BUSAC Presentation to the Biology Division 2005-2006 Introductory Questions Field of Interest 8% 18% 11% Biochem 5% Neuro Undecided Premed 26% Developmental Biology Other 32% Are you happy at Caltech? 100 Percent of Happy People 80 69 69 60 60 38 40 40 20 0 Overall Freshman Sophmore Groups Juniors Seniors Are you happy as a biology major? 100 92 Percent of Happy People 80 78 80 75 60 40 40 20 0 Overall Freshman Sophmore Groups Junior Senior Interesting Trends… More people happy as a biology major than as a Techer (78% vs. 60%) People are happier with their major than with the school as a whole Significant decrease in happiness during junior and senior years What causes this downward trend? Structure and Content of the Biology Curriculum Average Satisfaction Rating . 8 Rating 10 6 6.0 5.6 3.9 4 2 0 Biology Curriculum Intro Courses 1 = dissatisfied, 10 = satisfied Advanced Courses Suboption Choices Suboption Requirements 11.4% 25.7% Suboption Guidelines 62.9% General Requirements Under-represented Fields Over-represented Fields Inappropriate/Outdated Requirements Anatomy Anthropology Bioengineering Bioinformatics Biophysics Biotechnology Botany Developmental Biology Ecology Evolutionary Biology Immunology Physiology Systems Biology Zoology Biochemistry Microbiology Neurobiology Bi 8/Bi 9 -> inappropriate only because they do not adequately prepare students for the advanced courses (Although these were noted as overrepresented, students did not want courses taken away) Student Comment/Suggestions The suboptions would be helpful in giving students a focus. More classes would need to be offered in different fields for suboptions to work. There is student interest for the following suboptions: biochemistry, computational biology, molecular/cell biology, macrobiology, neurobiology Mechanics of the Curriculum Scheduling Satisfaction Rating: 5.03 Are Classes Appropriately Distributed Among the Three Terms? 45% Yes 55% No Scheduling (cont.) Comments: Introductory courses can conflict with core Not enough to do third term sophomore year Biology classes conflict with each other Recommendations: Move some first and second term classes to third term Try to minimize time overlaps for biology classes Student Satisfaction 10 8 6.38 6.30 6 5 4 2 0 Sequence Overlap How classes Build Class Units Overunited Bi 8 (took the course prior to this year) Underunited Bi 117 Bi 122 Bi 123 Bi 145 Curriculum Comments Professors do not seem enthusiastic about teaching low level courses Outlined “tracks” for students More macrobiology Suggestions: Create a system of suboptions with guidelines Update information in the course catalogue (Bi 8 & 9 listed as sophomore year classes) Teaching and Course Specifics Student Satisfaction 10 8 6 5.64 5.45 4.68 4 2 0 Professors TA system Advisor System Do advisors & professors respect your opinion? Response: Yes Sometimes No Comments: Sometimes appear annoyed or impatient Seem more concerned about their research Difficult to get in touch with them Suggestions for Improvement Increase communication between professors and the TAs Review homework sets before they are distributed Increase communication between professors and students More office hours from the professors Publicize an ombudsperson at the beginning of the class www.its.caltech.edu/~busac The worst part about being a biology major 68% of the people that responded said that the introductory courses were the worst ones they had taken Comments: The intro courses do not prepare you well Too little macrobiology Professors are not passionate about teaching The worst part about being a biology major Suggestions: Reorganize Bi 8 and 9 so that Bi 9 can build off of Bi 8 or act as a continuation Introduce more macrobiology courses Encourage participation from the students Have publicized office hours The best part about being a biology major Bi 10, Ch 41, Bi 113, and Bi 117 are common favorites Comments: The research is amazing You learn about the latest research in class There are many options The professors are better than in other departments Thank you for your time! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail Neha at das@caltech.edu