OpenACC for Fortran PGI Compilers for Heterogeneous Supercomputing Advanced GPU Programming Data management API routines Multiple devices Atomic operations Derived types Managed memory Conditional GPU code Multicore as a target Interoperability with OpenMP Interoperability with CUDA C and CUDA Libraries Interoperability with CUDA Fortran Data Management API acc_copyin(a(:)) acc_create(b(:)) acc_copyout(a(:)) acc_delete(b(:)) acc_is_present(a(2:n-1)) acc_update_host(a(2:n-1)) acc_update_device(b(2:n)) acc acc acc acc enter data copyin enter data create exit data copyout exit data delete acc update host acc update device Multiple Devices Environment Variable ACC_DEVICE_NUM API routine acc_set_device_num - call acc_set_device_num( 1, acc_device_nvidia ) OpenMP, based on thread number - nd = acc_get_num_devices( acc_device_nvidia ) - ign = mod(omp_get_thread_num(),nd) - call acc_set_device_num( ign, acc_device_nvidia ) MPI, based on rank - nd = acc_get_num_devices( acc_device_nvidia ) call mpi_comm_rank( mpi_comm_world, irank, ierror ) ign = mod(irank,nd) call acc_set_device_num( ign, acc_device_nvidia ) Multiple devices with OpenMP nd = acc_get_num_devices( acc_device_nvidia ) !$omp parallel private(ign) ign = mod(omp_get_thread_num(),nd) call acc_set_device_num( ign, acc_device_nvidia ) !$omp end parallel ... !$acc data copy(a(:,:)) !$omp parallel do do j = 1, n !$acc parallel loop do i = 1, n a(i,j) = ... enddo enddo !$acc end data What could go wrong? Multiple devices with OpenMP ... !$omp parallel !$acc data copy( a(:,:) ) !$omp do do j = 1, n !$acc parallel loop present(a) do i = 1, n a(i,j) = ... enddo enddo !$acc end data !$omp end parallel What could go wrong? Multiple devices with one thread nd = acc_get_num_devices( acc_device_nvidia ) nchunk = (n+nd-1)/nd do ign = 0, nd-1 call acc_set_device_num( ign, acc_device_nvidia ) jlow = ign*nchunk + 1 jhigh = max(n, (ign+1)*nchunk) !$acc enter data copyin(a(:,jlow:jhigh)) async !$acc parallel loop async do j = jlow, jhigh do i = 1, n a(i,j) = ... enddo enddo !$acc exit data copyout(a(:,jlow:jhigh)) async enddo !$acc wait What could go wrong? Multiple devices with MPI No sharing between ranks, even on same GPU Can run out of memory (no virtual memory on GPU) Atomic Operations OpenACC atomic construct, like OpenMP atomic construct - some constructs will generate hardware atomic operations !$acc atomic update x = x + a(i) !$acc atomic update y = min(y,b(i)) !$acc atomic capture ix = ix + 1 ime = ix !$acc atomic Fortran Derived Types Arrays of derived type work just like arrays Derived type with fixed size array members, should just work Derived type with allocatable array members - Deep copy not implemented (or defined) - Workaround for PGI type mdt integer :: n real, dimension(:), allocatable :: xm end type type(dt) :: x ... !$acc enter data copyin(x) !$acc enter data copyin(x%xm) .... !$acc exit data copyout(x%xm) !$acc exit data delete(x) type mdt integer :: n real, dimension(:), allocatable :: xm end type type(dt), allocatable :: x(:) ... !$acc enter data copyin(x) do i = 1, n !$acc enter data copyin(x(i)%xm) enddo .... Managed Memory Compile and link with –ta=tesla:managed Allocate statements will allocate in CUDA Unified Memory Advantages - Most data clauses can be skipped, and in fact are ignored If locality works, most data stays on the GPU Data transfers use fast pinned data transfers Good for initial porting Derived type allocatable members automatically work Managed Memory Disadvantages - All managed memory is moved to the GPU for each kernel launch - No prefetch, no asynchronous data movement - Only works for dynamically allocated memory - local variables, module variables, static symbols are not managed - Limited to memory size of the GPU Allocate and Deallocate are expensive Kepler only Only one device Your program can segfault(!) if the host code accesses managed data GPU is busy Conditional GPU code if clause on acc parallel / acc kernels acc_on_device(acc_device_...) subroutine host_or_device( a, ongpu ) real, dimension(:) :: a logical :: ongpu !$acc parallel loop if(ongpu) default(present) do i = 1, ubound(a,1) if( acc_on_device( acc_device_nvidia) )then a(i) = hostfoo( a(i) ) else a(i) = devfoo( a(i) ) endif... Compile for GPU and Host –ta=tesla,host - compiles each compute region for Tesla and sequential host code ACC_DEVICE_TYPE - nvidia or host acc_set_device_type( acc_device_nvidia | acc_device_host ) Compile for Multicore –ta=multicore - compiles each compute region for parallel multicore host execution - –ta=tesla,multicore will work in 2016 Currently being beta tested - only one outer parallel loop is run in parallel - no tuning for multicore execution (yet) - no data movement (data clauses ignored) Useful for initial code development Useful for multi-target code deployment Interoperability with OpenMP –acc –mp to enable OpenACC and OpenMP Threads can share a GPU Shared data on host will be shared on the GPU as well Data regions can overlap for shared data - data created / copied in at entry to first data region - data copied out / deleted at exit from last data region, even if different thread Interoperability with OpenMP 4 No existing implementation of OpenMP 4 and OpenACC (Cray?) Data management of both are coherent - copy == map(inout), copyin == map(in), copyout == map(out), create == map(alloc) - OpenACC defines two copies kept coherent by program - OpenMP defines mapping a single copy from host to device and back Parallelism management is very different - OpenMP has teams, threads, SIMD lanes OpenACC has gangs, workers, vector lanes OpenMP is strictly prescriptive, parallel loop is a loop that runs in parallel OpenACC is more descriptive, parallel loop is a real parallel loop Same runtime should be able to handle both in a single program Interoperability with OpenMP 4 No existing implementation of OpenMP 4 and OpenACC (Cray?) Data management of both are coherent - copy == map(inout), copyin == map(in), copyout == map(out), create == map(alloc) - OpenACC defines two copies kept coherent by program - OpenMP defines mapping a single copy from host to device and back Parallelism management is very different - OpenMP has teams, threads, SIMD lanes OpenACC has gangs, workers, vector lanes OpenMP is strictly prescriptive, parallel loop is a loop that runs in parallel OpenACC is more descriptive, parallel loop is a real parallel loop Same runtime should be able to handle both in a single program Interoperability with CUDA The device kernels are CUDA kernels, the data is CUDA data Data interoperability - Calling OpenACC C with data from CUDA C Calling OpenACC Fortran with data from CUDA C Calling OpenACC Fortran with data from CUDA Fortran Calling CUDA C with OpenACC data Calling CUDA Fortran with OpenACC data Compute interoperability - Calling CUDA C device routines from OpenACC - Calling CUDA Fortran device routines from OpenACC OpenACC data in CUDA C #pragma acc data copyin(a[0:n]) copy(x[0:n]) { ... #pragma acc host_data use_device(a) { cuda_routine( a ); } ... #pragma acc parallel loop for( j = 0; j < n; ++j ) a[j] = ... } CUDA C data in OpenACC float *a; cudaMalloc( &a, sizeof(float)*n ); ... openacc_routine( a ); ... void openacc_routine( float* a ){ ... #pragma acc parallel loop deviceptr(a) for( j = 0; j < n; ++j ) a[j] = ... } CUDA C data in OpenACC float *a; cudaMalloc( &a, sizeof(float)*n ); ... openacc_routine_( a ); ... subroutine openacc_routine( a ) real a(*) !$acc parallel loop deviceptr(a) do j = 1, n a(j) = ... enddo end subroutine CUDA Fortran data in OpenACC real, allocatable, device :: a(:) allocate(a(n)) ... call openacc_routine(a) ... subroutine openacc_routine( a ) real, device :: a(*) !$acc parallel loop do j = 1, n a(j) = ... enddo end subroutine OpenACC data in CUDA Fortran real, allocatable :: a(:) allocate(a(n)) !$acc data copyin(a) ... call cuf_routine(a) ... !$acc end data ... subroutine cuf_routine( a ) real, device :: a(*) !$cuf kernels do<<<*,64>>> do i = 1, n .... OpenACC data in CUDA Fortran real, allocatable :: a(:) allocate(a(n)) !$acc data copyin(a) ... call cuf_kernel<<<n/64,64>>>(a) ... !$acc end data ... attributes(global) subroutine cuf_routine( a ) real, device :: a(*) .... CUDA device routines in OpenACC interface subroutine cudadev( a, i, x ) bind(c) real a(*) real, value :: x integer, value :: i !$acc routine seq end subroutine end interface ... !$acc parallel loop gang vector present(a) do i = 1, n call cudadev( a, i, x ) enddo CUDA device routines in OpenACC __device__ void cudadev( float* a, int i, float x ){ a[i] *= x; } CUDA device routines in OpenACC module mm contains attributes(device) subroutine cudadev( a, i, x ) real a(*) real, value :: x integer, value :: i a(i) = x*a(i) end subroutine end module use mm !$acc parallel loop gang vector present(a) do i = 1, n call cudadev( a, i, x ) enddo CUDA Fortran and OpenACC Data with device attribute can be used in OpenACC regions Data transfers with pinned attribute will be faster OpenACC compute regions may call CUDA library OpenACC compute regions may call user device procedures OpenACC data may be passed to arguments with device attribute CUDA Libraries -Mcudalib=cublas|cufft|curand|cusparse CUBLAS - use cublas or use cublasxt or use openacc_cublas CUFFT - use cufft - cufftSetStream(plan,acc_get_cuda_stream(acc_async_sync)) CURAND - use curand or use openacc_curand THRUST - interface blocks, acc_get_cuda_stream(acc_async_sync) OpenACC and OpenMP 4 OpenACC OpenMP Focused on accelerated computing General purpose parallelism More agile More measured Performance Portability Performance Portability a challenge Descriptive Prescriptive Parallel loops Loops that run across threads Extensive interoperability Limited interoperability More mature for accelerators More mature for multi-core Modern HPC Node X86 CPU X86 CPU $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ HT/QPI Shared Cache Shared Cache High Capacity Memory High Capacity Memory Modern HPC Node X86 CPU GPU Accelerator $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PCIe 3 Shared Cache $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Shared Cache High Capacity Memory High Bandwidth Memory $ Latency- vs Throughput-Optimized Cores CPU, LOC Fast clock (2.5-3.5 GHz) More work per clock - deep pipelining 3-5 wide multiscalar instruction issue 4-16 wide SIMD instructions 4-24 cores Fewer stalls - Large 10-24MB cache Complex branch prediction Out-of-order execution 2-4 wide multithreading Accelerator, GPU, TOC Slow clock (.8-1.2 GHz) More work per clock - shallow pipelining 1-2 wide multiscalar instruction issue 16-64 wide SIMD instructions 24-72 cores Fewer stalls - Small .25-2MB cache Little branch prediction In-order execution 15-32 wide multithreading Modern HPC Node X86 CPU Xeon Phi $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PCIe 3 Shared Cache $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Shared Cache High Capacity Memory High Bandwidth Memory $ Modern HPC Node APU $ $ $ $ $ $ Shared Cache High Capacity Memory Modern HPC Node Knights Landing $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Shared Cache High Capacity Memory High Bandwidth Memory $ Modern HPC Node APU $ $ $ $ $ $ High Bandwidth Memory Shared Cache High Capacity Memory Modern HPC Node POWER CPU $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Tesla Accelerator NVLink Shared Cache $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Shared Cache High Capacity Memory High Bandwidth Memory $ Modern HPC Node ARM CPU Tesla Accelerator $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PCIe 3 Shared Cache $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Shared Cache High Capacity Memory High Bandwidth Memory $ Modern HPC Node ARM CPU Tesla Accelerator $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ NVLink Shared Cache $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Shared Cache High Capacity Memory High Bandwidth Memory $ Performance Portability The same program runs and runs well across multiple targets Performance Portability program seq(s) gpu(s) speedup m-core(s) speedup clvrleaf 2698 161.73 16.7 511.1 5.2 13463 115.43 116.0 400.03 33.6 1062 146.13 7.3 319.93 3.3 449 305.97 1.4 95.75 4.7 13835 60.13 230.0 2276.57 6.0 537 83.98 6.4 121.20 4.4 md minighost olbm ostencil swim These are SPECAccel benchmark estimates dual-processor Intel Haswell (32 cores) with NVIDIA K80 GPU OpenACC Course – Starts Oct 1st A Free Online Course Experienced Instructors OpenACC Toolkit GPU Access 4 Classes 4 Office Hours Hands-on Labs Register at Performance Portable Programming Challenges and Opportunities - high core count devices - large system memories, smaller high-bandwidth memories OpenACC is demonstrating performance portability Data management: as important as parallelism - data location as well as data layout Parallelism: Expose, Express, Exploit - performance, not parallelism OpenACC 1, 2, 2.5, 3, ... OpenACC 1.0: data region, compute region, update, async OpenACC 2.0: +routine, +atomics, +enter data/exit data OpenACC 2.5: +default(present), -present_or_, +profile interface OpenACC 3.0 (planned): deep copy, shared memory options Backup, backup, backup backup ` !$acc data copyin(a(:,:), v(:)) copy(x(:)) !$acc parallel !$acc loop gang do j = 1, n sum = 0.0 !$acc loop vector reduction(+:sum) do i = 1, n sum = sum + a(i,j) + v(i) enddo x(j) = sum enddo !$acc end parallel !$acc end data ` !$acc data copyin(a(:,:), v(:)) copy(x(:)) call matvec( a, v, x, n ) !$acc end data ... subroutine matvec( m, v, r, n ) real :: m(:,:), v(:), r(:) !$acc parallel present(a,v,r) !$acc loop gang do j = 1, n sum = 0.0 !$acc loop vector reduction(+:sum) do i = 1, n sum = sum + m(i,j) + v(i) enddo r(j) = sum enddo !$acc end parallel end subroutine ` !$acc data copyin(a(:,:), v(:)) copy(x(:)) call matvec( a, v, x, n ) !$acc end data ... subroutine matvec( m, v, r, n ) real :: m(:,:), v(:), r(:) !$acc parallel default(present) !$acc loop gang do j = 1, n sum = 0.0 !$acc loop vector reduction(+:sum) do i = 1, n sum = sum + m(i,j) + v(i) enddo r(j) = sum enddo !$acc end parallel end subroutine call init( v, n ) call fill( a, n ) !$acc data copy( x ) do iter = 1, niter call matvec( a, v, x, n ) call interp( b, x, n ) !$acc update host( x ) write(...) x call exch( x ) !$acc update device( x ) enddo !$acc end data ... subroutine init( v, n ) real, allocatable :: v(:) allocate(v(n)) v(1) = 0 do i = 2, n v(i) = .... enddo !$acc enter data copyin(v) end subroutine