Basic Grant Budget Narrative 2013

2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
Budget Narrative
Describe explicitly the programs, activities, and staff
being funded by this title.
Curric. - Standards & Content 2210. Reg or district
Strategy for CTE program dev. & implementation.
Reference the following in your narrative; • CTE
program, • Core Element Area, • Object Code, • Describe
the expense item in detail (purpose, calculation made to
reach your item total). • Primary Regional or District
Staffing / Personnel will be presented in subsequent
sections. PLEASE DO NOT include personnel within this
section. Be specific to the Curric. - Standards Content
2210 core element
Budgeted Amount
Curriculum Standards &
Content Function
Code 2210 - Banks
Curriculum Standards &
Content Function $2,700.00
Code 2210 Gaston
Curriculum Standards &
Banks High School –
Content Function $21,300.00
Code 2210 CNC has been identified as one area that is currently missing
from the POS. Through use of this machine, students will
Curriculum gain a basic working knowledge and understanding of the
Standards &
CNC technology and will be able to transfer those basic
Content Function $12,309.00
skills to other areas/careers such as construction,
Code 2210 manufacturing, metal fabrication, and engineering.
They have recently been able to add back some
Curriculum woodworking projects. Working on a lathe will develop
Standards &
precision skills which can transfer to other applications.
Content Function $26,977.00
Code 2210 –
CNC Shark Router Table w/ router, bit set & table = $4,750 St. Helens
Curriculum Standards &
Content Function $15,650.00
Pen Turning Kit with Lathe = $1,200
Code 2210 –
Banks Total - $5,950
Curriculum Standards &
Content Function $20,196.00
Gaston High School –
Code 2210 –
Building Construction
Gaston’s program teaches students a variety of skills that are Tualatin
applied in the construction of work that helps students master Curriculum Standards &
designing, construction, and customer service skills. They
work collaboratively with Sherwood’s program to build the Content Function $19,988.00
cabinetry for the “Bowmen House”. They built the cabinetry Code 2210 for the BOLI courtroom this year and used CNC technology Vernonia
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
to create signs for a local state park. The increased focus of
cabinetry work requires equipment to allow work on larger
pieces and the following have been identified:
8” x 72” Jointer with Spiral Cutterhead and Mobile Base $1,400
Kreg DB210 Foreman Pocket-Hole Machine - $400
Edge Sander with Wrap-Around Table - $900
Gaston Total - $2,700
Scappoose High School –
Early Childhood Education & Preschool The ECE program at Scappoose works with diverse young
people in their preschool. Student instructors have used a
variety of technology to enhance their curriculum. In order to
meet the needs of students with sensory or hearing issues a
sound system that cleanly amplifies will assist the students in
their teaching of young students and the learning of the
Students will develop skills caring for infants using the
Reality Works Babies
Surround System = $1,000
Reality Works Baby Set - 6 babies @ $836 each = $5,300
ECE Total: $6,300
Industry partners indicated that a lathe with the latest
industry technology would bring the program to industry
standards. They recommended a digital, variable speed lathe
strong enough to hold up to use in the classroom.
541 –
Digital variable speed lathe = $15,000
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
Manufacturing Total - $15,000
Scappoose Total: $21,300
Sherwood High School –
Building Construction
Sherwood’s Construction program continues to grow and
expand the skills that students are learning. Students in the
program build a house, the “Bowmen House”, during two
school years and will finish their second house this year. The
enrollment is strong and classes are large. Due to the fact that
they are on a trimester system, more students get an
opportunity to participate each year. Students also learn a
great deal of fine woodworking skills and use technology in
their training for various pieces of equipment due to the
focused work of their teacher. Teaching students fabrication
methods on the lathe with industry standard procedures and
equipment will help students gain the required skills. More
complicated projects will include measuring and assembly
skills and increase knowledge in math. Projects created are
kept as examples for other students or will be auctioned at
the Open House for the “Bowmen House” when it is
completed this year.
2 Nova G3 Chucks with threaded insert - $279
2 Pinnacle cryogenic turning sets, 5 piece - $610
20 Lamp kits for turning from Johnson Wood products –
Construction Total - $1,849
Computer Technology
Keeping up to date with programming and training is
challenging. The Learnkey system keeps classes up to date
with constantly changing trends. They also facilitate flipped
classroom with five levels of IT students in a classroom at
the same time this is an important teaching tool. It covers
new curriculum offerings with updated industry standards
for: STRATA, A+, Network+, Digital design, web
applications, career curriculum & workplace skills.
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
Computer Tech Total - $2,900
Laser cutting, etching and design are part of the current
industry skills taught in the engineering classes. 3D printing
and vacuum forming are also supported in the classroom and
received guidance and support by the industry advisory
10 sheets of 4x8x1/8 pressboard to be used for laser cutting
and etching for classes that are introducing this technique $160
3D printer, 768 SST Educational Bonus Pack, STC 15050300 Dimension Educational Bonus Package –
SolidWorks Lab License- to meet industry standard and
alignment with PCC –
iPad to create videos to support teaching and learning.
Videos will be created by the teacher, much the same as
those that the construction teacher has made, for use by
students to gain knowledge of operation of specific
equipment. Videos can also be made by students to share
what they have learned or created in the class. –
Mac Computer - To edit and finalize videos made for class
using the iPad and then share with students –
Engineering Total - $7,560
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
Sherwood Total – $12,309
St Helens High School
St. Helens – Business Management - Office Systems
The program has been teaching website design with a strong
connection to industry. Students have even created websites
for community organizations or businesses. Current
technology is important in this ever-changing field.
10 copies Adobe Photoshop -$3,490
Adobe Creative Suite - $449
Office Systems Total - $3,939
St. Helens
Building Construction
This new program is beginning its third year. Enrollment is
strong with classes at about 35 students. As a new program
they have built “Tiny Houses” to provide students with the
experience of designing and building a house. Students learn
all the skills necessary to construct a house that meets
building codes, but on a much smaller scale. They also
design and build various items contracted through the school
or community.
52” Saw Stop Table Saw - $4,400
3 14" bandsaws @ $662/each = $1,986
17" Bandsaw = $925
Construction Total - $7,311
St. Helens
Culinary Arts
The program has gone through a revitalization effort to
create a more dynamic experience for students. They worked
hard to open a café last year. This year they have a new
instructor with recent training to guide the program to a
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
professional level. In order to help students gain the skills
they need to operate a business the following items were
identified as necessary;
Heat and Serve 4/3 size Rethernakuzer food warmer - $500
4” deep 1/3 size Steam table/hotel pan with covers - $120
Waring 14 x 11” Tostato Supremo Panini Grill - $450
Culinary Total - $1,070
St Helens
The ECE program is dynamic with strong interaction as part
of the tri-county ECE group and with industry
representation. Infant care simulations are very useful in the
learning process, but equipment is need to support he Real
Care babies to stay up to date.
460 - Real Care Baby Supplies - $450
ECE Total - $450
St Helens
The program is in need of updates in technology to be
considered close to industry standards, 3D printing with the
latest printers will expand outcomes for students and link to
other programs such as BCT and manufacturing.
Hyrel 3D printer $3,995
ABS and PLA plastic for the printer - $600
Drafting Total - $4,595
St Helens
St Helens automotive program operates at industry standards.
They operate a profitable and reputable auto shop that serves
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
clients with a variety of needs in relation to auto repairs. The
software requested is the same as that used by industry and
specific to running an auto business.
Vehicle Wheel Alignment Software - $4,495
Vehicle Service and Repair, Online Information Database $990
The Mobile focus areas are moveable, and facilitate skill
mastery through more efficient grouping of work tasks.
Students will be better focused on specific job tasks by
grouping tools and technology by competency.
4 mobile Focus area Work Stations - $2,800
Automotive Total - $8,285
St Helens
This program is working to better align with industry. They
have worked very closely with Industry members of the
Regional Advisory Committee to assure that students are
receiving the best opportunities in relevant practices.
90 degree notcher - $1,327
Manufacturing Total - $1,327
St Helens Total - $26,977
Tigard High School
Digital Arts
This dynamic program has been providing students with a
wide variety of experiences directly related to industry and is
now ready to start adding 3D printing so that students are
able to develop relevant skills related to their creative work.
460 - Stratasys 3D Printer - $3,250
Digital Arts Total - $3,250
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
Computer Technology
Keeping up to date with programming and training is
challenging. The Learnkey system keeps classes up to date
with constantly changing trends. They also facilitate flipped
classroom with five levels of IT students in a classroom at
the same time this is an important teaching tool.
Learnkey system
With class sizes increasing more materials are needed to
provide learning opportunities for all students.
The latest Lego Mindstorm Robot Sets will provide
opportunities for all students to participate in essential
12 Mindstorm NXT Base Robot Sets - $300/each –
A 3D printer will give the students a real-world outlet for
their products including materials designed to be used in the
construction of their robots. They are designing items using
CAD software. A 3D printer will bring the students to the
next level - actually producing a product that we can use in
real-world applications. The 3D scanner goes hand-in-hand
with the replicator.
Replicator 3D printer - $3,000
3D scanner - $800
Computer Technology Total - $12.400
Tualatin High School
Culinary Arts
This dynamic program is moving forward to match industry
standards, and has worked together with the marketing
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
program to actually run a café. They worked through the
whole experience of planning, acquiring permits, and
assuring for industry required standards to be utilized in the
café. Having industry equipment provides relevant skills to
be developed in the classroom.
Professional Master 2 Airbrush Deluxe Cake Decorating
Airbrush kit.
Shun knives provide industry standard and the introduction
of chef quality equipment for the program (first time added
to the program)
Cake Decorating Tip set
Culinary Arts Total - $2,950
Digital Arts
An industry and consortium standard 3D printer will help
students gain industry skills and bring their deign abilities to
new levels
Maker Bot Replicator 5th Generation 3D printer
Paper Trimmer for cutting and mounting work for display. $265
Digital Arts Total - $3,515
The marketing program has created several businesses run by
students. They have been very successful with profits near
25%. Their T-Shirt business started last year and utilized
transfers. This year they want to add embroidered custom
clothing and accessories.
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
541 - Industry Embroidery machine –
Embroidery accessories - hoops, needles, thread to allow
Anthro Laptop Charging Station will allow updates, charging
and create ease of sharing
Marketing Total - $13,731
Tualatin High School Total - $20,196
Vernonia High School
Digital Arts
Students in the digital arts class create beautiful work but
must use computers that are barely adequate and not close to
industry standard. Having Digital Art Industry preferred
computers students will be able to transition smoothly from
HS to college or career.
Cannon XA20 Professional HD Camera for video
production. Produces quality HD video, it comes with XLR
inputs that enable it to be connected to external mics. $1,999
Sachtler Ace Fluid Head with 2-stage aluminum Tripod & on
Ground Spreader - Professional quality tripod
Audio Technica AT875 Microphone
Porta Brace Mini-DV Camera Waterproof Case for the Cann
XA Camcorder –
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
4 Sony MDR ZX300 Stereo Headphones for video editing
4@ $50/each =
Digital Arts Total - $3,083
Building Construction
This program has hobbled along for a couple of years
through the flood and the building of a new school. This year
a new shop will be opening. It will require equipment to
make the program work!
Shop Bot
Dell 95 Optima Computer - required to run drafting software
that is industry standard
Chief Architect, Premier - Industry quality software –
Construction total - $16,905.
Vernonia High School Total - $19.988
Curric - Alignment & Articulation 2210 . Reg or dist.
Strategy for CTE program dev. & implementation.
Reference the following in your narrative; • CTE
program, • Core Element Area, • Object Code, • Describe
the expense item in detail (purpose, calc. made to reach
your item total). • Primary Reg. or Dist. Staffing /
Personnel will be presented in subsequent sections.
PLEASE DO NOT include personnel within this section.
Be specific to the Curric - Align. & Art. 2210 core
element of Perkins IV.
No Funds required $1.00
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Curriculum Alignment &
Function Code 2210
2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
Curric – Accountability & Assessment 2230. Reg or dist.
Strategy for CTE program dev. & implementation.
Reference the following in your narrative; • CTE
program, • Core Element Area, • Object Code, • Describe
the expense item in detail (purpose, calc. made to reach
your item total). • Primary Reg. or Dist. Staffing /
Personnel will be presented in subsequent sections.
PLEASE DO NOT include personnel within this section.
Be specific to the Curriculum – Acc. & Assessment 2230
core element of Per
Building Construction
Sherwood has a very active program with large number of
students. Students in the advanced program build the
Bowman house. Students in other levels of classes are all
required to complete projects and TSAs required materials
for completion. TSAs are kept as examples for students and
remain property of the program. Some may be sold with the
profits returning to support the program.
410 –
200 Funline Slimline pen kits for turning - $1.90 each
160 - Board Feet of 12/4 poplar –
$376 and
160 Board Feet of 12/4 Walnut – for TSA tables or boxes
(200 students @ $9.88 ea)
Construction Total $2,356
Increases the quality and quantity of opportunities in the
development of students' TSAs. TSAs are kept as examples
for students and remain property of the program.
410 - Steel, sheet plate - for 75 Students @ $20.00 each
Manufacturing Total $1,500
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Curriculum Accountability &
Function Code 2230
Curriculum Accountability &
Function Code 2230
Curriculum Accountability &
Function Code 2230
Curriculum Accountability &
Function Code 2230
2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
Curric. – Student Support Services 2100. Reg or dist.
Strategy for CTE program dev. & implementation.
Reference the following in your narrative; • CTE
program, • Core Element Area, • Object Code, • Describe
the expense item in detail (purpose, calc. made to reach
your item total). • Primary Reg. or Dist. Staffing /
Personnel will be presented in subsequent sections.
PLEASE DO NOT include personnel within this section.
Be specific to the Curric. – Student Spt. Serv. 2100 core
element of Perkins
Curriculum Student Support
Services Function
Code 2100
Student services will be provided this year through activities
related to industry. These opportunities will include visits to
PCC for structured activities within CTE departments, or to
industry events.
5 events x $1,800 each = $9,000
Professional Development 2240. Reg or dist. Strategy for Professional /
CTE program dev. & implementation. Reference the
following in your narrative; • CTE program, • Core
Development 2240
Element Area, • Object Code, • Describe the expense item
in detail (purpose, calc. made to reach your item total). •
Primary Reg. or Dist. Staffing / Personnel will be
presented in subsequent sections. PLEASE DO NOT
include personnel within this section. Be specific to the
Prof. Dev. 2240 core element of Perkins IV.
1 - Five teachers will be attending OACTE . This will cover
mileage, registration, room and per diem for meals not
34x -5 teachers x $1,500 = $7,500
2 - Two teachers will attend the National Policy Seminar to
improve leadership skills to be used in the region. This will
cover mileage, registration room and per diem for meals not
34x - 2 X $3,000 = $6,000
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
3 - Three Building Construction teachers will collaborate
to create, edit, and produce videos on machine usage and
safety. They will meet at each of the shops and create videos
using the equipment that they have in the class. When done
they will be posted on the website and shared around the
state with other BCT programs. It will cover stipends and
materials needed to create videos
31x - 3 X $2,100 = $6,300
4 - The marketing teacher at Tualatin and the Culinary
teacher at Tualatin, who have collaborated to open a cafe at
their school will take 3 days as release for planning and
further collaboration to assure success of the café
31x - 2 teachers x 3 days @ $250 = $1,500
5 - Two teachers would like to attend the summer courses
that Clackamas has been offering the past few years.
31x - 2 teachers x $750 stipend = $1,500
6 - 31x - Vernonia Digital Arts teacher needs a
subscription to complete professional development in the
area of software skill development in video Product 1 an
Graphics for Multimedia –
Lynda.Com Subscription
He also needs to 8 hours days of training on Lynda .com $300
Total – $595
7 - All CTE POS
Local conferences, for example:
competitions), and others as they are made known
12x - 8 teachers x $250 for sub day = $2,000
8 & 9- All CTE POS for Region 2A
There will be one full-day and two half-day meetings for
Region 2A. CTE teachers, administrators and counselors will
meet to discuss promising practices, updates or planning.
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
There will also be a full day meeting at the CTE Symposium
in August
8 - 12x - 24 teachers x $250/day = $6,000
9 - 12x - 20 teachers x $150/1/2 day subs x 2 = $6,000
10 - The new Sherwood engineering teacher will attend the
Mastercam Class to get his skill level up to industry
34x - Travel, registration = $2,000
Professional Development Total Scientifically Based Research 262X. Regional or district
strategy for CTE Program of Study development and
implementation. Reference the following in your
narrative; • Program of Study (POS) • Core Element
Area • Object Code • Describe the expense item in detail
(purpose, calculation made to reach your item total).
Primary Regional or District Staffing / Personnel will be
presented in subsequent sections, PLEASE DO NOT
include them within this section Scientifically Based
Research 262X.
"Scientifically Based
“collecting and
research” Function
Code 262X
No Funds Required
Consortium Staff: Explicitly describe for all employees
funded by Perkins IV* •Staff assignment, •Core element,
• Duties, •Object code, • FTE by percent use, •Hourly
rate, •Calculation to reach item total. *Time and effort
records are required to be maintained in your local
Curriculum Standards &
Content Function
Code 2210
No funds required
Please place your indirect here and not on the
Consolidated Spending Page. Enter the percentage here
in the narrative box and the amount to the right.
Function Code 2600; Object Code 690
(Payroll – Office)
PACTEC's percentage is 5%
186,657 x 5% = 9,333
Perkins Basic grant
for 2014-2015 CIP
Budget Narrative
Support Services Central Activities $9,333.00
Function Code
Your approved
Indirect Rate
Budget Narrative
for 2014-2015 CIP Budget
Lines Total
Narrative [0.00 %]
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2014-2015 Basic Fund Budget
Code Definitions
Function Codes
Academic and industry-based content and standards for CTE
Curriculum - Standards &
Programs of Study. Curriculum - Standards & Content Function
Content Function Code 2210
Code 2210
Curriculum - Alignment & Standards alignment and articulation between secondaryArticulation Function Code postsecondary CTE Programs of Study partners. Curriculum 2210
Alignment & Articulation Function Code 2210
Curriculum - Accountability CTE program accountability and evaluation including technical
& Assessment Function
skill assessment and attainment. Curriculum - Accountability &
Code 2230
Assessment Function Code 2230
Provide students with relevant career-related learning experiences,
student leadership opportunities [secondary], cooperative work
Curriculum - Student
experience [postsecondary] and access to educational opportunities
Support Services Function for careers that are nontraditional for a student’s gender; access to
Code 2100
CTE learning environments for high wage, high demand careers
that lead to self-sufficiency. Curriculum - Student Support Services
Function Code 2100
Professional / Personnel
CTE Professional / Personnel Development Function Code 2240
Development 2240
Support Services - Central
Activities - Function Code Indirect Rate
Research "Scientifically
Based Research", “collecting Research "Scientifically Based Research", “collecting and
and disseminating research” disseminating research” Function Code 262X
Function Code 262X
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