1 eRHIC Design at Brookhaven National Laboratory Vladimir N. Litvinenko for eRHIC team Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA Center for Accelerator Science and Education V.N. Litvinenko, EIC UG meeting, Stony Brook University , June 25, 2014 eRHIC design & R&D team BNL: Z. Altinbas, E.C.Aschenauer, S.Belomestnykh, I.Ben-Zvi, D. Beavis, M. Blaskiewicz, S.Brooks, C.Brutus, T.Burton, A.Fedotov, C.M. Folz, D.Gassner, H. Hahn, Y.Hao, J. Jamilkowski, Y.Jing, F.X. Karl, D.Kayran, R. Lambiase, C.Liu, Y.Luo, G.Mahler, M.Mapes, G.McIntyre, W.Meng, F.Meot, T.Miller, M.Minty, P. Orfin, B.Parker, A. Pendzick, I.Pinayev, V.Ptitsyn, T. Rao, T.Roser, , J. Sandberg, B. Sheehy J.Skaritka, K. Smith, L. Snydstrup, R. Than, O.Tchoubar, P.Thieberger, D.Trbojevic, N.Tsoupas, J.Tuozzolo, E.Wang, G.Wang, D. Weiss, M. Willinski, Q.Wu, W.Xu, A. Zaltsman Stony Brook University/CASE: A. Elizarov, V.N. Litvinenko, C.Marques, O.Rahman E. Riehn, M.Ruiz-Oses, T. Xin, Y. Wu BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia: V.V. Anashin, T.V. Bedareva, M.A. Kholopov, A. Krasnov, A.M. Semenov, O. Shevchenko, P. Vobly Niowave, Lansing, MI: C. Boulware, T. Grimm, R. Jecks, N. Miller AES, Medford, NY: M.D. Cole, A.J. Favale, D. Holmes, J. Rathke, T. Schultheiss, A.M. Todd Tech-X, Bolder Co: G.I. Bell, J.R. Cary, K. Paul, I.V. Pogorelov, B.T. Schwartz, A. Sobol, S.D. Webb Stangenes Industries, Palo Alto, CA: C. Yeckel, R. Miller, M. Stangenes, K. Thompson Transfer Engineering, Fremont, CA: M. Ackeret, J. Pietz, L. Neverida Atlas Technologies, Pt. Townsend, WA: D. Bothel, J. Bothel, T. Casey Thermionics NW, Pt. Townsend, WA: K. Coates STFC, Daresbury, Warrington, UK: P. McIntosh, A.Moss, A. Wheelhouse SLAC: D. Ratner, V. Yakimenko ANL: P.N. Ostroumov Jlab: M Pielker MIT: E. Tsentalovich CERN: R. Calaga, S. Verdu-Andres eRHIC History Line • I. Ben-Zvi, J. Kewisch, J. Murphy, S.Peggs, “Accelerator Physics Issues in eRHIC”, Nuclear Instrumentations and Methods in Physics Research A 463 (2001), p.94. • -1; ERL linac-ring as backup) (2004). eRHIC ZDR (the ring-ring design with L~1032 cm-2 seRHIC Design Study • ERL-based eRHIC with separated re-circulating passes An Electron-Ion Collider at BNL – – L~1034 cm-2 s-, high hadron beam intensity, upgrades in hadron ring, Space Charge Compensation Energy staging. First stage eRHIC: 4-5 GeV electron machine. • • 2012-2013: Work on cost optimized machine design. Bottom-up cost estimate and optimization: minimal cost first stage (5 GeV) eRHIC with separated re-circulating passes: $530 mln. (detector(s) not included). • ERL with two FFAG re-circulating passes + HOM damped LF SRF cavities + permanent magnets – – • construction and operational cost savings No energy staging. Using FFAG passes quadruple the energy reach at moderate cost. 10 GeV FFAG design has been evaluated by Machine Advisory Committee (Nov. 2013) : ”The MAC congratulates the eRHIC design team for its ingenious and novel use of the FFAG concept.” eRHIC • 21.2 GeV full-energy 16-pass ERL DRAFT First draft of “eRHIC Design Study” report includes the Accelerator Design Chapter February 2014 presenting main features of eRHIC FFAG design. 1 (Final report version expected in summer) eRHIC: QCD Facility at BNL 4 12 o’clock proposed Add electron accelerator to the existing $2B RHIC RHIC PHENIX e- Unpolarized and 80% polarized leptons, 5-21.2 GeV EBIS BOOSTER 3.8 km in circumference STAR p 70% polarized protons 100-250 GeV RF Light ions (d,Si,Cu) Heavy ions (Au,U) 50-100 GeV/u ERL Test Facility Polarized light ions (He3) 167 GeV/u ee+ AGS Center of mass energy range: 30-145 GeV Any polarization direction in lepton-hadrons collisions electrons protons TANDEMS eRHIC with 21.2 GeV ERL 5 Conclusion first • We found at BNL a cost-effective way of building the full-energy EIC: (21.2 GeV polarized electrons x 255 GeV p) from day one using and ERL with FFAG arcs for 16 recirculation passes • The cost of the machine is similar to a that with 5 GeV ERL using regular arcs • It is designed to reach day-one high luminosity > 1033 cm-2 s-1 up to 125 GeV CM energy and 145 GeV CM energy at 40% of the luminosity. • R&D is under way on high current polarized electron source (Gatling Gun), effective hadron cooling (Coherent electron Cooling) and high current ERL. • We built in head-room for future accelerator improvement projects (AIPs) to increase luminosity toward 1034 - 1035 cm-2 s-1. In this sense, we are using RHIC model, where AIPs were used for reaching luminosity 20-fold above the design value. eRHIC kinematic reach: light box Ee, GeV Ec.m.., GeV 200 175 175 150 150 125 125 100 100 75 75 50 50 25 25 < 25 Ep, GeV Ultimate eRHIC luminosity as function of beam energies L., cm-2 sec-1 Ee, GeV 1035 Not Accessible 1.1034 2.1034 9.1034 8.1034 7.1034 3.1034 6.1034 5.1034 1035 3.1034 4.1034 4.1034 5.1034 6.1034 7.1034 8.1034 9.1034 3.1034 > 1035 Not Accessible 2.1034 1.1034 Ep, GeV The box shows eRHIC reach in energy with current FFAG arc design from day one V.N. Litvinenko, EIC UG meeting, Stony Brook University , June 25, 2014 eRHIC – day one Luminosities at top hadron beam energy 2He3 79Au197 9.4 p 250 122.5 9.4 167 81.7 9.4 100 63.2 9.4 Bunch intensity (nucleons), 1011 0.33 0.3 0.6 0.6 Bunch charge, nC Beam current, mA Hadron rms normalized emittance, 10-6 m 5.3 50 4.8 42 6.4 55 3.9 33 0.27 0.20 0.20 31.6 5 0.015 34.7 5 0.014 57.9 5 0.008 Electron beam disruption 2.8 5.2 1.9 Space charge parameter 0.006 0.016 0.016 5 70 1.5 5 70 2.8 5 none 1.7 Energy, GeV CM energy, GeV Bunch frequency, MHz Electron rms normalized emittance, 10-6 m b*, cm (both planes) Hadron beam-beam parameter rms bunch length, cm Polarization, % Peak luminosity, 1033 cm-2s-1 e 15.9 5 0.4 70 We limit ourselves by 12 MW of synchrotron radiation (SR) power – it results in reducing electron beam current at 21.2 GeV 2.7-fold and operate at luminosity of 1033 cm-2sec-1 in eA and 0.55x1033 cm-2sec-1 in ep collision. If needed, we increasing SR power and, therefore, the luminosity. 9 Synchrotron Radiation Effects SR power loss per recirculation pass Accumulated energy spread Ie=50 mA Ie=18 mA rms energy spread, MeV 8 7 6 5 4 Top energy 21.2 GeV 3 Top energy 15.9 GeV 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Beam energy, GeV Energy loss compensation schemes : 2nd harmonic (788 MHz) cavities; or main linac RF phase offset + high harmonic cavities © S. Brooks, F. Meot, V. Ptitsyn 0.6 Transverse emittance growth Norm. Emi ance, mm mrad Total SR power 12 MW: operation at 15.9 GeV top energy -> 50 mA operation at 21.2 GeV top energy -> 18 mA 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 5 10 15 Beam energy, GeV 20 25 11 Luminosity depends on the hadron beam energy Electron-HI 1.4" Defin d by xp=0.015 1.2" 1" 0.8" Defin d by e DQsp = 0.035 0.6" 0.4" 0.2" Space charge effect 0" 0" 50" 100" 150" 200" e 250" e-nucleon Luminosity, 1033 cm-2s-1 Electron-proton 300" 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Space charge effect 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Au ion energy, GeV/n The electron energy is 15.9 GeV or below; 40% at 21.1 GeV Going on the red curve requires space charge effect compensators – one of future AIPs Luminosity enhancement – in contrast with energy increases - can be done without interapting physics program 120 RHIC Integrated Luminosity and Polarization Polarized proton runs Integrated luminosity L [pb-1] Integrated nucleon-pair luminosity LNN [pb-1] Heavy ion runs • C-AD has well established record of continuously increasing luminosity Interaction Region with * = 5 cm Forward detector components SC magnets Crab-cavities p e ® Bret Parker We are bending electron beam gently towards the IR and use 10 mrad crossing angle to separate the beam without bending electron beam …. *15-fold reduction compared with RHIC Why crab-crossing? • We have to separate colliding beams. • To avoid synchrotron radiation by 30 GeV electrons in the IR – one of serious backgrounds at HERA, we can not use separating dipoles. • To separate beams without applying magnetic field, we need a crossing angle This also allows bringing the hadron triplet closer to the IR – hence lower β* • • Crossing angle reduces luminosity ~100-fold • The crabbing (tail up, nose up) is needed to restore luminosity Idea Introduced by R. B. Palmer SLAC PUB 4832 B D D M left M right F/B F/B D Lr = 9.48 m 325 GeV p or 130 GeV/u Au F B Lr = 9.48 m Courtesy of I. Ben-Zvi, S. Belomestnykh, D. Trbojevic and Q. Wu Original BNL crab-cavity design (I. Ben-Zvi) 14 POETIC 2013, Chile V.N.Litvinenko Detailed studies of background in eRHIC IP – here is just one sample Photon flux @ IP (cont’d) Total power is about 40 W and practically all photons will propagate through IR without hitting the walls of vacuum chamber. It should be absorbed as far as possible from the detector to reduce the back-scattered photons and neutrons. Detailed design of the detector and SR absorbers are needed for GEANT4 simulations. © Y.Jing, O. Tchubar Main elements of eRHIC concept Use for electrons to reach high luminosity at high energy. Using fresh electron beam from ERL boosts luminosity 50-fold and allows attaining high luminosity with collision rep-rate compatible with modern hadron detectors (start from 9 MHz) Use combination of our previous design (multi-pass ERL with arcs + splitters/combiners) with cost effective FFAG arcs (idea of D.Trbojevic) Use 2 FFAG arcs with 16-pass ERL linac to reach 21.16 GeV Reduce SRF frequency to improve HOM damping and beam stability Use splitters and combiners to match optics functions to linac (βx,y, αx,y, Dx,y, D’x,y, R56) and time of flight – 10 parameters for each energy (160 parameter for eRHIC). This can not be done otherwise ERL proved full spin transparency. 1.322 GeV linac provides for longitudinal polarization in both IRs: IP6 & IP8 …... 17 Beam Spreader and Combiner © N. Tsoupas • Placed on either side of the linac to separate/combine the 16 beams with different energies between FFAG arcs and CW Linac • Match optical function from the arc to the linac • Ensure isochronous one turn transport: path length and R56 corrections • Linac Arcs 15 cm horizontal separation between individual lines Some of the lines are folded into the vertical plane to reduce path length difference Vertical magnet chicanes are used for pathlength correction Betatron phase advance adjusters eRHIC FFAG arcs as a bent FODO beam-line • • • • An ideal eRHIC FFAG cell is comprised of two quadrupoles (F & D) whose magnetic axis are shifted horizontally with respect to each other by Δ The structure has a natural bilateral symmetry, e.g. all extrema (min and max) are in the centers of the quadrupoles (independently of any approximation!) Orbit dependence on the energy can be easily found in paraxial approximation Everything can be done accurately and analytically – no doubt that proposed FFAG lattice would work! z f zd d d L=2(lF+lD+2d) F 20 D F lf D Orbit F xf = - axdq + cxd ( D + dq ) axf cxd + axd cxf + 2dcxd cxf xd = - axf q - cxf ( D - dq ) axf cxd + axd cxf + 2dcxd cxf θ θ wd = - eG f eGd ;w f = . pc pc 2d Δ ld sin j f axf = cosj f ; bxf = wf axd = cosh j d ; bxd = ;cxf = -w f sin j f sinh j d ;cxd = w d sinh j d wd sinh j f ayf = cosh j f ; byf = ;cyf = w f sinh j f wf ayd = cosj d ; byd = sin j d j f ,d = w f ,d l f ,d wd ;cyd = -w d sinh j d Orbits Exaggerated 100x © Stephen Brooks 21 Important features You can bend and turn the FODO line, or make it straight – the βx,y and αx,y stay unchanged; This string must be continuous from the linac splitters to linac combiners; By moving quads horizontally (or moving their axis using dipole trims) one can adjust all orbits to a desirable pattern, including separating a single energy beam from the rest of the pack. ® S. Brooks 10 (6)beams 21.2 GeV or 15.9 GeV or any… V.N. Litvinenko, EIC UG meeting, Stony Brook University , June 25, 2014 Important R&D towards eRHIC Polarized electron gun Coherent Electron Cooling Beam-beam affects in linac-ring collider Multi-pass SRF ERL with FFAG arcs Crab cavities Polarized 3He production Dynamic aperture with β*=5 cm 5x reduction 23 eRHIC R&D highlights: Gatling gun 24 CeC Proof-of-Principle Experiment 40 GeV/u Au ions cooled by 22 MeV electrons Under contraction Commissioning/test should start in 2015 V.N. Litvinenko, EIC UG meeting, Stony Brook University , June 25, 2014 R&D ERL – under commissioning Short Summary • We are pursuing all necessary R&D to ensure eRHIC would deliver promised performance • We are cost conscious and will fully utilize $2B investment in RHIC hadron complex • eRHIC design was reviewed by an external review committee, MAC and EICAC. • Quote from latest report: ”The MAC congratulates the eRHIC design team for its ingenious and novel use of the FFAG concept.” 28 eRHIC Schedule © T. Roser Conclusion Last • We found at BNL a cost-effective way of building the full-energy EIC: (21.2 GeV polarized electrons x 255 GeV p) from day one using and ERL with FFAG arcs for 16 recirculation passes • The cost of the machine is similar to a that with 5 GeV ERL using regular arcs. Bottoms-up costing is underway at BNL. • It is designed to reach day-on high luminosity (> 1033 cm-2 s-1) up to 125 GeV CM energy and 145 GeV CM energy at 40% of the luminosity. • R&D is under way on high current polarized electron source (Gatling Gun), effective hadron cooling (Coherent electron Cooling) and high current ERL. • We built in head-room for future accelerator improvement projects (AIPs) to increase luminosity toward 1034 - 1035 cm-2 s-1. In this sense, we are using RHIC model, where AIPs were used for reaching luminosity 20-fold above the design value.