain_Gen-Y.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "College Grad Job-Hunting Readiness Quiz: A

Quintessential Careers Quiz," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (05), April 21.

URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job-hunting_readiness_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "The 15-Point College Grad Job-Hunting Study Guide,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (05), April 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job-hunting_study_guide.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Career Focus Quiz: A Quintessential Careers Quiz,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (04), March 17. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_focus_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Internet Job-Search Mistakes," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 9 (03), February 18. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/Internet_jobhunting_mistakes.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Seven Strategies to Recession-Proof Your Career: Build

Your Future Regardless of Health of the Economy," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 9 (02), February 4. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/recessionproof_career_strategies.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "For Job-Hunting Success, Develop a Comprehensive Job-

Search Plan," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 9 (02), February 4. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job-search_plan.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "10 Tips for Job-Hunting Etiquette," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 9 (02), February 4. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/jobhunting_etiquette_tips.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "Global Job-Search Do's and Don'ts," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 9 (01), January 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/global_job-search_dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), "Six-Step Process to Conducting a Year-End Review of

Your Career," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 8 (11), December 17. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/year-end_career_review.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), "Achieve the Job Offer You Deserve by Avoiding These 10

Salary Negotiation Mistakes," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 8 (11), December

17. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/salary_negotiation_mistakes.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), "Surviving the Office Holiday Party: How NOT to Lose your Job or be the Topic of Conversation Around the Office," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 8 (10), November 26. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/surviving_office_holiday_party.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), "10 Things Colleges Seek from High School Applicants,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 8 (8), September 24. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_application_items.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), "Job-Seeker Tips for Making Good First Impressions,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 8 (7), August 20. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/making_good_first_impressions.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), "First Impressions Quiz: A Quintessential Careers Quiz,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 8 (7), August 20. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/first_impressions_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), "Making a Lateral Career Move: The Pros and Cons,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 8 (6), July 23. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/lateral_career_pros-cons.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), "Are You Sabotaging Your Career? A Quintessential

Careers Quiz," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 8 (6), July 23. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/sabotaging_career_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), "Finding Your Career Passion," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 8 (2), March 26. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/finding_career_passion.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Answers to Common College Admissions Questions:

Special Report 2006," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 7 (10), October 23. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_admissions/.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Are You a Helicopter Parent? A Quintessential Careers

Quiz," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 7 (10), October 23. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/helicopter_parent_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Next Step After High School? Some Alternatives to

College," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 7 (10), October 23. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_alternatives.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Teen Resume Writing Quiz: A Quintessential Careers

Quiz," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 7 (09), September 25. http://www.quintcareers.com/teen_resume_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Teen Resume Writing Worksheet: The Five-Steps to

Developing Your Resume," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 7 (09), September 25. http://www.quintcareers.com/teen_resume-writing_worksheet.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Are You a Team Player? A Quintessential Careers Quiz,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 7 (08), August 14. http://www.quintcareers.com/team_player_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Mastering the Art of Teams and Team-Building: 10 Tips for Top-Quality Teamwork," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 7 (08), August 14. http://www.quintcareers.com/top_quality_teamwork_tips.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Dealing with Non-Compete Clauses and Agreements,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 7 (05), May 8. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/non-compete_clauses.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Job-Hunting Lessons from the Street: A Roundup of

Recent College Grad Experiences," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 7 (04), April

10. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job-hunting_lessons.html.

Hansen, Randall, and K.S. Hansen (2006), "Closing the Sale and Overcoming

Objections in the Job Interview," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 7 (03), March 13.

URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/interview_objections_closing.html.

Hansen, K.S., and Randall S. Hansen (2006), "Promising Interview-Prep Technique:

Composing Written Responses to Interview Questions," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 7 (03), March 13. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/interviewprep_technique.html.

Hansen, Randall (2005), "Converting Your Seasonal Job to a Permanent Position:

Tips for Success," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (20), Dec. 5. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/seasonal_job.html.

Hansen, Randall (2005), "Marketing Yourself (in Your Career) Quiz," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 6 (19), Nov. 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_marketing_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall, and K.S. Hansen (2005), "Proof of Performance: Career Portfolios an Emerging Trend for Both Active and Passive Job-Seekers," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 6 (19), Nov. 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_portfolios/.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall Hansen (2005), "10 Sticky Job Interview Situations and

How to Handle Them," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (18), Oct. 24. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/sticky_job_interview_situations.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Answers to Common College Admissions Questions:

Special Report 2005," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (17), October 10. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_admissions/college_admissions_questions_2


Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Career Activist Quiz," Quintessential Careers QuintZine,

6 (16), September 26. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_activist_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Situational Interviews and Stress Interviews: What to

Make of Them and How to Succeed in Them," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6

(14), August 29. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/situational_stress_interviews.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "10 Tips for Getting Good (or Better) Grades,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (13), August 15. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/getting_better_grades.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Managing Job Stress: 10 Strategies for Coping and

Thriving," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (12), August 1. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/managing_job_stress.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Job Burnout Quiz: How Close Are You To Burning Out?,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (12), August 1. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_burnout_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Franchising Pros and Cons: Is Franchising Right for

You?," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (10), July 5. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/franchising_pros_cons.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Are Summer College Prep or Academic Enrichment

Camps Right for You?," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (08), May 9. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_prep_camps.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Job Options for (Younger and Older) Teens,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (08), May 9. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/teen_job_options.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "The Career Doctor's Cures & Remedies to

Quintessentially Perplexing Career and Job-Hunting Ailments: Part IV,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (07), April 25. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_doctor_cures/.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Navigating the Quarterlife Crisis to Career and Personal

Success: Five Strategies for Fulfilling Your Dreams," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 6 (05), March 14. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/quarterlife_career_crisis.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Checklist for College Students to Help Avoid/Reduce

Quarterlife Issues," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (05), March 14. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/quarterlife_checklist.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Career Fair Checklist for Career Fair Success,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (03), Feb. 14. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_fair_checklist.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Portfolio Careers: Creating a Career of Multiple Part-

Time Jobs," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (02), Jan. 31. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/portfolio_careers.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "10 Portfolio Career Tips," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 6 (02), Jan. 31. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/portfolio_career_tips.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "One-Week Job-Search: How to Lay the Foundation for a

New Job in Just Seven Days," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 6 (01), Jan. 17. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/one-week_job-search.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "The Pros and Cons of Non-Traditional Careers: Working in Careers that Defy Gender Stereotypes," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (22),

November 8. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/pros-cons_nontraditional_careers.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "What's New About the New SAT: It's Back to the Basics and the Three R's," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (20), November 8. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/new_SAT.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Make Your College Application Shine: Six Strategies for

Success," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (20), November 8. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_application_success.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Answers to Common College Admissions Questions:

Special Report 2004," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (20), November 8. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_admissions/.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Building Your Brand: Tactics for Successful Career

Branding," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (18), September 27. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_branding.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Are You -- or Someone You Know -- a Workaholic?,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (17), August 30. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/workaholic.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Workaholics Quiz: Do You Focus on Work Too Much?,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (17), August 30. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/workaholics_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Working Beyond Retirement: For Money, Identity, and

Purpose," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (17), August 30. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/working_beyond_retirement.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Job Satisfaction Quiz: How Satisfied Are You with Your

Job?," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (15), August 2. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_satisfaction_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "The Importance of the High School Junior Year,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (12), June 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/high-school_junior_year.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "High-School Junior-Year Timetable," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 5 (12), June 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/highschool_junior_year_timetable.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "10 Things for High-School Students to Remember,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (12), June 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/high-school_critical_issues.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Surviving and Moving Beyond Low-Wage Jobs: Solutions for an Invisible Workforce in America," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (11),

June 7. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/surviving_low-wage_jobs.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Low-Wage Worker Do's and Don'ts," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 5 (11), June 7. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/lowwage_workers-dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Fighting the Overqualified Label: 10 Tactics for a

Successful Job-Search," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (09), May 10. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/fighting_overqualified_label.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "The Career Doctor's Cures & Remedies to

Quintessentially Perplexing Career and Job-Hunting Ailments: Part III,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (08), April 26. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_doctor_cures/.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Moonlighting in America: Strategies for Managing

Working Multiple Jobs," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (07), April 12. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/moonlighting_jobs.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "10 Career Change Mistakes to Avoid," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine,, 5 (05), March 15. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_change_mistakes.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Follow Up All Job Leads: Don't Wait by the Phone (or

Computer)," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (02), February 2. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/following_job_leads.html..

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "The Pros and Cons of Taking a Survival Job. What Should

You Do?," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (01), January 19. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/survival_jobs.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "Strategies for Staying Upbeat During a Long Job-Search,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (01), January 19. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/long_job-search.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Dealing With a Bad Boss: Strategies for Coping,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (24), December 8. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/bad_bosses.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Do's and Don'ts of Dealing With a Bad Boss,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (24), December 8. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/bad_boss-dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. and K.S. Hansen (2003), "What Do Employers Really Want? Top

Skills and Values Employers Seek from Job-Seekers," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 4 (23), November 17. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_skills_values.html.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall Hansen (2003), "Posting Your Resume on Job Boards: The

FAQs," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (23), November 17. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/resume_posting_FAQ.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Answers to Common College Admissions Questions:

Special Report 2003," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (20), September 29. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_admissions/.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "10 Tips for Successful Career Planning," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 4 (16), August 4. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_planning_tips.html.

Hansen, K. S. and Randall S. Hansen (2003), "10 Reality Checks of Job-Hunting:

Overcoming Common Job-Search Mistakes," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4

(15), July 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_reality_checks.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Trying to Make Sense of the Job Market and

Employment Outlooks," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (14), July 7. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_market.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Is Job Flexibility Right For You? A Quintessential Careers

Quiz," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (14), July 7. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_flexibility_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. and K. S. Hansen (2003), "Your First Days Working at a New Job:

20 Tips to Help You Make a Great Impression," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4

(12), June 9. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/first_days_working.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Teen Business Do's and Don'ts," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 4 (12), June 9. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/younger_teen_job_dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Getting the Raise You Deserve," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 4 (11), May 26. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/getting_raise.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), " Do's and Don'ts of Requesting a Raise," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 4 (11), May 26. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/requesting_raise-dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Step-by-Step Guide to Researching Companies,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (10), May 12. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/researching_companies_guide.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Making a Successful Transition from College to Career:

Time for a Reality Check," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (09), April 28. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college-to-career.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "The Career Doctor's Cures & Remedies to

Quintessentially Perplexing Career and Job-Hunting Ailments: Part II,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (08), April 14. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_doctor_cures/.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Resume Critique Worksheet," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 4 (07), March 31. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/resume_critique_worksheet.html.

Hansen, Randall S. and Katharine Hansen (2003), "What Resume Format is Best for

You?," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (07), March 31. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/best_resume_format.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "10-Step Career Tune-Up," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 4 (06), March 17. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_tuneup.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Time to Change Jobs…or Careers? A Quintessential

Careers Quiz," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (04), February 17. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_change_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "You Need a Career or Life Coach if...," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 4 (02), January 20. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/careerlife_coach_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Is Your Life in Balance? Work/Life Balance Quiz,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (01), January 6. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/work-life_balance_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "10 Tips for Getting Your Work/Life in Balance,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 4 (01), January 6. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/work-life_balance_tips.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Resigning with Class: How to Diplomatically Resign

From Your Job," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (25), December 16. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/resigning_job.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Job Resignation Do's and Don'ts," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 3 (25), December 16. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/resignation_dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "10 Ways to Develop Job Leads," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 3 (24), December 2. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/developing_job_leads.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Holiday Office Party Do's and Don'ts," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 3 (24), December 2. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/office_party_dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Don't Hold Your Breath for That Year-End Bonus,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (24), December 2. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/year-end_bonus.html.

Hansen, Randall S. and K.S. Hansen (2002), "Resume Strategy Quiz," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 3 (23), November 11. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/resume_strategy_quiz.html.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall S. Hansen (2002), "Resume Writing Quiz: Career

Changers," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (23), November 11. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career-changer_resume_quiz.html.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall S. Hansen (2002), "Resume Writing Quiz: Entry-Level Job-

Seeker/New Graduate," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (23), November 11.

URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/new_grad_resume_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. and K.S. Hansen (2002), "Resume Writing Quiz: Experienced Job-

Seekers," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (23), November 11. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/experienced_jobseeker_resume_quiz.html.

Hansen, K.S. & Randall S. Hansen (2002), "A Web-Ready Resume Can Be a Major

Advantage in Your Job Search," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (23), November

11. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/Web-ready_resume.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "High School Seniors: Preparing for Your Next Step After

High School," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (22), October 28. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/after_high_school.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "College-Bound High-School Senior Planning Calendar,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (22), October 28. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_application_timeline.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "College Admissions Do's and Don'ts," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 3 (2), October 28. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_admissions-dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Using a Career Journal to Further Your Career

Development and Empower Your Job-Search," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3

(21), October 14. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_development_journal.html.

Hansen, K.S., and Randall S. Hansen (2002), "Cover Letter Checklist," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 3 (20), September 30. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/cover_letter_checklist.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Developing a Strategic Vision for Your Career Plan,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (18), September 2. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_plan.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Career Research Checklist," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 3 (18), September 2. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_research_checklist.html.

Hansen, Randall S. and K.S. Hansen (2002), "Your Senior Year in College: 15

Activities that are Pivotal to Your Job-Search Success," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 3 (17), August 19. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/senior_year_success.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Your First Year of College: 25 Tips to Help You Survive and Thrive Your Freshman Year and Beyond," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3

(17), August 19. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/first-year_success.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Networking Business Cards: An Essential Job-Search

Tool for Career Changers and College Students When A Resume Just Won't Do,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (14), July 8. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/networking_business_cards.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Job Offer Too Low? Use These Key Salary Negotiation

Techniques to Write a Counter Proposal Letter," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3

(13), June 24. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/salary_counter_proposal.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Salary Negotiation, Compensation, and Job Offer Quiz,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (13), June 24. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/salary_job_offer_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "10 Essential Tips for Landing a Job Overseas,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (11), May 27. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/landing_international_job.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "International Job-Seeker Quiz," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 3 (11), May 27. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/global_jobseeker_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "References: The Keys to Choosing and Using the Best Job

References in Your Job Search," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (9), April 29.

URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_references.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "So You've Graduated College...What's Next for You?

Eight Critical Issues Facing New Grads," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (9),

April 29. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/next_after_college.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "The Career Doctor's Cures & Remedies to

Quintessentially Perplexing Career and Job-Hunting Ailments: Part I," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 3 (7), April 1. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_doctor_cures/first_ten.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Distance Learning Self-Assessment Quiz," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 3 (5), March 4. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/distance_learning_assessment.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Distance Learning Pros & Cons," Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 3 (5), March 4. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/distance_learning_pros-cons.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Distance Learning Do's and Don'ts," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 3 (5), March 4. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/distance_learning_dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Workplace Values Assessment: Do You Know the Work

Values You Most Want in a Job and an Employer -- and Does Your Current

Employment Reflect Those Values?," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (4),

February 18. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/workplace_values.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "15 Myths and Misconceptions About Job-Hunting,"

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (3), February 4. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job-hunting_myths.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Job Search Checklist," Quintessential Careers QuintZine,

3 (3), February 4. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job-search_checklist.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "The Master of Business Administration: Is the MBA

Worth the Time, Effort, and Cost?," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (2), January

21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/MBA_degree.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Mastering Your MBA Application," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 3 (2), January 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/MBA_applications.html.

Hansen, K.S., and Randall S. Hansen (2002), "New City, New Job: How to Conduct a

Long-Distance Job Search," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 3 (1), January 7. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/long-distance_job-search.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Uncovering a Company's Corporate Culture is a Critical

Task for Job-Seekers," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (24), November 26. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/employer_corporate_culture.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Internet Job-Hunting Do's and Don'ts," Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 2 (23), November 12. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/Internet_job-hunting-dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Resume Found: Keys to Successful Search Engine

Registration," Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (23), November 12. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/Web_resume_registration.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Salary Negotiation Do's and Don'ts," in Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 2 (21), October 22. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/salarydos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Responding to Requests for Salary Requirements or

Salary Histories: Strategies and Suggestions," in Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2

(21), October 22. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/salary_histories_requirements.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Using Key Marketing Tools to Position Yourself on the

Job Market," in Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (20), October 8. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/jobseeker_marketing_tools.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Job-Hunting in Times of Uncertainty: Five Overlooked

Strategies to Help Make Your Job Search More Productive -- and Successful," in

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (19), September 24. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job-search_strategies.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "How to Find Your Ideal Internship," in Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 2 (19), September 24. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/finding_ideal_internship.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Internship Do's and Don'ts," in Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 2 (19), September 24. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/internshipdos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Moving Up the Ladder: 10 Strategies for Getting Yourself

Promoted," in Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (15), July 30. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/getting_promoted_strategies.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Mastering the On-Site Interview: A Guide to Company

Visits," in Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (14), July 2. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/mastering_onsite_interviews.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Job-Hunting Etiquette Quiz," in Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 2 (13), June 18. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/jobhunting_etiquette_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Tips for a Dynamic Email Cover Letter," in

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (11), May 21. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/email_cover_letters.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Considering Graduate School? Answer These Five

Questions Before You Decide," in Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (10), May 7.

URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/considering_graduate_school.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Criteria for Choosing a Graduate Program," in

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (10), May 7. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/graduate_school_criteria.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Job Interview Follow-Up Do's and Don'ts," in

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (9), April 23. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/interview_follow-up-dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "A Job-Seeker's Guide to Successfully Completing Job

Applications," in Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (8), April 9. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_applications.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Job-Hunting Do's and Don'ts," in Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 2 (4), February 12. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/dosdonts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "The Word is Out: Becoming a Free Agent is a Hot Career

Path," in Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 2 (2), January 15. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/becoming_a_free_agent.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001), "Consultant/Free Agent Quiz," in Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 2 (2), January 15. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/consulting_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "The 10-Step Plan to Career Change," in Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 1 (21), December 4. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_change.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "Career Change Do's and Don'ts," in Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 1 (21), December 4. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_change-dos-donts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "Quintessential Careers Job Interviewing Quiz," in

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 1 (19), November 13. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_interviewing_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "Choosing a College that's Right for You," in

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 1 (18), November 6. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/choosing_a_college.html.

Hansen, Randall S. and K.S. Hansen (2000), "Using a SWOT Analysis in Your Career

Planning," in Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 1 (16), October 9. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/SWOT_Analysis.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "Making the Most of Your Internship(s)," in

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 1 (15), September 25. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/internship_success.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "Interviewing Do's and Don'ts," in Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 1 (10), July 10. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/interviewing-dosdonts.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "Quintessential Careers Job Skills Quiz," in Quintessential

Careers, May 15. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_quiz.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "A Guide for Teens: How to Find a Summer Job," in

Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 1 (3) April 3. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/finding_summer_jobs.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "Get Off Your Butt and Earn Money! Job Tips for People

Under 15," Power Students Network, March 12. URL: http://www.powerstudents.com/highschool/hs_jobsmoney/000312_jobtips.shtml.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "Preparing a Curriculum Vitae (CV)," in Quintessential

Careers, March 1. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/curriculum_vitae.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "Top Jobs for Y2K and Beyond," in Quintessential

Careers, January 30. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/top_jobs.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "Cold Calling: A Time-Tested Method of Job-Hunting,"

Quintessential Careers, January 23. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/cold_calling.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "Cutting the Deal: How to Negotiate Your Salary,"

Quintessential Careers, October 10. URL: http://www.powerstudents.com/career/getsmartzones/interview/991010_deal.sh


Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "Getting Fired: An Opportunity for Change and Growth,"

Quintessential Careers , September 14. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/getting_fired.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "Choosing a College Major: How to Chart Your Ideal

Path," in Quintessential Careers, August 24. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/choosing_major.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "When Job-Hunting: Dress for Success," in Quintessential

Careers, May 27. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/dress_for_success.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "Types of Job Interviews," in Quintessential Careers, April

27. URL: http://www.adguide.com/pages/articles/article49.htm.

Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "The New Era of Job-Hunting: Strategies for Finding

Employment on the Internet," in Quintessential Careers, April 20. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job-hunting_strategies.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "The Ten Keys to Success at Job and Career Fairs," in

Quintessential Careers, March 23. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_career_fairs.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "Networking Your Way to a New Job," in Adguide's

Quintessential Careers, Feb. 16. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/networking_guide.html

Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "Scannable Resume Fundamentals: How to Write Text

Resumes," in Quintessential Careers, Feb. 9. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/scannable_resumes.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "Your Job Skills Portfolio: Giving You an Edge in the

Marketplace," in Quintessential Careers. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/job_search_portfolio.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (1999), "The College/Graduate School Admissions Domino

Effect," in Quintessential Careers. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/college_domino.html.

Hansen, Randall S. and K.S. Hansen (1999), "Cover Letter Do's and Don'ts," in

Quintessential Careers. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/cover_letter-dosdonts.html.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall S. Hansen (1998), "The Dynamic Cover Letters Formula," in

Quintessential Careers. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/cover_letters.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (1998), "Fundamentals of a Good Resume," in Quintessential

Careers. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/resume.html.

Hansen, K.S. and Randall S. Hansen (1998), "The Job-Search Domino Effect: Key

Phases of Your Job Search," in Quintessential Careers. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/domino.html.


Hansen, Randall S. (2008), "How to Choose a College Major."

Presentation/workshop, 2008 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Stetson

University, June 26, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2007), "How to Search for a Job Abroad," presented at Global

Career Conference 2007, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Details in online tutorial.

Hansen, Randall S. and K.S. Hansen (2006), "Quintessential Careers Real World

Clinics." Presented at colleges and universities throughout Florida, November 3-16.

Details: Quintessential Careers Real World Clinics.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Resume Writing for Teens." Presented at 2006 Rotary

Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Stetson University, June 3, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens."

Presentation/workshop, 2006 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Stetson

University, June 1, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Career Planning Workshop." Conducted at ALANA Day,

Stetson University, April 18, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006), "Transition from College to the 'Real World'," presented at the Senior Symposium: Life After Stetson, Stetson University, April 8, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. and K.S. Hansen (2006), "Interviewing Skills," presented at the

Senior Symposium: Life After Stetson, Stetson University, April 8, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "The Use of a First-Year Business Experience Course: A

Detailed Examination (and Best Practices) of All Private U.S. AACSB-Accredited

Undergraduate Business Schools." Presented at 2005 AACSB Undergraduate

Programs Conference, November 18-19, Tampa, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "Resume Writing for Teens." Presented at 2005 Rotary

Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Stetson University, June 11, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens."

Presentation/workshop, 2005 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Stetson

University, June 9, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005), "BN109 Workshop." Half-day workshop developed for all

BN109 instructors, Stetson University, April 28, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), "10 Tips for Getting Good (or Better) Grades." Presented as keynote speaker for Pi Beta Phi Scholarship Banquet, Stetson University,

November 22, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. and K. S. Hansen (2004), "Career Planning and Networking." Fullday presentation/workshop to EMBA students, Stetson University, July 10,

Celebration, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "The Real World Panel: What I Wish I'd Known When I

Graduated." Organized and moderated panel discussion of recent alumni discussing job-hunting, workplace issues, and graduate school, an annual event of the SOBA at

Stetson University, December 3, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. and K. S. Hansen (2003), "First-Year Students: Eight Steps to

Getting Your Career on Track Early." Presented to combined BN109 class, December

2, Stetson University, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Writing a Resume That Helps Land the Interview: 10

Guidelines for New College Grads." Presented to the student chapter of the Florida

Public Relations Association (FPRA), November 6, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "To MBA...or Not to MBA." Moderated panel discussion on the value of the MBA degree to AMA Atlanta members, May 13, Atlanta, GA.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003), "Ten Things to Remember Through High School."

Presented to Career Development students at Kell High School, May 12, Marietta,


Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "The Real World Panel: What I Wish I'd Known When I

Graduated." Organized and moderated panel discussion of recent alumni discussing job-hunting, workplace issues, and graduate school, an annual event of the SOBA at

Stetson University, December 4, DeLand, FL.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002), "Developing Eye-Catching and Successful Flyers," a presentation on successfully using flyers in marketing and promotion campaigns, presented to the Stetson University Student Leaders Council, September 23, DeLand,


Hansen, Randall S. and K. S. Hansen (2001), "Job Search 101" and "Resumes & Cover

Letter Development," two workshops at the Career Symposium, Stetson University,

September 27, DeLand, Florida.

Oliphant, R.J., G.C. Oliphant, and Randall S. Hansen (2000), "Making Group

Formation a Job Market Experience," presented at the Academy of Business

Disciplines annual conference, November 2000, Ft. Myers, Florida.

Hansen, Randall S. (2000), "A Different Approach to E-Marketing," presented as part of a panel discussion titled, The Internet and the Marketing Classroom: A Panel

Discussion on the Development of Internet Marketing Courses and Pedagogy, at the

Society for Marketing Advances National Conference, November 2000, Orlando,


Hansen, Randall S. and K. S. Hansen (2000), "Job Search 101" and "Resumes & Cover

Letter Writing," two workshops at the Career Symposium & Etiquette Luncheon,

Stetson University, April 1, DeLand, Florida.

Hansen, Randall S. and R. J. Oliphant (1999), "Integrating Career Development

Techniques into the Marketing Curriculum," a workshop at the Atlantic Marketing

Association conference, September 1999, Annapolis, Maryland.

Hansen, Randall S. (1997), "Web Marketing Assignments," presented as part of a panel discussion titled, Pedagogical Developments: Marketing on the Internet, at

Southern Marketing Association National Conference, November 1997, Atlanta,


Hansen, Randall S. (1995), "Using E-Mail as a WAC Tool: An Experience from an

Applied Discipline," presented to E-Mail and English Classes: Cyberspace Writing

Partners Conference, March 1995, Morrisville, NY.


Hansen, Randall S. (2008). Review of Ferguson Career Resource Guide to

Internships and Summer Jobs, Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 24

(01), Spring, p 183-185.

Hansen, Randall S. (2008). Review of Get Ahead by Going Abroad: A Woman's Guide to Fast-Track Career Success,Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 8 (01), January 21.

URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Get_Ahead_Abroad.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006). Review of Career Intensity: Business Strategy for

WorkPlace Warriors and Entrepreneurs, Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 7 (11),

November 20. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Career_Intensity.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2006). Review of Hello Real World! A Student's Approach to

Great Internships, Co-ops, and Entry Level Positions, Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 7 (04), April 10. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Hello_Real_World.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2005). Review of They Don't Teach Corporate in College: A

Twenty-Something's Guide to the Business World, Quintessential Careers QuintZine,

6 (05), March 14. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Dont_Teach_Corporate.html

Hansen, Randall S. (2004). Review of Unofficial, Unbiased Guide to the 331 Most

Interesting Colleges 2005, Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (20), November 8.

URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Unofficial_College_Guide.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), Review of Downshifting: How to Work Less and Enjoy

Life More, Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (17), August 30. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Downshifting.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), Review of Outwitting the Job Market: Everything You

Need to Locate and Land a Great Position, Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (16),

August 16. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Outwitting_Job_Market.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2004), Review of The Betrayal of Work: How Low-Wage Jobs

Fail 30 Million Americans, Quintessential Careers QuintZine, 5 (11), June 7. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Betrayal_of_Work.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003). Review of Make College Yours, Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 4 (18), August 18. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Make_College_Yours.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2003). Review of Three Career Change Books, Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 4 (4), February 17. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/career_change_books.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2002). Review of The Gatekeepers, Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 3 (22), October 28. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Gatekeepers.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001). Review of The Potato Chip Difference, Quintessential

Careers QuintZine, 2 (20), October 8. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Potato_Chip_Difference.html.

Hansen, Randall S. (2001). Review of The Influence Edge, Quintessential Careers

QuintZine, 2 (15), July 30. URL: http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Influence_Edge.html.


"Ask the Expert" Career Column, American Marketing Association's Collegiate

Connection, 2007 to present.

Career Doctor Q&A Career Column. Biweekly column that began in 1999 and continues to present. These contributions further support my mission of empowering people by providing advice to real questions from all types of jobseekers. Details can be found here. Also published biweekly in CareerShop.com,

1999-2006. And weekly column in Daytona Beach News-Journal, 2002-present.


* Online Focus Groups: Analyzing the Potential of Online Career Portfolios for Job-


Author(s): Katharine Hansen and Randall S. Hansen

Status: Data gathered.

Submission Goal: TBD

* Integrating Team-Building into the First-Year Business Experience Class: The

What, Why, and How.

Author(s): Randall S. Hansen

Status: Draft in progress.

Submission: TBD journal

* First-Year Business Students: Measuring Expectations and Reality -- and the

Impact on Retention.

Author(s): Randall S. Hansen

Status: Preliminary stages of development.

Submission: TBD journal


Current research interests are directed solely toward pedagogical research in a variety of interrelated areas, including:

* first-year gateway business "experience" seminars;

* self-marketing and the utilization of marketing principles in the job search;

* applying various approaches to classroom group formation; team-building.

Other areas of interest include applied areas of managerial ethics and strategic issues in social responsibility. This includes identifying critical success factors in managing the ethical organization, the ethical decision-making process, and the ethics of advertising to children.


My focus is on both academic research as well as professional scholarship.

My goal is to write approximately one marketing- and career-related article a month for various distribution, so this area is constantly being researched and always a work in progress.

At the same time, I am also working on a number of research projects centered on career development and team-building in the business curriculum.



Reviewer (ad hoc) -- Service Industries Journal. 1993-Present.

Reviewer (ad hoc) -- Marketing Education Review. 1993-1999.

Editorial Board -- PERSPECTIVES: Marketing on the Internet (1998), Coursewise

Publishing, Inc.

Session Chair -- Marketing Education Track, 1999 Atlantic Marketing Association

Annual Conference.

Session Chair -- Marketing Education Track, 1997 Southern Marketing Association

Annual Conference.

Reviwer -- Internet Marketing Track, 2000 Academy of Marketing Science Annual


Reviwer -- Marketing Education Track, 1999 Atlantic Marketing Association


Discussant -- Marketing Education Track, 1998 Atlantic Marketing Association


Reviewer -- Internet Marketing Track, 1998 American Marketing Association

Summer Educators Conference.

Reviewer -- Marketing Education Track, 1997 Southern Marketing Association

Annual Conference.

Reviewer -- Marketing Education Track, 1997 American Marketing Association

Winter Educators Conference.

Reviewer -- Marketing Education and Evolving Track, 1997 American Marketing

Association Winter Educators Conference.

Discussant -- Marketing Strategy Track, 1995 Southern Marketing Association

Annual Conference.

Reviewer -- Marketing Education Track, 1995 Atlantic Marketing Association

Annual Conference.

Grader -- General Management Aptitude Test (GMAT). 1995-1999.

Reviewer -- Marketing Education Track, 1995 American Marketing Association

Summer Educator's Conference.

Reviewer -- Special Interest Track, 1995 American Marketing Association Summer

Educator's Conference.

Reviewer -- 1995 Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Annual Conference.

Reviewer -- Seventh Bi-Annual World Marketing Congress of the Academy of

Marketing Science.

Moderator -- Global Marketing Discussion List on the Internet, 1994-1995.

Reviewer -- Services/Nonprofit/Public Sector Marketing/Marketing Education

Track, 1994 Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Conference.

Reviewer -- Consumer Behavior Track, 1992 Southern Marketing Association

Annual Conference.


Chapter Advisor -- Stetson Marketing Association, student chapter of American

Marketing Association. 1993-1999; 2003-2007.

Chapter Advisor -- Alpha Kappa Psi, national business fraternity. 1992-1995.

Senator -- Faculty Senate, three-year term beginning in 1994. Served as member of

Executive Committee of Senate, 1994-1996.

Chair -- Faculty Senate, one-year term beginning in 1995; re-elected 1996.

Chair -- Human Subjects Committee, 2000-2001.

Committee Member -- Artists & Lecturers Committee, 2001-present.

Committee Member -- Student Publications Board, 1998-2003.

Committee Member -- Human Subjects Committee, 1997-2001.

Committee Member -- Academic Computing Committee, 1997-2000.

Board Member -- Friends of Art Board, College of Arts & Sciences, 1995-2000.

Committee Member -- Planning Issues Task Force Committee, 1995-1996.

Committee Member -- Enrollment Management Committee, 1994-1995.

Committee Member -- Applied Ethics Committee, 1994-1999.

Co-Director -- First Annual Stetson Marketing Day, one-day career-oriented special event held in conjunction with Marketing Week, 1993.

Interviewer -- Stetson Merit Scholarship Day, rating potential freshmen, 1993-1994.

At-Risk Advisor -- Stetson University At-Risk Program, advising and mentoring a group of business students identified by the university as being at-risk of not completing their degrees, 1993-1994.

Business School:

Coordinator -- BN109: First-Year Business Initiative, School of Business

Administration, 2005-present.

Coordinator -- SOBA Marketing Initiative, School of Business Administration, 2005present.

Chair -- Faculty Development Committee, School of Business, 2001-2007.

Chair -- Admissions Committee, School of Business, 1994-1997.

Web Master -- Department of Marketing Web Site, 1996-2003.

Editor -- School of Business newsletter, The Lynn Letter, 1996-2000.

Web Master -- School of Business Web Site Development, 1997.

Acting Chair -- Department of Marketing, School of Business, Summer 1994; July

1999, July 2000.

Committee Member -- Business Building Committee, School of Business, 1998-2000.

Committee Member -- Curriculum Committee, School of Business, 1997-2000.

Committee Member -- SOBA Web Site Committee, 2000, 2007.

Committee Member -- Academic Council, School of Business, 1994-1997, 2001-


Committee Member -- Ad Hoc Evaluations Committee, School of Business, 1993-


Committee Member -- Admissions Committee, School of Business, 1993-1997.

Committee Member -- Law and Ethics Curriculum Committee, School of Business,



Advisory Board Member -- National City Bank, Volusia County Board. 2003-present.

Career Expert -- Straight Talk About School, a World Wide Web site sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1997-1998.

Umpire -- DeLand Little League, 1996-1997.

Motivational Speaker -- Volusia Regional Juvenile Detention Center, May 1997


More recent course evaluations available upon request.

Stetson University (Fall 2001)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315 01: Principles of Marketing 4.25

MKT315 02: Principles of Marketing 4.08

MKT440: Advertising & Promotion Management 4.21

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Dr. Hansen made learning the material fun and his enthusiasm made me like marketing even more."

o "Dr. Hansen was a very good teacher and [I] probably learned more in this class than any other."

o "I loved this class! I love Dr. Hansen! He makes class fun to come to and to learn!"

o "...take the class, but be prepared for work."

Stetson University (Spring 2001)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing

MKT445: E-Marketing 4.33


MKT516: Marketing Decision-Making 4.19

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Dr. Hansen is an encouraging lecturer. He encourages students to operate and think outside the 'box.'"

o "He really loves marketing and displayed much enthusiasm about it, which made it much more interesting and easier to learn."

o "Dr. Hansen is an excellent instructor and displays genuine enthusiasm for the subject."

o "...take the course; it's enlightening and educating. For the professor gives it a special touch."

Stetson University (Fall 2000)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing 4.73

MKT440: Advertising & Promotion Management 4.52

MKT516: Marketing Decision-Making 3.57

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "He knows everything about marketing. Presents information very clearly and effectively."

o "Great course. I learned a lot not only about marketing, but about the job searching process and business in general."

o "I felt this course was one of the most beneficial I could have taken."

o "My favorite class yet in the Business School. It really tied in many real world situations. Very enjoyable class."

Stetson University (Spring 2000)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing 4.74

MKT417: Channels of Distribution 4.67

MKT516: Marketing Decision-Making 4.00

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Dr. Hansen is a great professor. I have not seen a more informative person to teach class in the two years that I have been here."

o "Dr. Hansen obviously cared about the students learning."

o "Dr. Hansen is a great teacher, very creative & inspiring."

o "Dr. Hansen is an extremely good professor. He showed incredible feedback which help[ed] me improve my grades."

Stetson University (Spring 1999)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing 4.73

MKT417: Channels of Distribution 4.38

MKT420: Global Internet Marketing 4.50

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Dr. Hansen should win the teachers award for excellence. He is an excellent professor, enthusiastic, motivating, and fair."

o "Dr. Hansen is a real genuine person who is focused on all students receiving an excellent education."

o "One of the best of my four-year experience."

o "I found this class and instructor to be one of the best here at Stetson."

o "Dr. Hansen is one of the most effective instructors I have had here at Stetson and it would be a great asset to the university if there were more like him."

Stetson University (Fall 1998)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing 4.76

MKT417: Channels of Distribution 4.83

MKT420: Global Internet Marketing 3.92

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Dr. Hansen clearly understands and enjoys his classes. He is always willing to help students and takes a personal interest in their lives, both school and personal."

o "Dr. Hansen is a great teacher. He is funny and makes class enjoyable. He is very down to earth as well."

o "Dr. Hansen is an excellent teacher and I thoroughly enjoyed this class."

o "Dr. Hansen's innovative teaching skills have encouraged me as a new marketing major. I loved his enthusiasm about the course work and appreciated his humor with the class. I would recommend Dr. Hansen to another student taking this course."

o "Dr. Hansen is by far the greatest professor that I have had in my 4 years at

Stetson. His course is extremely intense and challenging, but I have learned a great deal about the subject through his thorough feedback on my performance. He also goes out of his way to help his students in any way possible."

Stetson University (Spring 1998)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing 4.57

MKT420: Global Marketing 4.60

MKT445: Internet Marketing 4.69

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "I think Dr. Hansen is the absolute best teacher I've had at this University.

He's effective, and enjoyable to learn from. I wish I could take more of his courses."

o "Dr. Hansen is a great teacher. He is very organized and always on top of the subject. His door is always open to students and he really enjoys his job."

o "One of the best courses I've taken at Stetson. Hansen is energetic and informative."

o "Dr. Hansen is one very helpful individual. Not only is he resourceful, but he is very understanding."

o "I wish Dr. Hansen taught more classes! He's awesome and really takes time to understand and listen to students."

Stetson University (Fall 1997)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing

MKT420: Global Marketing 4.46

MKT445: Internet Marketing 4.79


Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Dr. Hansen is an excellent teacher."

o "[Dr. Hansen] was relaxed and showed great enthusiasm. The learning environment was great."

o "I really enjoyed this class and believe it was really helpful. I feel this class had an impact on my career choice which wasn't clearly defined at the beginning of this semester."

o "This has been by far one of my favorite marketing classes at Stetson. Dr.

Hansen taught us very well."

o "Dr. Hansen is an asset to the university."

Stetson University (Spring 1997)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing 4.69

MKT420: Global Marketing 4.28

MKT445: Internet Marketing 4.75

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Dr. Hansen is an excellent educator and has made an impact on my life by opening my eyes to marketing."

o "This was the most interesting, fun, extensive, up-to-date, wonderful, awesome, creative class I have ever taken."

o "Dr. Hansen was always very helpful to students, showed he wanted to help students."

o "He presented the material very clearly and his tests were clear as well. He was interesting and enthusiastic about class."

o "Dr. Hansen is an excellent teacher. He has a true gift for bringing everything down to the level of the students, and making the room environment conducive to participation and learning."

o "I loved Dr. Hansen's class. He was an excellent professor. He was interested in every comment I made and helped me with an internship. He is an extremely dedicated Stetson professor. I really enjoyed his class."

Stetson University (Fall 1996)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing 4.27

MKT420: Global Marketing 4.50

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "He was really personable and truly interested in teaching."

o "He was extremely enthusiastic. Always available to students and willing to help. Goes above and beyond call of duty. Very understanding and concerned with students. Would take him again."

o "This course could have been boring and uneventful, but Dr. Hansen made it interesting and stimulating."

o "Dr. Hansen is a wonderful teacher."

o "Dr. Randall Hansen is one of the best instructors I've ever had."

Stetson University (Spring 1996)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT420: Global Marketing 3.83

MKT440: Advertising Management 4.47

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Instructor's strength is his creativity."

o "Instructor's strength is his willingness to meet with students and to help."

o "Instructor's strength is his knowledge in the subject area."

Stetson University (Fall 1995)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT417: Channels of Distribution 3.60

MKT420: Global Marketing 4.35

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Instructor's strength is his willingness to provide immediate feedback on work."

o "Instructor's strength is his knowledge and enthusiasm."

o "Dr. Hansen is always willing to help and read over papers. Fun. Friendly."

o "Instructor's strength is his assignments, which utilized a variety of skills both written and oral."

Stetson University (Spring 1995)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing

MKT315: Principles of Marketing

MKT420: Global Marketing 3.77



Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Dr. Hansen is awesome!"

o "Dr. H is a very personable prof and this enable good interaction with his students."

o "Dr. Hansen is great! He is understanding and his communication with us through e-mail was really good.."

o "I believe that Dr. Hansen is motivated and enthusiastic about class. He presented the material clearly and kept the class interested."

Stetson University (Fall 1994)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT417: Channels of Distribution 3.82

MKT420: Global Marketing 4.00

MKT445: Gender Issues in Marketing 4.08

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Instructor's strength is his enthusiasm in the class and his knowledge."

o "He's a good listener and a great teacher. He knows his information and brings in outside articles to aid discussions."

o "Instructor's strength is his enthusiasm; sense of humor; down to Earth."

Stetson University (Spring 1994)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing

MKT315: Principles of Marketing

MKT420: Global Marketing 4.00



Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "He's a genius; he's enthusiastic; he presents the material in such a way that we want to learn it; he's a snappy dresser; he's a guru in the field of marketing."

o "Encouraged class discussion, very fair to students, very helpful, and interesting."

o "I feel he is one of the best professors in the business school because he cares about his students and how they are doing."

Stetson University (Fall 1993)

"Overall Rating of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing 4.38

MKT417: Channels of Distribution 4.33

MKT420: Global Marketing 4.81

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Dr. Hansen is truly a very kind, funny, interesting, helpful, and just plain nice. I would recommend him to anyone."

o "Best professor at Stetson."

o "He is one of the best I have had here at Stetson. His understanding and his knowledge of the real world. His high moral standards allow students to trust him completely."

Stetson University (Spring 1993)

"Overall Effectiveness of Instructor"

MKT315: Principles of Marketing 4.25

MKT316: Consumer Behavior 4.43

MKT417: Channels of Distribution 4.61

Selected comments from student evaluations:

o "Dr. Hansen presented the course material in a clear and understandable manner. He knows the topic covered in the course in great depth and has an exceptional knowledge of the material. More importantly, he is able to communicate this to his students."

o "His strength is is ability to relate on a personal level to his students."

o "His strength is his clarity in lecturing, fairness and willingness to help and his availability outside class."



* ABSEL National Conference, San Francisco, March 2006.

* College Teaching & Learning Conference and International Applied Business

Research Conference, Jan. 2006.

* AACSB Undergraduate Programs Conference, Tampa, FL. Nov. 2005.

* College Teaching & Learning Conference and International Applied Business

Research Conference, Orlando, January 2005.

* Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference, Orlando, November 2000.

* e-Recruiting & Staffing Conference, Las Vegas, May 2000

* Atlantic Marketing Association Annual Conference, Annapolis, September 1999.

* Atlantic Marketing Association Annual Conference, Savannah, October 1998.

* Southern Marketing Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, November 1997.

* Southern Marketing Association Annual Conference, Orlando, November 1995.

* Atlantic Marketing Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, October 1995.

* E-Mail and English Classes: Cyberspace Writing Partners Conference, SUNY-

Morrisville, March 1995.

* American Marketing Association 16th Annual International Collegiate

Conference, New Orleans, April 1994.

* Southern Marketing Association Annual Conference, Orlando, November 1993.

* Atlantic Marketing Association Annual Conference, Orlando, October 1993.

* American Marketing Association 15th Annual International Collegiate

Conference, New Orleans, April 1993.

* Southern Marketing Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, November


* Southern Marketing Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, November 1991.

* American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, San Diego,

August 1991.

* American Marketing Association 26th Annual Doctoral Consortium, University of

Southern California, July 1991.

* Annual Meeting of the Society for Business Ethics, Miami, July 1991.

* Southern Marketing Association Annual Conference, Orlando, November 1990.

* Southern Management Association Annual Conference, Orlando, November


* Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, April 1990.


* BN109 Workshop, School of Business Administration, Stetson University, April


* Storytelling for Organizational Success, Washington, DC, April 2005.

* TrueColors Personality System Certification Training and Workshop, Oakland,

March 2005.

* Certified Electronic Career Coach Program, eCareerLearn.com, Spring 2003.

* Master Teaching Seminar, SOBA, Stetson University, June 2002.

* World Wide Web Page Development Workshop, Stetson University, January


* Ethics-Across-the-Curriculum Workshop, Stetson University, May 1994.

* Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Workshop, Stetson University, May/June 1993.

* Research-Across-the-Curriculum Workshop, Stetson University, May 1993.

* University Experience Workshop, Stetson University, May 1993


* Alpha Kappa Psi

* American Marketing Association

* Beta Gamm Sigma

* Career Management Alliance

* Professional Resume Writing & Research Association

* HTML Writers Guild

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